Post by e60newbie on Alarmtabelle Historie
Hallo Forumsgemeinde, ich stehe vor einem Problemchen wo ich keine Lösung finde. Folgendes: wir haben ein HMI an einer Mobilen Arbeitsmaschine wo sämtliche Fehler in der SPS (nicht im HMI) resettiert werden und im HMI alle als "REP" definiert sind, also selbstresetierend wenn das "Auslösesignal" entfernt wird. Soweit so gut. Nun wenn der Kunde die Maschine mit einem Aktiven Alarm ausschaltet, auch das HMI, bleiben die Fehler in der Historie als aktiv hinterlegt. Es gibt hierzu keine möglichkeit diese zu Quittieren? Sieht eben etwas unschön aus wenn da Fehler als aktiv anzgezeigt werden die uralt sind.
Last updated: 2024-07-17
Post by mubeta on Some 'pathetic' errors in SoftMotion program
Yes, this point is part of my misunderstanding. Why, after the execution ot the motion FBs is set to FALSE and exsecuted at lest one time, it must be continuosly called, even if the motion control it's take from another subsequent instruction. This is what I really don't undertand, but what in fact it's happening. For example, in case of stopping a MoveVelocity FB, then Halting the motion by the related FB, the axis at spot goes into error. If there was bad trigger management, the various instructions would NEVER work.
Last updated: 2024-07-18
Post by mikek10 on Some 'pathetic' errors in SoftMotion program
I was answering your last paragraph Meanwhile, I would like to understand why the motion FB instances must still be called even after the Execute is set to FALSE, especially in view of the fact that the next instruction is programmed to abort the previous one, with BufferMode set to 'Aborting'. All these unnecessary FB calls are an unnecessary overhead on the CPU anyway. Is there any precise rule about when to cease calling the various instances? (It should precisely be the 'done' status that says this one has finished its work).
Last updated: 2024-07-18
Post by mikek10 on Error IoDrvEthernetIP: Connection Failure. (16#1) How to solve
Make sure the number of bytes matches the values in the Ethernet/IP>Assembly Information section of the Wagos web management page (expand by clicking on the +). The EDS file will probably have defaulted to assemblies 101 and 104. If you want a different assembly there is an article that tells you how to modify but seems to be unavailable at the moment. An alternative is to modify the .eds file to change the default assemblies.
Last updated: 2024-07-22
Post by mikek10 on Error IoDrvEthernetIP: Connection Failure. (16#1) How to solve
Your connection configuration should look something like the attachment. Consuming assembly O->T will be the hex of the assembly you want to reference for output data - I want 102 (DO Data Only) shown in the Wago web page 102 = 16#66. Producing assembly (T->O) is the assembly you require for input data - again shown in the Wago web page - I want 108 (DI Data Only) or 16#6C Then set the number of bytes as per the data in the Wago web page too (both 2 in my case)
Last updated: 2024-07-22
Post by mstehl on Generischer Funktionsbaustein erwartet genau '1' Anzahl von generischen Konstanten-Definitionen
Hallo zusammen, ich bin neu hier und beschäftige mich mit Generischen Funktionsbausteinen. Ich bekomme die Fehlermeldung C0547 angezeigt und soll laut dieser eine '1' Anzahl von generischen Konstanten-Definitionen einbauen. Leider kann ich die Dokumentation zum Fehler C0547 nirgendwo finden. Der Generische FB befindet sich in einer Bibliothek. Diese habe ich Bibliotheksrepository Installiert. Wenn ich die Bibliothek nicht kompiliere und einbinde, funktioniert alles Wunderbar. Sobald ich die Bibliothek kompiliere und einbinde wird der Fehler angezeigt. Leider konnte mir der Wago-Support auch nicht weiter helfen. Gruß Michael
Last updated: 2024-07-28
Post by mstehl on Generischer Funktionsbaustein erwartet genau '1' Anzahl von generischen Konstanten-Definitionen
Hallo zusammen, ich bin neu hier und beschäftige mich mit Generischen Funktionsbausteinen. Ich bekomme die Fehlermeldung C0547 angezeigt und soll laut dieser eine '1' Anzahl von generischen Konstanten-Definitionen einbauen. Leider kann ich die Dokumentation zum Fehler C0547 nirgendwo finden. Der Generische FB befindet sich in einer Bibliothek. Diese habe ich Bibliotheksrepository Installiert. Wenn ich die Bibliothek nicht kompiliere und einbinde, funktioniert alles Wunderbar. Sobald ich die Bibliothek kompiliere und einbinde wird der Fehler angezeigt. Leider konnte mir der Wago-Support auch nicht weiter helfen. Gruß Michael
Last updated: 2024-07-28
Post by installwhat on Initialization of POUs (FB_Init)
Hi I was wondering if there's a pattern I can employ to acheive what you're doing but with a "reference to" and also allowing for online changes? Someone told me that the new beckhoff keeps references safe during online changes but all the documentation I've found suggests that's not the case. The easiest thing is to use fb_init for normal vars and pointers and references can be added in the function body every cycle and this allows for method calls after so far as I can tell.
Last updated: 2024-07-29
Post by gepert on parker servo and position
Hello, Thank you for your response. In my application i use ethercat and while work i do not turn off power. After relative move motor is in standstill. As you suggest I suppose that problem is in drive setting but i do not see any option about increase standstill torque. Below i posted some photos from drive setting manager - PSD Servomanager Do you see any settings responsible for standstill torque? thank you
Last updated: 2024-08-05
Post by micik on How to generate an "ENI" file
That really depends on this third party software you want to use. It is possible that .xml file generated with "Generate EtherCAT XML" will not be recognized as valid ENI file. Anyway, "Generate EtherCAT XML" command is not available through standard menus and needs to be added via Tools->Customize and then Add Command. You'll find it under "Devices" section. If you provide more info, we might be able to help you further.
Last updated: 2024-08-09
Post by shawn-plc on Return value from a tag given a string literal
Good afternoon everyone, I am looking for a way to return a value given a string tag path. I put together a pseudo-example to illustrate my use-case and was wondering if anyone in this forum can help. The function fnValueFromTagPath is the function I am looking to either create or use from existing library. I would greatly appreciate it. Please see the attachment for additional detail. -Shawn
Last updated: 2024-08-13
Post by carohe on %t SystemTime in Variable
Hello, if you enter %t as a "Text" on a rectangle and do not link a variable in "Text variable", it automatically displays the system time. My question is, where do if find a variable, that contains exactly this time? I tried numerous variants using GetLocalDateTime or GetSysTime but I always have to manage timezones myself (which I do not want to do). I only want a variable with the date an time from my windows system, where the visualization is running. Where can I find this variable?
Last updated: 2024-08-20
Post by anuj9326 on OPC-UA Client connection, Linux SL /Raspberry Pi
hello edwin i have did the same and i could connect the opc-ua server but i dont see anything in the resources tree, in the application i linked my variables to the symbol configuration but i dont see that in the uaexpert. if i use the same application with a non linux system i can get those variables values and see the complete tree structure. What could be the problem ?
Last updated: 2024-08-21
Post by anuj9326 on OPC-UA Client connection, Linux SL /Raspberry Pi
hello edwin i have did the same and i could connect the opc-ua server but i dont see anything in the resources tree, in the application i linked my variables to the symbol configuration but i dont see that in the uaexpert. if i use the same application with a non linux system i can get those variables values and see the complete tree structure. What could be the problem ?
Last updated: 2024-08-21
Post by mini-developer on Precompilation Error NBS.UDP_Peer
Hello, I use the Library NBS from "caa net base services". After opening the Project i get 19 errors from the message window "Precompilation", most of them because it doesn't recognise a component of the FB "NBS.UD_Peer". (see photo) After compiling the Project at least 2 times, there are no errors. Is there a reason and solution for this behavior? Is there a problem with resolving the library? Thanks for any clue
Last updated: 2024-08-23
Post by taqamert on IFM-Sensor ADC READ
I have a pressure sensor that measures 0-600 bar and outputs a 0-5V signal, but my PLC reads analog inputs in the 0-10V range and displays a value of 1024 when 10V is applied. In this case, when the sensor outputs 5V at 600 bar, the PLC shows a value of 512. My working range is 0-350 bar, which means the PLC only uses 298 bits in this range, significantly reducing the resolution. What can I do to achieve better resolution within the 0-350 bar range?
Last updated: 2024-08-23
Post by taqamert on IFM-Sensor ADC READ
I have a pressure sensor that measures 0-600 bar and outputs a 0-5V signal, but my PLC reads analog inputs in the 0-10V range and displays a value of 1024 when 10V is applied. In this case, when the sensor outputs 5V at 600 bar, the PLC shows a value of 512. My working range is 0-350 bar, which means the PLC only uses 298 bits in this range, significantly reducing the resolution. What can I do to achieve better resolution within the 0-350 bar range?
Last updated: 2024-08-23
Post by taqamert on IFM-Sensor ADC READ
I have a pressure sensor that measures 0-600 bar and outputs a 0-5V signal, but my PLC reads analog inputs in the 0-10V range and displays a value of 1024 when 10V is applied. In this case, when the sensor outputs 5V at 600 bar, the PLC shows a value of 512. My working range is 0-350 bar, which means the PLC only uses 298 bits in this range, significantly reducing the resolution. What can I do to achieve better resolution within the 0-350 bar range?
Last updated: 2024-08-23
Post by szotyi on Array of Program
Hi! What is the proper and the easiest way to call programs through looping of array of programs, or pointer of program? instead of calling the programs one by one: prog1(inputX: 11); prog2(inputY: 12); prog3(inputZ: 13); similar like: VAR programsToCall : ARRAY [1..3] OF PROGRAM; END_VAR programsToCall[1] := prog1(inputX: 11); programsToCall[2] := prog2(inputY: 12); programsToCall[3] := prog3(inputZ: 13); FOR i := 1 TO 3 DO programsToCall[i] (); END_FOR Thanks.
Last updated: 2024-08-28
Post by egau on Mutate Hash table value
Hi, using the ElementCollections Library, why isn't it possible to mutate a value found within a HashTable? From what I understand, the only way to change a value would be to use the RemoveByKey(), followed by AddKeyValuePair(). My goal is to use a Data Structure that works like a Dictionary in Python. The HashTable seems to come close to this, except that the values themselves seem to be immutable... In python, we can mutate a dict easily (see attached picture).
Last updated: 2024-08-29
Post by paulpotat on cm4 runtime problem
It looks like it works with indeed. However when installing the runtime, it's not possible to select the multicore option (see attachment). But once the runtime is installed, the logs seems to indicate that the runtime is running in multicore mode. Looking at "htop" output, it seems like it actually is running on multiple CPU. This is very misleading, is it normal or is this a bug ? Thank you for your answer @eschwellinger, BR
Last updated: 2024-09-02
Post by pradeepradha on Update Raspberry Pi option is missing under Tools menu
Hello, the option to update Rasberry Pi from under the Tools menu is missing in my installation. Currently I have the build, along with the Pi package But the same problem is observed even with the latest build and Pi packages. I have tried clean install with both the versions but cannot solve the issue. I never faced this on Windows 10, but now the new PCs are with Windows 11 - this is the only difference. How can I solve this problem?
Last updated: 2024-09-02
Post by timvh on Unable to Connect to Modbus RTU Device
If your Control Win is the Modbus "Master" then your configuration should be something like: Modbus_COM (Serial port) - Modbus Master (this is the Control Win SoftPLC actively setting up the communication) - Modbus Slave (this is then your WAGO 750-315) You need to add channels to the Modbus Slave configuration to inform the master which variables to read/write from the Wago module. The way you configured it now, the Control Win is also a slave. PS, don't forget to put the PLC (Control Win) in Run.
Last updated: 2024-09-03
Post by docker on Webvisu client connection monitoring
Hi mate, With this snippet i was able to see the lastusage variable count, but it would not iterate between clients? i was only able to access the data of the target visu. it threw an error with the array of pointers stating it was not able to convert etc. also when i tried it with the while loop it created an endless loop and crashed the program. any ideas? Thankyou
Last updated: 2024-09-10
Post by alex-at-xana on EThercat Dynamic configuration
Ah - forgot another question as it may be related to the PLL problem: I am executing a 4ms cycle. I do not call (from what I know) the Ethercat_MAster periodically in my program. The bus cycle task is set to the Ethercat task. I would assume that the master should send 250 frames per second. Yet, the status of the master says it transmits 500 frames per second which would indicate that the master is called twice. Any ideas there?
Last updated: 2024-09-10
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