Post by kevinrn on CODESYS Development System V3 installation auf unter Parallells Windows 11auf MAC PRO M1 ARM Prozessor
Hallo, das Thema ist ja etwas offtopic. Aber ich kann gerne mal von meiner Erfahrung berichten: Nachdem ich von 2020 bis 2023 immer einen MacBook Pro mit Intel CPU hatte (i9/32GB) und nun seit Januar 2024 mit dem M3 Max unterwegs bin kann ich Nachfolgendes berichten. Infos zu den Aufgaben, die ich damit erledige: Die Runtime nutze ich nicht auf dem Mac (Wenn ich von Mac rede, dann meine ich damit die Win11 ARM64 Parallels Umgebung) Ich nutze die IDE für Library development und für automatisierungs Tests von CI/CD jobs. Weiterhin öffne ich oft große Projektarchive mit teilweise 160 MB. Erfahrungen zur Installation von CODESYS Versionen: Ich habe einige Versionen installiert, unter anderem,,,, und Ich hatte mit keiner einizgen Installation ein Problem. Die Installation lief immer ohne Probleme durch. Runtimes (Control Win) installiere ich nicht. Ich nutze linux basierte Zielsysteme und bei bedarf eine Windows VM auf einen entfernen Host mit X64. Lokales Gateway läuft ebenso Sonstige Erfahrungen: Ich nutze viele Komponenten Querbeet: Alarming, AC Persistence, Symbol Konfiguration, CFC und ST Editor, externes Packages wie STWeep, Git für Library Entwicklung, Visu, etc. Mit keiner dieser "Komponenten" hatte ich schwierigkeiten oder einen Unterschied zu x64 systemen festgestellt. Man muss aber auch sagen, dass das alles nur ein kleiner Bruchteil ist, was die CODESYS Welt beinhaltet, deshalb sind diese Aussagen auch nur subjektiv aus meinem Erfahrungsbereich. Für das Entwickeln von Libraries sehe ich keine Performance Einschränkungen. Ganz im Gegenteil, für das, dass hier eine emulation stattfindet, ist es erstaunlich schnell. Meiner Meinung nach sind sogar einfache und kleine Projekte schneller als beim Intel Mac. Die Akku Leistung mit dem Mac und Parallels ist fantastisch. Lüfter hört man nicht mal bei der Nutzung von CODESYS. Beim Intel konnte ich sonst ein Spiegelei auf der Abdeckung zubereiten... Was evtl. etwas langsamer ist bzw. mir manchmal so vor kommt ist, der CFC Editor im Online Mode. Aber hierzu fehlt mir ein richtiger Vergleich. Fazit: Ich bin selbst erstaunt wie gut die CODESYS IDE auf einem ARM64 emuliert wird. Ich muss aber auch sagen, dass ich jederzeit eine x64 Workspace zur Verfügung habe, falls was nicht funktionieren sollte. Das habe ich mir extra zum Umstieg zu gelegt. Bisher habe ich es jedoch noch nie benötigt, da meine Anforderungen alle erfüllt werden. Es sollte einem aber bewusst sein, dass dies keine supportete Umgebung ist und man auch bei spezifischen Problemen keinen Support erwarten sollte. Ich nutze CODESYS ca. 4-12 Stunden die Woche und ich warte immer noch auf etwas, um meine X64 Cloud Workspace mal zu verwenden... Vielleicht hilft dir dies ja etwas bei der Entscheidung.
Last updated: 2024-03-21
Post by gurke258 on Codesys Safety EtherCAT with Beckhoff
Hello :) We are currently configuring a system with Codesys as SoftPLC on a Linux system and with Beckhoff terminals. I have already gained some experience with Codesys and also with TwinCat incl. TwinCAT Safety. What is new to me now is Codesys in conjunction with Beckhoff safety terminals. We are currently using an EL1918 & EL2904 here. I have been able to integrate both terminals into my project, but I don't know how to interconnect them so that they communicate. That's a bit easier with Twincat ^^ Can any of you help me? I would also prefer a Codesys EtherCAT Safety training or webinar if anyone knows of one. Unfortunately I can't find such an event on the internet.
Last updated: 2023-11-07
Post by nilesh on Request for Assistance with Online Logic Changes in PLC System using Codesys
Dear Sir, We are writing to seek guidance regarding our current situation with the Opto 22 Groov EPIC PR1 PLC system. Over the past year, we have successfully downloaded and implemented logic using Codesys, and the PLC has been operational without issues. However, we now require minor modifications to the logic. Despite attempting to upload the modified logic, we are unable to see the "online change" option, prompting us to consider a direct logic download. Our concern is that during this process, certain digital outputs or analog outputs might momentarily disrupt operations, which is unacceptable given the system's continuous 24x7 operation. We have explored online changes in other PLC systems, but due to the absence of the last downloaded backup, we are unable to proceed confidently.
Last updated: 2024-03-01
Post by bschraud on Zielsystem stimmt nicht mit dem verbundenen Gerät überein
Zu der o.g. Fehlermeldung "cmperrors interfaces, (system): C0338: Die Bibliothek 'cmperrors interfaces, (system)' wird nur in 32-Bit-Applikationen unterstützt": Wie kann ich die Bibliothek finden, die den Fehler verursacht? Beim Doppelklick auf die Fehlermeldung würde ich einen entsprechenden Hinweis erwarten. Aber es passiert gar nichts. Wenn ich im Bibliotheksverwalter manuell den Baum durchsuche, finde ich nur Referenzen auf CmpErrors2Interfaces, die ja 64bit kompatibel sind. Leider konnte ich bisher nur eine SSD mit einem 64bit OS für den RPi zum Laufen bringen. Deswegen gehen mir langsam die Ideen aus. Vielen Dank für die Hilfe
Last updated: 2024-03-18
Post by pethun on Upgrade from codesys 3.5.19 to 3.5.20
Hi We upgraded our ptoject from 3.5.19 to 3.5.20 but we get an error message in the latest version. We made our own trend function and its related to this we get error message: Trend_Menu Device: PLC Logic: Application: C0032: Cannot convert type 'RTS_SYSTIMEDATE(systimertc, (system))' to type 'RTS_SYSTIMEDATE(systimertc, (system))' The variables are defined as follow: start : SysTimeRtc.SYSTIMEDATE; end : SysTimeRtc.SYSTIMEDATE; The code that creates the error is the variable start and end IF xAssign THEN xAssign := FALSE; xPanEnable := FALSE; xZoomEnable := FALSE; drs.liFrom := VisuTrendStorageAccess.TrendStorageConvertToTimestamp(start, 0 (us)); drs.liTo := VisuTrendStorageAccess.TrendStorageConvertToTimestamp(end, 0 (us)); drs.m_itfDateRangeSelectorClient.SetCurrentRange(drs.liFrom, drs.liTo); END_IF I cant understand really what the error message means and what can be the cause of the error? It compiles fine in dthe older codesys 3.5.19. If anyone has some experience of this please help us out? We must upgrade due to the new licenses. Thanks
Last updated: 2024-04-20
Post by pethun on Upgrade from codesys 3.5.19 to 3.5.20
Hi We upgraded our ptoject from 3.5.19 to 3.5.20 but we get an error message in the latest version. We made our own trend function and its related to this we get error message: Trend_Menu Device: PLC Logic: Application: C0032: Cannot convert type 'RTS_SYSTIMEDATE(systimertc, (system))' to type 'RTS_SYSTIMEDATE(systimertc, (system))' The variables are defined as follow: start : SysTimeRtc.SYSTIMEDATE; end : SysTimeRtc.SYSTIMEDATE; The code that creates the error is the variable start and end IF xAssign THEN xAssign := FALSE; xPanEnable := FALSE; xZoomEnable := FALSE; drs.liFrom := VisuTrendStorageAccess.TrendStorageConvertToTimestamp(start, 0 (us)); drs.liTo := VisuTrendStorageAccess.TrendStorageConvertToTimestamp(end, 0 (us)); drs.m_itfDateRangeSelectorClient.SetCurrentRange(drs.liFrom, drs.liTo); END_IF I cant understand really what the error message means and what can be the cause of the error? It compiles fine in dthe older codesys 3.5.19. If anyone has some experience of this please help us out? We must upgrade due to the new licenses. Thanks
Last updated: 2024-04-20
Post by andre-luis on Check if Codesys runtime is on 'Running' or 'Stopped' state?
Hi there, I'm running the Codesys runtime on Windows 64 and I need to know if it is on "Running" or "Stopped" state just after a system crash. The following commands works perfectly well to (re)start it... net stop “CODESYS Control Win V3 - x64" net start “CODESYS Control Win V3 - x64" ...however I'm unable to determine when it is required to be call; I mean, by checking the System Tray icon, it is possible to know if it is on "Stopped" state, but I wanted to run a .BAT command to retrieve it. How can we do that?
Last updated: 2024-07-02
Post by sivakov on CoDeSys Exception EIP Adapter
Hi, Got same problem, appeared after update. Prabably problem is in performance. I am using virtual machine, so adding one more core and several GB to RAM still not solved, but atleast did system more stable. Try optimise your main program or set less task interval. Regards, I will be your mate in solving this mistery =)
Last updated: 2023-09-28
Post by anhkdv on Data storage and Export in Codesys
I am doing a SCADA project on temperature and humidity monitoring system. The customer requested that we store the database through codesys without the need for intermediary software such as MySQL, MSSQL,... and be able to export reports at selected times, reports exported to csv files. , xslm,... Can anyone help me?
Last updated: 2023-10-29
Post by leon78 on Codesys 3.5 SP17 Patch 2 CheckBounds (POUs for Implicit Checks)
Unfortunately, it was fixed in SP19, but I need SP17 CDS-82162 Bug Compiler: Checkbounds is not working for dynamic arrays with VAR_IN_OUT as index access Fixed [[GENERAL]] Compilerversion >=
Last updated: 2023-11-16
Post by ulad on SPI Communication
Hello. I created a project that uses SPI. This project is working well. I can see with an oscilloscope that the SPI pins are actually changing. But when I resave this project in the IDE and open it later in the system, I see a constant error. What do I need to fix? What am I doing wrong? Thank you.
Last updated: 2023-12-23
Post by as1984 on Codesys Control log "eventbuffer full"
Have you found a solution for this? Id be thankful for every hint. I have a controller with the same events in log and sometimes it crashes. Memory of the codesys3 task rises until the linux system kills the task because the controller runs out of memory.
Last updated: 2024-01-17
Post by installwhat on Tripod rotary coordinate is not correct with right hand rule
Last updated: 2024-06-23
Post by rschwager on GVL to SHMem
Hallo! Have some any idea to transfer whole GVL to Shared Memory? I also shared REATIN memory to shraed meory for making a Retain Backup System without USP in Linux on a FRAM. For an other Application we want to shared the whole GVL off obne part (e.g. GVL_Test). How cvan I get easy the Size and the Address for meory copy?
Last updated: 2024-07-09
Post by dengsberg on Disable Communications to 'Modbus_Server_COM_Port' from the logic
I have a serial Modbus RTU communicating to the Slave device. But when the control system is not in Run there is no power applied to one of the Modbus Devices. Can I enable / disable the communications to that Modbus Slave in the code based on my running mode, so I don't get all the errors?
Last updated: 2024-08-29
Post by codesysdave on CoDeSys 3.5 SP20 "No Offline Help installed"
What does this message mean, in the Errors/Messages box? "[ERROR] MyProjectName: No Offline Help installed" In CDS23, I used to be able to select a system function with the mouse, and press F1. Help and description would popup. How do I get so-called On-line Help installed?
Last updated: 2024-09-06
Post by davidb on Initialisation TimerSwitch of Util Codesys 3.5 Library
jf89 Hello!Good morning You got it to use the function block Timer Switch for your application? I'm needing to do one system that turn on at 8:00am o' clock and turn off at 17:00pm o' clock, from Monday to Friday. Please, can you help me?
Last updated: 2024-10-14
Post by pixsys on loading delay with the option "check client animations and overlay of native elements"
Hi, the option "Support client animations and overlay of native elements" needs a very powerful graphics accelerator in the system. I'm using the Pixsys srl "TC series" HMI with the code "P3" (so a 4+4 cores CPU) that runs very well also with this option active.
Last updated: 2024-11-06
Post by andrax on CodeSys Raspberry pi I2C driver not found
Sorry, wrong expression. You have a 64bit system, so do I. You can also use the 64bit runtime, but most bib and commands are 32bit and are not properly supported. I had read somewhere that there are problems with I2C. That's why I recommend switching to PI_SL and using the correct gpio.
Last updated: 7 days ago
Post by svenkaro on Codesyscontrol.service stoppt nach 30s
Hallo nano, anbei das Logfile ;********* ;<loggername>codesyscontrol.log</loggername> ;<logoptions> ; <enable>1</enable> ; <type>normal</type> ; <timestamp>rtc high resolution</timestamp> ; <deactivatable>0</deactivatable> ; <dump>always</dump> ; <filter>0x0000000f<filter> ; <maxentries>100000</maxentries> ; <maxfiles>1</maxfiles> ; <maxfilesize>1000000</maxfilesize> ;</filter></filter></logoptions> ;<entries> ;Timestamp, CmpId, ClassId, ErrorId, InfoId, InfoText ;ClassId: LOG_INFO =1 ;ClassId: LOG_WARNING =2 ;ClassId: LOG_ERROR =4 ;ClassId: LOG_EXCEPTION =8 ;ClassId: LOG_DEBUG =16 ;ClassId: LOG_PRINTF =32 ;ClassId: LOG_COM =64 ;</entries> ;********* 2024-06-20T06:07:12.085Z, 0x0000013d, 16, 0, 0, OpenCpusetCpusEffective: using core(s) "0-3" from /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset.cpus.effective 2024-06-20T06:07:12.085Z, 0x00000109, 16, 0, 0, SysModuleLoad: 0x92ae530 2024-06-20T06:07:12.085Z, 0x00000109, 16, 0, 0, SysModuleLoad: 0x92af008 2024-06-20T06:07:12.085Z, 0x00000109, 16, 0, 0, SysModuleLoad: 0x92afb08 2024-06-20T06:07:12.085Z, 0x00000109, 16, 0, 0, SysModuleLoad: 0x92affe8 2024-06-20T06:07:12.085Z, 0x00000109, 16, 0, 0, SysModuleLoad: 0x92b04c0 2024-06-20T06:07:12.085Z, 0x00000109, 16, 0, 0, SysModuleLoad: 0x92b09a0 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000013, 1, 0, 0, <logoptions> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000013, 1, 0, 0, <benable>1</benable> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000013, 1, 0, 0, <type>normal</type> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000013, 1, 0, 0, <timestamp>rtc high resolution</timestamp> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000013, 1, 0, 0, <disableable>0</disableable> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000013, 1, 0, 0, <filter>0x0000000f</filter> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000013, 1, 0, 0, <maxentries>100000</maxentries> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000013, 1, 0, 0, <maxfiles>1</maxfiles> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000013, 1, 0, 0, <maxfilesize>1000000</maxfilesize> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000013, 1, 0, 0, </logoptions> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, System: <cmp>CM</cmp>, <id>0x00000001</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, System: <cmp>CmpMemPool</cmp>, <id>0x0000001e</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, System: <cmp>CmpLog</cmp>, <id>0x00000013</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, System: <cmp>CmpSettings</cmp>, <id>0x0000001a</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, System: <cmp>SysFile</cmp>, <id>0x00000104</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, System: <cmp>CmpMemGC</cmp>, <id>0x0000001f</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, System: <cmp>SysCom</cmp>, <id>0x00000100</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, System: <cmp>SysCpuHandling</cmp>, <id>0x00000101</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, System: <cmp>SysCpuMultiCore</cmp>, <id>0x0000013d</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, System: <cmp>SysCrypto</cmp>, <id>0x00000141</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, System: <cmp>SysDir</cmp>, <id>0x0000011b</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, System: <cmp>SysEthernet</cmp>, <id>0x0000011c</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, System: <cmp>SysEvent</cmp>, <id>0x00000102</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, System: <cmp>SysExcept</cmp>, <id>0x00000103</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, System: <cmp>SysInternalLib</cmp>, <id>0x00000107</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, System: <cmp>SysMem</cmp>, <id>0x00000108</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, System: <cmp>SysModule</cmp>, <id>0x00000109</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, System: <cmp>SysMsgQ</cmp>, <id>0x0000010a</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, System: <cmp>SysMutex</cmp>, <id>0x0000013a</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, System: <cmp>SysOut</cmp>, <id>0x0000010b</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, System: <cmp>SysProcess</cmp>, <id>0x0000010e</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, System: <cmp>SysSem</cmp>, <id>0x0000010f</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, System: <cmp>SysSemCount</cmp>, <id>0x00000139</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, System: <cmp>SysSemProcess</cmp>, <id>0x00000119</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, System: <cmp>SysShm</cmp>, <id>0x00000110</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, System: <cmp>SysSocket</cmp>, <id>0x00000111</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, System: <cmp>SysTarget</cmp>, <id>0x00000112</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, System: <cmp>SysTask</cmp>, <id>0x00000114</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, System: <cmp>SysTime</cmp>, <id>0x00000115</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, System: <cmp>SysTimeRtc</cmp>, <id>0x00000127</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, System: <cmp>SysTimer</cmp>, <id>0x00000116</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpAlarmManager</cmp>, <id>0x0000007c</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpApp</cmp>, <id>0x00000002</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpAppBP</cmp>, <id>0x00000073</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpAppForce</cmp>, <id>0x00000074</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpAsyncMgr</cmp>, <id>0x0000005f</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpAuditLog</cmp>, <id>0x000000a1</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpBinTagUtil</cmp>, <id>0x00000004</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpBinTagUtilIec</cmp>, <id>0x0000005c</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpBitmapPool</cmp>, <id>0x00000050</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpBlkDrvTcp</cmp>, <id>0x00000030</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpBlkDrvUdp</cmp>, <id>0x00000007</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpCAAAsyncMan</cmp>, <id>0x00004007</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpCAABehaviourModel</cmp>, <id>0x00004015</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpCAACallback</cmp>, <id>0x00004001</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpCAACanL2</cmp>, <id>0x00004004</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpCAADTUtil</cmp>, <id>0x00004013</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpCAAFile</cmp>, <id>0x00004008</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpCAAMemBlockMan</cmp>, <id>0x00004003</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpCAANetBaseServices</cmp>, <id>0x00004018</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpCAARealTimeClock</cmp>, <id>0x00004014</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpCAASdoClient</cmp>, <id>0x00004011</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpCAASdoServer</cmp>, <id>0x00004017</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpCAASegBufferMan</cmp>, <id>0x00004019</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpCAASerialCom</cmp>, <id>0x00004012</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpCAAStorage</cmp>, <id>0x0000007e</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpCAATick</cmp>, <id>0x00004009</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpCAATickUtil</cmp>, <id>0x00004010</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpCAATimer</cmp>, <id>0x00004016</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpCAATypes</cmp>, <id>0x00004006</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpChannelClient</cmp>, <id>0x00000008</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpChannelClientIec</cmp>, <id>0x0000005d</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpChannelMgr</cmp>, <id>0x00000009</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpChannelServer</cmp>, <id>0x0000000a</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpCharDevice</cmp>, <id>0x00000300</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpChecksum</cmp>, <id>0x0000000b</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpCodeMeter</cmp>, <id>0x0000007a</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpCommunicationLib</cmp>, <id>0x0000000c</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpCoreDump</cmp>, <id>0x00000083</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpCryptMD5</cmp>, <id>0x0000006a</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpDevice</cmp>, <id>0x0000000e</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpDynamicText</cmp>, <id>0x00000051</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpEL6751CanDrv</cmp>, <id>0x00005f0b</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpEventMgr</cmp>, <id>0x0000005b</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpEventMgrUnixBackend</cmp>, <id>0x000000a4</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpFileTransfer</cmp>, <id>0x0000005e</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpIecStringUtils</cmp>, <id>0x0000007f</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpIecTask</cmp>, <id>0x00000011</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpIecVarAccess</cmp>, <id>0x00000060</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpIoDrvIec</cmp>, <id>0x0000005a</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpIoMgr</cmp>, <id>0x00000012</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpKnxStack</cmp>, <id>0x0000004d</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpLinuxInterrupt</cmp>, <id>0x000000a2</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpLinuxRTDiag</cmp>, <id>0x000000a7</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpMonitor2</cmp>, <id>0x00000032</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpNameServiceClient</cmp>, <id>0x00000015</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpNameServiceClientIec</cmp>, <id>0x0000011d</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpNameServiceServer</cmp>, <id>0x00000016</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpOPCUAClient</cmp>, <id>0x00000096</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpOPCUAProviderIecVarAccess</cmp>, <id>0x00000126</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpOPCUAServer</cmp>, <id>0x00000124</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpOPCUAStack</cmp>, <id>0x0000008d</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpOpenSSL</cmp>, <id>0x00000033</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpPlcShellLinux</cmp>, <id>0x00000128</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpPlcShellLinuxBackend</cmp>, <id>0x000000a5</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpRasPi</cmp>, <id>0x00000089</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpRedundancy</cmp>, <id>0x00000129</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpRedundancyConnectionIP</cmp>, <id>0x0000ff03</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpRetain</cmp>, <id>0x00000017</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpRouter</cmp>, <id>0x00000018</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpRunStopSwitch</cmp>, <id>0x000000a6</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpSchedule</cmp>, <id>0x00000019</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpSecureChannel</cmp>, <id>0x00000090</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpSecurityManager</cmp>, <id>0x0000008e</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpSessionInformation</cmp>, <id>0x00000097</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpSocketCanDrv</cmp>, <id>0x00005f0d</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpSocketUnix</cmp>, <id>0x000000a3</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpSrv</cmp>, <id>0x0000001c</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpTraceMgr</cmp>, <id>0x00000070</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpUserDBFile</cmp>, <id>0x00000098</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpUserGroupsDBFile</cmp>, <id>0x00000099</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpUserMgr</cmp>, <id>0x00000061</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpUserObjectsDBFile</cmp>, <id>0x0000009c</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpVisuHandler</cmp>, <id>0x00000054</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpVisuServer</cmp>, <id>0x00000057</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpWebServer</cmp>, <id>0x00000071</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, <cmp>CmpWebServerHandlerV3</cmp>, <id>0x00000072</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, Dynamic: <cmp>CmpBACnet</cmp>, <id>0x00000400</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, Dynamic: <cmp>CmpBACnet2</cmp>, <id>0x00000401</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, Dynamic: <cmp>CmpPLCHandler</cmp>, <id>0x0000002a</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, Dynamic: <cmp>CmpGwClient</cmp>, <id>0x00000021</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, Dynamic: <cmp>CmpXMLParser</cmp>, <id>0x00000058</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.086Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 10, Dynamic: <cmp>CmpGwClientCommDrvTcp</cmp>, <id>0x00000022</id> <ver></ver> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.125Z, 0x0000013d, 1, 0, 4, MultiCore support: [activated], all cores are used 2024-06-20T06:07:12.125Z, 0x0000013d, 1, 0, 4, Number of available cores: 4 2024-06-20T06:07:12.134Z, 0x00000401, 2, 0, 0, !!!! Warning: component CmpBACnet loaded already 2024-06-20T06:07:12.184Z, 0x00000007, 1, 0, 6, Network interface: <ipaddress></ipaddress>, subnetmask <subnetmask></subnetmask> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.184Z, 0x00000018, 1, 0, 4, Network interface <interface>ether 2</interface> at router <instance>0</instance> registered 2024-06-20T06:07:12.185Z, 0x00000009, 1, 0, 2, Running as network server 2024-06-20T06:07:12.185Z, 0x00000009, 1, 0, 1, Running as network client 2024-06-20T06:07:12.186Z, 0x0000000a, 1, 0, 0, <numofchannels>4</numofchannels> channels available, each of the size <buffersize>100000</buffersize> Bytes 2024-06-20T06:07:12.254Z, 0x00000400, 1, 0, 0, CmpBACnet 1024 BACstack information 2024-06-20T06:07:12.254Z, 0x00000400, 1, 0, 0, version = 2024-06-20T06:07:12.254Z, 0x00000400, 1, 0, 0, __BYTE_ORDER = 1234 2024-06-20T06:07:12.254Z, 0x00000400, 1, 0, 0, TARGET_IEEE_FP_FORMAT = 1 2024-06-20T06:07:12.254Z, 0x00000400, 1, 0, 0, TARGET_FP_BIG_ENDIAN = 0 2024-06-20T06:07:12.254Z, 0x00000400, 1, 0, 0, TARGET_DP_BIG_ENDIAN = 0 2024-06-20T06:07:12.254Z, 0x00000400, 1, 0, 0, TARGET_INTEGRAL_BIG_ENDIAN = 0 2024-06-20T06:07:12.254Z, 0x00000400, 1, 0, 0, TARGET_USED_ALIGNMENT = 4 2024-06-20T06:07:12.254Z, 0x00000401, 1, 0, 0, CmpBACnet2 1025 BACstack information 2024-06-20T06:07:12.254Z, 0x00000401, 1, 0, 0, version = 2024-06-20T06:07:12.254Z, 0x00000401, 1, 0, 0, __BYTE_ORDER = 1234 2024-06-20T06:07:12.254Z, 0x00000401, 1, 0, 0, TARGET_IEEE_FP_FORMAT = 1 2024-06-20T06:07:12.254Z, 0x00000401, 1, 0, 0, TARGET_FP_BIG_ENDIAN = 0 2024-06-20T06:07:12.254Z, 0x00000401, 1, 0, 0, TARGET_DP_BIG_ENDIAN = 0 2024-06-20T06:07:12.254Z, 0x00000401, 1, 0, 0, TARGET_INTEGRAL_BIG_ENDIAN = 0 2024-06-20T06:07:12.254Z, 0x00000401, 1, 0, 0, TARGET_MCU_USED_ALIGNMENT = 4 2024-06-20T06:07:12.261Z, 0x00000129, 1, 0, 0, Debug Messages not activated 2024-06-20T06:07:12.262Z, 0x0000ff03, 1, 0, 0, Read connection settings... 2024-06-20T06:07:12.266Z, 0x00000030, 1, 0, 6, Local network address: <ipaddress></ipaddress> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.266Z, 0x00000018, 1, 0, 4, Network interface <interface>BlkDrvTcp</interface> at router <instance>1</instance> registered 2024-06-20T06:07:12.272Z, 0x00000124, 1, 0, 0, No certificate for the OPC UA server available. 2024-06-20T06:07:12.272Z, 0x00000124, 1, 0, 0, Security policy allows plain text communication. Secure communication is deactivated. 2024-06-20T06:07:12.272Z, 0x00000124, 1, 0, 0, ********** 2024-06-20T06:07:12.272Z, 0x00000124, 1, 0, 0, OPC UA Server Started: 2024-06-20T06:07:12.272Z, 0x00000124, 1, 0, 0, Hostname: raspberrypi, Port: 4840 2024-06-20T06:07:12.272Z, 0x00000124, 1, 0, 0, URL: opc.tcp://raspberrypi:4840 2024-06-20T06:07:12.272Z, 0x00000124, 1, 0, 0, Loopbackadapter activated. 2024-06-20T06:07:12.272Z, 0x00000124, 1, 0, 0, All available networkadapters are used. 2024-06-20T06:07:12.272Z, 0x00000124, 1, 0, 0, Multithreading activated. 3 workers used. 2024-06-20T06:07:12.272Z, 0x00000124, 1, 0, 0, ************ 2024-06-20T06:07:12.286Z, 0x00000124, 1, 0, 0, Provider 'CODESYS_DefaultProvider' (version 0x305131e) registered at the OPC UA server. 2024-06-20T06:07:12.287Z, 0x000000a6, 1, 0, 0, Not able to read file of Run/Stop switch. Functionality of component disabled 2024-06-20T06:07:12.306Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 0, ========================================================================= 2024-06-20T06:07:12.306Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 4, CODESYS Control for Raspberry Pi MC SL 2024-06-20T06:07:12.306Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 4, OS=Linux, CPU=ARM, Arch=32Bit, Coding=C 2024-06-20T06:07:12.306Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 6, <version></version> <builddate>Feb 22 2024</builddate> 2024-06-20T06:07:12.306Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 5, Copyright CODESYS Development GmbH 2024-06-20T06:07:12.306Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 0, ========================================================================= 2024-06-20T06:07:12.308Z, 0x00000124, 1, 0, 0, Provider 'AddressSpaceFragment Provider' (version 0x3051332) registered at the OPC UA server. 2024-06-20T06:07:12.309Z, 0x00000124, 1, 0, 0, Provider 'OPC UA for IEC-61131-3' (version 0x3051332) registered at the OPC UA server. 2024-06-20T06:07:12.309Z, 0x00000124, 1, 0, 0, Provider 'AlarmManager' (version 0x3051332) registered at the OPC UA server. 2024-06-20T06:07:12.321Z, 0x00000018, 1, 0, 1, Setting router <instance>0</instance> address to (0027) 2024-06-20T06:07:12.321Z, 0x00000018, 1, 0, 1, Setting router <instance>1</instance> address to (2ddc:0a5e:1927) 2024-06-20T06:07:12.332Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 34, CODESYS Control ready 2024-06-20T06:07:12.333Z, 0x00000001, 2, 0, 0, !!!! Warning: no runtime license - running in demo mode(~2 hours) Wäre der Zeitraum nicht nur 30s könnte ich das beenden auf Grund der letzten Zeile nachvollziehen. Hoffe Du hast eine Idee, vielen Dank.
Last updated: 2024-06-20
Post by mondinmr on Frustration-Fueled Feedback on Project File Management and Git Integration
Good day, I’m writing this message out of frustration regarding the current way project files are saved as encrypted XML and single-file format in CODESYS. I find this approach to be quite tedious for several reasons: Limited Access to Structured Text: Not being able to access Structured Text (ST) externally makes it impossible to work with alternative editors like VSCode. Tools like VSCode are incredibly responsive and feature advanced systems such as GitHub Copilot, which would be a real game-changer when working with ST IEC. While CODESYS works well for small code snippets or debugging, when the codebase grows, switching to VSCode to boost productivity becomes essential, and copy-pasting between environments is a cumbersome workaround. Poor Integration with Git: This file format also makes it very difficult to integrate effectively with Git. I have tested the internal demo, but for advanced merges, it is unusable. Without properly formatted plain text, it’s impossible to leverage the vast ecosystem of external tools around Git that allow smooth merges in heterogeneous teams. File Corruption on Network Drives: I often work from multiple locations with shared network drives. When the development environment saves a file and something goes wrong midway (which can occasionally happen when using VPNs and network drives), the entire project becomes irrecoverable. There’s no way to cancel the save process, and the development environment freezes. This has happened to me at least four times over the past two weeks, and one of those incidents cost me an entire day of work. All of this is particularly disappointing because I truly believe that the libraries, runtime, and overall work done by CODESYS are exceptional. I find it fantastic that there is a platform allowing development of PLCs and control systems using OOP, which is a huge advantage in modern control engineering. I apologize for the rant, but this issue has been extremely frustrating. Best regards.
Last updated: 2024-10-15
Post by lsislsis on SIGABRT Error
Please help us. Why we take this errors. We try different versions like 4.12.0 and 4.13.0 with same results. ;*********;<loggername>codesyscontrol.log</loggername>;<logoptions>; <enable>1</enable>; <type>normal</type>; <timestamp>rtc high resolution</timestamp>; <deactivatable>0</deactivatable>; <dump>always</dump>; <filter>0x0000000f<filter>; <maxentries>100000</maxentries>; <maxfiles>1</maxfiles>; <maxfilesize>1000000</maxfilesize>;</filter></filter></logoptions>;<entries>;Timestamp, CmpId, ClassId, ErrorId, InfoId, InfoText;ClassId: LOG_INFO =1;ClassId: LOG_WARNING =2;ClassId: LOG_ERROR =4;ClassId: LOG_EXCEPTION =8;ClassId: LOG_DEBUG =16;ClassId: LOG_PRINTF =32;ClassId: LOG_COM =64;</entries>;*********2024-11-05T08:23:59.728Z, 0x0000100c, 1, 0, 0, VisuFctCheckForUnusedClients: Removing Client with IEC-ID: 1 Time delta: T#33s1ms Locks: Paintbuffer: TRUE 2024-11-05T08:23:59.728Z, 0x0000100c, 1, 0, 0, VisuFctCheckForUnusedClients: Successfully Removed Client at Address: 547195449944, IEC-ID was: 1, EXT-ID: 431000373 2024-11-05T08:28:57.913Z, 0x0000100c, 1, 0, 0, Visu_PRG: Creating Client for Extern-ID: 347055752 2024-11-05T08:28:57.926Z, 0x0000100c, 1, 0, 0, Visu_PRG: Creating Client successful for Extern-ID: 347055752 Returned IEC-ID: 1 2024-11-05T08:30:51.103Z, 0x0000100c, 1, 0, 0, Visu_PRG: Successfully Removed Client with IEC-ID: 1, Extern-ID: 347055752 2024-11-05T08:37:36.517Z, 0x00000103, 65544, 1, 0, runtime received SIGABRT - system may be in an inconsistent state* We recommend a reboot of the controller now! 2024-11-05T08:37:36.517Z, 0x00000111, 8, 260, 3, #### Exception: HANDLED EXCPT <excpt>NonContinuable</excpt> in CH_COMM_CYCLE 2024-11-05T08:47:42.117Z, 0x00000103, 65544, 1, 0, runtime received SIGABRT - system may be in an inconsistent state We recommend a reboot of the controller now! 2024-11-05T08:47:42.117Z, 0x00000111, 8, 260, 3, #### Exception: HANDLED EXCPT <excpt>NonContinuable</excpt> in CH_COMM_CYCLE 2024-11-05T09:14:41.316Z, 0x00000071, 1, 0, 13, Webserver stopped 2024-11-05T09:14:44.485Z, 0x0000013d, 1, 0, 4, Number of licensed cores for IEC-tasks: 1 from 4 2024-11-05T09:14:44.487Z, 0x0000013d, 1, 0, 4, Number of licensed cores for IEC-tasks: 4 from 4 2024-11-05T09:14:44.540Z, 0x00000002, 1, 0, 2, Application [<app>Application</app>] loaded via [Download] 2024-11-05T09:14:55.894Z, 0x00001012, 1, 0, 0, Opened alarm storage file, version: 6 2024-11-05T09:14:55.951Z, 0x0000100c, 1, 0, 0, Visuinitialization starting. 2024-11-05T09:14:55.983Z, 0x0000100c, 1, 0, 0, Visuinitialization done. 2024-11-05T09:14:55.995Z, 0x00000071, 1, 0, 12, Webserver started 2024-11-05T09:15:01.753Z, 0x0000100c, 1, 0, 0, Visu_PRG: Creating Client for Extern-ID: 2279884529 2024-11-05T09:15:01.753Z, 0x0000100c, 1, 0, 0, Visu_PRG: Creating Client successful for Extern-ID: 2279884529 Returned IEC-ID: 0 2024-11-05T09:34:44.667Z, 0x00000103, 65544, 1, 0, runtime received SIGABRT - system may be in an inconsistent state We recommend a reboot of the controller now! 2024-11-05T09:34:44.667Z, 0x00000111, 8, 260, 3, #### Exception: More than 2 exceptions in CH_COMM_CYCLE: Stop logging 2024-11-05T10:13:26.867Z, 0x00000103, 65544, 1, 0, runtime received SIGABRT - system may be in an inconsistent state We recommend a reboot of the controller now! 2024-11-05T10:15:21.966Z, 0x00000103, 65544, 1, 0, runtime received SIGABRT - system may be in an inconsistent state We recommend a reboot of the controller now! 2024-11-05T10:19:12.167Z, 0x00000103, 65544, 1, 0, runtime received SIGABRT - system may be in an inconsistent state We recommend a reboot of the controller now! 2024-11-05T10:26:02.566Z, 0x00000103, 65544, 1, 0, runtime received SIGABRT - system may be in an inconsistent state We recommend a reboot of the controller now! 2024-11-05T10:31:42.866Z, 0x00000103, 65544, 1, 0, runtime received SIGABRT - system may be in an inconsistent state We recommend a reboot of the controller now! 2024-11-05T11:01:54.468Z, 0x00000103, 65544, 1, 0, runtime received SIGABRT - system may be in an inconsistent state We recommend a reboot of the controller now! 2024-11-05T11:09:29.868Z, 0x00000103, 65544, 1, 0, runtime received SIGABRT - system may be in an inconsistent state We recommend a reboot of the controller now! 2024-11-05T11:14:44.540Z, 0x0000100d, 1, 0, 0, Demo mode expired. 2024-11-05T11:27:20.868Z, 0x00000103, 65544, 1, 0, runtime received SIGABRT - system may be in an inconsistent state We recommend a reboot of the controller now! * Regards
Last updated: 2024-11-05
Post by budd7566 on Text size suddenly changed
Iv been working with a Deep Sea Electronics DSE840 for about 6 months. I have a development version of my program working with a state machine and a basic gui interface. I went to implement CAN and suddenly the text on the gui on the controller is much larger than before. I could flash old versions of my project and the text was the correct size, but if i renamed the project file, the text displayed would be large. The visualization in CODESYS always shows the expected size, but not the controller. I did a fresh install of CODESYS and even a new project with only one text box, I cant get the text size on the controller to match what is displayed in codesys to match. Any advice?
Last updated: 2023-12-09
Post by timvh on Profinet fault with codesys control V3 - Receive packet error
Are you using the Control Win SL (installed together with the development environment of CODESYS)? If yes, you might want to consider using the CODESYS RTE instead. This has real-time capabilities (running on separate core(s)). But to be able to use this, you have to install the CODESYS Ethernet driver for your network interface to be able to let the RTE access the network port also in realtime. See: PS, I haven't tested this myself yet, but you could try to use the SetCommunicationState method of the Profinet controller to see if you can reset and start the bus communication: result := PN_Controller.SetCommunicationState(eRequestedState := DED.DEVICE_TRANSITION_STATE.START); PS, if you are located in the Netherlands or Belgium, we could also provide the license(s) for you.
Last updated: 2024-02-28
Post by timvh on Profinet fault with codesys control V3 - Receive packet error
Are you using the Control Win SL (installed together with the development environment of CODESYS)? If yes, you might want to consider using the CODESYS RTE instead. This has real-time capabilities (running on separate core(s)). But to be able to use this, you have to install the CODESYS Ethernet driver for your network interface to be able to let the RTE access the network port also in realtime. See: PS, I haven't tested this myself yet, but you could try to use the SetCommunicationState method of the Profinet controller to see if you can reset and start the bus communication: result := PN_Controller.SetCommunicationState(eRequestedState := DED.DEVICE_TRANSITION_STATE.START); PS, if you are located in the Netherlands or Belgium, we could also provide the license(s) for you.
Last updated: 2024-02-28
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