
aliazzz hermsen i-campbell
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co♻e: A unittest framework for CODESYS

Highlights | Tour | Download | Getting Started | [Building a CI/CD environment] (#Building-a-CI/CD-environment) | Resources | FAQ | Acknowledgements

Motivated by absence of a 'good and free' open source IEC61131-3 unit-testing solution. Developed in Structured-Text for any CODESYS based system, MIT-licensed.
Forked with kind permission by Jakob Sagatowski from TcUnit for TwinCAT3.


Easy Powerful Free
1. Download Increase productivity Open-Source
2. Install Stimulate re-usability MIT-Licensed
3. Reference Reduce bugs Well documented
4. Ready! Cleaner code Large user community
Integrates into all popular CI/CD platforms via xUnit reporting file
Pre-integrated into CForge CI/CD backend

Notable Differences

TcUnit co♻e
1. RTargets Beckhoff systems Targets any compatible CODESYS based system, including Beckhoff
2. Uses bespoke C# runner Uses CODESYS IDE built-in Python scripting technology as runner*
3. Uses ADS protocol to collect reports from TwinCAT XAE IDE Generates XML reports at runtime at a specified location on PLC filesystem or (networked) drive
  • Leverages well documented codesys.exe CLI and Python Scripting Interface


1/2 Easy Installation: package installer

2/2 Excellent Integration: E.g Jenkins or another platform of choice


The package contains all components in a convenient single installer. By downloading and using our software you abide by the MIT License

Download v1.2.0.0 Package

Or download via these links or browse via the repo and download yourself
repo v1.2.0.0

Simple Example.project
Timed Test.project
Timed Test2.project
Run In Sequence Test Example.project

Previous version(s)

Getting started

A step by step tutorial to get started with a co♻e unit testing example project can be found here.

Building a CI/CD environment

Hints and tips to build your own scalable CI/CD environment to auto -build, -test, deploy your code.


If you have an interesting project in which you use the framework we can mention you.
A shortlist with users of the co♻e framework can be found here.

The online API reference wiki can be found here.

A tutorial can be found here.

The code repository can be found here.

Any found bugs can be reported here.


Any questions? You can browse them here.
Posted questions will be moderated into the FAQ for future reference.


We are passionate software developers who develop & maintain co♻e in our spare time.
CODESYS fully supports us in our efforts by providing a free and open source platform for everybody to use.

Forked with kind permission by Jakob Sagatowski from TcUnit for TwinCAT3.

Assistance provided by @aliazzz, @ingo and @i-campbell greatly appreciated.
Without their assistance, porting alone would have taken me several months.
Kudos for helping me out with various tickets and providing invaluable feedback!