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Installing boot application to CodeSYS HMI SL without login through CodeSYS

  • mstehula - 2021-01-04

    Hey all,

    I am looking for a way to get the boot application Application.app to launch using CodeSYS HMI SL without logging into the HMI through CodeSYS. I've found the location where the Application.app is downloaded to, but every time I change/copy/paste the Application.app, it removes the link that allows the application to launch on it's own when starting the HMI SL exe.

    I've tried using the "create boot project" to install directly into the ProgramData directory, but it doesn't link. I've tried to copy what was downloaded at login, remove the application, then copy the files back in without being able to start up with exe launch.

    End goal is to install this HMI using only a thumb drive, which will also contain other changes needed on the PC running the HMI.


  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2021-01-05

    the most comfortable way to do this is using CODESYS Automation server.
    If you do it manually do not forget to set the Application name into the config file.

    Best Regards

    • mstehula - 2021-01-05

      Hey Edwin,

      Which config file are you talking about? gateway.cfg?

      As for the Automation server, these are mobile machines without internet access. Unless you specifically mean for loading once on the server, I don't think this would be a good fit for us.


  • mstehula - 2021-01-05

    Hey Edwin,

    Which config file are you talking about? gateway.cfg?

    As for the Automation server, these are mobile machines without internet access. Unless you specifically mean for loading once on the server, I don't think this would be a good fit for us.


  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2021-01-05

    hm... just give them for deploying it internet access temporary?
    (roll out new version is then only a click no need to plug a stick to the device and do things manually)



    • mstehula - 2021-01-05

      Interesting, I do not have that file at all. This would be 3.5SP11.


    • mstehula - 2021-01-05

      I've found it. Downloading does not create it, but running it through CoDeSysHMI the first time, and logging in/starting through CoDeSys creates it.

      I've gotten it manually. Thanks for your help.



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