Search talk: string pointer to byte

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Pointer and reference behavour during online change CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
Pointer and reference behavour during online change
Last updated: 2017-08-16

Pointer auf FBs bei Wago 750-841 -> Fehler CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
Pointer auf FBs bei Wago 750-841 -> Fehler
Last updated: 2007-11-19

Lookup Symbol Name from pointer address? CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
Lookup Symbol Name from pointer address?
Last updated: 2012-10-04

fun-pointer mit SysIECGetFctPointer(INDEXOF(fun)) wie aufruf CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
fun-pointer mit SysIECGetFctPointer(INDEXOF(fun)) wie aufruf
Last updated: 2007-11-22

Post by struccc on Bibliothek: floatingpointutils CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
The issue s the byte order typically in this case. Can be especially problematic with floating point numbers - even more tricky if transferred with a word based protocol. It is a peasant way to try out the alternatives, dword order can be a-b-c-d, b-a-d-c, c-d-a-b, d-c-b-a where a is the most significant, d is the least significant byte. So all you need is to swap the bytes in your dword, until you get the expected result. If you don't want to mess writing code for this, I'd recommend CAA_Memory library for that: MEM.ReverseBYTEsInDWORD and MEM.ReverseWORDsInDWORD functions would definitively do the trick. Otherwise, can do like this: VAR dwIn : DWORD := 16#11223344; dwOut : DWORD; rOut : REAL; pIN : POINTER TO BYTE; pOUT : POINTER TO BYTE; END_VAR pIN := ADR(dwIn); //pOUt := ADR(dwOut); pOUt := ADR(rOut); pOut[0] := pIN[3]; pOut[1] := pIN[2]; pOut[2] := pIN[1]; pOut[3] := pIN[0]; Ugly, but does the job...
Last updated: 2024-11-19

Post by totorovic on Pointer to Softmotion axis CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I get the same warning message with initialized variable. Codesys
Last updated: 2023-11-09

About byte swap and convert into 16 bits CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
About byte swap and convert into 16 bits
Last updated: 2023-12-04

Assign Initial Value of Array of Byte CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
Assign Initial Value of Array of Byte
Last updated: 2019-03-08

CANopen - mehr als 4 Byte aus dem Objektverzeichnis lesen CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
CANopen - mehr als 4 Byte aus dem Objektverzeichnis lesen
Last updated: 2007-06-15

Read byte from a file starting from a certain position CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
Read byte from a file starting from a certain position
Last updated: 2018-06-14

Byte conversion between RFID and RS232 module CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
Byte conversion between RFID and RS232 module
Last updated: 2008-07-09

Post by davidbo on I want to convert a WORD to a hex string like 15.432 to '3C48' CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I try with BYTE_TO_HEXinASCII but I cant get it right. How do I convert a word value like 15432 to the HEX text string '3C48'
Last updated: 2024-04-19

Post by bertcom on Converting each character to a string into ASCII CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Good afternoon, I have a project where i need to split a string and send it in ascii code to an Domino Printer. Concept: i get an String from an Zebra scanner looking like this : " R002043;5410761402862;Oil Plus 2C Comp.A - Gris Belge;1286193824;" To start is the ";" the seperator. i found some functions to delete the ";" in a string. this is okay but now i want to convert each digit in the string into ascii like this: R=82 0=48 0=48 2=50 0=48 ... This because the printer wants to receive a string like this: <esc>OQ001TE 82 48 48 50 48 ...<eot></eot></esc> Anyone who can help me with setting me on the right track with some advice?
Last updated: 2024-11-08

Post by bertcom on Converting each character to a string into ASCII CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Good afternoon, I have a project where i need to split a string and send it in ascii code to an Domino Printer. Concept: i get an String from an Zebra scanner looking like this : " R002043;5410761402862;Oil Plus 2C Comp.A - Gris Belge;1286193824;" To start is the ";" the seperator. i found some functions to delete the ";" in a string. this is okay but now i want to convert each digit in the string into ascii like this: R=82 0=48 0=48 2=50 0=48 ... This because the printer wants to receive a string like this: <esc>OQ001TE 82 48 48 50 48 ...<eot></eot></esc> Anyone who can help me with setting me on the right track with some advice?
Last updated: 2024-11-08

Post by mmpl on Array to String CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I would like to create one large JSON string from an array of objects, where each object contains a value. My current approach involves using a for loop and string concatenation, but with 20,000 elements in the array, this method takes almost 7 seconds and negatively affects the PLC scan time. Is there a more efficient way to accomplish this?
Last updated: 2024-07-18

Post by mmpl on Array to String CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I would like to create one large JSON string from an array of objects, where each object contains a value. My current approach involves using a for loop and string concatenation, but with 20,000 elements in the array, this method takes almost 7 seconds and negatively affects the PLC scan time. Is there a more efficient way to accomplish this?
Last updated: 2024-07-18

Post by timvh on Converting each character to a string into ASCII CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
A standard string is actually a list of bytes that represent the ASCII code for each character. The following part of code will give you the ASCII code of one of the characters in the string: byChar := sInput[i];
Last updated: 2024-11-11

Post by tvm on Timer On Vijeo CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Vijeo doesn't support TIME variables, so the easiest thing to do is convert to a STRING in your program, and use that variable. You could use TimeAsString:= TIME_TO_STRING(TimeVar) to get a string that looks like this: T#5h10m45s200ms
Last updated: 2024-05-07

Post by corriibme on Setting array values with JSON Utilities SL CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
It turns out that you can build JSON structures without ever calling the JSONBuilder function block directly. Instead, create a pointer to JSON.JSONData and invoke the necessary methods on its dereference. The parent object has a parent index of -1 (and an index of 0). EVERY other item (including keys, values, empty arrays and sub-objects) created by the setX methods needs the index to increase by 1. Then use the JSONByteArrayWriter FB to generate your JSON string
Last updated: 2024-05-23

Post by joshskellig on Publish a JSON payload via MQTT Publish (using IIot Libraries) CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I am trying to figure out how to get a JSON payload to properly publish to my MQTT Broker. I am able to generate JSON using the examples from Codesys, but when I send that payload via MQTT there are characters that are extra or not recognized by my MQTT client. Any idea what could be causing it? PROGRAM PLC_PRG VAR hostname: STRING := 'localhost'; port: UINT := 1883; topic: WSTRING(1024) := "testing/"; payload: BYTE; factory : JSON.JSONDataFactory; eDataFactoryError : FBF.ERROR; pJsonData : POINTER TO JSON.JSONData := factory.Create(eError => eDataFactoryError); fb_JBuilder : JSON.JSONBuilder; wsValue : WSTRING := "Value1"; diRootIndex, diObject1Index : DINT; iValue : INT := 1234; jsonArrayWriter : JSON.JSONByteArrayWriter; wsJsonData : WSTRING(1000); xFirst : BOOL := TRUE; mqttClient: MQTT.MQTTClient; mqttPublish: MQTT.MQTTPublish; mqttPublishProperties: MQTT.MQTTPublishProperties := (bPayloadFormatIndicator := 1, wsContentType := "application/json"); END_VAR // Json Functionality IF xFirst THEN fb_JBuilder(pJsonData := pJsonData, diRootObj => diRootIndex); fb_JBuilder.SetKeyWithValue("Key1", wsValue, diParentIndex := diRootIndex); diObject1Index := fb_JBuilder.SetKeyWithObject("Key2", diParentIndex := diRootIndex); fb_JBuilder.SetKeyWithValue("Key3", iValue, diParentIndex := diObject1Index); xFirst := FALSE; END_IF jsonArrayWriter(pwData := ADR(wsJsonData), udiSize := SIZEOF(wsJsonData), jsonData := pJsonData^, xAsyncMode := FALSE); MSU.StrTrimW(pString:= ADR(wsJsonData)); // MQTT Functionality mqttClient( sHostname:=hostname, uiPort:=port, eMQTTVersion:=MQTT.MQTT_VERSION.V5 ); mqttPublish( mqttClient:=mqttClient, pbPayload:=ADR(wsJsonData), udiPayloadSize:=SIZEOF(wsJsonData), wsTopicName:=topic, mQTTPublishProperties:=mqttPublishProperties );
Last updated: 2024-04-10

Post by voffi on Converting UINT into bytes and converting 2Bytes into UINT CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
There are some ways. One is to use SHR and SHL and it depends on your byte order in the data array. For Motorola byte order: PROGRAM PLC_PRG VAR u : UINT; byte_array_in : ARRAY [1..8] OF BYTE := [16#11, 16#12, 16#13, 16#14, 16#15, 16#16, 16#17]; byte_array_out : ARRAY [1..8] OF BYTE; END_VAR u := SHL(TO_UINT(byte_array_in[2]), 8) + TO_UINT(byte_array_in[1]); byte_array_out[1] := TO_BYTE(u); byte_array_out[2] := TO_BYTE(SHR(u, 8)); If it's Intel byte order just change 1 and 2 in the array indexes.
Last updated: 2023-12-07

String type object length in CANopen OD? CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
String type object length in CANopen OD?
Last updated: 2010-01-09

Specific Data from the device string CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
Specific Data from the device string
Last updated: 2010-12-06

Why SA0175: Suspicious operation on string: Possible index access CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
Why SA0175: Suspicious operation on string: Possible index access
Last updated: 2023-06-01

String zusammensetzen der länger als 255 Zeichen ist? CODESYS Forge talk (Thread)
String zusammensetzen der länger als 255 Zeichen ist?
Last updated: 2009-02-19

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