I want to give an variable color to an element like a rectangle. I tried that with : Farbvariablen -> Normalzustand -> FΓΌllfarbe (Color variable -> Normal state -> Fillcolor). I added the var test_color (DWORD) and give it the value: 16#FF0000. When i start my visu, the rectangle should be red, but thats not the case. Did i forget anything?
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I want to give an variable color to an element like a rectangle. I tried that with : Farbvariablen -> Normalzustand -> FΓΌllfarbe (Color variable -> Normal state -> Fillcolor). I added the var test_color (DWORD) and give it the value: 16#FF0000. When i start my visu, the rectangle should be red, but thats not the case. Did i forget anything?
Is your fill attribute set to Hollow? Any other changes made to the element besides tying the variable to the fill color property?
Use 16#FFFF0000. It's RGBA, 4 bytes - 3 colors + alpha-channel.
Thanks for your help. I solved the problem by updating my Styleconfiguration.
That also helped a lot.