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Webvisu: Fill table fastly by Ctrl

  • galexis - 2021-06-03

    I have a table on webvisu with array of 100 BOOL.
    When I click on cell of table, I change value true to false or false to true.
    I want solution to fill fastly cell by click on first line of table and press hold ctrl (or over key), and next click on second line : if value on first cline is TRUE, put automatically TRUE until second line.
    How to detect Ctrl key hold ?
    Thank you for your help.

  • galexis - 2021-06-04

    I dont understand how it work, when I put this code on raspberry, nothing happen...

  • galexis - 2021-06-04

    Ok, it work. I forget function VisuInit on visualisation manager.
    But I want only detect Ctrl or Alt, and this programm detect all other but not this one...

  • galexis - 2021-06-14

    I don't understand how it work...
    When keys is release, variable keep the value of keys....


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