Code Commit Log

Commit Date  
[7e489a] by ingo

slight improvement of the type modifiers

2020-03-28 20:06:51 Tree
[8e3d7b] by ingo

- support typedefs
- implemented the lexer hack to identify custom types

2020-03-27 17:58:50 Tree
[aff3bf] by ingo

support unnamed structs or unions

2020-03-16 14:43:09 Tree
[bdceba] by ingo

support nested structs and unions

2020-03-16 14:30:38 Tree
[77aa95] by ingo

basic support for simple structs

2020-03-14 22:13:22 Tree
[f05709] by ingo

consume left overs from preprocessor

2020-03-08 07:51:54 Tree
[5e4619] by ingo

removed log files from version control

2020-03-08 07:50:37 Tree
[76d036] by ingo

added debug parameter to make file

2020-03-08 07:49:39 Tree
[1bb915] by ingo

finalized support for switch / case

2020-03-08 07:21:18 Tree
[bed709] by ingo

- renamed the tool to c2iec
- added rough draft to handle breaks in case statements

2020-03-05 19:35:43 Tree
[a3652e] by ingo

support for i++, not only ++i

2020-03-01 15:11:29 Tree
[c307d5] by ingo

support for loops
removed compile warnings
rudimentary (uncomplete) support for unary operators

2020-03-01 05:41:27 Tree
[501682] by ingo

improved unit test
support while loop
support function declaration

2020-02-27 23:04:05 Tree
[b8cc5d] by ingo

implemented first unit test
finished basic types and arrays

2020-02-26 21:39:02 Tree
[1b9e15] by ingo

implemented basics to use multiple fifos for
different kinds of declarations, which can be collected
during parsing of functions.

2020-02-23 18:09:09 Tree
[be92a4] by ingo

first proof-of-concept for c to iec transpiler

2020-02-23 09:31:59 Tree