Invalid payload missing sequence number: spBv1.0/co5e112/NBIRTH/Edge2
MQTT Host Library VfInit
MQTT Host Library VfInit
I see, thank you for the clarification and quick response!
MQTT Host Library VfInit
__vfInit() is correct. The errors you see is a bug in the precompiler, if you build it, it will go away. You can see yourself, if you create a new project > Library > Standard Library, there is a template for FBFactory that we follow here. There's a writeup
MQTT Host Library VfInit
About CmpErrors Lib.
5 november 2022: updated roadmap and project direction
co⚡e, how do I pronounce this?
Artefacts belonging to Primary Host are to be set to invisible in the sourcecode
Are AWS IoT core, Azure IoT hub or Google Cloud supported?
Implement as IODriver
FB_SparkplugHAProvider aka 'Server Walker'
Preview how-to
Updated sparkplug architecture according to revised roadmap of november 2022
Updated sparkplug architecture according to revised roadmap of november 2022
5 november 2022: updated roadmap and project direction
bdSeq Sequence Number is invalid
Testing if pointers can be easily replaced by Interfaces => Yes
Updated the Example to accomodate Ticket #160 Add an enable bit to the Edge
Edge, Host : Support Websockets
Edge, Host : Support Websockets
Edge, Host : Support Websockets
FB_Device: MyDevice3State is shown as online while devicehealthy is false
Fixed with implementation of [#160]
FB_Edge: Move Connect to VAR_INPUT, and rename to Enable, and Implement
This ticket took quite some effort to program. It yielded a new FB_ExponentialBackOffTimer and accompanying unittest. The rework has also fixed [#161] incorrect connection status.
FB_Edge: Move Connect to VAR_INPUT, and rename to Enable, and Implement
FB_Edge: Move Connect to VAR_INPUT, and rename to Enable, and Implement
Edge shall disconnect and a NDEATH will be published.
added unittest for FB_ExponentialBackoffTimer
More changes due to upgrade of the DeviceProfile
Merge branch 'main' of,cobolt,unittest.git
v1.6.05 Ticket 160
FB_DeviceStateMachine output SessionState : SPStack.SparkplugSessionStateType; // Phased out as this state is determined by the EoN
Further deletion of an unnecessary method in FB_StateMachine
Did extensive work on SPStack and Edge to make Ticket #160: add an enable input a reality
Excellent structured and doing all heavy lifting job library set. Happy that found and use it!
FB_Edge: Move Connect to VAR_INPUT, and rename to Enable, and Implement
2 july 2022: updated TCK test results
Current TCK dev branch has 6 failing tests for the edge node, described in [#162] , [#163] and [#164]
TCK: operational-behavior-data-commands-rebirth-action-1
TCK: No payload timestamps NDATA/DDATA
TCK: No payload timestamps NDATA/DDATA
TCK: message-flow-edge-node-birth-publish-connect
TCK: message-flow-edge-node-birth-publish-connect
FB_Device: MyDevice3State is shown as online while devicehealthy is false
FB_Edge: Move Connect to VAR_INPUT, and rename to Enable, and Implement
Note Visualisation does not support these UTF8 strings until at least V4.3.0.0, maybe October.
replaced mqtt error message with "to_string(enum);"
Merge commit 'c9115035944de06bc28ad8e92ed5266f48f4c55b'
Merge commit 'bf04e8edb46300f32f8c55d1cd75ed445e4738dc'
STweeped entire sourcecode
Merge commit 'ac6d984914bfbb14655126835acd0b181f84d3b0'
Home defined (IsLittleEndian) The operator causes the expression to be given the value FALSE when the CPU memory is organized in Big Endian (Motorola byte order).
The new Handler is implemented in the Host libray and base tests have been provided in the unittest project. We should add more tests in order to prove the FB is performing as expected.
__SYSTEM could return the Endianness of the architecture the software is running on. We could read Endianness once and store it somewhere (GVL?) for immediate retrieval. This way we could reference it in code to determine Little or Big without calling __SYSTEM everytime. I think it could or allready is also part of the Edge Properties which we send to the Primary Host.
__SYSTEM could return the Endianness of the architecture the software is running on. We could read Endianness once and store it somewhere (GVL?) for immediate retrieval. This way we could reference it in code to determine Little or Big without calling __SYSTEM everytime.
removed softmotion libraries
v1.6.0.1 removed softmotion library by creating own method Byte_To_HexString
Deleted conflicting object (fb_primaryhostmessageconsumer, so that we can complete the merge. After merging, we will return this conflicting object to it's original state
Merge commit '134c2f009253d2152ff6aad2ce78897d039ffbd8'
returned conflicted object fb_primaryhostmessageconsumer after merging
STweeped the entire project
[139] Check SeqNums of connected edges and devices and trigger a ReBirth;
Reworked FB_PrimaryMessageConsumer as a precursor for Ticket #139
preparation for ticket #139 working towards integration of RemoteEdge SeqHandler
[#139] Check SeqNums of connected edges and devices and trigger a ReBirth;
add yml pipeline