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webvisu on localhost?

  • ndzied1 - 2014-03-06

    I have successfully got a project running on my Pi (ver B).
    I can also see the webvisu from a connected computer using a static IP that I setup in the Pi.

    However, I haven't found a way to see the webvisu on the PI itself with either of the built in web browsers, Midori or NetSurf.

    Is this possible using a more mainstream browser like Firefox or Chrome?


  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2014-03-06

    Hi nOrM,

    you need a browser with html5 support: one posibility is to use the Epiphany Web Browser (probably others are avialable):

    1. Add deb http://raspberrypi.collabora.com wheezy web to /etc/apt/sources.list
    2. sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
    3. sudo apt-get install epiphany-browser

    Start the browser from the applications menu, “Internet”, “Epiphany Web Browser”


    IMG: Epiphany.jpg

  • RollTide-96 - 2015-01-06

    Hi Edwin,

    I downloaded the Codesys Image in December '14 along with the most recent Epiphany version. I have the application working on my Pi and I can see/operate the web visualization from my phone, _ and PC. But I too am having issues seeing the visualization on the localhost.

    When I try to access the web visualization, I see this notification, which makes me think I have settings correct to view it:

    But then after a few seconds (10-15), I get this error. The web visualization tries to reload a few times, then stops.

    I am using the Epiphany version that is available from these instructions: http://www.raspberrypi.org/web-browser-released/

    Is there something I am missing? I'm not sure how to troubleshoot this. I have lots of Codesys experience, but am new to Raspberry Pi.

    Thanks for the help!


    IMG: LoadingWebvisualization.jpg

    IMG: WebVisuError.jpg

  • Anonymous - 2016-03-21

    Originally created by: andreas.sauerwein2


    The Raspbian Jessie image does not support chromium. They say we should use Midori instead. But unfortunately Midori does not work with the Codesys Visualisation.
    Will it be supported in the future ?


  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2016-03-21


    are you sure?
    Could not find anything in their release notes of Jessie that they have removed it.

    http://downloads.raspberrypi.org/raspbi ... _notes.txt

    * updated firmware and kernel (https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware ... 3fdcbe53dc)
    * use serial0 in cmdline.txt
    * wpa_supplicant.conf country default to GB (allows use of channels 12 and 13)
    * Support added for Pi 3, including Wifi and Bluetooth
    * Option to set wifi country code added to raspi-config

    so who is that: "They say we should use Midori instead"?


  • Anonymous - 2016-03-22

    Originally created by: andreas.sauerwein2


    Google stopped generating armhf binaries of Chromium. That's why you cannot install chromium by apt-get.

    The guys from Ubuntu are generating armhf binaries of chromium. But I'm not sure how long.
    Midori would be a goold alternative. It supports html5 is lightweight, fast and runs on the RPI.
    Unfortunately not supported by the codesys webvisu.

    Midori is also availabe for PC. The webvisu ist working running midori on Windows...

  • johan76swart - 2016-04-05

    I have done this successfully using the latest jessie image and kweb browser. I used kweb in a kiosk mode on the Raspberry Pi 7" display to mimic a HMI.
    kweb is a minimalist browser at is well suited for the job. The display has been on for weeks now without any problems.

    I can formulate the steps I took to get it working and post it if anybody is interested.

    So these are the steps I took to get the webvisu on a localhost working.
    I used the Raspbian jessie lite image from https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/

    Flashed it to a sd card.

    I then installed Openbox and its Xorg dependencies. Then follow the instructions found here https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=40860 to install the kweb browser.

    Kweb will work straight from the command line but if your visualization is bigger or smaller than the screen you will run into some problems. Openbox will manage the window size and fit it to your screen.

    I then created a sh script to start Openbox and Kweb, then load the webvisu.htm into the browser.

    su pi
    cd /home/pi
    xset s off
    xset -dpms
    xset s noblank
    openbox &
    kweb -JCKF+-zbhrqfpoklgtjneduwxyavcsmi:#=?!

    The xset functions in the script is to stop the screen blanking if you run in kiosk mode.
    Next you will need to add the following line to the /etc/rc.local file.

    xint /home/pi/load_your_script.sh -- -nocursor

    As long as your visualization name is the same for different projects it will start automatically after you download and start the runtime app.
    You can also check out the manual for using [url]kweb at http://steinerdatenbank.de/software/kweb_manual.pdf[/url]

    Hope this helps.




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