#120 FB_FolderStructure


FB_FolderStructure scans the namespace and generates a datastructure. This Datastructure can then be used for FB_VisuFolderStructure and can be made visible using standard available objects from the visualisation objects manager.

Note that in the spec, it suggests some folder structure like:

  • group_id
    • edge_node_id
      • device_id
        • Metric Level 1
          • Metric Level 2
            • Metric Name

But this leaves the possibilty for collisions, if an Edge-Metric has a Metric with the same name as a Device.

So it may be better to layout the folder as:

  • groups
    • group_id
      • edges
        • edge_node_id
          • metrics
            • Objects Can Have The Same Name
          • devices
            • Objects Can Have The Same Name
              • Metric Level 1
                • Metric Level 2
                  • Metric Name


  • hermsen

    hermsen - 2021-02-05
    • Milestone: SparkplugB Primary Node --> Standard Feature Product (SFP)
  • hermsen

    hermsen - 2021-02-05
    • summary: FB_PayloadMetricFolderStructure --> FB_FolderStructure
    • Description has changed:


    --- old
    +++ new
    @@ -1,4 +1 @@
    -FB_PayloadMetricFolderStructure scans the namespace and generates a datastructure.
    -This datastructure should be made visible using standard available objects from the visualisation objects manager.
    -Ideally the structure ...
    +FB_FolderStructure scans the namespace and generates a datastructure. This Datastructure can then be used for FB_VisuFolderStructure and can be made visible using standard available objects from the visualisation objects manager.
  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2021-12-01
    • Description has changed:


    --- old
    +++ new
    @@ -1 +1,27 @@
     FB_FolderStructure scans the namespace and generates a datastructure. This Datastructure can then be used for FB_VisuFolderStructure and can be made visible using standard available objects from the visualisation objects manager.
    +Note that in the spec, it suggests some folder structure like:
    +* group_id
    +    * edge_node_id
    +        * device_id
    +            * Metric Level 1
    +                * Metric Level 2
    +                    * Metric Name
    +But this leaves the possibilty for collisions, if an Edge-Metric has a Metric with the same name as a Device.
    +So it may be better to layout the folder as:
    +* groups
    +    * group_id
    +        * edges
    +            * edge_node_id
    +                * metrics
    +                    * Objects Can Have The Same Name
    +                * devices
    +                    * Objects Can Have The Same Name
    +                        * Metric Level 1
    +                            * Metric Level 2
    +                                * Metric Name

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