Hi, you can program your path using 3 MC_MoveLinearAbsolute and blending mode TMCornerDistance. How to execute a movement: https://content.helpme-codesys.com/en/CODESYS%20SoftMotion/_sm_creating_an_axis_group_program.html Information on blending: https://content.helpme-codesys.com/en/CODESYS%20SoftMotion/_sm_robotics_blending.html Does this help you?
Hi, can you share a project to reproduce the issue? I wasn't able to reproduce it following these steps.
Hi, no guarantee, but this should work with Bipod_Rotary (https://content.helpme-codesys.com/en/libs/SM3_Transformation/Current/SM3_Transformation/Function-Blocks/Positioning-Kinematics/Parallel-Systems/Kin_Bipod_Rotary.html), with dDistance = horitzontalDistanceTop-horizontalDistanceBottom.
Hi, a few questions that you can check regarding your kinematics: * Does your kinematics FB implement the interface ISMKinematicWithInfo2? * Does AxesToCartesian(a, out f) -> CartesianToAxes(f, out aCompare) result in a=aCompare for random positions a? * Do you return a valid rotation matrix f.mR (SMC_Matrix3) in AxesToCartesian()?
Hi, you have to define how many increments of the drive correspond to one unit in your application. This is done in the Scaling/Mapping Tab in the drive editor.
Hi, you can call the decoder function block in a loop and/or decrease the task cycle interval of Task_PATH.
Hi, you can call the decoder function block in a loop and/or increase the task cycle interval of Task_PATH.
Hi, you could calculate the position/dynamics of the slave axis yourself and use one of the function blocks SMC_FollowPosition/SMC_FollowSetValues to move the slave axis. https://content.helpme-codesys.com/en/libs/SM3_Basic/Current/SM3_Basic/POUs/Movement/Direct/SMC_FollowPosition.html https://content.helpme-codesys.com/en/libs/SM3_Basic/Current/SM3_Basic/POUs/Movement/Direct/SMC_FollowSetValues.html