Post by mondinmr on Jitter problems on imx8
SOLVED!!! In this imx8 max_cstate=1 in kernel boot parameters is not working! We found a workaround: #include <stdio.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdint.h> int main(void) { int fd; uint32_t value = 0; fd = open("/dev/cpu_dma_latency", O_WRONLY); if (fd < 0) { perror("Error opening /dev/cpu_dma_latency"); return 1; } if (write(fd, &value, sizeof(value)) != sizeof(value)) { perror("Error writing to /dev/cpu_dma_latency"); close(fd); return 1; } while (1) { pause(); } } This simple code launched before CODESYS do the same work! Now jitter is identical as measured by cyclictest!
Last updated: 2023-10-19
Post by wiresplus on INT_TO_WORD function not working
Hello, I need to take an INT input, and convert it to a WORD value. VAR DRV2Speed : WORD; //IO card takes a WORD where 16000 = full 10V output (equivalent to 50Hz) PumpFillSpeed : INT; //Users enter a value between 0 and 50 END_VAR IF <conditions> THEN DRV2Speed :=INT_TO_WORD((PumpFillSpeed/50)*16000); END_IF </conditions> According to me this should work - but it stays at 0, no matter what. What am I doing wrong?
Last updated: 2024-01-26
Post by mxj262 on FB having single input but initialized with Array
I am adding elements of an ARRAY using pointer to access each element inside a FOR loop and the FOR loop does not stop! What is the right way to use pointers in such case?? I have another loop that is not using pointer and it stops but the loop using pointer keep on adding. METHOD FB_Init: BOOL VAR_INPUT bInitRetains: BOOL; // TRUE: the retain variables are initialized (reset warm / reset cold) bInCopyCode: BOOL; // TRUE: the instance will be copied to the copy code afterward (online change) END_VAR VAR_IN_OUT // basically REFERENCE TO window_buffer: ARRAY [*] OF INT; // array of any size END_VAR THIS^.windowPtr := ADR(window_buffer[0]); THIS^.windowSize := UPPER_BOUND(window_buffer, 1) - LOWER_BOUND(window_buffer, 1) + 1; FUNCTION_BLOCK FB500 VAR_INPUT END_VAR VAR_OUTPUT END_VAR VAR windowPtr: POINTER TO INT; windowSize: DINT; currentIndex: UINT; element1:INT; element2:INT; i:INT; j:INT; sum:DINT:=0; END_VAR element1:=windowPtr[0]; // read the first element of the Array dynamic memorry element2:=windowPtr[1]; FOR i:=0 TO (TO_INT(windowSize-1)) BY 1 DO // this loop does not stop Sum:=sum + windowPtr[i]; END_FOR FOR j:=0 TO 5 BY 1 DO // this loop stops j:=j+1; END_FOR
Last updated: 2024-05-06
Post by squale on URL jumps between different visualizations behind a reverse proxy
Hi kevinrn, I have the same question as yours. On my side I try to make nginx work but it doesn't goes well. I think the sub_filter doesn't work int this case.
Last updated: 2024-07-26
Post by macros8 on Alarm Management - latched variable represented as Text list
Hi, I haven´t noticed you put the comment here. I thing it´s a bit different. What I want is to have detail errors of technology in data type e.g. INT. This variable I would latch to the corresponding error msg but I would like to get it convert to text from the text list and not keep it in INT form. Example. Main error Valve Error: SubErrors 1 - Both sensors 2 - Not retracted in time 3 - Not pulled out in time In HMI Main error + latch SubErrors => "Valve Error: Both sensors" The benefit is that text lists are part of translation and can be easily manipulated. I know I can create whole string msg in PLC but then, it lose advantage of Alarm management. Thanks. M.
Last updated: 2023-11-07
Post by fefefede on Get the numer of day
Hello i tro to create a program to turn on or off the air condition in relationship temperature and numer of day. I can't get the number of day. I try this after installing SysTime library but this not work and have this error on debug ------ Build started: Application: Device.Sim.Device.Application ------- Typify code... Generate code... [ERROR] giorno_accensione_aria: PLC_PRG Device: PLC Logic: Application: C0032: Cannot convert type 'Unknown type: 'SysTimeCore(TRUE)'' to type 'TIME' [ERROR] giorno_accensione_aria: PLC_PRG Device: PLC Logic: Application: C0035: Program name, function or function block instance expected instead of 'SysTimeCore' [ERROR] giorno_accensione_aria: PLC_PRG Device: PLC Logic: Application: C0032: Cannot convert type 'Unknown type: 'DayOfWeek(CurrentTime)'' to type 'INT' [ERROR] giorno_accensione_aria: PLC_PRG Device: PLC Logic: Application: C0035: Program name, function or function block instance expected instead of 'DayOfWeek' [INFORMATION] giorno_accensione_aria: PLC_PRG Device: PLC Logic: Application: C0181: Related position Build complete -- 4 errors, 0 warnings : No download possible PROGRAM PLC_PRG VAR Temperatura: UDINT; AriaCondizionata: BOOL := FALSE; CurrentDayOfWeek: INT; //Variabile Giorno CurrentTime: TIME; GiornoDellaSettimana: INT; DayOfWeek: INT; END_VAR CurrentTime := SysTimeCore(TRUE); // Ottieni l'ora corrente CurrentDayOfWeek := DayOfWeek(CurrentTime); CASE GiornoDellaSettimana OF 1: // Azioni per Lunedì 2: // Martedì se più 10° accend altrimenti spegni IF Temperatura >= 10 THEN AriaCondizionata := TRUE; ELSE AriaCondizionata := FALSE; END_IF 3: // Mercoledì se più di 50° accendi altrimenti spegni IF Temperatura >=50 THEN AriaCondizionata := TRUE; ELSE AriaCondizionata := FALSE; END_IF 4: // Giovedì se più di 40° accendi altrimenti spegni IF Temperatura >=40 THEN AriaCondizionata := TRUE; ELSE AriaCondizionata := FALSE; END_IF 5: // Venerdì se più di 50° accendi altrimenti spegni IF Temperatura >=50 THEN AriaCondizionata := TRUE; ELSE AriaCondizionata := FALSE; END_IF 6: // Sabato se più di 25° accendi altrimenti spegni IF Temperatura >=25 THEN AriaCondizionata := TRUE; ELSE AriaCondizionata := FALSE; END_IF 7: // Domenica sempre spenta AriaCondizionata := FALSE; END_CASE
Last updated: 2023-09-14
Post by rickj on Defining local variables that can be independent with several users.
You need to create an array with one element for each possible user. I usually define these arrays in the root screen. FrameIndex : Array [0..MaxUsers] OF INT; Then use the global CurrentClientId (defined by one of the VISU libraries) to index the array element used to select the frame. FrameIndex[CurrentClientId]
Last updated: 2023-10-21
Post by tvm on Cannot pass array of constant size to a function as a reference
It will be a reference, because it's a VAR_IN_OUT. it's a little weird debugging the array online. It just shows as a POINTER TO INT, and you can't actually see the array from the function side. But you can still work with it as a normal array, not a pointer.
Last updated: 2024-01-09
Post by corriibme on JSON Utilities and SetArray
Hello @florian, Could you please help with how to set an array value? I've been trying to use the with the setKeyWithArray method which creates the key with an empty array value. But I have been unable to set items in this array? objindex:= fb_JBuilder.SetKeyWithArray("Key6", diParentIndex := diRootIndex); objindex2:= fb_JBuilder.SetValue(value:= iValue2, diParentIndex:= objindexx); //iValue: array[0..n] of int; Best regards
Last updated: 2024-05-11
Post by talhaali on Active alarm access in ST
Hi, I am trying to access active alarms in code(As alarm count variable updates only when we go to to alarm table frame in visualization). I wrote following code but it is not working: VAR iCountActiveAlarms : INT; parritfActiveAlarms : POINTER TO ARRAY[0..0] OF IAlarm; itfAlarmManagerClientAll : IAlarmManagerClient; END_VAR AlarmManager.g_AlarmHandler.GetActiveAlarms( itfAlarmManagerClient :=itfAlarmManagerClientAll, iCountActiveAlarms => iCountActiveAlarms, parritfActiveAlarms => parritfActiveAlarms); The Value is always 0. Please help.
Last updated: 2024-06-06
Post by talhaali on Can't read Alarm Class from Alarm Storage
Hi, I am trying to access active alarms in code(As alarm count variable updates only when we go to to alarm table frame in visualization). I wrote following code but it is not working: VAR iCountActiveAlarms : INT; parritfActiveAlarms : POINTER TO ARRAY[0..0] OF IAlarm; itfAlarmManagerClientAll : IAlarmManagerClient; END_VAR AlarmManager.g_AlarmHandler.GetActiveAlarms( itfAlarmManagerClient :=itfAlarmManagerClientAll, iCountActiveAlarms => iCountActiveAlarms, parritfActiveAlarms => parritfActiveAlarms); The Value is always 0. Please help.
Last updated: 2024-06-06
Post by talhaali on Can't read Alarm Class from Alarm Storage
Hi, I am trying to access active alarms in code(As alarm count variable updates only when we go to to alarm table frame in visualization). I wrote following code but it is not working: VAR iCountActiveAlarms : INT; parritfActiveAlarms : POINTER TO ARRAY[0..0] OF IAlarm; itfAlarmManagerClientAll : IAlarmManagerClient; END_VAR AlarmManager.g_AlarmHandler.GetActiveAlarms( itfAlarmManagerClient :=itfAlarmManagerClientAll, iCountActiveAlarms => iCountActiveAlarms, parritfActiveAlarms => parritfActiveAlarms); The Value is always 0. Please help.
Last updated: 2024-06-06
Post by talhaali on Can't read Alarm Class from Alarm Storage
Hi, I am trying to access active alarms in code(As alarm count variable updates only when we go to to alarm table frame in visualization). I wrote following code but it is not working: VAR iCountActiveAlarms : INT; parritfActiveAlarms : POINTER TO ARRAY[0..0] OF IAlarm; itfAlarmManagerClientAll : IAlarmManagerClient; END_VAR AlarmManager.g_AlarmHandler.GetActiveAlarms( itfAlarmManagerClient :=itfAlarmManagerClientAll, iCountActiveAlarms => iCountActiveAlarms, parritfActiveAlarms => parritfActiveAlarms); The Value is always 0. Please help.
Last updated: 2024-06-06
Post by talhaali on Active alarm access in ST
Hi, I am trying to access active alarms in code(As alarm count variable updates only when we go to to alarm table frame in visualization). I wrote following code but it is not working: VAR iCountActiveAlarms : INT; parritfActiveAlarms : POINTER TO ARRAY[0..0] OF IAlarm; itfAlarmManagerClientAll : IAlarmManagerClient; END_VAR AlarmManager.g_AlarmHandler.GetActiveAlarms( itfAlarmManagerClient :=itfAlarmManagerClientAll, iCountActiveAlarms => iCountActiveAlarms, parritfActiveAlarms => parritfActiveAlarms); The Value is always 0. Please help.
Last updated: 2024-06-06
Post by talhaali on Alarm Manager:
Hi, I am trying to access active alarms in code(As alarm count variable updates only when we go to to alarm table frame in visualization). I wrote following code but it is not working: VAR iCountActiveAlarms : INT; parritfActiveAlarms : POINTER TO ARRAY[0..0] OF IAlarm; itfAlarmManagerClientAll : IAlarmManagerClient; END_VAR AlarmManager.g_AlarmHandler.GetActiveAlarms( itfAlarmManagerClient :=itfAlarmManagerClientAll, iCountActiveAlarms => iCountActiveAlarms, parritfActiveAlarms => parritfActiveAlarms); The Value is always 0. Please help.
Last updated: 2024-06-06
Post by talhaali on Alarm Table Issues
Hi, I am trying to access active alarms in code(As alarm count variable updates only when we go to to alarm table frame in visualization). I wrote following code but it is not working: VAR iCountActiveAlarms : INT; parritfActiveAlarms : POINTER TO ARRAY[0..0] OF IAlarm; itfAlarmManagerClientAll : IAlarmManagerClient; END_VAR AlarmManager.g_AlarmHandler.GetActiveAlarms( itfAlarmManagerClient :=itfAlarmManagerClientAll, iCountActiveAlarms => iCountActiveAlarms, parritfActiveAlarms => parritfActiveAlarms); The Value is always 0. Please help.
Last updated: 2024-06-06
Post by talhaali on Alarm status in logic
Hi, I am trying to access active alarms in code(As alarm count variable updates only when we go to to alarm table frame in visualization). I wrote following code but it is not working: VAR iCountActiveAlarms : INT; parritfActiveAlarms : POINTER TO ARRAY[0..0] OF IAlarm; itfAlarmManagerClientAll : IAlarmManagerClient; END_VAR AlarmManager.g_AlarmHandler.GetActiveAlarms( itfAlarmManagerClient :=itfAlarmManagerClientAll, iCountActiveAlarms => iCountActiveAlarms, parritfActiveAlarms => parritfActiveAlarms); The Value is always 0. Please help.
Last updated: 2024-06-06
Post by garmusd on Raspberry Pi 5 GPIO not working.
Hi, Codesyscontrol Raspberry Pi5 64bit with latest updates. Cant get working GPIO - no output and no input. SPI/I2C not tested. GPIOs B+/Pi2, Input/Output is set in the parameters, assigned variables int the Mapping. Absolutely no reaction. Do I need to configure anything else to make it work? Thanks!
Last updated: 2024-09-26
Post by timvh on Converting each character to a string into ASCII
Nice puzzle for a Saturday afternoon :-). Here my suggestion: VAR sInput : STRING := 'R123'; byChar : BYTE; sOutput : STRING; i: INT; END_VAR sOutput := ''; IF LEN(sInput) = 0 THEN RETURN; END_IF FOR i := 0 TO LEN(sInput) - 1 DO byChar := sInput[i]; sOutput := Concat(sOutput, TO_STRING(byChar)); END_FOR
Last updated: 2024-11-09
Post by r-niedermayer on C0564 Warning Message
Please see or Online Help on how to initialize variable before using them: Regarding the Attribute global_init_slot: You can use this pragma to influence the order in which signatures are processed during global initialization. It can only be applied to signatures. By default, the initialization sequence for variables from global variable lists is undefined! However, if, for example, variables from one list depend on variables from another list, it is necessary to initialize one before the other. (Aee OLH and Syntax) The placeholder <slot> must be replaced by an integer value that defines the position in the initialization sequence.</slot> The default value is 50000. A lower value causes an earlier initialization! If several signatures have the same value for the 'global_init_slot' attribute, the order of their initialization remains undefined! Cautious application should therefore be considered! Example: The project contains f.e. two global variable lists GVL_1 and GVL_2. The global variable "A" is part of the global variable list GVL_1: {attribute 'global_init_slot' := '300'} VAR_GLOBAL A : INT:=1000; END_VAR The initialization values of the variables "B" and "C" of GVL_2 are dependent on the variable "A". {attribute 'global_init_slot' := '350'} VAR_GLOBAL B : INT:=A+1; C : INT:=A-1; END_VAR So if you set the 'global_init_slot' attribute of the global variable list GVL_1 to 300, i.e. to the lowest initialization value in the example, then it is ensured that the expression "A+1" is well-defined at the time of initialization of "B".
Last updated: 2024-01-30
Post by svn123 on In Simulation Mode, logic is not executing
Please check the attached snapshot. I am converting an int to real and storing in rVlv01_SV and then scaling the value using LIN_TRAFO. In the bottom Status Bar of Codesys, both RUN and SIMULATION are visible. When I enter value 100 as input to INT_TO_REAL instruction and press Ctrl-F7, the value can be seen at the input but the logic seems not to work. I searched for help but could not find anything relevant. What could be the reason. Codesys ver3.5.11 svn
Last updated: 2023-12-25
Post by wiresplus on Cannot get INT_TO_TIME working
Hello, I have a simple TON timer. It is watching prime loss for a pump. The operator can set the delay via the HMI, it is an integer (seconds) As the TON uses milliseconds, we then multiply the entry by 1000 to get seconds. Seems simple, but... VAR PrimeTimer : TON; primetime : INT; END_VAR PrimeTimer(in:=State>0 AND FlowRate<MinimumFlow,pt:=INT_TO_TIME(primetime *1000)); For an entered 15 seconds (VAR primetime:=15;) the timer reads 49d17h2m26s760ms !!!! What am I doing wrong?
Last updated: 2024-01-26
Post by fless on FB having single input but initialized with Array
Why will it retain the sum value from the last call? This is how PLC work. Usually variables only get initialized after a download or a reset (i.e. power loss). RETAIN variables are saved in a special kind of RAM and keep their value after a power loss. To initialize variables on every call of your FB use the VAR TEMP block. VAR_TEMP sum : INT; END_VAR
Last updated: 2024-05-07
Post by corriibme on Setting array values with JSON Utilities SL
I have been trying to set an array value to a JSON structure of this form: {"key": [1,2,3,4]} While I have been able to create the key and set its value to an empty array, I've not had any luck in putting any value in that array. objindex:= fb_JBuilder.SetKeyWithArray("Key6", diParentIndex := diRootIndex); objindex2:= fb_JBuilder.SetValue(value:= iValue2, diParentIndex:= objindex); iValue2: ARRAY[0..3] OF INT:= [1,2,3,4]; The two lines of code above produce {"key6": []} . The second line essentially has no effect.
Last updated: 2024-05-12
Post by ndzied2 on Rounding error in simple addition
This is a consequence of how computers store floating point numbers. 0.1 cannot be exactly represented in a computer. This is not a CoDeSys thing. Here is a link to a converter to show you the exact value that is represented when you use a REAL data type (which is a 32 bit float). If you really need to keep track of 0.1 increments. use INT OR DINT and then add 1 each time and assume that there is one decimal place.
Last updated: 2024-05-24
To search for an exact phrase, put it in quotes. Example: "getting started docs"
To exclude a word or phrase, put a dash in front of it. Example: docs -help
To search on specific fields, use these field names instead of a general text search. You can group with AND
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