Generic EtherCAT slave

  • fgarcia - 2024-05-14


    I'd like to know if it's possible to add a servo drive as a generic EtherCAT slave (non-Motion).

    Thank you in advance!

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2024-05-14

    Sure, import the ESI file, scan the slave access the PDOs.

  • fgarcia - 2024-05-16

    Hello Edwin,

    Thank you foryour answer but, I believe I was not very clear in my question, sorry. What I wanted to know is if there is a generic EtherCAT slave object already in CODESYS that I can use for anything, remote IO, Drives, VFD's and so on, as long as I match PDO's. Is there such an object?

    Thank you again!

  • xiaoyan - 2024-05-16

    Well i need some basic advice. My protegoD drive is shown deactivated in the device tree. i can see its variables and other i/o in online mode but the device itself is deactivated. how can i address this issue. is there any configuration error.using ethercat link to connect to protegoD by Primo MC plc

    • fgarcia - 2024-05-16


      Without much info, I would assume that this is an optional object on the EtherCAT network and it's either disconnected or the address doesn't match. I would look into the devices manual or contact the manufacturer for further assistance.

      And, I would have posted a new topic instead of using a non related one...


  • xiaonyan - 2024-05-17

    Thanks for the reply. so where can i get this help from...the new post or link....where can i find it

  • dkugler - 2024-05-17

    @xiaonyan: open new topic please!

  • fgarcia - 2024-06-20

    Hello all,

    I still couldn't find the answer.

    I wanted to know is if there is a generic EtherCAT slave object already in CODESYS that I can use for anything, remote IO, Drives, VFD's and so on, as long as I match PDO's. Is there such an object?

    Thank you!


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