Hi eschwellinger, I have the same problem with my runtime. I am using the Kernel-Version 5.10.92 and Raspian Bullseye (Release 11). When on the 24th February the release will be available? Thank you in advance!
Dear Thomas, thank you for your help. After trying out this configuration for the device, I got the following error code: "Error in the OPC UA function BadDataUnavailable, Error-ID: 268468382". What is wrong with my configuration? I tried to connect with the UA Expert to verify my OPC UA Server Settings. It works without any problems! Thank you in Advance!
Dear eschwellinger, thank you for your Description. I try to connect to an Codesys OPC UA Server, which is running on a Raspberry Pi 4B, via the DataSource Manager. Everytime, when I want to connect with the server, I get the following Error-Diagnostics: "The server is not supporting the requested Message Security Mode or Security Policy - Error-ID: 7003" I am using the Server according the following instructions https://help.codesys.com/webapp/_cds_runtime_opc_ua_server;product=codesys;version=
Dear eschwellinger, thank you for your Description. I try to connect to an Codesys OPC UA Server, which is running on a Raspberry Pi 4B, via the DataSource Manager. Every time I, when I want to connect with the server, I get the following Error-Diagnostics: "The server is not supporting the requested Message Security Mode or Security Policy - Error-ID: 7003" I am using the Server according the following instructions https://help.codesys.com/webapp/_cds_runtime_opc_ua_server;product=codesys;version=
Hallo Zusammen, ich habe Probleme mit der Konfiguration des Connection-Bausteins der OPC UA PubSub Bibliothek. Das mitgelieferte Beispiel zeigt die Verwendung der PubSub-Bibliohtek in einer Multicast-Anwendung. Ich mΓΆchte das mitgelieferte Anwendungsbeispiel fΓΌr eine Unicast-Anwendung umkonfigurieren, bekomme aber immer wieder nur Konfigurationsfehler als Error-Id ausgegeben. Gibt es hier im Forum jemand, der bereits Erfahrung mit dieser Bibliothek gesammelt hat und mir ein paar Screenshots der Konfiguration...
Dear Community, I am currently working on a test project with the Codesys OPC UA PubSub library. The test project includes Raspberry Pi computers as hardware components and the Codesys Runtime as software components. For the setup of the test project I used the official example of the Codesys OPC UA PubSub library. Unfortunately, I am still having trouble with the configuration of the Connenction Blocks. During the program execution on the Raspberry Pi I get an configuration error displayed. Please...
Dear Community, I am currently working on a test project with the Codesys OPC UA PubSub library. The test project includes Raspberry Pi computers as hardware components and the Codesys Runtime as software components. For the setup of the test project I used the official example of the Codesys OPC UA PubSub library. Unfortunately, I am still having trouble with the configuration of the Connenction Blocks. During the program execution on the Raspberry Pi I get an configuration error displayed. Please...
Dear Community, I am currently working on a test project with the Codesys OPC UA PubSub library. The test project includes Raspberry Pi computers as hardware components and the Codesys Runtime as software components. For the setup of the test project I used the official example of the Codesys OPC UA PubSub library. Unfortunately, I am still having trouble with the configuration of the Connenction Blocks. During the program execution on the Raspberry Pi I get an configuration error displayed. Please...
Dear Community, I am currently working on a test project with the Codesys OPC UA PubSub library. The test project includes Raspberry Pi computers as hardware components and the Codesys Runtime as software components. For the setup of the test project I used the official example of the Codesys OPC UA PubSub library. Unfortunately, I am still having trouble with the configuration of the Connenction Blocks. During the program execution on the Raspberry Pi I get an configuration error displayed. Please...
Dear Community, I am currently working on a test project with the Codesys OPC UA PubSub library. The test project includes Raspberry Pi computers as hardware components and the Codesys Runtime as software components. For the setup of the test project I used the official example of the Codesys OPC UA PubSub library. Unfortunately, I am still having trouble with the configuration of the Connenction Blocks. During the program execution on the Raspberry Pi I get an configuration error displayed. Please...
Dear Community, I am currently working on a test project with the Codesys OPC UA PubSub library. The test project includes Raspberry Pi computers as hardware components and the Codesys Runtime as software components. For the setup of the test project I used the official example of the Codesys OPC UA PubSub library. Unfortunately, I am still having trouble with the configuration of the Connenction Blocks. During the program execution on the Raspberry Pi I get an configuration error displayed. Please...
Dear Community, I am currently working on a test project with the Codesys OPC UA PubSub library. The test project includes Raspberry Pi computers as hardware components and the Codesys Runtime as software components. For the setup of the test project I used the official example of the Codesys OPC UA PubSub library. Unfortunately, I am still having trouble with the configuration of the Connenction Blocks. During the program execution on the Raspberry Pi I get an configuration error displayed. Please...