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  • edvard-munch modified a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    This is from 10 years ago, I know. But I have been using (SLAVE_DEVICE.iChannelIndex = CHANNEL_NUMBER) AND (SLAVE_DEVICE.xDone) I suppose that it shows xDone for the channel that shows up in the iChannelIndex at the same cycle? It seems to be working properly for two devices that I have been using it before But now I have another device and using two write channels, for one register each. One channel works properly and returns DONE flag When another channel is triggered, I see that it shows up in...

  • tk096 posted a comment on discussion Motion πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hi, can you share a project to reproduce the issue? I wasn't able to reproduce it following these steps.

  • edvard-munch posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    This is from 10 years ago, I know. But I have been using (SLAVE_DEVICE.iChannelIndex = CHANNEL_NUMBER) AND (SLAVE_DEVICE.xDone) I suppose that it shows xDone for the channel that shows up in the iChannelIndex at the same cycle?

  • eschwellinger eschwellinger modified a comment on discussion Visualization πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Guess you need to update Visualization Support Package to latest version ( in case you are using CODESYS Visualization

  • faceplant posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Given the response to your API request, I don't think this is a CODESYS issue. The response says ... Please provide a valid API token ... so you must get a valid API key from enever.nl

  • faceplant posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§


  • faceplant posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hello! I am trying to compare 2 projects via the --compare CLI option. In the docs for the --compare option, it describes the usage as .\CODESYS.exe --compare "project path 1" "project path 2". I store my projects in WSL2 on my windows machine. Since CODESYS is happy to open those projects via a path like \\wsl.localhost\home\project.project. So, to compare, I use the command .\CODESYS.exe --compare "\\wsl.localhost\home\prog1.project" "\\wsl.localhost\home\prog2.project". This results in CODESYS...

  • dominggus posted a comment on discussion Visualization πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    updated to CODESYS Visualization, still not working...

  • dominggus modified a comment on discussion Visualization πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hi, since the latest update it seems the OnDialogClosed is not called anymore?? using CODESYS SP20 Patch 3 with CODESYS Visualization I am using LoadWriteRecipe to load a recipe file from disk (with some custom dialog settings), and I need to run a function (Recipes_LoadFromRecipeData()) afterwards which I execute when OnDialogClosed is closed with OK button. See attached screenshot and code below: *** OnDialogClosed : Recipes_OnLoadFileDialogClosed(pClientData): *** // the DialogManager...

  • dominggus modified a comment on discussion Visualization πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hi, since the latest update it seems the OnDialogClosed is not called anymore?? (SP20 Patch 3 with CODESYS Visualization I am using LoadWriteRecipe to load a recipe file from disk (with some custom dialog settings), and I need to run a function (Recipes_LoadFromRecipeData()) afterwards which I execute when OnDialogClosed is closed with OK button. See attached screenshot and code below: *** OnDialogClosed : Recipes_OnLoadFileDialogClosed(pClientData): *** // the DialogManager is provided...