pruwetbe: Webvisu hacking? Change only download impissible

  • pruwetbe - 2022-03-05


    i am running an HVAC application running codesys with HVAC library and ruuning on a powerIO target H1M100 based onnRaspberry Pi.
    The app is working without any codesys trouble for 3 month now.
    This week at the morning of 1st of march,I noticed that the webvisu could not be reached from whatever browser. after a download, it was again reachable from everywhere but the next change only where not working anymore giving some strange time out message an only possibility to dowload now is a full download.

    Looking to log of the Rpi target, i can see strange thing that occured during the night preceding the trouble with webvisu.

    the log is showing a lot of exceed nbr of client session on Webvisu during 20 min every 11s.
    could it be that my codesys target webvisu got attacked somehow by malicious system?

    does any body experiment such strange thing before?

    what is the procedure to clean the target without loosing my trends sqlite records and persistence data?

    thanks for your help.

    Talk Topic about project #pruwetbe

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2022-03-07

    which versions are involved? (Runtime version)
    Are you using the Webvisu via CODESYS Automation Server?



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