Docker Commit Log

Commit Date  
[33863a] by ingo

added script to export library documentation

2019-09-08 19:31:23 Tree
[e68696] by ingo

suppress wine warnings

2019-09-07 18:48:08 Tree
[33fdb3] by ingo

dont overwrite existing manifests

2019-09-01 17:16:15 Tree
[de765d] by ingo

added script to generate a plain package manifest for a repository

2019-09-01 13:57:55 Tree
[75faee] by ingo

- allow to start the CODESYS IDE with UI "./codesys ide"
- fixed copy artifacts bug by switching to the correct shutils function

2019-08-18 18:47:19 Tree
[7084a8] by ingo

add build package action

2019-08-14 22:51:54 Tree
[f5944f] by ingo

- updated container to SP15
- inserted dummy call, as the first codesys script call is never successfull
- disabled copying of the artifacts (wrong level)

2019-08-11 19:45:24 Tree
[220c38] by ingo

- prepare IDE to be used in a productive setup
- moved the xinetd playground to an own image

2019-07-17 19:20:15 Tree
[16685e] by ingo

- prepare IDE to be used in a productive setup
- moved the xinetd playground to an own image

2019-07-15 22:42:47 Tree
[b7a523] by ingo

uncommended the command ;)

2019-04-20 10:03:35 Tree
[31733c] by ingo , pushed by ingo ingo

Added xinetd vnc service to start CODESYS.
A headless service (also via xinetd) for automated builds is still missing.

2019-04-20 09:56:31 Tree
[18db23] by ingo , pushed by ingo ingo

Cleaned up Dockerfile. Added to same repository.

2019-03-06 19:52:36 Tree
[a0b0a0] by ingo , pushed by ingo ingo

Added Dockerfile for the IDE

2019-03-06 05:54:28 Tree
[8c5384] by ingo


2019-03-05 10:08:04 Tree