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Encryption of Boot Application, Download and Online Change

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2021-02-16

    You mean with our dongles - non CODESYS key's right?
    It is mandatory to use CODESYS keys on doning this.

    • sumkrnboy - 2021-02-16

      On the Simple Encryption section, it shows the firm code of 101599 with the required product code input field. This is for the security dongle by CODESYS. However, the previous screenshot show that both the firm code and product code can be entered. The article states the following, "A new feature, soon to be released, is encryption with license management which allows for much greater flexibility. For example, the controller application manufacturer can create and manage licenses himself. He uses his master dongle to program Wibu-Systems’ CmDongles with the required license parameters (Firm Code and Product Code). The values of these parameters are entered in the input fields during encryption and are the values used by the person later operating the encrypted software. Whereas simple encryption creates an individual application for each device, this type of encryption allows a manufacturer to generate identical controller applications in batches of a hundred, for example."

      This would mean that a developer that is registered with Wibu, who has an FSB and dongles, would be able to lock the program with their own firm code and product code.

      However, the software is running into issues when trying to implement this.

  • sumkrnboy - 2021-02-16

    This is if I use CODESYS' dongle with firm code 101599, but we have our own FSB and firm code/product code. It is not allowing the process to go through. It looks like it may be a bug.


    Last edit: sumkrnboy 2021-02-16
  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2021-02-16

    yes, as I told, only possible with CODESYS Key's

    • sumkrnboy - 2021-02-16

      I have tried it with the CODESYS issued key with firm code 101599, but it does not work. Also, the article in the link above is contradicting what you are saying. Is the article wrong? (Under "2. Encryption with license management")

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2021-02-16

    Maybe the version is not released, at the moment I asume you need two CODESYS Keys, one on the IDE side and one in PLC side.


    Last edit: eschwellinger 2021-02-16
  • sumkrnboy - 2021-02-16

    I have the CODESYS issued key with firm code 101599 and the unique product code connected to the PLC. On the IDE side, when connection is established with the PLC and the same product code is entered, it fails to download the program with the same error message. I am assuming that the security key each has a unique product code that is laser marked on the dongle.


    Last edit: sumkrnboy 2021-02-16
  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2021-02-17

    While the PLC's Key is stuck in the IDE, go to http://localhost:22352
    Go to Containers >> All Containers >> select the dongle
    Under "Licences" you should have the 101599 entry
    Under this 101599 entry, you should see your unique product code.

    • sumkrnboy - 2021-02-17

      I already know the product code. The problem is that when this is connected to the PLC and I go connect to it in the IDE, it won't download after setting the matching product code.

  • sumkrnboy - 2021-02-17

    I have attached screenshots of the process.

    1) The controller gets connected to the IDE.
    2) Under license manager, it connects to the dongle of the PLC.
    3) The product code (5555) under 'CODESYS Runtime Protection' is copied to the encryption screen as pictured.
    4) There are no other PLCs connected to the network and I can go online if I deselect all of the encryption options. Otherwise, I get the error message.

    I have already tried this is another IDE connected to the same network with the same results.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2021-02-17

    could you please plug the key on your Windows CODESYS pc and check the product code in the Codemeter webadmin?


    Last edit: eschwellinger 2021-02-17
  • sumkrnboy - 2021-02-17

    The product code is still 5555.


    Last edit: sumkrnboy 2021-02-17
  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2021-02-17

    Looks like a bug - Store my question - Bug report

    • sumkrnboy - 2021-02-18

      When can we expect a fix?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2021-02-19

    only if you write to CODESYS store bug report - including version info and steps to repeat


    Last edit: eschwellinger 2021-02-19
  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2021-02-22

    we think it is not a bug - why?

    Do you really use 2 Key's ?
    The one need to be pluged on the CODESYS pc which encrpyt the boot application, the other need to be pluged to your Linux SL System to decrypt the bootapplication..

    If you own only one KEY. The procedure is -
    1. created encryted bootap via offline bootproject (KEY is plugged to the CODESYS PC)
    2. copy the generated Application.app und Application.crc to the target
    3. plug the key to the Linux SL and restart the runtime ( or reboot)
    Then the encrypted bootapp will be loaded. ( Keep in mind to add the application name in /etc/CODESYSControl_Users.cfg:


    Last edit: eschwellinger 2021-02-22
  • sumkrnboy - 2021-02-22

    I have tried both methods with dual key (one in PLC, one in IDE) with same firm and product codes. That one fails.

    The other one with creating the boot application with the dongle plugged into the IDE also fails.


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