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Example project for application note CODESYS Control SL BACnet MS/TP

Exampel project for application note CODESYS Control SL BACnet MS/TP.

Product description

The application note CODESYS Control SL BACnet MS/TP describes how to use a BACnet-MS/TP-Router MBS UBR-01 to work with BACnet MS/TP fieldbus modules. This example project can be used in addition to the application note.

More information

The example project is using the CODESYS BACnet SL package.
The exampe project contains three devices - one to run the application itself (Device),
plus two others to substitute / emulate the BACnet MS/TP fieldbus modules (Device_simulate_...) if needed.
For more details see the comments in the exampe project.

System requirements and restrictions

System requirements and restrictions Info
Programming System CODESYS Development System Version recommended
Runtime System CODESYS Control Version recommended
Required Accessories The Serial examples use two serial ports on the PLC, so you need to connect them somehow. On a WinV3 PLC you can use virtual serial port driver.