Post by paro on Modbus Client Request Not Processed
Hi, works in my case if I increase the timeout! to_udint(t#100ms) -> 100 -> 100us.. FUNCTION_BLOCK MODBUS_master_example_ST VAR initDone : BOOL := FALSE; aIPAddress : ARRAY [0..3] OF BYTE := [127,0,0,1]; clientTcp: ModbusFB.ClientTcp; // buffer to read input registers aDataInputRegisters : ARRAY[0..9] OF UINT; // some client requests clientRequestReadInputRegisters: ModbusFB.ClientRequestReadInputRegisters; xExecute: BOOL; uistart: UINT := 100; udiTimeout1: UDINT; END_VAR IF NOT initDone THEN initDone := TRUE; // configure clientTcp clientTcp(aIPaddr:=aIPAddress, uiPort:=502, udiLogOptions := ModbusFB.LoggingOptions.All); // configure clientRequestReadInputRegisters clientRequestReadInputRegisters(rClient:=clientTcp, uiUnitId:=1, udiTimeout:=1000000); // 1sec END_IF // call the client FB's clientTcp(); clientRequestReadInputRegisters(rClient:=clientTcp,xExecute := xExecute AND NOT clientRequestReadInputRegisters.xBusy ,uiStartItem:=uistart, uiQuantity:=3, pData:=ADR(aDataInputRegisters[0]));
Last updated: 2024-05-30
Post by zer0g on Modbus Client Request Not Processed
I'm using the code bellow which is based on the Codesys example: FUNCTION_BLOCK MODBUS_master_example_ST VAR initDone : BOOL := FALSE; aIPAddress : ARRAY [0..3] OF BYTE := [127,0,0,1]; clientTcp: ModbusFB.ClientTcp; // buffer to read input registers aDataInputRegisters : ARRAY[0..9] OF UINT; // some client requests clientRequestReadInputRegisters: ModbusFB.ClientRequestReadInputRegisters; xExecute: BOOL; END_VAR IF NOT initDone THEN initDone := TRUE; // configure clientTcp clientTcp(aIPaddr:=aIPAddress, uiPort:=502, udiLogOptions := ModbusFB.LoggingOptions.All); // configure clientRequestReadInputRegisters clientRequestReadInputRegisters(rClient:=clientTcp, uiUnitId:=1, udiTimeout:=TO_UDINT(T#1000MS)); END_IF // call the client FB's clientTcp(); clientRequestReadInputRegisters(rClient:=clientTcp,xExecute := xExecute AND NOT clientRequestReadInputRegisters.xBusy ,uiStartItem:=2, uiQuantity:=3, pData:=ADR(aDataInputRegisters[0])); As you can see the clientTCP is called cyclically with the same result.
Last updated: 2024-05-30
Post by askic on Generate FBs from source
Hello, I'm coming from Siemens (TIA) world and currently learning Codesys. I'd like to know if there is an option to add external txt file with ST code for creation of a function block and then use this file as a source file from which FB will be generated? For example, in TIA, there is an option add external source file to the project structure and then use option "Generate blocks from source". This would create a FB. Does Codesys have something similar? This external source file would look like this: FUNCTION_BLOCK Scaling VAR_INPUT x, k, n : REAL; END_VAR VAR_OUTPUT y : REAL; END_VAR VAR END_VAR y := k*x+n; END_FUNCTION_BLOCK
Last updated: 2024-07-31
Post by alimans on OPC-UA Server, Symbol Set: Raise an error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Hi everyone, I just created a very simple library without any code and, added it to my very simple project. after adding this library, I get an error when I try to open "Symbol Set" in "OPC UA Server" in "Communication Manager". Here is the code of my POU in the library: FUNCTION_BLOCK POU VAR eCommand : (CMD_NONE:=0, CMD_RESET:=-1) INT := CMD_NONE; END_VAR Attached is the error that I get. I also noticed that by removing the enumeration variable above (eCommand), I can open the "Symbol Set" again. Anybody has any idea why this error is raised and how could I use enumeration variables without error in "OPC UA Symbol Set"?
Last updated: 2024-08-08
Post by andrebrandt on FB string and naming
Hi Tim. Not quite correct. What i'd like, is when you place the FB in prog, i choose a block NTC10k, and name this RT401. What i'm trying to do, is to get the name RT401 automaticly into the FB, so i can put this into the string i pass in a struct. So in var in POU, i saw this a place i could do this, RT401: NTC10k(Tag:='RT401'), but i can't get this to work. I shurly must have had something like this in FB: FUNCTION_BLOCK NTC10k String TAG But it's here where I'm stuck...
Last updated: 2024-09-30
Post by timvh on Detect "Cancel" Press in FileOpenSave Dialog
Maybe there is a better way, but a long time ago I created a test application that worked like this: With a button I opened the dialog and I added a "Input configuration - OnDialogClosed" "Execute ST-Code" action to this same button which called the following Function when the dialog was closed: F_OnFileDialogClosed(pClientData); Below this Function which handled the result: // This function is called from the visualization when the dialog is closed. FUNCTION F_OnFileDialogClosed : BOOL VAR_INPUT pClientData : POINTER TO VisuElems.VisuStructClientData; END_VAR VAR dialogMan : VisuElems.IDialogManager; FileOpenCloseDialog : VisuElems.IVisualisationDialog; result : VisuElems.Visu_DialogResult; _sFileName : STRING(255); END_VAR // the DialogManager is provided via the implicitly available VisuManager dialogMan := VisuElems.g_VisuManager.GetDialogManager(); IF dialogMan <> 0 AND pClientData <> 0 THEN FileOpenCloseDialog := dialogMan.GetDialog('VisuDialogs.FileOpenSave'); // gets the FileOpenSave dialog IF FileOpenCloseDialog <> 0 THEN result := FileOpenCloseDialog.GetResult(); // gets the result (OK, Cancel) of the dialog IF result = VisuElems.Visu_DialogResult.OK THEN // Original code gvlFile.FileListProvider(); _sFileName := CONCAT(gvlFile.FileListProvider._stDirectory, gvlFile.FileListProvider.stFile); // do something with this file name... END_IF END_IF END_IF
Last updated: 2023-09-19
Post by riccardo on VisuElems.CurrentUserGroupId is not stable
GoodMorning everyone. I have a system that, in case of alarm, have to block. When the operator logs in must have to acknoledge the alarm and should operate in the system freely. To perform this I detect the logged User by (VisuElems.CurrentUserGroupID <> 0) with a similar code to the the following: PROGRAM AlarmMngt VAR alarm : BOOL:= FALSE; Ack : BOOL:= TRUE; PushBottonOpening : BOOL:= FALSE; Valve : BOOL := FALSE; Flag: BOOL := FALSE; END_VAR IF alarm AND Ack AND (NOT Flag) THEN valve := FALSE; PushBottonOpening := FALSE; Ack := FALSE flag := TRUE; ELSIF (NOT alarm) AND Ack THEN flag := FALSE; END_IF (* if the system is in alarm but there is a logged operator that acknowledge the alarm the system allows the valve opening.*) IF (VisuElems.CurrentUserGroupID <> 0) AND Ack AND Alarm AND PushBottonOpening THEN Valve := TRUE; ELSIF (VisuElems.CurrentUserGroupID = 0) AND Alarm THEN valve := FALSE; END_IF The problem I have is in the last 5 lines of the code: Even if there is a logged in user, the GroupID variable is subjected to a refresh that cyclically set for an instant it to 0 and this close the valve making difficult to the user to work Now I solved it creating a time hysteresys cycle but it is not a good solution. Someone is able to explane me why the GroupID variable is sobjected to this refresh and how to stabilize to avoiding it? Thank you in advance, Riccardo
Last updated: 2023-11-10
Post by tyronnosaurus on ReceiveWatchdog FB not working on J1939 P2P PGNs
Hi guys. I've got a device that sends a status message over J1939 and a PLC running Codesys to receive it. This message uses a P2P PGN (as opposed to a broadcast PGN). Codesys can only read it if I mark the J1939_ECU as "Local" (see screenshot 1). The message is received correctly, that is not the problem. The problem is detecting if the message stops being received. Local ECUs have no Watchdog checkbox to detect if the message has been received in the last X seconds. In order to implement a watchdog, I've used a ReceiveWatchdog FB. The same code works well for any non-P2P message, but doesn't work for this particular P2P message I'm trying to monitor. Even if I physically disconnect the device, ReceiveWatchdog.xBusy stays True, and ReceiveWatchdog.xError never triggers due to a timeout error. Is there any caveat in the ReceiveWatchdog FB that makes it unable to monitor P2P PGNs in Local J1939_ECUs?
Last updated: 2024-07-11
Post by egau on Hard shutdown: no code on device after power on
Hi, We have a machine running Codesys on a Windows IPC (CODESYS Control Win v3 - x64). When we hard shutdown the machine, the code on the PLC sometimes becomes "corrupted" after a power on (When trying to login to the PLC, we get the message "The application 'Application' does not exist on device."). I've noticed these errors in the logs, but I'm not sure what to make of them. We are not using any RETAIN variables in our code, although I'm not sure about referenced librairies. (we are using the persistence manager). I'm pretty sure that not doing a graceful shutdown is the root cause of this. This being said, what is the proper way of doing a graceful shutdown? Is putting the Codesys application in "stop" sufficient? I know how to implement this, so if it works then it would be a quick fix. However, I think we need to add a UPS, which would detect power loss and inform the PLC that it needs to initiate its shutdown, and then the PLC would shutdown gracefully. Any help with this will be greatly appreciated :)
Last updated: 2024-10-03
Post by timvh on VisuElems.CurrentUserGroupId is not stable
I'm not sure what you are trying to do, but getting the CurrentUserGroupID like this will not work, because there could be multiple Visualization Clients and each can have a different user that is logged in. Also when you go online with CODESYS and open an Visualization, this is counted as a client. Probably this is the reason you see it changing. What you can to is "iterate" over all clients and then see which user is logged in on which visualization Client. For this you need to add the Visu Utils library to the project and call the FbIterateClients. See fbClientIteration( xExecute := x_Execute, itfClientFilter := VU.Globals.AllClients, itfIterationCallback := fbIterator, xDone => x_Done, xBusy => x_Busy, xError => x_Error, eError => e_Error); The fbIterator, in the example above, should be an instance of an FB which you have created yourself and this must implement VU.IVisualizationClientIteration. For example: FUNCTION_BLOCK FB_ITERATOR IMPLEMENTS VU.IVisualizationClientIteration Then automatically the corresponding methods will be called. In the HandleClient Method, you will get an interface to the client(s) and then you can get the current user through this interface: itfClient.UserGroupId You can also get the UserName: itfClient.UserName
Last updated: 2023-11-14
Post by mxj262 on FB having single input but initialized with Array
I am adding elements of an ARRAY using pointer to access each element inside a FOR loop and the FOR loop does not stop! What is the right way to use pointers in such case?? I have another loop that is not using pointer and it stops but the loop using pointer keep on adding. METHOD FB_Init: BOOL VAR_INPUT bInitRetains: BOOL; // TRUE: the retain variables are initialized (reset warm / reset cold) bInCopyCode: BOOL; // TRUE: the instance will be copied to the copy code afterward (online change) END_VAR VAR_IN_OUT // basically REFERENCE TO window_buffer: ARRAY [*] OF INT; // array of any size END_VAR THIS^.windowPtr := ADR(window_buffer[0]); THIS^.windowSize := UPPER_BOUND(window_buffer, 1) - LOWER_BOUND(window_buffer, 1) + 1; FUNCTION_BLOCK FB500 VAR_INPUT END_VAR VAR_OUTPUT END_VAR VAR windowPtr: POINTER TO INT; windowSize: DINT; currentIndex: UINT; element1:INT; element2:INT; i:INT; j:INT; sum:DINT:=0; END_VAR element1:=windowPtr[0]; // read the first element of the Array dynamic memorry element2:=windowPtr[1]; FOR i:=0 TO (TO_INT(windowSize-1)) BY 1 DO // this loop does not stop Sum:=sum + windowPtr[i]; END_FOR FOR j:=0 TO 5 BY 1 DO // this loop stops j:=j+1; END_FOR
Last updated: 2024-05-06
Post by wollvieh on Display minutes as hours & minutes
Here a code for an Operation Counter with : days,hours,minutes,seconds as an example, maybe it points you the right direction ? FUNCTION_BLOCK OperationDayHour VAR_INPUT IN : BOOL; // Betrieb Takt : BOOL; // 1Hz Systemtakt END_VAR VAR_OUTPUT BetrTag : UDINT; // Ausgabe Betriebstage Betrstd : UDINT; // Ausgabe Betriebsstunden Betrmin : UDINT; // Ausgabe Betriebsminuten Betrsec : UDINT; // Ausgabe Betriebsekunden BetrString : STRING; // Ausgabe als String END_VAR VAR ///Erkennung Taktflanke Flanke: R_TRIG; END_VAR VAR_IN_OUT BetrsecAbsolut: UDINT; //Ein/Ausgangsvariable Betriebssekunden RETAIN !!! END_VAR Flanke(CLK:= Takt, Q=> ); (*Erkennung Taktflanke*) IF (IN AND Flanke.Q) THEN (*Sekunden hochzΓ€hlen*) BetrsecAbsolut := BetrsecAbsolut + 1; END_IF Betrsec := BetrsecAbsolut MOD 60; Betrmin := ( BetrsecAbsolut / 60) MOD 60; Betrstd := ( BetrsecAbsolut / 60 / 60 ) MOD 24; BetrTag := ( BetrsecAbsolut / 60 / 60 /24 ); BetrString := RIGHT ( UDINT_TO_STRING( BetrTag + 100000),5); BetrString := CONCAT (BetrString, 'd_'); BetrString := CONCAT (BetrString,RIGHT ( UDINT_TO_STRING( Betrstd + 100000),5)); BetrString := CONCAT (BetrString, 'h_'); BetrString := CONCAT (BetrString, RIGHT ( UDINT_TO_STRING( Betrmin + 100),2)); BetrString := CONCAT (BetrString, 'm_'); BetrString := CONCAT (BetrString, RIGHT ( UDINT_TO_STRING( Betrsec + 100),2)); BetrString := CONCAT (BetrString, 's');
Last updated: 2024-05-27
Post by timvh on How to implement an interface (IElement)?
See: This contains an application "OnlineChangeSafeLinkedListExample". What you should do is create a new interface which has your "Priority" property. Then your FB should extend the base element function block and implement your own interface: E.g. FUNCTION_BLOCK MyElement EXTENDS COL.LinkedListElementBase IMPLEMENTS I_MyInterface Then the __QUERYINTERFACE does the magic to check if your "element" also implements your interface. Something like this: // Compares this element with itfElement. // Returns 0 if the elements are equal, < 0 if the element is less than itfElement, // > 0 if the element is greater than itfElement. // This method will be called from sorted collections (e.g. |COL.SortedList|) to sort the elements. // IMPORTANT: The underlying value to be compared with MUST NOT be changed during the lifecycle of the object. METHOD ElementCompareTo : INT VAR_INPUT (* The element to compare*) itfElement : COL.IElement; END_VAR VAR itfIntElement : I_MyInterface; xResult : BOOL; END_VAR // We use integer iInt1 for sorting. xResult := __QUERYINTERFACE(itfElement, itfIntElement); IF xResult THEN IF iInt1 < itfIntElement.Priority THEN ElementCompareTo := -1; ELSIF iInt1 > itfIntElement.Priority THEN ElementCompareTo := 1; ELSE ElementCompareTo := 0; END_IF ELSE ElementCompareTo := -1; END_IF
Last updated: 2024-07-22
Post by rossanoparis on Upgrading CODESYS runtime from v4.7 to v4.9 using a bash script leads to lose the licences stored in the soft container
System information - Controller: KUNBUS RevPi CONNECT-S - OS: Linux buster 32bit 5.10.103-rt62-v7l #1 SMP PREEMPT_RT armv7l GNU/Linux - CODESYS v3.5 SP19 Patch 2 I'm facing a problem related to codesys licences using a procedure based on a bash script. Such bash script detect the presence of new .deb files and install them on system. My automation solution don't allow to be maintained by dedicated personal, thus even the CODESYS runtime SW must be installed using an "automatic" procedure instead of using the CODESYS tool. remark I've been using the following procedure since the runtime v4.5 without any issue. Before installing the new runtime packages, I need to copy the file CODESYSControl_User.cfg (here attached) because of new section which is necessary to add in order to allow some folders to be written by CODESYS runtime v4.9 Up to now, this has been unnecessary, this is the main difference between my previos bash file and the new one. remark If I skip this action, everythings goes fine, but my CODESYS application can't work as it needs to access some folders on controller's file system. Process - Before the procedure: the licenses are OK (see attached file lic-01.png) - After the procedure: the new CODESYS runtime version is correctly installed, but the software container with v1.19 and all licences disappear (see attached file lic-02.png) This is the synthetic content of bash script I'm using. # Stop runtime sudo service codesyscontrol stop sudo service codesysedge stop # Move the new CODESYSControl_User.cfg file # New configuraton with folders declared sudo mv -f CODESYSControl_User.cfg /etc # Install runtime package echo N | sudo apt-get install -y --allow-downgrades codesyscontrol_raspberry_4.9.0.0_armhf.deb # Install edge gateway package echo N | sudo apt-get install -y --allow-downgrades codesysedge_edgearmhf_4.9.0.0_armhf.deb # Reboot controller sudo reboot Thanks in advance
Last updated: 2023-09-19
Post by duvanmoreno24 on Modbus writing on value change
Hi all, I want to know if someone has an idea of how I can write on value change in Modbus Codesys. I have a Wago PLC and I was used to work with E-cockpit which it was quite easy to do that without the necessity to trigger any value when there was a change in the variable ( I will put how easy is ). how you can see just changing the trigger in "On value Change" will do that channel writing automatically when It detects a change in those arrays. On the other hand, in Codesys if I enable the rising edge in Codesys It ask me to put a bool variable and if triggers is going to write that value. That is making me that I have to create a function or a logic to detect the change, the problem I have is that doing that is very tedious. I first approach I got it was to create a Function who returns a bool when the value change, but I tried to keep the old value but what is happening is that in Functions all the data is erased every cycle so I can not keep any Old value. so in the Main program the trigger is going to be TRUE all the time due, the old value is cero every cycle. The second approach I got it was using a function Block (POU_1) and it works but I dont want to instance that function for every Channel or value that I want to check if the value change, Basically if I have 200 values to write trhough modbus I have to create 200 instances of that function which I think it is not practicall at all. It should be a better way to implement this as e-Cockpit from Wago Does. However, I haven't been able to know how.
Last updated: 2024-03-26
Post by youness on No source code available (cip object)
Hi yotaro, hope your problem was resolved. I had the same, but with an other library title. This exception is not detected during compilation, but rather at a given position in the program (when switching to a given visualization). Although the exception is generated at this point, it does not involve the visualization in question. This error is due to one of 3 reasons: 1) A division by zero somewhere: The program is able to detect divisions by zero at compile time. But in the case of a variable, which takes a valid value at init and changes to 0 at a later stage. 2) An invalid pointer: (either because it has a value of 0, or because it points outside the memory reserved for the program) is being dereferenced. Locate any pointers or interfaces you have in the code and check them - you should also be wary of mixing inline modifications and pointers. 3) Array overflow: Generally when a processing operation is executed outside the array's definition range. Example: a write loop with n iterations is executed on an array of dimmension n-1. On the other hand, the error message may not appear. In the latter case, the error may have fatal consequences, as the overflow has induced writing to potentially forbidden memory areas. This problem can be explained by the fact that it's not always the adjacent memory areas of PLC_PRG that are overwritten, but the memory areas that are randomly allocated to the array during compilation. In this case, however, there is no entry in the log, so you need to integrate the "Implicit Check function", which checks the line of code generating the error. To integrate this functions, click on Application --> POU for implicit controls Regards,
Last updated: 2024-07-16
Post by manuknecht on Opening a Dialog on a specific Client from ST
I managed to find a solution that seems to work reliably. As the VU.Globals.CurrentClient-filter accesses the CURRENTCLIENTID or at least a similar, internal variable it can only be used if called from a certain client (e.g. from a button in a visualization). My solution works by implementing a new client filter that compares the client ID of all clients to the ID of the last client that was used. The variable containing the data of the last client is defined as: G_LastClient : VU.IVisualizationClient; // Copy of last client that detected click This last client is then updated every time a button is pressed using the Execute ST-Code input configuration of the button: G_LastClient := VU.PublicVariables.Clients.Current; Next, I created a function block that implements the client filter interface as so: FUNCTION_BLOCK FB_LastClientFilter IMPLEMENTS VU.IVisualizationClientFilter VAR_INPUT END_VAR VAR_OUTPUT END_VAR VAR END_VAR Then i added a method to the FB called IsAccepted which is used to filter out the client. When creating the method, it should automatically be filled with the according variable declaration, as it is defined in the interface: (* For every client can be desided, if it is accepted. ``TRUE``: Client is accepted*) METHOD IsAccepted : BOOL VAR_INPUT (* The client, to check*) itfClient : VU.IVisualizationClient; END_VAR Now the client can be compared to the last used client as such: // check if clientID corresponds to clientID of last recorderd client IF itfCLient.ClientId = G_LastClient.ClientId THEN IsAccepted := TRUE; ELSE IsAccepted := FALSE; END_IF To make use of this custom client filter, initialize a variable with the client filter: LastClient : FB_LastClientFilter; // Client filter to find last used client Then use this client filter when opening or closing a dialog from ST: fbOpenMyDialog(itfClientFilter:=LastClient,xExecute:=TRUE,sDialogName:='VIS_MyDialog_DLG');
Last updated: 2023-09-27
Post by mondinmr on Direct Pointers in IOMapping for EtherCAT with IoDrvEthercatLib.ETCSlave_Dia
I have found a very interesting solution using: IoConfigTaskMap IoConfigConnectorMap IoConfigChannelMap The first is the list of IO tasks. The second is the connector for each IO module in the IOMap. The third is the individual input or output on the IOMap. One of the properties of the connector is another pointer to a connector, which corresponds with the connector of the EtherCAT slave. Through this information, it is possible to understand to which EtherCAT slave an IO connectormap corresponds. I am attaching an FB that allows for the construction of an IO map and finding the pointer to the actual IOs in the IOMap based on the bitoffset. FUNCTION_BLOCK IOExplorer VAR_INPUT END_VAR VAR_OUTPUT END_VAR VAR inputChannels: COL.LinkedList; outputChannels: COL.LinkedList; ulintFactory: COL.UlintElementFactory; END_VAR METHOD inputAtBitOffsetOfConnector : POINTER TO BYTE VAR_INPUT conn: POINTER TO IoConfigConnectorMap; bitOffset: UDINT; END_VAR VAR it: COL.LinkedListIterator; itf: COL.IElement; elem: COL.iUlintElement; channelInfo: POINTER TO ADVChannelInfo; bitOffsetR: UDINT; END_VAR inputChannels.ElementIterator(it); WHILE it.HasNext() DO it.Next(itfElement => itf); __QUERYINTERFACE(itf, elem); {warning disable C0033} channelInfo := TO___UXINT(elem.UlintValue); {warning restire C0033} IF channelInfo^.connectorField = conn THEN IF bitOffsetR = bitOffset THEN inputAtBitOffsetOfConnector := channelInfo^.addr; RETURN; END_IF bitOffsetR := bitOffsetR + channelInfo^.size; ELSE bitOffsetR := 0; END_IF END_WHILE inputAtBitOffsetOfConnector := 0; END_METHOD METHOD outputAtBitOffsetOfConnector : POINTER TO BYTE VAR_INPUT conn: POINTER TO IoConfigConnectorMap; bitOffset: UDINT; END_VAR VAR it: COL.LinkedListIterator; itf: COL.IElement; elem: COL.iUlintElement; channelInfo: POINTER TO ADVChannelInfo; bitOffsetR: UDINT; END_VAR outputChannels.ElementIterator(it); WHILE it.HasNext() DO it.Next(itfElement => itf); __QUERYINTERFACE(itf, elem); {warning disable C0033} channelInfo := TO___UXINT(elem.UlintValue); {warning restire C0033} IF channelInfo^.connectorField = conn THEN IF bitOffsetR = bitOffset THEN outputAtBitOffsetOfConnector := channelInfo^.addr; RETURN; END_IF bitOffsetR := bitOffsetR + channelInfo^.size; ELSE bitOffsetR := 0; END_IF END_WHILE outputAtBitOffsetOfConnector := 0; END_METHOD METHOD scanIO VAR_INPUT END_VAR VAR numTasks: DINT := IoConfig_Globals.nIoConfigTaskMapCount; tType: WORD; ioTask: POINTER TO IoConfigTaskMap; numCon: WORD; connector: POINTER TO IoConfigConnectorMap; numCh: DWORD; channelInfo: POINTER TO ADVChannelInfo; iTsk: DINT; iCon: WORD; iCh: DWORD; i: DINT; _tmpConnList: COL.IList; elem: COL.IUlintElement; itf: COL.IElement; tmpCh: POINTER TO ADVChannelInfo; lastE: DINT; e: COL.COLLECTION_ERROR; e1: Error; END_VAR VAR_INST lF: COL.ListFactory; END_VAR IF outputChannels.CountElements() > 0 OR inputChannels.CountElements() > 0 THEN RETURN; END_IF _tmpConnList := lF.CreateDynamicList(16, 16); //Iterate through all IO tasks FOR iTsk := 0 TO numTasks - 1 DO ioTask := ADR(IoConfig_Globals.pIoConfigTaskMap[iTsk]); //Store the type of the task (Input or Output) tType := ioTask^.wType; numCon := ioTask^.wNumOfConnectorMap; //Iterate through all connectors of the task FOR iCon := 0 TO numCon - 1 DO connector := ADR(ioTask^.pConnectorMapList[iCon]); numCh := connector^.dwNumOfChannels; //Iterate through all channels of the connector FOR iCh := 0 TO numCh - 1 DO //Create a new channel info object and fill it with the address, connector and size of the channel //Connectors is address of field connector in this case like EtherCAT slave //Address is the address of the IOMap //Size is the size of channel data in bits in IOMap channelInfo := __NEW(ADVChannelInfo); channelInfo^.addr := connector^.pChannelMapList[iCh].pbyIecAddress; channelInfo^.connectorField := connector^.pConnector; channelInfo^.size := connector^.pChannelMapList[iCh].wSize; //We put the channel info a temporary ordered list //Order is based on the address of IOMap lastE := TO_DINT(_tmpConnList.CountElements()) - 1; FOR i := 0 TO lastE DO _tmpConnList.GetElementAt(udiPosition := TO_UDINT(i), itfElement => itf); __QUERYINTERFACE(itf, elem); {warning disable C0033} tmpCh := TO___UXINT(elem.UlintValue); {warning restire C0033} //If the address of the channel is smaller than the address of the channel in the list IF tmpCh^.addr > channelInfo^.addr THEN //Insert the channel in the list at the current position _tmpConnList.InsertElementAt(TO_UDINT(i), ulintFactory.Create(TO_ULINT(channelInfo))); //Clear the channel info pointer channelInfo := 0; //Exit the loop i := lastE + 1; END_IF END_FOR //If the channel info is not 0, it means that the channel was not inserted in the list IF channelInfo <> 0 THEN //Add the channel to the end of the list elem := ulintFactory.Create(TO_ULINT(channelInfo)); _tmpConnList.AddElement(elem); END_IF END_FOR //Iterate temporary list and add the channels to the input or output list lastE := TO_DINT(_tmpConnList.CountElements()) - 1; FOR i := 0 TO lastE DO _tmpConnList.GetElementAt(udiPosition := TO_UDINT(i), itfElement => itf); __QUERYINTERFACE(itf, elem); {warning disable C0033} tmpCh := TO___UXINT(elem.UlintValue); {warning restire C0033} //If type is input, add the channel to the input list IF tType = TaskMapTypes.TMT_INPUTS THEN e := inputChannels.AddElement(ulintFactory.Create(TO_ULINT(tmpCh))); //If type is output, add the channel to the output list ELSIF tType = TaskMapTypes.TMT_OUTPUTS THEN e := outputChannels.AddElement(ulintFactory.Create(TO_ULINT(tmpCh))); ELSE __DELETE(tmpCh); END_IF END_FOR //Clear the temporary list _tmpConnList.RemoveAllElements(); END_FOR END_FOR END_METHOD
Last updated: 2024-02-13
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