Codesys Control for Raspberry Pi - Raspberry Pi OS > 2023-12-05

  • Stefan - 2023-12-11

    There seem to be problems with the latest version of raspberry pi os 64bit (I used the lite version). The codesys control runtime crashes after a few seconds.
    The same runtime works on the raspberry pi image from 2023-10-10

    When starting the runtime from the commandline, i get the following error:

    ooops... this runtime was build for RASPBERRYPI. Hardware version or firmware version not supported!

    (and yes, I'm running this on a raspberry pi :-)

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2023-12-11

    -> which PI? PI5 will be added to version/release
    -> 2. on Raspberry PI OS lite - there seems to be an additional problem we will try to fix it too... till release.


    Last edit: eschwellinger 2023-12-12
  • Stefan - 2023-12-12

    I tried both 3B en 4. But every time with a lite version. I didn't try the full version of raspberry pi os.
    Nice to hear you are aware of the problem and trying to fix it. I'll hold on to the image from 2023-10-10 for now.


    Last edit: Stefan 2023-12-12
  • preimesbergert - 2023-12-21

    Same issue here: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B HW 1.5
    Regardless of the image (tried 32bit / 64bit version from Raspberry Pi Imager- all the "standard version") and with all tested Codesys Control versions (4.2.0, 4.8.0, 4.10.0) and regardless if single core / multicore / 64 bit variant.

    • pmasip - 2024-01-04

      So none of the images from the 64bit archive work with any Codesys Control versions? I have tried the last Pi OS with every Codesys Control version and they don't work. I was wondering if there's any stable combination of versions.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2024-01-06

    you need to wait for release or use the October version!

    • preimesbergert - 2024-01-09

      ok, thanks for the info- just one more question. isn't the 4.10 release the october release (this is also not working)?!

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2024-01-24

    Bookworm October release...without applying updates on it.

    • jshirazi - 2024-02-19

      I have some issues on "Bookworm October 64bit" on GPIOs (Not running) is it related problem?
      no problem on "Bookworm October 32bit".


  • valenting - 2024-02-02


    Do you have any idea when the version 4.11 will be released (approximately)?


  • mariussandu - 2024-02-21

    Any update on 4.11? The release date was 20.02.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2024-02-22

    this week for sure!


    Last edit: eschwellinger 2024-02-22
    • mariussandu - 2024-02-22

      thank you for update!

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2024-02-23

    now available in the CODESYS Download.
    Deployment via CODESYS Installer will be added on Monday.


    Last edit: eschwellinger 2024-02-25

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