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Hide TargetVisu

  • mrsanderz - 2022-05-25

    TargetVisu will pop up after Starting PLC. I don't want the TargetVisu start from beginning.
    How could I hide TargetVisu and start TargetVisu when I need to use it?


  • ludecus

    ludecus - 2022-05-31

    Hello mrsanderz,

    sorry i have no clue but maybe a option for you.

    Remove the Targetvisu from the application tree and use the Webvisu instead. The Webvisu could be used whenever needed.

    Best regards,

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2023-01-23

    This is not available, the only way is to use Webvisu and start your system in fullscreen kiosk mode in a browser.
    Boot into that and execute:

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2023-01-23

    agree, not really clear at least this should be clear stated in the Linux SL product.


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