Our current method of CONNECT/DISCONNECT does not allow an NDEATH do be sent, as we are considered to be disconnecting gracefully.
Research must be done:
1. What are the Sparkplug B requirements for NBIRTH if we disconnect gracefully? disgracefully?
2. Can we disconnect disgracefully?
3. What are the requirements of our Testing IIoT Host Node, for NBIRTH / DBIRTH?
4. What can we do to recover from losing bdSeq synchronicity?
Part of this might mean we need to implement Node Control/Rebirth
spBv1.0/SparkplugBDevice/NBIRTH/EdgeOfNetworkNode1 {"timestamp":1602284262173,"metrics":[{"name":"Node Control/Rebirth","timestamp":1602284262173,"dataType":"Boolean","value":true}],"seq":-1}
For MVP:
user can no longer enable or disable the MQTT, it is just always on.
implement "metrics":[{"name":"Node Control/Rebirth"}] to send a new birth certificate