Search talk: codesys controller for pfc200 slave

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Post by derpaul on Lizenz ausversehen für WORKSTATION statt für GERÄT installiert - wie kann ich diese verschieben? CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hallo, ich hatte heute gestern Probleme mit mit Aktivierung der Lizenz (der Softcontainer auf dem Raspberry hatte sich nicht geöffnet) und dann habe ich hin und her probiert und dann irgendwann ging es, bis ich festgestellt hatte, dass die Lizenz auf der Workstation liegt (es geht um eine IIoT Library SL Lizenz). Ich habe versucht, die Lizenz irgendwie zu verschieben, habe es aber nicht hinbekommen - kann mir da jemand helfen?
Last updated: 2024-10-18

Post by pernockham on Persistence Manager: Config File not found? CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Trying to utilize the persistence manager, but system do not write to file and do not create the config file. System is a Linux SL, version Problems with persistence/config started when I had other problems to go online, I deleted the config file and the persistent files, but the system will not re-create them. I have tried to remove/re-install the "PersistenceManager"-module, create the folder-structure myself. And also reinstall the linux-runtime but its clearly not working. Any help appreciated.
Last updated: 2024-10-31

Post by jddaigle on TargetVisu controls are incorrectly positioned CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello, I'm trying to run TargetVisu on my Linux IPC, and while it does work, the controls are misaligned compared to my WebVisu. Both visualizations are full-screen on a Debian 12 VM with a resolution of 1280x768. The WebVisu is running in Firefox. Are there any configuration I should adjust to ensure the controls align properly between the two? Any guidance or troubleshooting tips would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.
Last updated: 2024-11-03

Post by trusty-squire on Display Units/Scale on Path3D visualization CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi, Is it possible to display the units along the X,Y axis of the Path3D element? It correctly shows the CNC path to be followed, but there's no indication of scale or size of what's being displayed. I looked at the documentation and my first inclination is that this is not possible, and the option option would be to somehow recreate the Path3D functionality into the XY Chart visu element - which is not ideal. Any suggestions or pointers would be appreciated!
Last updated: 2024-11-08

Post by mae-rex on Anzeige von gelatchten Werten im Alarmmanager in anderen Zahlenformat CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hallo, ich möchte den Alarmmanager verwenden und dabei einen generischen Fehlereintrag für meine Subkomponenten haben. Diese haben im allgemeinen einen Fehlercode, der hexadezimal dokumentiert ist und somit für den Anwender auch in der Form am sinnvollsten ist. Daher meine Frage: Gibt es eine Möglichkeit den Fehlertext in der Alarmkonfiguration wie folgt (in der Funktionalität) anzupassen: "Komponentenfehler hex(<latch1>)" oder wie auch immer.</latch1> Grüße
Last updated: 2024-11-11

Post by durallymax on Access Variable Visu Dialog CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Is there a way to access the variable in the called dialog? Example: Text Field element with PLC_PRG.myVar as Text variable. OnMouseClick configured to write variable with keypad pop-up. OnValueChanged configured to Execute ST RND(PLC_PRG.myVar,2); Rather than change myVar with each copy of this Text Field, is there a way to access whatever the configured text variable is? Generally try to stay away from ST in visu, but was curious regardless.
Last updated: 6 days ago

Post by astrum on SPS Shell Commands im Projekt einbinden CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hallo zusammen, gebe es den die Möglichkeit SPS Shell Commands wie "Cert-Import" ins Programm einzubinden? ich habe versucht meine OPC UA Zertifikate über die sysFile Bibliothek vom Quarantäne zu vertrauenswürdig zu kopieren, was auch geklappt hat, aber das Zertifikat wird erst erkannt wenn ich die Steuerung neu starte. Ich habe mitbekommen das, dass mit der cmpPlcShell Bibliothek funktionieren soll, leider blicke ich bei der Beschreibung nicht durch. Hat da jemand eine Idee ?
Last updated: 1 day ago

Post by markusef3 on Verhalten bei zu kurz gesetzter Task-Zyklus-Zeit CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hallo zusammen, ich habe eine Frage bezüglich dem Verhalten der Tasks. In der Hilfe und hier im Forum sowei im Internet konnte ich diesbezüglich leider nichts finden. Wie genau verhält sich Codesys wenn mehrere zyklische Task eingestellt sind und bei einem ab und zu die Abarbeitung des angehängten Programmes länger dauert als das Aufrufintervall eingestellt ist. D.H. der nächste Aufruf würde "theoretisch" erfolgen bevor alles im Program abgearbeitet ist. Z.B. Intervall ist 1ms, Abarbeitung dauert manchmel 1,1ms oder länger. (Watchdog ist zwar eingeschaltet, aber größer gewählt als das Zyklische Intervall zum Aufruf. Watchdog soll jetzt auch nicht das Thema sein). Was passiert in so einem Fall? - Wird das Programm zuerst zu Ende abgearbeitet und dann der nächste Aufruf gestartet? - Wird das Programm "mittendrin" unterbrochen und dann neu gestartet? - wie genau muss ich mir das vorstellen wenn dem so ist? - ...... - ...... Ich konnte überall nur Anleitungen finden wie die Tasks zu konfigurieren sind, jedoch nichts dazu was im oben genannten Fall genau passieren wird. Gruss Markus
Last updated: 2023-10-19

Post by martinlithlith on Mux I2C CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi! I´ll try to get this thread going again as i´m having simliar problems. Right now i get a red triangle on my connected devices (i´m testing with a BME280 sensor and a PCA9685 resvo driver). The TCA9548 have the green symbol beside it. On the "red" devices i get that the bus is not running. I have tried to either run it using the parent bus cycle setting or creating a new freewheeling task prio 1 but nothing helps. I have compared my settings to the settings from the example from the MUX package and i have read (i think) every thread in forge that could be of interest. EDIT: The ic2detect only shows the mux (70-70) and the servo drive (70-76) so i´ll look in to if i managed to burn the 280-sensor while soldering). Another question regarding the 280 sensor. I have a sensor GY-BM E/P 280 that should record humidity and temperatur. Could this be a problem with the library? Does anyone have an idea of what i might be doing wrong? I have some experience from Codesys but not much so this could be an easy one. All suggestions are welcome. I tried to upload the project archive but it did not work. Should i upload the export or how could i show you my horrible project? Best, Martin
Last updated: 2023-10-22

Post by mm-sceg on Runtime geht sporadisch in Störung -> RaspiPi4 reagiert nicht mehr CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Guten Tag, ich hab seit längerem das Problem, dass mein Raspberry Pi4 durch die PLC in Störung geht. Auf dem Raspi läuft eine einfache Software mit OPC UA server, InfluxDB und ein NodeRed-Server. (Und MQTT-Server) Daten werden von der PLC über OPC-UA an NodeRed übergeben. Es kann sein, dass der Raspi 2 Wochen läuft, dann geht die PLC in Stopp. Manchmal nur 2-3 Tage. Ein Neustart über Spannung aus & wieder an schafft Abhilfe. NodeRed wirft extrem viele Fehlermeldungen in kurzer Zeit. Wenn die PLC in Störung ist, kann man sich nicht mal mehr über SSH beim Raspi einloggen. Der Raspi ist aktiv gekühlt und im Normalbetrieb nicht überlastet. Ich hab einige logfiles mit vielen Einträgen die mir nichts sagen, eventuell hat hier jemand eine Idee wie ich dem Problem Herr werden kann :) Der letzte Datenbankeintrag von der SPS war am 11.11.2023 um 5:55:50 Uhr. D.h. danach muss die SPS gestorben sein. Siehe Raspi-Log im Anhang. Das LogFile von Codesys startet leider erst um 11 Uhr, weshalb weiß ich leider nicht. Vielen Dank schonmal
Last updated: 2023-11-11

Post by danieldiaz on Problem with FB execution CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello everyone, I've been working on a system which needs an error function, with this purpose I've created a FB programmed in LD, after debugging I run the simulation. It seems that the variable linked to a coil doesn't change the value when the contacts are associated to input variables. When I use internal variables the logic works properly. I don't know if the problem is related to the variables definition or with the logic program. As you can see in the image, I1 and I2 are variables declared on the FB, the rest are input variables. If I force the eStop and Reset signals to TRUE the coil value should change, but it doesn't. However in the second network if I1 is TRUE the coil change to TRUE as it has to be. To sum up, my doubt is why that coil doesn't change its value? I would like someone to shed a light on this. Thanks!
Last updated: 2024-04-02

Post by rjwkerkhof on IIot Libraries SL --> Web Socket Client SL Pong issue CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Dear all, I am developing a Web Socket Client in Codesys 3.5 using the Web Socket Client SL library to retrieve data from a third party. Connecting and reading works fine however after 40 seconds the connection gets interrupted by the server due to keepalive ping timeout. After discussion with third party it seems that the Web Socket Client SL library replys to the Ping request of the Web Socket server BUT does not add the "Application data" = 4 bytes in the body of the Pingframe to the Pongframe. Therefor the server does not recognize the Pongframe send by the Web Socket Client SL library and automatically disconnects. Is this a known issue with the libary or am I doing something wrong? Is there a workaround to add the 4 bytes manually to the Pongframe before replying it to the server? Thanks in advance, Roy
Last updated: 2024-04-09

Post by joshskellig on Publish a JSON payload via MQTT Publish (using IIot Libraries) CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I am trying to figure out how to get a JSON payload to properly publish to my MQTT Broker. I am able to generate JSON using the examples from Codesys, but when I send that payload via MQTT there are characters that are extra or not recognized by my MQTT client. Any idea what could be causing it? PROGRAM PLC_PRG VAR hostname: STRING := 'localhost'; port: UINT := 1883; topic: WSTRING(1024) := "testing/"; payload: BYTE; factory : JSON.JSONDataFactory; eDataFactoryError : FBF.ERROR; pJsonData : POINTER TO JSON.JSONData := factory.Create(eError => eDataFactoryError); fb_JBuilder : JSON.JSONBuilder; wsValue : WSTRING := "Value1"; diRootIndex, diObject1Index : DINT; iValue : INT := 1234; jsonArrayWriter : JSON.JSONByteArrayWriter; wsJsonData : WSTRING(1000); xFirst : BOOL := TRUE; mqttClient: MQTT.MQTTClient; mqttPublish: MQTT.MQTTPublish; mqttPublishProperties: MQTT.MQTTPublishProperties := (bPayloadFormatIndicator := 1, wsContentType := "application/json"); END_VAR // Json Functionality IF xFirst THEN fb_JBuilder(pJsonData := pJsonData, diRootObj => diRootIndex); fb_JBuilder.SetKeyWithValue("Key1", wsValue, diParentIndex := diRootIndex); diObject1Index := fb_JBuilder.SetKeyWithObject("Key2", diParentIndex := diRootIndex); fb_JBuilder.SetKeyWithValue("Key3", iValue, diParentIndex := diObject1Index); xFirst := FALSE; END_IF jsonArrayWriter(pwData := ADR(wsJsonData), udiSize := SIZEOF(wsJsonData), jsonData := pJsonData^, xAsyncMode := FALSE); MSU.StrTrimW(pString:= ADR(wsJsonData)); // MQTT Functionality mqttClient( sHostname:=hostname, uiPort:=port, eMQTTVersion:=MQTT.MQTT_VERSION.V5 ); mqttPublish( mqttClient:=mqttClient, pbPayload:=ADR(wsJsonData), udiPayloadSize:=SIZEOF(wsJsonData), wsTopicName:=topic, mQTTPublishProperties:=mqttPublishProperties );
Last updated: 2024-04-10

Post by hanoues on setting date and time on CPX-E CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello, Can anybody here tell me how to modify the time and date on my CPX-E? I used the code I found on CODESYS online help, but it doesn't work. What am I missing? FUNCTION current_date_time : STRING VAR stUTC_Timestamp : SysTime; //utc time // ULINT#1528280694913 stLocal_TimeStamp : SysTime; //local time but is in general equal // ULINT#1528280694913 stdNow : SysTimeDate; //local time in an object to access each number (day, month...) dtNow : DATE_AND_TIME;//DT#2018-6-6-10:24:54 todNow : TIME_OF_DAY; // TOD#10:24:54.913 datNow : DATE; // D#2018-6-6 END_VAR SysTimeRtcHighResGet(stUTC_Timestamp); // ULINT#1528273494913 SysTimeRtcConvertHighResToLocal(stUTC_Timestamp, stdNow); //convert UTC ULINT to Local SysTime // stdNow.wYear = UINT#2018 // stdNow.wMonth = UINT#6 // stdNowy.wDay = UINT#6 // stdNow.wHour = UINT#10 // stdNow.wMinute = UINT#24 // stdNow.wSecond = UINT#54 // stdNow.wMilliseconds = UINT#913 // stdNow.wDayOfWeek = UINT#3 // stdNow.wYday = UINT#157 SysTimeRtcConvertDateToHighRes(stdNow, stLocal_TimeStamp); // ULINT#1528280694913 dtNow := TO_DT(stLocal_TimeStamp / 1000 ( ms )); // DT#2018-6-6-10:24:54 todNow := TO_TOD(stLocal_TimeStamp MOD TO_ULINT(T#1D)); // TOD#10:24:54.913 datNow := TO_DATE(dtNow); // D#2018-6-6 (convert to appropriate string) current_date_time := concat('$N[', TO_STRING(dtNow)); current_date_time:= concat(current_date_time,'.'); current_date_time:= concat(current_date_time, TO_STRING(stdNow.wMilliseconds)); current_date_time:= concat(current_date_time,'] - '); RETURN;
Last updated: 2024-05-21

Post by greenwood on CODESYS Control Raspberry Pi mit Servotreiber T6 von StepperOnline CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hallo, Ich scheine den Grund gefunden zu haben, das Kabel mit dem RJ45 Stecker ist für RS232 verdrahtet (am anderen Ende des Kabels ist ein 9-poliger SUB-D Stecker, nicht wie von mir im Eingangspost behauptet ein USB Stecker). In der Anleitung des Treibers ist immer nur von RS 485 die Rede. Alerdings habe ich es gestern abend noch geschafft eine funktionierende Version der setup-software herunterzuladen, und die verbindet sich offenbar über RS232. Daraufhin habe ich mir in der Anleitung des Treibers das Pinout der RJ45 Buchse nochmal angesehen, und die hat Kontakte für RS232 und für RS485. (Die liegen jeweils ganz am Rand, so ist mir das vorher nicht aufgefallen). Ich muss also als Nächstes ein richtig verdrahtetes Kabel auftreiben, und dann sehen ob das mit dem Adapter den ich habe funktioniert. An einen Abschlusswiderstand habe ich auch schon gedacht, nur weiss ich nicht wo ich den an einem RJ45 Stecker / Buchse - Paar anbringen soll... Ich bitte um Entschuldigung für die Verwirrung, ich mache das alles zum ersten Mal und es ist ganz schön viel auf einmal für mich. Nochmal vielen Dank für die Unterstützung!
Last updated: 2024-06-01

Post by nikgind on Codesys Communication Manger - Required information model version exists in the model repository but is not found CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi I am trying to import a custom information model that I created using UA Modeler. I have only added two new methods and two new object types. It is possible to add the information model to the Communication Manager and the two new object types are shown in the Information Model tab. After compiling i get the following error: Communication Manager [Device: PLC Logic: Application]: The information model is required by with a minimal publication date from 15.12.2023 but the device has only a model from 15.09.2021 installed. Probably the information model from 15.09.2021 is missing in the information model repository. The error message does not make sense to me. Should it not be “Probably the information model from 15/12/2023 is missing in the information model repository”? Anyway I have installed the information model from 15/12/2023 but not from 15/09/2021. Which makes the error message even stranger.
Last updated: 2024-06-09

Post by berto on Opening PDF in Web Browser in Target Visu HMI CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi everybody, I've been facing problems with the PDF visualization in Web Browser. I am trying to open a pdf file called 'sample.pdf' which I manually saved inside PlcLogic/visu folder. I am setting the web browser URL as: '' but I get 'refused connection'. I got a similar error trying to open https sites and I discovered that I can only open http websites. Opening '' everything works fine. I also tried to check using code whether the sample.pdf is present in the directory. Unfortunately, when I try to read directories of 'PlcLogic' I get file FILE_OPERATION_DENIED (I am using File.DirList). I would like to be able to open PDF files in web browser. Possibly to move new PDF files in the folder as my customer wants to display different pdf manuals on the hmi. Here you find some screenshots and my .project. I am using Codesys Best regards, Berto
Last updated: 2024-07-11

Post by sturmghost on Mimic behavior of the visualization button element with a custom button CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Im wondering how Codesys is doing the mouse event capturing with their visualization button element? If you add such a button without configuring any input configuration event (like OnMouseDown) or button state variable and then click on the button, the button changes to the visual pressed state and back if you release the button (so they must react to an OnMouseDown event). But how? If I try to mimic this behavior with my custom button visualization element (like a basic rectangle) I need to use an input configuration event to change the color of the button (to make it look like the button was pressed on OnMouseDown event). When I try to add this button via a Frame-Element to my main visualization page I'm unable to use an input configuration event on the Frame-Element because the input configuration event on the button element won't be evaluated anymore (it seems like you can't stack input fields, e.g. invisible input elements, onto each other). Hence the button is not shown pressed anymore. How they do it?
Last updated: 2024-08-04

Post by otbeka on CmpCrypto CryptoGenerateHash Not Outputting CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi, I have been trying to use CryptoGenerateHash from the CmpCrypto Implementation library. My code is taken almost directly from the CryptoDemo.project example provided on Codesys Forge, yet the CryptoGenerateHash function does not write to the address listed in pHash. RTS_IEC_RESULT is OK, but I am getting nothing out of the function. No errors either, all my libraries are up to date. Any help would be appreicated! PROGRAM PLC_PRG VAR sMessage : MESSAGE := 'The red fox runs across the ice'; abyHashCode : HASH_CODE := [ 16#52, 16#ED, 16#87, 16#9E, 16#70, 16#F7, 16#1D, 16#92, 16#6E, 16#B6, 16#95, 16#70, 16#08, 16#E0, 16#3C, 16#E4, 16#CA, 16#69, 16#45, 16#D3 ]; xMessageOK : BOOL; END_VAR xMessageOK := CheckMessage(sMessage, abyHashCode); FUNCTION CheckMessage : BOOL VAR_INPUT sMessage : REFERENCE TO MESSAGE; abyHashCode : REFERENCE TO HASH_CODE; END_VAR VAR _hHASH : RTS_IEC_HANDLE := CryptoGetAlgorithmById(ui32CryptoID:=RtsCryptoID.HASH_SHA1, pResult:=0); Result : RTS_IEC_RESULT; bsMessage : RtsByteString := (ui32MaxLen:=SIZEOF(sMessage), pByData:=ADR(sMessage), ui32Len:=TO_UDINT(LEN(sMessage))); abyNewHashCode : HASH_CODE; bsNewHashCode : RtsByteString := (ui32MaxLen:=SIZEOF(abyNewHashCode), pByData:=ADR(abyNewHashCode)); diCmpResult : DINT; END_VAR Result := CryptoGenerateHash(hAlgo:=_hHASH, pData:=ADR(bsMessage), pHash:=ADR(bsNewHashCode)); diCmpResult := SysMemCmp(pBuffer1:=ADR(abyHashCode), pBuffer2:=ADR(abyNewHashCode), udiCount:=SIZEOF(HASH_CODE)); CheckMessage := diCmpResult = 0;
Last updated: 2024-09-06

Post by z870623 on About CPU Loading CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I am running a runtime environment on an ARM A35 dual-core processor (1.5GHz) and have encountered some issues. The CPU load (both CPU0 and CPU1) occasionally spikes above 50% before returning to normal, and this happens around 2-3 times per minute. At the same time, I’ve noticed that the Max Cycle Time in the Codesys monitoring screen shows much worse performance compared to the A53 (1.2GHz), with nearly double the cycle time. The optimizations I have made so far are as follows: Set the CPU to performance mode. Isolated CPUs: CPU0 is dedicated to running Linux services and the runtime itself, while CPU1 runs the EtherCAT task and the MainTask. Despite CPU1 only running these two tasks, the utilization still increases above 50%, which I find unreasonable. Additionally, I performed tests using cyclictest both without and with the runtime running. The performance is shown in the following image: From the results, I believe the CPU performance should be fine, but I am unsure why the monitoring results are not as expected. The testing outcomes should ideally be as close as possible to the cyclictest results. Does anyone have related solutions to this issue?
Last updated: 2024-10-14

Post by ara32 on CODESYS 4 Linux: CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello! I managed to correctly launch CODESYS Developer Studio 3.5.17, almost all functionality works. The only issue remaining is that when connecting to a device and obtaining its public key, the NCryptEncrypt function is called, which is not fully implemented in the DLL source code, resulting in the connection not being established. Currently, the code of this function in the Wine repository looks like this: SECURITY_STATUS WINAPI NCryptEncrypt(NCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE key, BYTE *input, DWORD insize, void *padding, BYTE *output, DWORD outsize, DWORD *result, DWORD flags) { struct object *key_object = (struct object *)key; TRACE("(%#Ix, %p, %lu, %p, %p, %lu, %p, %#lx)\n", key, input, insize, padding, output, outsize, result, flags); if (flags & ~(NCRYPT_NO_PADDING_FLAG | NCRYPT_PAD_OAEP_FLAG | NCRYPT_PAD_PKCS1_FLAG | NCRYPT_SILENT_FLAG)) { FIXME("Flags %lx not supported\n", flags); return NTE_BAD_FLAGS; } if (flags & NCRYPT_NO_PADDING_FLAG || flags & NCRYPT_PAD_OAEP_FLAG) { FIXME("No padding and oaep padding not supported\n"); return NTE_NOT_SUPPORTED; } if (key_object->type != KEY) return NTE_INVALID_HANDLE; return map_ntstatus(BCryptEncrypt(key_object->key.bcrypt_key, input, insize, padding, NULL, 0, output, outsize, result, flags)); } The program crashes due to the NCRYPT_PAD_OAEP_FLAG flag. I'm not proficient in C++, but I attempted to add handling myself, and here's the result: SECURITY_STATUS WINAPI NCryptEncrypt(NCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE key, BYTE *input, DWORD insize, void *padding, BYTE *output, DWORD outsize, DWORD *result, DWORD flags) { struct object *key_object = (struct object *)key; TRACE("(%#Ix, %p, %lu, %p, %p, %lu, %p, %#lx)\n", key, input, insize, padding, output, outsize, result, flags); if (flags & ~(NCRYPT_NO_PADDING_FLAG | NCRYPT_PAD_OAEP_FLAG | NCRYPT_PAD_PKCS1_FLAG | NCRYPT_SILENT_FLAG)) { FIXME("Flags %lx not supported\n", flags); return NTE_BAD_FLAGS; } if (flags & NCRYPT_NO_PADDING_FLAG) { FIXME("No padding not supported\n"); return NTE_NOT_SUPPORTED; } BCRYPT_OAEP_PADDING_INFO oaepInfo = { 0 }; oaepInfo.pszAlgId = BCRYPT_SHA1_ALGORITHM; NTSTATUS status = BCryptEncrypt(key_object->key.bcrypt_key, input, insize, &oaepInfo, NULL, 0, output, outsize, result, flags); if (key_object->type != KEY) return NTE_INVALID_HANDLE; return map_ntstatus(BCryptEncrypt(key_object->key.bcrypt_key, input, insize, padding, NULL, 0, output, outsize, result, flags)); } Now, when calling the connection, it crashes with the error "bcrypt:BCryptEncrypt flags 0x4 not implemented." Can anyone help with enhancing this functionality or at least point me in the right direction?
Last updated: 2024-03-22

Post by thommy54 on Lizenz wiederherstellen SP20 CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hallo Edwin, ich bräuchte mal eine schnelle Hilfe. ich testete einen zweiten Raspberry Pi 4 mit meinem Lizenzdongle eines laufenden Raspberry. Der 2. Raspberry ist als Redundanzlösung bei einem Crash gedacht. DIe Schwierigkeiten begannen, als ich mit dem Raspberry 4 V1.5 nicht mehr mit SP16 weiterarbeiten konnte. Ich updatede auf SP20.1. und die Schwerstarbeit begann. Das Image wurde rübergeschoben und alles auf dem zweiten Rechner soweit zum Laufen gebracht. Der Dongle wurde ebenfalls am 2. Rechner eingesteckt. Ob er überhaupt wirkte, kann ich nicht sagen, da für diesen Testfall Codesys so oft rauf und runter gefahren wurde, das die 2h-Grenze kaum erreicht wurde. Problem: Beim Zurückstecken des Dongles in den ursprücnglichen Rechner ist alles an Lizenzen weg. Der Lizenzmanager hat keinen Container mehr und der Befehl "lsusb" bringt nichts zurück. ich war der Meinung, das der Dongle genau für diesen Zweck gedacht war - die Lizenz von einem Rechner zum anderen mitzunehmen. Liege ich da falsch ? Wie komme ich nun wieder zu einem funktionfähigen Dongle ?? Weitere Versuche unternahm ich mit dem Wiederherstellen des Dongels. Dabei steckte ich ihn in meinen PC (Workstation) und siehe da, es werden noch 3 von ehemals (2020) 6 Lizenzzeilen angezeigt: (siehe Bild Problem_Lizenzen_Raspberry.jpg) Dann versuchte ich das Wiederherstellen über eine Lizenzaktualisierungsdatei vom Lizenzserver. Da kommt aber eine Datei mit anderem Dateityp (..WibuCmRaC) als im Lizenzmanager gesucht (WibuCmRaU). Die Datei ist dem Lizenzmanager auch nicht genehm (Bild Problem_Lizenzen_Raspberry_2.jpg). Nun steht Codesys auf besagtem Raspberry alle 2h still. Das soll die Lizenz doch verhindern. Angeblich soll seit SP13 auch kein eigenes Backup mehr nötig sein. Bis zum Erhalt des nicht brauchbaren Linzenzfiles hat da sja geklappt. Ich kann auch im Lizenzmanager keinen Punkt "Lizenz wiederherstellen" finden. Hat sich da mit SP20 etwas geändert? Wenn ich mir eine neue Lizenz hole - wie bringe ich sie auf den Dongle (der ja jetzt nicht "nagelneu" ist). Ich fürchte, das geht auch bloß schief. Im Voraus vielen Dank Thomas
Last updated: 2024-07-02

Post by thn-power on Updating OPC UA Core Nodeset on PLS CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi After much trail and error I think I found the root cause to my OPC UA problem. The problem is that I cannot manage to build and download a program with a a custom OPC UA Information model. We use a Weidmueller WL2000 PLS, but the problem also exsist on the Win V3 PLC. Our custom information model is based on the latest versions of the OPC UA Core Nodeset v 1.05.03 (2023-09-20) and UA/DI nodeset 1.04.0 (2022-11-03) Those nodesets are installed in the Codesys Information Model Repository ( However, when trying to build I get the following error. [ERROR] Untitled1: Communication Manager [Device: PLC Logic: Application]: The information model is required by with a minimal publication date from 15.12.2023 but the device has only a model from 15.09.2021 installed. Probably the information model from 15.09.2021 is missing in the information model repository. [ERROR] Untitled1: Communication Manager [Device: PLC Logic: Application]: The information model is required by with a minimal publication date from 03.11.2022 but the device has only a model from 09.03.2021 installed. Probably the information model from 09.03.2021 is missing in the information model repository. Build complete -- 2 errors, 1 warnings : No download possible I think the problem is that the UA Core nodeset is implemented in the PLC firmware (at least that in Siemens S7), and that only includes the "old" nodeset from 2021-09-21 etc. So the question is, how (or if?) can I transfer the new nodeset to the PLS? I have created separate Information models under Communication manager with the newer code nodesets (UA and DI). But it seems that the compiler does not recognize them being excising, neither in the Codesys IDE or on the PLC. Would have guessed that this is a common issue, sine many manufacturers use the latest versions of the OPC UA standard, and that it would be a solution to the problem.
Last updated: 2024-09-20

Post by jickisticki on Witch library? CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Crafting my Fellowship Personal Statement was like weaving the threads of my aspirations into a tapestry of words. Each sentence became a brushstroke, painting a vivid portrait of my journey and ambitions. Beyond being just a document, it became a mirror reflecting the depth of my experiences. Like a conductor guiding an orchestra, my personal statement was composed to resonate with my unique voice. In the realm of specialized opportunities, this statement serves as a compass, guiding me toward the next chapter of my professional growth. With each word, I felt the guidance of mentors shaping my story into an eloquent narrative.
Last updated: 2023-08-17

Post by janderson on OPC UA Server limitations, large array crashes runtime CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
What are the limitations of the OPC UA Server? I am trying to get data off my PLC that is acquired at high rates (~50k samples/s) so I am storing them in arrays and trying to get the arrays off the PLC. When I attempt to read a ~200k element array through OPC UA the server and runtime crashes (requiring tools -> update linux arm64 -> start runtime). Is there a better way to get highspeed data off? The ACDatalog library seems a bit irritating to use so I would prefer to go through OPC UA.
Last updated: 2023-08-23

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