Search talk: object type interface

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Post by rjonker on codesys mqtt publish serialization CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
pbPayload is a pointer, which it expects to point at a STRING. If you point it at an address holding a different data type, it will just assume those bytes are part of a string and likely trundle along memory until it finds a null byte (0x00) that would normally signify the end of a string PublishMessage := BOOL_TO_STRING(boolVariable);
Last updated: 2024-06-05

Post by maxsus on Visu Frame-configuration___text will not work CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello I have a problem with the Frame-configuration. In the picture below you can see that I set the Editor Type to variable. If it would be text it would work, but it wasnt variable anymore. Thanks for your time. Sorry, my codesys is in German.
Last updated: 2024-08-20

Post by maxsus on Visu Frame-configuration___text will not work CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello I have a problem with the Frame-configuration. In the picture below you can see that I set the Editor Type to variable. If it would be text it would work, but it wasnt variable anymore. Thanks for your time. Sorry, my codesys is in German.
Last updated: 2024-08-20

Post by timvh on Configuring a 2's compliment CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
You could create a DUT of the Type Union and add an array of 2 bytes + an Int. Then write the byte values in the array of the Union and read the Int. Or VAR iInt : INT; byHigh : BYTE := 2#1111_1111; byLow : BYTE := 2#1111_1111; END_VAR iInt := TO_INT(byHigh*16#100 + byLow);
Last updated: 2024-09-28

Post by janber on REFERENCE TO in an array CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi all, in the online help it written, that array of reference to data type is not possible. Ok... but if I create array of struct of reference to - everything works fine - please see the screenshots: and it works this way OK. Is it intention or error in compiler and we should avoid it? Thanks a lot, Jan.
Last updated: 2024-10-14

Post by reinier-geers on Energie price CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
On a website i can get the energie price. But how does that work in codesys? There is a video of Rest client. But i can find the HTTP library. If i type on my browser : i get {"status":"true","data":"Please provide a valid API token. More information at https:\/\/\/prijzenfeeds\/","code":"2"}
Last updated: 2024-12-03

Post by reinier-geers on Energie price CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
On a website i can get the energie price. But how does that work in codesys? There is a video of Rest client. But i can find the HTTP library. If i type on my browser : i get {"status":"true","data":"Please provide a valid API token. More information at https:\/\/\/prijzenfeeds\/","code":"2"}
Last updated: 2024-12-03

Post by duvanmoreno24 on Modbus writing on value change CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Yes, I tried to do what you put in the first code. However, I have a problem with that and that is that the inputs must be declared with the type. I have many data types running in my code (real, int, uint, bool) and I can't put them in the same function, another thing is that I need to instantiate that function for everything I want to write to the slave. You put a for to 200 but it means that it has to be the same data type and inside the array, but I want to get them individually. I'm struggling to do it in a good and efficient way like wago's E-cockpit does. in the first screenshot you can see, you simply type in value, change the package of things you want to write in value change and it does everything by itself automatically, without comparing any old and new values and even less having the need to activate a bool. , it is perfect.
Last updated: 2024-04-03

Post by marek71 on Ambiguous use of name - CO136 CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
My PLC is WAGO PFC200 Firmware Revision 26. target After updating WAGO_Devices_and_Libraries with newer Firmware 27, CODESYS wants to update all libraries to new versions. I will only add that I did not update the Firmware in the PLC. After compiling the program, I received the following errors: ------ Build started: Application: Device.Application ------- Typify code... [ERROR] wagosyscom_internal_pfc, (wago): FbSerialInterface_internal: C0136: Ambiguous use of name 'RTS_IEC_HANDLE' [ERROR] wagosyscom_internal_pfc, (wago): FbSerialInterface_internal: C0136: Ambiguous use of name 'RTS_IEC_RESULT' [ERROR] wagosyscom_internal_pfc, (wago): Initialize [FbSerialInterface_internal]: C0032: Cannot convert type 'Unknown type: 'RTS_INVALID_HANDLE'' to type 'POINTER TO BYTE' [ERROR] wagosyscom_internal_pfc, (wago): Initialize [FbSerialInterface_internal]: C0136: Ambiguous use of name 'RTS_INVALID_HANDLE' [ERROR] wagosyscom_internal_pfc, (wago): Initialize [FbSerialInterface_internal]: C0046: Identifier 'RTS_INVALID_HANDLE' not defined [ERROR] wagosyscom_internal_pfc, (wago): comextra_is_tx_empty: C0136: Ambiguous use of name 'RTS_IEC_HANDLE' [ERROR] wagosyscom_internal_pfc, (wago): comextra_get_line_state: C0136: Ambiguous use of name 'RTS_IEC_HANDLE' [ERROR] wagosyscom_internal_pfc, (wago): comextra_is_line_available: C0136: Ambiguous use of name 'RTS_IEC_HANDLE' [ERROR] wagosyscom_internal_pfc, (wago): COMSW_SET_MODE: C0136: Ambiguous use of name 'RTS_IEC_HANDLE' [ERROR] wagosyscom_internal_pfc, (wago): comextra_set_line_state: C0136: Ambiguous use of name 'RTS_IEC_HANDLE' Compile complete -- 10 errors, 0 warnings Build complete -- 10 errors, 0 warnings : No download possible The problem was caused by the WagoSysPlainMem(WAGO) library in the original version after updating to After returning to version, the problems disappeared. Probably the version number of this library is responsible for supporting the appropriate Firmware Revision. Can anyone confirm or deny my suspicions?
Last updated: 2024-07-06

Post by rcaponi on Codesys 3.5 SP19 Patch 4. Trace context menu does not work CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello, I'm using the new Codesys 3.5 SP19 Patch 4 version with CODESYS Control for Raspberry Pi MC SL v4.8. Compared to the Codesys 3.5 SP19 Patch 1 version, the context menu on a Trace object no longer works. So I can no longer run the Downloader Trace command. Do any options need to be enabled with the new version? Best regards Roberto Caponi
Last updated: 2023-10-24

Post by song on How to convert a standard robot program into an excutive list when a robot runs? CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Dear Sir, I'd like to learn and try to make robot based on Codesys, is there a FB block or other ways to convert a standard robot program into an excutive list? how codesys explain the robot command instructions on HMI, just like the SMC_NCDecoder used to convert CNC program into a list of SMC_GEOINFO object. Thanks very much! Peter Yan
Last updated: 2023-11-25

Post by snhatton on Running webvisu with Codesys Control Win V3 in Simulation Mode CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Yes, you can use the CODESYS ControlWin V3 Soft PLC. However, if simulation is enabled on the device this will disable all communication, so you need to turn off simulation to view the visualization in a web browser. In simulation mode, all IO and communication is disabled for standalone testing. In addition, make sure to set the start visualization in the WebVisu object in the application tree. I hope this helps!
Last updated: 2023-12-04

Post by tk096 on SMC_Interpolator + SMC_controAxislbyPos CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi, you can define a start position for your GCode. How the start position can be defined depends on the CompileMode: For File and SMC_CNC_REF: Set the start position input of SMC_NCInterpreter ( For SMC_OutQueue: * Right-click on the CNC object in the project tree * Select Properties * Select the tab 'CNC' * Set the start position Concerning your second question: If the new set position cannot be reached with the given velocity limit (AXIS_REF_SM3.fSWMaxVelocity), SMC_controlAxisByPos will report bStopIpo and close the 'gap' with the given gap dynamics (SMC_controlAxisByPos.fGap*).
Last updated: 2024-02-07

Post by otdeveloper on IEC 61499 CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
It is being worked on by many companies and its even-driven function blocks seem like a natural evolution of the object oriented industrial programming I have seen Gary Pratt (author of the Book of CODESYS and much more) so expertly implement and explain. I would expect CODESYS to have this front and center on their sights and, if they do not, I would be very interested in learning why.
Last updated: 2024-02-09

Post by amy123 on Alarm Manager Project Doesn't Open Successfully CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello, when I download AlarmManager.project from, it gives an error when I open it. If I ignore the warning and continue to open, the alarms are missing. ** Exception Text ** System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: first at _3S.CoDeSys.ControlsContrib.Utilities.WeakMulticastDelegate.Invoke(Object[] args) at _3S.CoDeSys.ControlsContrib.Controls.WizardControl.OnFinishClick(EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
Last updated: 2024-04-04

Post by herbasso88 on WebVisu flickering CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Good morning, I'm new on Codesys Forge, so I'm not sure if this is the right place to talk about my problem. When I open my WebVisu pages with Microsoft Edge, or Chrome, the background and also some rectangles blinking without reason!!! The application is developed with Codesys and run on Codesys HMI, same version ( After several experiments I discover that the problem happens when I made dynamic the "End of area" property of a meter object, but I can't understand why this blinking problem happens. Also, the problem is only at the WebVisu page, the "normal" VISU pages (the ones opened when Codesys HMI start) work always perfectly. Another strange thing is that the problem happens only if on the same page, where there is the meter object, there is also a trend object!?!? Codesys HMI is running on a Virtual Machine (VMware Workstation 15 player, v.15.5.6) running Windows 10 Pro N 64-bit. The blinking problem happen also if I convert the project to Codesys This version of Codesys and Codesys HMI are installed on a Virtual Machine running Windows Server 2019 Standard 64-bit. In attachment the archive of my project. The attached project has only one page, if "Enable Counter" is not pressed the "End of area" variable of the meter is not updated in the software, and everything work well, normal VISU and WebVisu; if "Enable Counter" is pressed, the "End of area" variable of the meter is updated in the software, and the WebVisu page start blinking. I tried also to enable the "Support client animations and overlay..." property at VisualizationManager, this seems stop the blinking problem, but that property also destroy my WebPage, moving almost all the graphical object, that also seem not working anymore. I really need help to understand what I'm doing wrong, I have to develop a bigger project and I have to understand if trend objects and animated meters cannot stay in the same page. In the final project the WebVisu will be very important because the customer will use this way to access the application to monitor the process. Regards
Last updated: 2024-05-06

Post by yannickasselin on How to sort JSON object in codesys CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Just adding: sSubscriberdata := ''; Right before your memcopy should fix the extra characters. It is because your are copying 36 characters into a string which can contain more than 36 characters and there is garbage left in the extra characters. Regarding the parsing of json, I usually build a structure that mirrors the json data and use the available methods in the IIoT library to parse the data and fill the structure.
Last updated: 2024-05-08

Post by corriibme on Setting array values with JSON Utilities SL CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
It turns out that you can build JSON structures without ever calling the JSONBuilder function block directly. Instead, create a pointer to JSON.JSONData and invoke the necessary methods on its dereference. The parent object has a parent index of -1 (and an index of 0). EVERY other item (including keys, values, empty arrays and sub-objects) created by the setX methods needs the index to increase by 1. Then use the JSONByteArrayWriter FB to generate your JSON string
Last updated: 2024-05-23

Post by swe-hob on call of a method of a function block in another program CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi, Let's assume following: PRG_1 fb_1 : fbExample1; fb_1.method_1 do something... PRG_2 fb_2 : fbExample2; fb_2.method_2 if xTest then PRG_1.fb_1.method_1(); end_if; Is there a reason why runtime hangs when I call the method_1 in PRG_1 from a method in PRG_2? Both programs run in the same task. No chance that any other program calls the method. What I practically do there is that in the program PRG_2 I add a structed object into a buffer. In PRG_1 I just process the items in the buffer.
Last updated: 2024-06-03

Post by swe-hob on call of a method of a function block in another program CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi, Let's assume following: PRG_1 fb_1 : fbExample1; fb_1.method_1 do something... PRG_2 fb_2 : fbExample2; fb_2.method_2 if xTest then PRG_1.fb_1.method_1(); end_if; Is there a reason why runtime hangs when I call the method_1 in PRG_1 from a method in PRG_2? Both programs run in the same task. No chance that any other program calls the method. What I practically do there is that in the program PRG_2 I add a structed object into a buffer. In PRG_1 I just process the items in the buffer.
Last updated: 2024-06-03

Post by timvh on No source code available for this object CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
The message means that you (CODESYS) tries to open the function block, but this is not possible because the library which contains the FB is compiled. You either get this when you try to manually open the function block (while editing the application), but it could also happen that an exception occurs in the running application and CODESYS tries to show the location where it occured. If it happened in an FB of the compiled library, it cannot show this and you could get this message too.
Last updated: 2024-07-16

Post by timvh on Specify Input Configuration "OnDialogClosed" Action to only react to certain Dialogs CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
What maybe helps is the Visu Dialog ST demo project: This has an application IECOpenDialog where dialogs are opened using the VU.FbOpenDialogExtended function blocks. The fbOpenConfigurationDialog call has a reference (interface) to the "close listener" FB of which it's method is automatically called when the dialog is closed. This way you can create specific function blocks for each dialog when it is closed and do what you want with the data that might have been changed.
Last updated: 2023-09-28

Post by goki on WAGO RS485 (753-652) on a 750-362 CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
hi guys Maybe someone can help me in this case. Im working with codesys 3.5 with an PFC200 (750-8212) with a Modbus TCP conection to the 750-362. On the 750-362 i have a 4DO, 8DI and a RS485 interface card. the 4DO and 8DI cards a working fine but im strugling with the rs485 card. Does someone have a example for this?
Last updated: 2024-02-08

Post by nano on Is there any support for I2C on Raspberry Pi? CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
hello jdj this question can be answered well with a pretty good forge documentation: u r also able to create in codesys directly an iec-code by using the i2c-interface as driver using the codesys ide and st depending on the stepperdriver, used in yΓΆur hat, its possible that an driver is already available in the device-repository. which mcp-device is used on the hat?
Last updated: 2024-03-01

Post by riccardo on Web Browser special tools errors CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Nano goodmorning and thanks for the reaply, the links I have to manage are links as the following: I saw that with Wikipedia or other web sites the tool works but not the link above. "google and some other providers, prevent from using as iframe and similar injections." The goal I'm pursuing is to display remote graphical user interfaces from a local graphical user interface over a local network. thanks in advance, Riccardo
Last updated: 2024-03-06

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