Post by martinlithlith on Mux I2C
hi! this is also a delayed answer, sorry for this. when coding in python i get the TCA9548a working. Is there someone who knows how big of a effort it would be to update Stefan's original code to make it work with a more up to date version of codesys or should i downgrade my system? andrax - are you using a downgraded version of codesys or have you downgraded all the libraries? What Oscat lib are you using? what version? thanks for your reply! Martin
Last updated: 2023-12-31
Post by eschwellinger on Raspberry PI 5 not working
there is a new problem with latest bootloader version. The problem seems to be: Version from2024-04-20 does not work-> 2024-01-15 version works the workaround is a rollback to January version: cp /lib/firmware/raspberrypi/bootloader-2712/stable/pieeprom-2024-01-15.bin ./pieeprom.bin rpi-eeprom-config pieeprom.bin > bootconf.txt rpi-eeprom-config --out pieeprom-new.bin --config bootconf.txt pieeprom.bin sudo rpi-eeprom-update -d -f ./pieeprom-new.bin sudo reboot
Last updated: 2024-04-29
Post by naps on Welchen I-Port benötige ich?
Hallo, ich versuche eine 750-653(konfiguriert per iocheck) über die Wago Modbus Lib einzusetzen. Ich scheitere im moment an dem Korrekten I-Port. Ich habe es mit 75x_653 und IoConfig_Globals.75x653 versucht, jedoch bekomme ich folgenden fehler: ------ Übersetzungslauf gestartet: Applikation: Device.Application ------- Code typisieren... Code erzeugen... [FEHLER] Unbenannt7: POU_1 Device: SPS-Logik: Application: C0032: Typ 'DED.CAADiagDeviceDefault(caa device diagnosis, (caa technical workgroup))' kann nicht in Typ 'WagoTypesCom.I_WagoSysComBase(wagotypescom, (wago))' konvertiert werden Übersetzung abgeschlossen -- 1 Fehler, 0 Warnungen : Kein Download möglich Wie kann ich den die Karte benutzen?
Last updated: 2024-10-01
Post by lraja on Codesys Programming with phyBOARD®-Pollux i.MX8M Plus
Dear All, I am trying to Developing a PLC using phyBOARD®-Pollux i.MX 8M Plus. It is very difficult to find the suitable Codesys control for i.MX8M. I have tried to install CODESYS Control for Linux ARM SL , but unable install it and I am getting the following error, [INFORMATION] Executing SSH command on root@ Retrieving architecture from package management [ERROR] Expected exit value of command failed: expected 0, received 127 [INFORMATION] Standard output: sh: line 1: dpkg: command not found Kindly check and help phyBOARD®-Pollux i.MX 8M Plus Link :
Last updated: 2023-09-23
Post by fdmartello on Unable to compare projects containing alarm manager
Hello. In Codesys version when comparing two projects that have an "Alarm Configuration" obj from the Alarm Manager library vers. the attached error pops up. This originally happened with two projects that I converted from vers. so, thinking it was some conversion issue, I created two clean projects directly in using the Standard Project template and only added the Alarm Configuration objects in them. The result is the same and the only way I found that allowed me to compare them is by deleting the incriminated object in one of the two projects. Has anyone else encountered this issue? Best regards
Last updated: 2024-01-19
Post by alexgooi on Modbus writing on value change
The way I usally tackle this is by syncing only words (then you are able to use the FB above). If you then want to write a Boolean simply type it like this. Value[1].0 := Bool1; Value[1].1 := Bool2; Value[1].2 := Bool3; Uints have the same number of bits than a INT/WORD so these ones will work as well (they are only represented diffrently). A Real will work but you will loose some infomration in the conversion. If you want to keep the information you can convert 2 words to a float with a function (for example with the IEEE-754 standard) . In this way the syncing to the server is very simple and in the Codesys Program you decide what part of the word you want to use.
Last updated: 2024-04-03
Post by saugat10 on Cannot install Codesys control Multicore in raspberry pi 4
I have raspberry pi 4 with Raspbian 12 (bookworm). I want to install the latest version of codesys control multicore for 32 bit. I cannot install multicore and it only gives me the option to install Standard. Here are some outputs from the pi pi@saugat:/usr $ uname -a Linux saugat 6.6.20+rpt-rpi-v7l #1 SMP Raspbian 1:6.6.20-1+rpt1 (2024-03-07) armv7l GNU/Linux pi@saugat:~ $ cat /etc/os-release PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)" NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux" VERSION_ID="12" VERSION="12 (bookworm)" VERSION_CODENAME=bookworm ID=raspbian ID_LIKE=debian HOME_URL="" SUPPORT_URL="" BUG_REPORT_URL="" A
Last updated: 2024-04-22
Post by timl on Application has invalid license metrics
Hallo, ich habe eine Control for Linux SL auf der ich einen TCP Modbus Master anlege, mit dem ich einen Slave auslesen möchte. Das Anlegen funktioniert soweit alles, sobald ich beim ModbusTCPSlaveE/A-Abbild in den Channel eine Variable einfüge, damit ich den Channel auslesen kann, kommt es beim übertragen auf die SPS zu einem Ausnahmefehler. Im Anhang noch eine Bilder der Fehlermeldung und der installierten Lizenzen. CODESYS Version ist V3.5 SP19 Patch 4 Meinem Verständnis nach ist die Modbus Lizenz mit in der Control Standard L inbegriffen und auch in der Lizensierten Softwaremetrik sehe ich keine überschreitung meiner Lizenzbegrenzungen. Daher verstehe ich nicht wieso ich diesen Fehler bekomme und eine auslesung via Modbus nicht möglich ist. Gruß Tim
Last updated: 2024-05-08
Post by micik on False Notification Application Error with raspberry pi 4
Hello, I have just went through all steps shown on Codesys YT channel And it works, I have installed PI OS 32 bit and choose Single Core. However, immediattely when I create standard project with Raspberrz pi device, "Application" is underlined, like there is an error, but in reality there are no errors, and I cannot see what are these 3 messages like shown in attachment. Aside for this red underline, everything seems to work fine. How to correct this? Thank you! Update: I have found what errors are, but not sure how to correct them: Identifier 'IoDrvGPIO' not defined Function block 'IoDrvGPIO' must be instantiated to be accessed 'IoDrvGPIO' is no component of 'IoDrvGPIO'
Last updated: 2024-09-03
Post by thn-power on How to change OPC NodeId IdentifierType
Hi Yet another OPC UA question. When setting up a OPC server using "Communcation manager" (Symbol set and information model) in Codesys the NodeId is always given as "opaque" type. At least when browsing using UAExpert. Other standard OPC objects use numeric (or string) identifier, but for some reason my variables seems to get opaque/binary type. See attached photo. How can I change this? I can't see that this is a parameter in the CodesysControl.cfg. Can this be specified in the information model nodeset? And is it possible to specify the exact numeric or string NodeId for each instance? And on a related topic, is there a way to export the OPC server nodeId's with variable name so that it can be imported in a OPC Client? The .xml files in the project folder does not seem to contain the NodeId.
Last updated: 2024-09-20
Post by struccc on HTML5 Controls - string(>80) values
Dear all, does anyone have experience with HTML5 controls recently? CODESYS / Visualization I'd like to create a simple lightweight text editor, with proper multiline handling, cut & paste, scrolling, etc. And it seems to work fine, just have problems with strings longer than 80 bytes.... Declaring a variable sText1 : STRING(8000) and referencing it in the HTML5 Controls corresponding value property works perfectly one way: the code receive the data as a string (See log1)... (Note TypeID 1000...) Also sending back the data (seems to work (See log2) except it doesn't change the value of the bound variable. Probably the issue is with using SendSimpleValue method... Naturally, I could do a workaround, but maybe there is a more standard way to implement this... Please let me know if you have any suggestions.
Last updated: 2024-10-23
Post by fredsta on Unable to load dynamic modules (Download failed: Application=Application)
Hey there, I am currently trying to find a good solution for the communication between CODESYS Control on Raspberry Pi and "the rest of the world", i. e. the things apart from CODESYS on my linux. My first approach was to use the c-integration. So I created a lib, defined extern fbs, compiled the code on my Pi using the SDK and put the .so into my lib project. When I try to log into the Pi and load the program, I get the error message which you can see in the attached picture. "Die dynamischen Module der C-Integration konnten nicht auf das Laufzeitsystem geladen werden" is german and means roughly "the modules from the c-integration could not be loaded onto the runtime system." Is this normal? Am I doing something wrong? I will have a look at the unix domain socket thing next, as I am still in the process of finding the best solution for the communication.
Last updated: 2024-02-15
Post by fless on Von SNMP auf IIoT wechseln
Hallo, 1. Willkommen :-) 2. Da hast schon etwas worauf du aufbauen kannst. 3. Da gibt es von WAGO Hilfen wie man Projekte zu Codesys 3.5 migriert. 4. Mit SNMP habe ich keine Erfahrung, kann dir leider nicht weiterhelfen. 5. WAGO hat eine eigene SNMP Implementierung. Ich vermute WAGO entwickelt diese Libary nicht mehr parallel weiter, deshalb die Aussage des Supports. Die Codesys SNMP lib ist in das Paket IoT gepackt worden. Die Library kannst du ganz normal einbinden wenn du die IoT Lizenz für das Gerät gekauft hast . Hilfe findest du hier Wenn du keine Lizenz hast sollte die Lib einen gewissen Zeitraum, iirc 30 Minuten, ohne Einschränkungen im Demomodus laufen. Zu den Detailfragen, das ist eine WAGO Libary da wirst du hier nur mit viel Glück Hilfe finden. Ich würde für ein Retrofit auf die Version von Codesys wechseln, dann bist du auch nicht mehr abhängig vom Hersteller. Grüße
Last updated: 2024-08-21
Post by r-niedermayer on OPC UA subscriber not operational
Hi. As far as projects in "old version"s are concerned, these can be upgraded to newer versions at any time. To do this, the device must be updated accordingly and the copilers and library versions must be adapted. You can find instructions on how to proceed in the online help/FAQ: See also "How to open an Example Project" within the following pdf for more details on the single steps: Regaring your OPCUA connection state always showing just "DISABLED", without knowing both sides of the assembly in detail, one can only approach the problem theoretically. We can give a chekclist on how to proceed: Fist, please recheck the communication settings in the OPC UA connection function block to ensure that the server URL, endpoint URL, and other settings are correct and match the configuration of the OPC UA server. Verify that the OPC UA server is running and accessible. -You can try to connect to the OPC UA server using a separate client, such as UAExpert, to ensure that the issue is not related to the OPC UA server itself. Test the security settings in the OPC UA connection function block to ensure that the correct security policy and certificate are selected. If you are using a dynamic connection to the OPC UA server, probe that the connection settings are correctly configured and that the OPC UA client is able to establish a connection to the OPC UA server. Also, please loock into the log files for any errors related to the OPC UA connection function block, these should be listet there. The log files may also provide additional information about the issue and help you to further troubleshoot the problem. FYI - Please see Her you can finde the Communication settings via OPC UA Server -> layout Browse Live Server: The client connects to the server and detects the existing variables and types. From Information Model The client reads the data structure (layout) of the OPC UA Server from the information model set here and as a result receives the information about available variables and types. A connection to the server is not required. The list contains the information models installed in the OPC UA Information Model Repository. "Read Connection" Settings from IEC Variable (option set): - The connection settings used by the device are not read here from the dialog, but at runtime from the IEC variable specified here. - For this possibility, please see the Using a Dynamic Connection to an OPC UA Server ( The settings for the communication of a Client-data source to an OPC UA Server can also be dynamically configured from the IEC code and can also be changed at runtime. For such a purpose, a structure is available in the DatasourceOpcUAServer library (For a description of the OPC UA Server, there is one included in the standard installation of CODESYS,
Last updated: 2024-11-04
Post by hwillems on Ranges, Lambdas, on Fixed arrays of structs
I do datastructures and algorithms in Codesys. For example a Struct of Person with thing's like IdNumber, Name, Age etc. as example. Now i do all kind of calculations, filters. So i have this pretty big Fixed Array with Structs. On this struct i want to do simple stuff you can do easily in C++/Python/Rust etc. For example i want to do this: AvererageAge := Average(Peoples.Age); Then it will return the average of all members ages. Or Sort struct on age etc. Or sort on alphabetical Name. Or use Lambda functions to filter/mutate out things like, filter out everybody above 18 years old. Or remove people who it's name start with "A". Currently i have to write my own custom function for example sorting on Age. And make a super specific function based on that particulare datastructure. Here an Example: (*Before calling this FIlter method, set the mNodeFilterSwitch to the desired filter.*) CASE mNodeFilterSelect OF (********************************[ Status Filters ]***********************************) NodeID: FOR x := ACS_OUT_BEGIN TO ACS_OUT_END BY 1 DO FOR y := ACS_IN_BEGIN TO ACS_IN_END BY 1 DO IF marrNode[y].Status.oiNodeID > marrNode[y + 1].Status.oiNodeID THEN mNodeTemp := marrNode[y + 1]; marrNode[y + 1] := marrNode[y]; marrNode[y] := mNodeTemp; END_IF; END_FOR; END_FOR; Started: FOR x := DES_OUT_BEGIN TO DES_OUT_END BY -1 DO FOR y := DES_IN_BEGIN TO DES_IN_END BY -1 DO IF marrNode[y].Status.oxStarted > marrNode[y - 1].Status.oxStarted THEN mNodeTemp := marrNode[y - 1]; marrNode[y - 1] := marrNode[y]; marrNode[y] := mNodeTemp; END_IF; END_FOR; END_FOR; Starting: FOR x := DES_OUT_BEGIN TO DES_OUT_END BY -1 DO FOR y := DES_IN_BEGIN TO DES_IN_END BY -1 DO IF marrNode[y].Status.oxStarting > marrNode[y - 1].Status.oxStarting THEN mNodeTemp := marrNode[y - 1]; marrNode[y - 1] := marrNode[y]; marrNode[y] := mNodeTemp; END_IF; END_FOR; END_FOR; END_CASE; I have like 30+ of these in the enum. Not really DRY code right? These are custom made bubble sort filters in a function. You pass in the Datastructure, and say what function you want. (This is an enum collection of sorting functions) And then the Array with Nodes of Structs gets ordered. Why can't we have Iterators and Lambda's and build in standard functions like regular languages? Also i use bubble sort because it's the easiest to implement because i can't get this to code DRY. Problem with ST (Even the new one with classes) that it's very limited for programming datastructures and algorithms. Yes you still not want dynamic memory and you need to choose the correct algorithm so you know the most extreme edge cases regarding the time it takes to execute the algorithms.(Real-time execution) How are other people dealing with this? Here for example saw some software using an adjusted ST language and having FOR EACH possibility: You can then build your own custom Iterator functions. I wish the IEC 61131-3 standard would be more expressive and having more standard modern features, but still keep close to the fact of no dynamics memory and real-time systems.
Last updated: 2023-08-31
Post by benediktenger on Access project information of references library by script
Hi, I need to accesss to project information of a referenced library in the project. At least I need the "Released" flag from these information to check that no project gets shipped with unreleased libraries. Unfortunally, I do not get this information by script. I archieved to get the library reference object and the managed library object but both won't give me this flag but only basic information like company, name, version, etc. Here is my code: # get the library refernces proj = projects.primary objects = proj.get_children(recursive=True) for object in objects: if object.is_libman: for libref in iter(object): if libref.is_placeholder and isinstance(libref.effective_resolution,str): print(libref) print( # get the managed libraries libs = librarymanager.get_all_libraries() for lib in libs: print(lib.displayname) print(lib.version) Does somebody know how do get these information?
Last updated: 2023-10-23
Post by jeroen on Ramp function
Hi, Found a nice ramp function in the OSCAT lib (FT_RMP), but is there a nice way to 'set' the output to the current input as form of a reset. The reason for this, is that I want to set up a ramp for a pressure control input that should have x Bar/sec linear rise input. The only option (or code it by hand) I found is this OSCAT FB. Any other options? Just need to increase a value by x Bar/sec from let's say 250Bar (as start) to end 1500Bar. The Oscat ramp will always start at 0 when enable is off (FT_RMP.Rmp := FALSE)
Last updated: 2024-01-09
Post by matt-purcell on Which Lib to use, connect to a socket with URL instead of IP address
Hello, I have a new project and I need to connect to a TCP socket using the URL instead of an explicit IP address, Which library is best suited for this? This is for a new enterprise project, the endpoint is a server in a datacenter running some real time application. We have big IP, it will automatically reassign the IP address to the backup server if a crash occurs so an explicit IP won't work for me. I've done this in RS logix, working now to migrate that code over to codesys. Thanks in advance!
Last updated: 2024-06-17
Post by wbj0t on Raspberry Pi CM4. CoDeSyS files corrupted after hard reset.
Hello everyone. Raspberry Pi CM4 after some 1 week of work was hard reset mannualy several times and after these hard resets User Management file was missed (when click login button, enter login/password, error: User Management File missed). Also programm can not open file via SysFile library, but this file exists and size of him is 0 bytes, but must be more any way (I keep some kind of archive via this lib). What happens, how files corrupted? Where do I need try to find this error of the codesys or system whole? In the log files of codesys nothing interesting about this happens. Thanks for reading Is this enough hold PlcLogic and SysFileMap.cfg as reserve copy in another place for restoring the programm? And how automate restoring actions if programm files corrupted?
Last updated: 2024-09-16
Post by axilleas on SMC_Interpolator + SMC_controAxislbyPos
dear all I am working on a very generic gantry system (virtual drives + win v3 control) reading gcode from external file. In order to stop the interpolator function from running when gaps are detected, SMC_controlAxisByPos FB has the bStopIpo output which according to the manual is connected to the Interpolator's bEmergencyStop. Lets assume that the axis are parked in position X1000 Y1000 and the initial G code movement is G00 X500 Y500. The normal behavior is to travel from the actual x1000 y1000 to G00 X500 Y500. The SMC_Interpolator always gets the X0 Y0 as the initial position, meaning that the bStopIpo is active until the axis are in X0 Y0 and the release the interpolator to set the new positions to X500 Y500. Is there a suggested method to solve this behavior? bonus question: I get a lot of bStopIpo during standard interpolation movements (not gaps). While working with virtual axis this is not a problem but when real axis are installed this will be an issue. What exactly triggers the bStopIpo output? Slow axis accelerations compare to Gcode defaults? Kind Regards
Last updated: 2024-02-05
Post by frank2 on 3.5.17: Rezepte: Fehlendes Kontextmenü
Guten Tag, ich möchte Rezepte verwenden. Mit Codesys habe ich dabei auch keine Probleme. Mit Codesys habe ich dabei auf fast allen Computern keine Probleme, lediglich bei meinem Laptop kann ich das Kontextmenü, welches es mir ermöglicht, Einträge zu lesen, schreiben, usw. nicht öffnen. Stattdessen kommt lediglich ein Standard-Menü, welches mir Kopieren, Einfügen usw. anbietet - hier ist das allerdings wenig hilfreich. Der Installer sowie das Projektarchiv sind auf allen Geräten identisch, ein Problem mit dem Projekt selber schließe ich also aus. Ich habe schon versucht, Codesys neu zu installieren. Dazu habe ich die alte Version deinstalliert, und danach auch den Ordner "C:\Programme (X86)\Codesys" gelöscht. Mehr wollte ich ahnungslos nicht entfernen, und da ich bisher keinen Erfolg hatte, bitte ich euch um eure Unterstützung. Hat jemand eine Idee, was das Problem verursacht? Wo macht es Sinn, nachzuschauen? Kennt jemand genau das Problem vielleicht sogar? Falls ich mich unklar ausgedrückt habe, bitte ich um Rückfragen, dann versuche ich mein Problem entsprechend weiter zu erklären. Für jede Unterstützung bin ich dankbar! Viele Grüße Frank
Last updated: 2024-02-23
Post by fontrap on cmDongle Raspberry Pi issue
Hello mates, I'm working with CODESYS V3.5 SP20 on a Raspberry Pi and I use "Raspberry Pi MC SL" as device on the project. I've installed the Control Standard L (multicore) license on a Wibu System usb-Dongle (cmStick/4.50) that already had another license from another vendor. I follow the online activation procedure from CODESYS documentation. Raspberry Pi has already CodeMeter installed for the other license. When I plugin the dongle on Raspberry and start the Runtime from Raspberry Pi Update in CODESYS I receive the message that I'm on Demo mode because the license is missing. I double checked that the license is activated in the dongle, through the WebAdmin of CodeMeter and the second license runs properly without any issue. I have already try to change the dongle from HID to MSD device and backward but the the Runtime cannot recognize the Dongle. I have also try to stop and start the Runtime through CODESYS without success. Is there anything else I can do to fix this issue?
Last updated: 2024-04-22
Post by joachimk on Profinet Controller IP-Adresse ändern
Die IP-Adresse des Profinet-Controllers soll zur Laufzeit geändert werden. Dabei handelt es sich um eine Anwendung auf einem PC mit einer Standard-Ethernetschittstelle (ControlWinV3+WinPcap). Die Datei "CODESYSControl.cfg" wurde dazu angepasst: .... Adapter.0.Name="Ethernet 4" Adapter.0.EnableSetIpAndMask=1 Die konfigurierte IP-Adresse wird zur Laufzeit an die tatsächliche IP-Adresse der Netzwerkschnittstelle mit dem folgenden Befehl angepasst (die Änderung von auf funktioniert auch): Ethernet.UpdateConfiguredIPSettings(IpAddress:=Ethernet.IPAddress, subnetmask:=Ethernet.Subnetmask, gateway:=Ethernet.GatewayAddress); Der Profinet-Controller geht danach auf Störung und gibt die folgende Fehlermeldung aus: "Controller-Status: currently active IP does not match the controller's configuration" Unter "Ethernet diagnostic information" kann man die geänderte IP-Adresse von Ethernet läuft auch ohne Fehler. Unter "PROFINET IO Driver diagnostic information" -> "IPParameter" sieht man noch die alte (konfigurierte) IP-Adresse Wie kann man die Störung beseitigen? Leider habe ich keine Methode zum Ändern der IP-Adresse auf dem Profinet-Controller gefunden? Reconfiguration des Profinet-Controllers?
Last updated: 2024-06-27
Post by psychoengineer on Cannot Save CSV File on Windows Computer Using CODESYS and Control Win
I am currently working on a project using CODESYS and Control Win on a Windows computer. I've encountered an issue where I am unable to save a CSV file. I have followed the standard procedures and used the appropriate file handling functions, but the file is not being created or saved as expected. IF xStartTest THEN sFileName := '\logs.txt'; sFileName := CONCAT(gvl.g_sMainDirectory, sFileName); sFileNameCopy := '\CAAFileCopy.txt'; sFileNameCopy := CONCAT(gvl.g_sMainDirectory, sFileNameCopy); //eWriteState := FILE_OPEN_TRIGGER; xTestDone := FALSE; xError := FALSE; xStartTest := FALSE; END_IF VAR_GLOBAL g_sMainDirectory : STRING := 'C:\LogFiles'; // file path for CSV file END_VAR Despite this, the file does not appear in the specified directory, and no error messages are being generated. I've checked the directory permissions and ensured that the path is correct. Has anyone else experienced a similar issue or have any suggestions on how to resolve this? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Last updated: 2024-07-04
Post by trusty-squire on CNC - How to manipulate SMC_GeoInfo objects
I have an application using CNC GCode interpolation, but I need to modify the GCode provided to the PLC based on certain parameters. I am currently attempting to modify the SMC_GeoInfo objects in the SMC_OutQueue using the code below. Note that all the other code is pretty standard and works fine, but when I add the below it errors. PROGRAM TEST VAR fbReadCncFile : SMC_ReadNCFile2; fbCncInterpreter : SMC_NCInterpreter; arrCncInterpreter : ARRAY[1..99] OF SMC_GeoInfo; pGeoInfo: POINTER TO SMC_GeoInfo; giGeoInfo: SMC_GeoInfo; // ... END_VAR // ... Some code here in order to read CNC file using SMC_ReadNCFile2 and provide to SMC_NCInterpreter pGeoInfo := SMC_GetObj(poq:=ADR(fbCncInterpreter.poqDataOut), n:=1); IF pGeoInfo <> 0 THEN giGeoInfo := pGeoInfo^; // Do some manipulation here, then update the queue at the same position MC_SetObj(poq:=ADR(fbCncInterpreter.poqDataOut) , n:=0 , pgi:=ADR(giGeoInfo) ); END_IF It throws an error when I get to the line giGeoInfo := pGeoInfo^; Error: EXCEPTION [AccessViolation] occured: App=[Sim.Device.Application], Task=[PathTask] How do I use SMC_GetObj and access the data? It creates a pointer with the value as shown in the photo, but all the dereferenced values say dereference of invalid pointer.
Last updated: 2024-07-26
To search for an exact phrase, put it in quotes. Example: "getting started docs"
To exclude a word or phrase, put a dash in front of it. Example: docs -help
To search on specific fields, use these field names instead of a general text search. You can group with AND
or OR