corrected package control file for multiarch
support host commands for toolchain generation
User Migration from CODESYS Forum
Privacy Policy
Where can I find the version number for Android app?
Merged changes from erichspitzweg. Version number is the build date, and it is shown in the app-info as well as a short message at startup.
A number-sign (aka hash sign) will lead to false positive hash tags
Embedding an image with a space in the filename
Thanks for the input! Sounds like a docu bug to me. Fixed it.
Project Maintenance
clicking upper left cforge logo
The link is disabled on a desktop sized screen. Will be changed in the next deployment (tomorrow).
Hash Tags
pointed image to local
.rst markup language support for Allura?
Ticket Workflow
Update to Allura v1.11
You do nothing wrong. The answer is: SVN uses WebDAV for the base communication. WebDAV is directly supported by browsers, so they can serve the SVN files. Git uses another protocol over HTTP to serve its files. You read very often, that Git can be used with WebDAV. But then the Git Repo is served as if you would place it on some other shared folder. It simply doesn't work as transparent as with SVN. The stack for SVN: [WebDAV Client] ->[Webserver] -> [SVN Repo] or [SVN Client] ->[Webserver] -> [SVN...
Hi Aliazzz, WebDAV is a nice feature of the SVN protocol. Until now I know of no alternative for Git. Maybe you will have GitLab in mind. But they have also a proprietary Git-SVN Bridge. BTW: your link didn't work. BR
"Ranking" a project
I love this idea. In the next version of Allura, you can already rate specific "Artifacts" (like pages or discussion threads). For projects I am not sure about the plans, but I will check that...