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License restore

  • switcher - 2014-09-08


    I made a backup license file and I like to restore it to the new SD-card on the same Raspberry.
    I can backup license file to the Restore directory:

    I made RPi reboot after this.
    But after this I still see no active license:

    Please advise if I doing something wrong.
    Best regards,

    IMG: Bild

    IMG: Bild

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2014-09-08

    Hi Zdenko,
    please send the files to e support@codesys.com e
    Then we could check.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2014-09-09

    Hi all,

    in this case it was needed to clean up the whole cmact_licenses directory (delete this by file Browser in CODESYS)
    after that copy the backup license to the restore directory - reboot - then the restore process had been successful.
    Just in case other users having similar problems on the restore of the license process.


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