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Post by shooxplc on How to call the same program from library and get the vars updated. CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi, I am writing to you today because I would like to create a library that would contain a program with its various subprograms, in my example "PLC_PRG" with "a", "aa", "aaa". But once the library is created as shown below: I would like to be able to drag and drop my folder as many times as I want (let's say I manage the same system multiple times). Once the drag and drop is done, we can see the second folder with the variables renamed successfully. As shown below: But my variables in CAD_1 remain the same as for CAD, so it's PLC_PRG instead of PLC_PRG_1, for example. Is there a solution to automate this? I wouldn't want to have to rename all my variables manually, considering that in the program where I want to do this, the number of variables is substantial. Lucas.
Last updated: 2023-08-23

Post by annd on Migration von "CODESYS Control for PFC200 SL" zu WAGO FW26 "CODESYS V3.5.19.2" CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hallo, da Wago nun von eCockpit zum offenen "CODESYS Development System V3" wechselt, möchte ich meinen bestehenden 750-8212 von der PFC200 SL auf die Wago Firmware umstellen. Welche Schritte sind dabei notwendig? Den Controller würde ich auf die aktuelle FW 26 updaten und die von Wago mit den Descriptions verwenden. Reicht es im Codesys Projektbaum mit "Gerät aktualisieren" auf den Wago Controller zu wechseln? Es wird dann statt dem "Pfc200Bus"ein leerer K-Bus und ein leerer Com-Port angezeigt. Müssen die einzelnen Module dann darunter neu angelegt und alle E/A Variablen manuell neu eingetragen werden? Das exportieren und danach wieder importieren funktioniert nicht, weil die Namen bzw. Adressen unterschiedlich sind. Ist das so richtig? Kann der Block "Modbus_COM_Port - Modbus_Master_COM_Port - Modbus_Slave" so bleiben wie bisher oder muss das auch unter dem neuen COM-Port neu angelegt werden? Für ein paar Hinweise wäre ich dankbar. Schöne Grüße, annD
Last updated: 2023-11-17

Post by ofey on Testing of Codesys program CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi! I thought to hear what you guys think is the best way to test the program in my scenario. I have some PLC programs that have been made and deployed on different PLC's. The program has added the specific devices and IO that is applicable. I have made a test environment for everything outside of the PLC, ie. the same SCADA system that is talking to the PLC, and a program running locally is simulating the plant (level regulation of different tanks). Pr. now I have had to manually change the variables that are reading/writing values from the IO so they read/write via OPC instead. I also have to change the device tree from the specific PLC rack, to the soft PLC. So I kind of end up with two different programs that I have to maintain. I was just wondering if you believe there is an easier way to do this. So I can have the exactly same program and kind of switch between the soft mode, and the "real" mode.
Last updated: 2023-12-07

Post by markushunter on Different behavior between the "Start" button in the IDE and the Cmp function "AppStartApplication()" CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
In our application with CODESYS V3.5 SP19 Patch 5 and the Soft-PLC Name: CODESYS Control Win V3 x64 Typ: 4096 ID: 0000 0004 Version: the application behaves differently when we start the application via Cmp.AppStartApplication(pApp) than when we press the "Start" button in online mode in the IDE. Unfortunately, it looks like the AppStartApplication() function, which is called in the "StopDone" system event, is not able to restart the fieldbus driver correctly, in our case the EtherNet_IP_Scanner: Name: EtherNet/IP Scanner Hersteller: 3S - Smart Software Solutions GmbH Kategorien: EtherNet/IP Scanner Typ: 100 ID: 0000 100B Version: Bestellnummer: 1 And one EtherNet/IP adapter Name: FANUC Robot R30iB Plus Hersteller: FANUC Robotics America Kategorien: EtherNet/IP Remote Adapter Typ: 101 ID: 356_12_4_3 Version: Major Revision=16#3, Minor Revision = 16#1 Beschreibung: EtherNet/IP Target imported from EDS File: fanucrobot0301_r30ibp.eds Device: FANUC Robot R30iB Plus Version Konfiguration The application was cold reset in both cases via CmpApp.AppReset(pApp := pApp, usResetOption := CmpApp.RTS_RESET_COLD. Does anyone know the difference between the functions or services executed by the "START" button in online mode and Cmp.AppStartApplication()? Thanks and best regards, markushunter
Last updated: 2024-03-20

Post by markushunter on Different behavior between the "Start" button in the IDE and the Cmp function "AppStartApplication()" CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
In our application with CODESYS V3.5 SP19 Patch 5 and the Soft-PLC Name: CODESYS Control Win V3 x64 Typ: 4096 ID: 0000 0004 Version: the application behaves differently when we start the application via CmpApp.AppStartApplication(pApp) than when we press the "Start" button in online mode in the IDE. Unfortunately, it looks like the AppStartApplication() function, which is called in the "StopDone" system event, is not able to restart the fieldbus driver correctly, in our case the EtherNet_IP_Scanner: Name: EtherNet/IP Scanner Hersteller: 3S - Smart Software Solutions GmbH Kategorien: EtherNet/IP Scanner Typ: 100 ID: 0000 100B Version: Bestellnummer: 1 And one EtherNet/IP adapter Name: FANUC Robot R30iB Plus Hersteller: FANUC Robotics America Kategorien: EtherNet/IP Remote Adapter Typ: 101 ID: 356_12_4_3 Version: Major Revision=16#3, Minor Revision = 16#1 Beschreibung: EtherNet/IP Target imported from EDS File: fanucrobot0301_r30ibp.eds Device: FANUC Robot R30iB Plus Version Konfiguration The application was cold reset in both cases via CmpApp.AppReset(pApp := pApp, usResetOption := CmpApp.RTS_RESET_COLD. Does anyone know the difference between the functions or services executed by the "START" button in online mode and Cmp.AppStartApplication()? Thanks and best regards, markushunter
Last updated: 2024-03-20

Post by markushunter on Different behavior between the "Start" button in the IDE and the Cmp function "AppStartApplication()" CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
In our application with CODESYS V3.5 SP19 Patch 5 and the Soft-PLC Name: CODESYS Control Win V3 x64 Typ: 4096 ID: 0000 0004 Version: the application behaves differently when we start the application via Cmp.AppStartApplication(pApp) than when we press the "Start" button in online mode in the IDE. Unfortunately, it looks like the AppStartApplication() function, which is called in the "StopDone" system event, is not able to restart the fieldbus driver correctly, in our case the EtherNet_IP_Scanner: Name: EtherNet/IP Scanner Hersteller: 3S - Smart Software Solutions GmbH Kategorien: EtherNet/IP Scanner Typ: 100 ID: 0000 100B Version: Bestellnummer: 1 And one EtherNet/IP adapter Name: FANUC Robot R30iB Plus Hersteller: FANUC Robotics America Kategorien: EtherNet/IP Remote Adapter Typ: 101 ID: 356_12_4_3 Version: Major Revision=16#3, Minor Revision = 16#1 Beschreibung: EtherNet/IP Target imported from EDS File: fanucrobot0301_r30ibp.eds Device: FANUC Robot R30iB Plus Version Konfiguration The application was cold reset in both cases via CmpApp.AppReset(pApp := pApp, usResetOption := CmpApp.RTS_RESET_COLD. Does anyone know the difference between the functions or services executed by the "START" button in online mode and Cmp.AppStartApplication()? Thanks and best regards, markushunter
Last updated: 2024-03-20

Post by leafy on Use third party actuator with IO-Link Master (IFM) CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hey there! I am currently doing a little automation project for uni. I am trying to integrate a control-valve-system (Buerkert AirLINE Field) in my IO-Link environment. With IFM sensors, I used their pre-built function blocks, but with this third-party device, i need to write my own function block. Thankfully, IFM provides a generic sensor-fb so I can write my own FB with "extends" and "super". So far, so good. I found the IODD and some other documentation and I thought I get how it works, but somehow can't really get it to work at all. From my understanding, i need to write data into the PDO-Array. But i get confused with the indices and subindices of IO-Link. I'll append the IODD and some screenshots of my project. There is an AOI for LogicXDesigner, but I can't use that in Codesys. I hope someone has integrated a IOL-device in Codesys before and can help me with this. Cheers leafy
Last updated: 2024-04-16

Post by leafy on Use third party actuator with IO-Link Master (IFM) CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hey there! I am currently doing a little automation project for uni. I am trying to integrate a control-valve-system (Buerkert AirLINE Field) in my IO-Link environment. With IFM sensors, I used their pre-built function blocks, but with this third-party device, i need to write my own function block. Thankfully, IFM provides a generic sensor-fb so I can write my own FB with "extends" and "super". So far, so good. I found the IODD and some other documentation and I thought I get how it works, but somehow can't really get it to work at all. From my understanding, i need to write data into the PDO-Array. But i get confused with the indices and subindices of IO-Link. I'll append the IODD and some screenshots of my project. There is an AOI for LogicXDesigner, but I can't use that in Codesys. I hope someone has integrated a IOL-device in Codesys before and can help me with this. Cheers leafy
Last updated: 2024-04-16

Post by adamrobotic on llcallback() iec exception caught cmpid=0x00000002, eventid=0x00010008 CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi All, Recently I have been experiencing a issue in CodeSys SP16 Patch 3, with a exception which comes up after I have made several online changes. callcallback() iec exception caught cmpid=0x00000002, eventid=0x00010008, after I experience this fault then I receive a error message for any subsequent online change "online change failed, no task gap within 10000ms". To recover either the controller needs a orgin reset, which will allow online edits thereafter until falling back into the loop. I am using a TURCK TX707 product which is controlling robot trajectory, We have hard coded the coordinate data rather than using persistence variables so hence the need to do online changes consistently. I have read on the forum other people have experienced similar issue with the online task gap, but I have no task which have same priority and also monitored the CPU usage and have not seen it go above 13%. Anyones help would be much appreciated, thankyou.
Last updated: 2023-08-18

Post by manuknecht on Persistence Manager does not save alphabetically first value CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
After some more digging I realized that I get an error on the PLC Logger saying PersistenceChannel: 150 (invalid type in data: SimpleLibrary). I suppose the issue could be found in the ConfigData, which is automatically generated and which looks like this: 1 9##83 SimpleLibrary#GVL.aMoreZeros.[1]#0#64512#15#0 <[2]#0#64520#15#0 <[3]#0#64528#15#0 <[4]#0#64536#15#0 <#0#64544#15#0 <[6]#0#64552#15#0 <<lrVar#0#64560#15#0 <strVar#0#64428#16#80 <uiDummy#0#64370#11#0 Perhaps the fact that the variable is stored within a library confused the compiler? I tried changing the PersistenceChannel parameters to xCompressTags := FALSE which changed the entry in the data file from _xCompressTags BOOL:TRUE _xCompressTags BOOL:FALSE but the actual content of the data file and also the config data did not change.
Last updated: 2023-10-17

Post by forest on SM Drive license error CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi, when it comes about license, I used INVTmatic Studio, which uses Codesys, for programming INVT plc. I bought Codesys Modbus license, it was not expensive, and then realised that INVT didn't have License Manager option (greyed out in program) which is needed for using of Codesys License. I contacted support from INVT, but developers told me that option is still not available. So depending on environment for programming Codesys, you can or not use Modbus license. Good thing about this version of Modbus TCP it works both direction. I could send commands and receive feedbacks from drive. But communication stops after 30 mins. So I used simple version of ethernet modbus which is somewhere in INVT or Condesys library (I can check tomorrow) which works only one way. I could send cmd to drive, and control it, but didn't have any feedback, like some readings back in PLC. which is bad, but at least I could start it and it didn't fail after 30 mins.
Last updated: 2024-01-10

Post by mtho on JSON Utilities - JSON file written with invalid structure CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I'm using the JSON Utilities SL library to write configurations in my program to a file. I'm generating the JSON data using the builder function block and all appears to work correctly. When I write the jsondata to file, I'm finding that some of the JSON elements are not being written in the right location in the file. Rather than writing they keys under the parent object, they get written outside the root JSON object at the end of the file. If I then try to read the file back into the program, I get an invalid_structure error. I don't get any errors when populating the JSON data or when writing the file. I attached an example of the JSON writer output. The problems begin with key P200. Each P200 should go under MBR1 through MBR3. Among the rest of the keys, they are supposed to be under different parent objects. I am using default values for wsLineBreak and encoding.
Last updated: 2024-03-06

Post by squiggleypuff on Can't Add New Version of Modbus TCP Master CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I'm having a tough time trying to get Modbus working on a Festo CPX-E PLC; it throws these pre-compiler errors as soon as I add in my Modbus TCP Master to my project: I'm confused about the C0046 error, as I have IODrvModbusTCP Library installed. So I thought maybe I needed to use the newest Modbus TCP Master, which is in my device repository: However, whenever I go to add this underneath the Ethernet adapter (which is version, the only TCP Master version available is the old one, even if I have Display all versions checked.: I even went so far as to delete the old version, but then there were no options to add a Modbus TCP Master under my Ethernet adapter. What needs to be done to use the newest Modbus TCP Master? Or are these pre-compiler errors unrelated and I'm missing something? Any help greatly appreciated.
Last updated: 2024-04-04

Post by william-blandon on RecipeManCommands.ReloadRecipes CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi Dave. Thanks for your answer. I still struggling with this. I have done everything according with the Codesys help even I have looked in detail at the example. I have double checked the recipe manager configuration and the use of all the methods. There are two methods that do not work as expected. I'm using Codesys and recipe management .CreateRecipe just create a recipe in the recipe definition but do not create the file. This have a walk around just giving a .ReadAndSaveRecipe afterwards. .ReloadRecipes do nothing but do not generate any error as well. After calling it I call the .GetRecipeCount and the number is always 0. When I create a new recipe (using the function block methods) then the number changes. Looks like this method is looking to the wrong directory finding nothing. I don't know if there is a missing configuration in the CODESYSControl.cfg file. I'm thinking in a walk around for this but I need to create a strings array with the recipe names as retentive and making all the management when deleting and adding recipes. Have had some one the same problem?
Last updated: 2024-05-23

Post by psychoengineer on Cannot Save CSV File on Windows Computer Using CODESYS and Control Win CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I am currently working on a project using CODESYS and Control Win on a Windows computer. I've encountered an issue where I am unable to save a CSV file. I have followed the standard procedures and used the appropriate file handling functions, but the file is not being created or saved as expected. IF xStartTest THEN sFileName := '\logs.txt'; sFileName := CONCAT(gvl.g_sMainDirectory, sFileName); sFileNameCopy := '\CAAFileCopy.txt'; sFileNameCopy := CONCAT(gvl.g_sMainDirectory, sFileNameCopy); //eWriteState := FILE_OPEN_TRIGGER; xTestDone := FALSE; xError := FALSE; xStartTest := FALSE; END_IF VAR_GLOBAL g_sMainDirectory : STRING := 'C:\LogFiles'; // file path for CSV file END_VAR Despite this, the file does not appear in the specified directory, and no error messages are being generated. I've checked the directory permissions and ensured that the path is correct. Has anyone else experienced a similar issue or have any suggestions on how to resolve this? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Last updated: 2024-07-04

Post by denkihitsuji on Content update through Data URI on Web Brower on Visualization Toolbox CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Objective: I want to dynamically update the content with strings and JPEG images received from a TCP/IP socket. For this purpose, I am exploring the possibility of utilizing the Web Browser feature of the Visualization toolbox. Example: In a standard web browser, entering data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,SGVsbG8gc3RyYW5nZXI= in the URL window will display "Hello stranger" on the webpage. Issue: When attempting to use this method in the Web Browser of the Visualization toolbox, the content does not display as expected. Instead, it shows the error:'Navigation to the webpage was canceled.'. Request: I seek guidance on how to resolve this issue so that the Web Browser in the Visualization toolbox correctly interprets and displays the data URI content. Alternative Solution Welcomed: Or, if it is possible to directly use Codesys Structured Text (ST) variables within an HTML page, this approach would also meet my requirements. Thank you for your attention.
Last updated: 2024-07-30

Post by mubeta on parker servo and position CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
In general, drives have parameter sets to adjust behaviour in such cases: position recovery, adaptation with resistant torque, out-of-position window failure, etc. (Much depends on the type of configuration set for the axis: positioner, speed controller, torque controller, etc.). I have used that type of drive very little, in only two cases and a long time ago. To tell you what is normal is impossible. I know by reputation they are very simple objects, without too many pretensions and adjustments possible. Try running traces by monitoring actual position, motor current, torque and following error. These are the most sensible curves to understand what is going on. Maybe by fine tuning the motor tuning, the current controller or the speed controller you will get something closer to what you want. For example, from DS, the motor has a standstill torque of 3 Nm. Observe with traces whether this is effective: motor current trend. And afterwards, when you have your own accurate picture of the situation, you can also hear from the product's local support to see if you can steal a few more things from it performance-wise.
Last updated: 2024-08-05

Post by mainak on Opaque NodeId in the OPC UA server CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello all, I am using the OPC UA server with my custom information model. I have used the communication manager to add my information model under my application and created instances from OPC UA types. I see that the created instances in the OPC UA server has some opaque nodeid (attached screenshot) and I want to change that. Therefore I have the following questions: 1. Is there a way to configure the NodeIds of instances in the OPC UA server? I tried to edit it using the UaExpert client but got error "BadNotWriteable". is it possible to configure it somewhere so that the nodeids can be changed using an external client? 2. Is there a way to define the rule for creating instance nodeids within the codesys IDE? 3. Is it possible to create the instances before e.g. using a modelling tool like UaModeler and import them as part of the information model and use them later? Using the communication manager, I can only create instances from types. I couldn't find a way to map my existing instances to plc tags from my application. It would be nice if someone could help me with these issues. Thanks in advance. :)
Last updated: 2024-10-19

Post by koerbejm on Probleme beim aktivieren von Lizenzen CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Liebe Codesys-Gemeinde, ich habe folgendes Problem und bitte um Hilfe: Um eine auf meinem dem Raspberry Pi laufende Steuerung ohne große Mühe duplizieren zu können, habe ich mir ein Image der SD Karte mit Win32 Diskimager erstellt. Dieses konnte ich bisher ohne weitere Probleme auf eine weitere Micro-SD karte ausrollen. Anschließend habe ich mich via Putty auf den PI geschaltet, die vorherige Lizenz (die ja für den vorheringen PI zulässig war) gelöscht über - sudo su - rm -r /var/opt/codesys/cmact_licenses/ - reboot Um dann via Codesys 3.5 SP16 Patch 4 eine neue Lizenznummer ">>Tools>Lizenzmanager>Lizenz aktivieren" zu aktivieren und das wars. Durch die Umstellung des Lizensierungsverfahrens klappt diese Variante nun nicht mehr. Ich habe mir neue Lizenzen von Codesys gekauf, doch sobald ich diese in die Ticket-ID eintrage und aktivieren möchte bekomme ich folgende Fehlermeldung: ReturnCode: 403046401, An internal error has occured. Please try it again later. (siehe Bild im Anhang "Fehler_Codesys3.5V16.png") Ich habe dann meine Codesys-Version auf Version 3.5 SP20 geupdated und das selbe versucht mit dem Resultat, dass ich nun folgende Fehlermeldung erhalte: "Der ausgewählte Container "...." paßt nicht zu Ihrem Ticket. Bitte wählen Sie einen passenden aus." --> Siehe Bild im Anhang "Fehler_Codesys3.5V120.png" Was genau kann/muss ich tun, damit ich einfach wie bisher meine Steuerungen duplizieren kann? Verwendete Hardware: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ Verwendete Lizenz: Codesys Control Basic L Viele Grüße und Danke, Jan
Last updated: 2024-10-23

Post by greenwood on CODESYS Control Raspberry Pi mit Servotreiber T6 von StepperOnline CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hallo, ich versuche, eine Modbus-RTU-Kommunikation zwischen meinem Raspberry Pi mit CODESYS Control für Raspberry Pi 64 SL und einem Servotreiber von StepperOnline, Typ T6, herzustellen. Die Verbindung ist wie folgt: RJ45-Stecker am Servotreiber -> Kabel mit RJ45 an einem Ende und USB-A-Stecker am anderen Ende -> Seriell-zu-USB-Konverter -> Raspberry Pi. Der Seriell-zu-USB-Konverter und die Kabel habe ich zusammen mit dem Motor und Treiber von StepperOnline gekauft und sie sind dafür gedacht, den Servotreiber mit einem Computer zu verbinden, auf dem deren Setup-Software läuft. dmesg | grep tty auf dem Pi sagt mir, dass der USB-zu-Seriell-Konverter auf ttyusb0 ist. Ich weiß nicht, wie man das in einen COM-Port übersetzt, ich habe COM 1 genommen. Ich habe ein Projekt in Codesys erstellt und ein Modbus_COM-Gerät hinzugefügt, einen Modbus_Master_COM_Port und einen Modbus_Slave_COM_Port angehängt. Auf der Registerkarte "Allgemein" des Modbus_COM habe ich die folgenden Werte eingestellt: Slave address 1 Baud rate 9600 Parity None Data bits 8 Stop bits 2 Ich habe den Servotreiber auf die gleichen Werte eingestellt. (Ich habe auch andere Werte getestet, aber mit dem gleichen Ergebnis). Auf der Registerkarte "Modbus Slave Channel" des Modbus_Slave_COM_Port habe ich einen Kanal hinzugefügt und die folgenden Werte eingetragen: Access type Read Holding Registers (Function Code 3) Read Register offset 0x0000 Length 1 Ich habe noch keinen Code geschrieben, weil ich noch nicht herausgefunden habe, wie man die Kommunikation programmiert. Wenn ich das Projekt zum Raspberry Pi herunterlade scheint der Modbus_Master_COM_Port zu laufen (grünes Symbol), aber der Modbus_Slave_COM_Port nicht (rotes Dreiecksymbol). Wenn ich einen anderen COM-Port eintrage, haben sowohl der Master als auch der Slave das rote Dreiecksymbol. Ich habe dies auch mit meinem Windows-PC unter Verwendung von Codesys Control Win 64 versucht und die gleichen Ergebnisse bekommen. Ich wäre dankbar für jede Hilfe oder Tipps, wie ich den Grund dafür herausfinden kann, warum der Servotreiberreiber nicht reagiert.
Last updated: 2024-05-31

Post by george32 on CSV file and string manipulation. CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Dear folks, I think I have a rather simple question but I could not find the right answer to my question: I have made with Excel a CSV file where I would like to have some general data regarding my program variables. I have made an program what let me read the file. The string I am currently get is at follows: 'IP_Adres;$R$NPort_number;2000$R$NCycle_time;43$R$NStart_Standard_IO;20$R$N' Now I want to split the string in multiple part, which I later would connect to the right variable. By Google and experimenting I have reached to the following code for the first part of the splitting proces: // Splitting the BOM of the string: Received_string := FileReadString; IF LEFT(STR:=New_string,3)= '' THEN Received_string_without_BOM :=RIGHT(STR:= Received_string,SIZE:= (LEN(STR:= Received_string))-3); END_IF //Splitting the remaining string in part for later declaration. WHILE index = 0 DO index_split_part := FIND(STR1:= Received_string_without_BOM,STR2:= '$R$N'); Part_of_String[index]:=LEFT(STR:=Received_string_without_BOM, SIZE:= index_split_part); index := index + 1; END_WHILE However in the splitting proces I could not understand what is really happening. I understand that the Find() function returns the first value the $R$N in the Received_string_without_BOM. This would mean that the index_split_part := 23 I|P| _ |A |d|r|e|s|;|1_|9 |2 |. |1 |6 |8 |. |4 |5 |. |1 |2 |$ |R |$ |N |P | 1|2| 3 |4 |5|6|7|0|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23|24|25|26|27| So the next part is to read the first 23 characters of the Received_string_without_BOM with the LEFT() function. I expected that the outcome the following was: 'IP_Adres;$'. However the outcome is: 'IP_Adres;$R'. I do not understand where the R after the $ sign comes from, because its place is 24 so it would not be added to the part_of the_string[index]. If I hard coded value 24 for the size it gives me the following return: 'IP_Adres;$R$N'. I would expect everything till the R but the code adds the $N also to the string. I hope someone could explain to my what I am seeing wrong in my point of view? With kind regards, George
Last updated: 2024-09-27

Post by andrej on Threads and TID created by CODESYSControl Win V3 CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi all, for a deeper understanding of the Codesys RTE - I created a simple application with 3 IEC tasks (Ta,Tb,Tc) each with different priorities, and different cycle times. The application runs on Windows 10 in the Soft PLC CODESYS Control Win V3. If my understanding is correct, the RTE i.e. the Process CodesysControlService should spawn 3 threads (Th_a,Th_b,Th_c) which are executed with the defined cycle times, the priority of the threads should reflect the priority of the task set in the Codesys IDE. Does somebody have an idea, how I could identify the respective threads in Windows? Kind regards Andrej
Last updated: 2023-10-02

Post by janber0206 on Gateway doesn't come online, regarding a working internet connection CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Solved (see comment) Setup: Kunbus RevPi Connect+ (a raspberry based PLC) Codesys runtime package: (raspberry, armhf) based on Codesys V3.5.18.20 Edge Gateway: (edgearmhf,armhf) EN: The edge-gateway was added over a year ago to the automation server. I now need to make a few changes to the Codesys software, but the Pi is not showing as online in the Automation Server. Internet connection is established, I have remote access to the Pi via RealVNC. Anyone have an idea how I can solve this? Some screenshots added. DE: Ich muss nun ein paar Änderungen an der Codesys-Software vornehmen, aber der Pi wird im Automation Server nicht als online angezeigt. Die Internetverbindung ist hergestellt, ich habe über RealVNC Fernzugriff auf den Pi. Hat jemand eine Idee, wie ich das Problem lösen kann?
Last updated: 2023-10-26

Post by bahrt on Mapping GPIO and adding GPIO configurations CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi I am about to configure ALL GPIOs on a Raspberry Pi 3 model B V1.2. It seems that I have limited understanding of why not all the IO’s become available with the corresponding mapped IO’s – the 'dwInUse' contains mapping of the inputs from GPIO0 to GPIO27. But 'dwInputs' are only showing GPIO0 to GPIO8 and GPIO15 as available inputs. These mentioned inputs work fine You will be able to watch the limited mapped IO activity here: Can you please bring your best idea on why GPIO09 to GPIO14 and GPIO16 to GPIO27 state are zero in the dwInputs register? Thanks in advance. Best regards Andreas Bahrt
Last updated: 2023-11-16

Post by bahrt on Raspberry Pi GPIO mapping CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi I am about to configure ALL GPIOs on a Raspberry Pi 3 model B V1.2. It seems that I have limited understanding of why not all the IO’s become available with the corresponding mapped IO’s – the 'dwInUse' contains mapping of the inputs from GPIO0 to GPIO27. But 'dwInputs' are only showing GPIO0 to GPIO8 and GPIO15 as available inputs. These mentioned inputs work fine You will be able to watch the limited mapped IO activity here: Can you please bring your best idea on why GPIO09 to GPIO14 and GPIO16 to GPIO27 state are not active (at a fixed zero state) in the dwInputs register? Thanks in advance. Best regards Andreas Bahrt
Last updated: 2023-11-21

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