will now have these extra arguments;
ITLSContextProvider : REFERENCE TO MQTT.NBS.ITLSContext; //Encapsulates all the data neccecray to handle encrypted tcp connections //Static initialization, as shown in the following code snippet; // //VAR // commonName : STRING := 'MyRasPi'; // ciCertInfo : NBS.CERT_INFO := (psInfo:=ADR(commonName), udiSize:=LEN(commonName)); // myTLSContext : NBS.TLSContext := ( // ePurpose:=NBS.PURPOSE.CLIENT_SIDE, // sUseCaseName:='NBSTest', // sTLSVersion:='1.3', // ciCertInfo:=ciCertInfo, // udiVerificationMode:=2 // ); //END_VAR IASyncPropertyProvider : REFERENCE TO MQTT.NBS.IAsyncProperty; // Runs the connect process in a own background task. Use this property if the connection setup takes longer than one task cycle (e.g. TLS connections)
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ItfTLSContextProvider is being implemented in v1.3.3.0 in personal branch
will now have these extra arguments;