Active Visualization

  • lsislsis - 2015-08-09

    How can i know which of the visualization's are active at any time in my Plc program?



    JAPIB - 2015-08-14

    If you check "Use CurrentVisu variable" in Visualization managers settings, you can use this variable.

    With this you can :
    - read the name of the visualiszation page shown into the variable VisuElems.CurrentVisu
    - show, by program, the visualization page which name is (for example) Visu1 by writing
    VisuElems.CurrentVisu:= 'Visu1';

    Please read help called Core_Visualization.

    Best regards

  • lsislsis - 2015-08-15

    I need to know the active visualizatios in a multiclient visu without use the CurrentVisu option.
    Any help?

  • PJE - 2015-08-16

    I'd also be interested in a simple way. One thing I was looking into is adding code which invoked on the entry to each screen which writes a value into a global variable.

    I don't want to do 50+ string comparisons each scan, or at least a check for change followed by all the comparisons... A much simpler case statement driven by a global integer would be preferable.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2015-08-17

    there will an application example to the CODESYS Store.
    Maybe this helps meanwhile.

    VisuClientIP.project [86.77 KiB]


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