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Date and Time picker format

  • tvm - 2021-05-25

    I have a date and time picker configured with this as a Format string:

    %t[MMM d, yyyy]

    At runtime, the display looks like the attached screenshot. Why would the format string "MMM" come out as May_3Letter ?

    UPDATE: This only happens with a date in May. All the other months come out correctly. Is there a text table somewhere that's misconfigured?


    Last edit: tvm 2021-05-25
  • dkugler - 2021-05-25

    with MMM,dd,yyyy in a test program everything works fine.
    The textlist is located at POUs/system:

  • tvm - 2021-05-26

    Thanks, that points me in the right direction. For some reason, that System text list wasn't included in that project. I copied it from another one and it's displaying properly now.

  • dkugler - 2021-05-26

    in my test it appeard after inserting the date time picker, maybe someone deleted it!?


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