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EtherCAT communication problem

  • rge - 2016-07-25


    I work for an automation company.
    I'm developing a simple project with CoDeSys on Raspberry to control a servo-drive through EtherCAT.
    The code works well, but occasionally (about every 2-3 hours), the drive stops due to a communication error.
    I suspect that the error is due to a too high jitter that sometimes reaches peaks of 4 ms.
    I think that the rise of jitter is due to some process of the operating system.
    To solve the problem I tried to install the patch RT-Preempt, but I did not get any result.
    I'm using a Raspberry Pi 2 model B, I set the EtherCAT task to 4ms with a 0
    priority and DC (distributed clock) also to 4ms.
    The drive is an OMRON R88D_KN04H_ECT.

    Any suggestions?

    Thank you

  • LukaszBien - 2016-07-26

    I have an experience with Raspberry Pi and 3 Control Techniques drives connected by EtherCat. I had no problem with that setup. I used EMLID Real time image for Raspi. It is worth to try that image in my opinion.
    good luck.

  • ivp90 - 2016-07-26

    Without purchasing a license (just download) the CODESYS Control for Raspberry Pi runs for two hours without functional limitations and shuts down automatically (demo).

    maybe you have a problem with your license

  • josepmariarams - 2016-10-04

    The raspberry codesys is named soft real time. Codesys people ensures a jitter of about 500 us.

    Using a realtime linux image the codesys has to plug his interrupt as realtime interrupt, an I dont know if it do that.

    I have implemented a pou with a variable delay of 600us in the first task, before ethercat task. I have had running it for a 10 min and the jitter after this pou is around 5 us. But nobody ensures me that there could be a linux thread which blocks interrupts, smi or something similar.


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