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Codesys V3 with Bosch Ethercat or Sercos III Drive

  • hclai

    hclai - 2020-05-19

    I am using Control RTE. I would like to do a electronic caming function which only Softmotion library support the function. However, May I know the following?
    1) If using Sercos III fieldbus, what are the PCI card supported? Does the pci card from Bosch support? who will provide the driver?
    2) Does Bosch Sercos drive support softmotion profile? if yes, which model? where to get the device description file?
    3) Does any Ethercat drive from Bosch support softmotion profile?


  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2020-05-24

    1) no not with RTE
    2) no
    3) Guess you could switch the drives to Ethercat and work with them... think there have been some posts in the forum according this.



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