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Unable to scan

  • sgronchi - 2022-05-24

    I have a Topcon A8 in which I manually installed the Edge Gateway (because of SP16) from .deb file (since it does not have dpkg).
    It is configured to bind on ports 11217 and 11741 (because the default gateway already binds on 1217 and 11743).

    The Edge Gateway connects successfully on Automation Server, but one cannot see the actual PLC runtime listed after a scan.

    stracing it shows EADDRNOTAVAIL in binding on and, reflected on messages "CommDrvTCP: 'Bind' failed on signaling socket with error" in the log file.

  • sgronchi - 2022-05-25

    Also on Automation Server web page the Edge Gateway on A8 reports itself running on port 1217 instead of 11217 (verified with netstat, it would fail the bind otherwise).

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2022-06-15

    probably there is allready a gateway running on the A8.
    This should be removed (ask the plc manufacturer)
    check the plclog on startup.


    Last edit: eschwellinger 2022-06-15
  • sgronchi - 2022-06-15

    Sorry, I forgot to say that the resolution was much more mundane.
    The loopback interface on Topcon devices is off by default. Both the running gateway AND the edge gateway can run in parallel without interference if it is enabled.

    Anyway, they plan to integrate the CmpEdgeGateway component in the next releases of the runtime, so the problem would solve by itself ;-)


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