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RPI Zero w - Edge gateway cant install

  • danwoodlock - 2023-09-13

    Hello all,

    First post. I recently acquired an RPI zero W from amazon, and have been using it with Codesys v3.5 SP19 patch 2.

    I first got it working yesterday, and after installing the runtime on the Pi, I was prompted to install the edge gateway. Installation of the edge gateway failed because of unsupported architecture, undeterred I was able to connect to the pi and program as I wanted.

    The issue I've noticed is that if I do not load anything to the pi overnight, I can then no longer connect to the pi and download, although I can still ping it from my pc. I found that if I power cycle the PI, I am then able to connect again, and it works as normal. I did some googling and found instances where people recommended downloading the newest edge gateway, which brings me here.

    Wondering if there are any suggestions, or if this is a known issue. I actually tried installing all 3 versions of edge gateway for science, but all fail with the same message.



  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2023-09-13

    check 'uname -a'
    by ssh connection - addtional you'll probaly find the reason for not running with application by
    'cat /var/opt/codesys/codesyscontrol.log'
    incase you are using runtime version

  • danwoodlock - 2023-09-13

    Thank you for the recommendation!
    attached result of 'usname -a'

  • danwoodlock - 2023-09-13

    I believe the reason that I eventually lose my ability connect is because of exceeding the time limit for demo mode. Still unsure why I cannot update the edge gateway though.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2023-09-13

    ok now it is clear - this is a single core Pi Zero W. For this device there is no edge device available. But just for working with CODESYS it is not really needed and yes plc runs only for 2h unlicensed.

  • danwoodlock - 2023-09-13

    Thanks very much for the explanation. I am basically new to the rpi world, but somewhat familiar with the indraworks/CtrlX versions of codesys.

    Appreciate your help.


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