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Application based license problem - Modbus TCP

  • mavitia - 2023-12-18

    I am running ubuntu on a raspberry pi, and installed an application based license Control Basic M on it, it runs a demo program fine, does not timeout etc. however, when I add a modbus TCP device, I start getting errors:

    <Entry severity="error" component="CmpApp" user="nobody" timestamp="12/18/2023 3:49:42 PM" infoId="24">Online change denied. Application Application is in exception state!</Entry>
    <Entry severity="error" component="CmpApp" user="nobody" timestamp="12/18/2023 3:49:42 PM" infoId="68">Download failed: Application=Application</Entry>
    <Entry severity="exception" component="CmpApp" user="nobody" timestamp="12/18/2023 3:49:41 PM" infoId="0">Application app=Application has invalid license metrics!</Entry>

    the modbus tcp slave runs, and the counter ticks up, however, when I call the variables on the %IX0.0 in my program, and try to upload the changes, I am getting the error messages which stop the program

    as far as I understand, the application based, M includes 2 fieldbus instances, but on the other side is fairly new, anything obvious I am missing out here?

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2023-12-18

    Which versions exactly are involved?
    Runtime on PI?
    CODESYS Version and compilerversion?

  • mavitia - 2023-12-18

    raspberry pi is running ubuntu, so it has the codesys control for linux arm 64 bit, IDE is 3.5.19, both were installed last week from the latest versions online, im currently out of the PC but will upload some evidence ASAP

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2023-12-18

    you could sent the projectarchive to 'my question' in the CODESYS store


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