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Discontinuity of A/B/C axis movement.

5 days ago
  • jonasz - 2023-04-16

    Good day ,
    I was given the task of making a 6-axis CNC machine (X/Y/Z/A/B/C).
    The machine is a coil winder, where the A/B/C axes are the axes that rotate the spindles, and the Z axis is the axis that moves the wire from one extreme position of the coil to the other.
    The problem is the discontinuity of A/B/C axis movement (velocity profile).
    In the path preprocessing step, I am not able to get continuous ABC axis movement.
    Here is the test G-code:

    N000 G91
    N010 G01 Z10 A360 F100 E1000 E-1000 FA100 EA10000 EA-100000
    N020 G01 Z-10 A360
    N030 G01 Z10 A360
    N040 G01 Z-10 A360
    N050 G01 Z10 A360
    N060 G01 Z-10 A360
    N070 G90

    G-Code using the X-axis:

    N000 G91
    N010 G01 Z10 X360 F100 E1000 E-1000
    N020 G01 Z-10 X360
    N030 G01 Z10 X360
    N040 G01 Z-10 X360
    N050 G01 Z10 X360
    N060 G01 Z-10 X360
    N070 G90

    In the attachments I present the movement of the Z/X/A axis.
    X-axis motion is what I need.
    This is how the movement of the A axis should look like. Unfortunately, it looks like in the attachment to the A axis.
    Is there any way to "force" the ABC axes to behave like XYZ axes?

  • jonasz - 2023-04-25

    Good morning,
    I solved the problem. I was hoping for support, unfortunately.

  • k2saki - 7 days ago

    Hello. Good morning.

    I have a same problem with short-segment G01 in GCode even in XY Axis.

    ( I'm using SMC_ReadNcFile2, SMC_NcInterpreter, SMC_CheckVelocities before IPO , watching Youtube tutorial video.. )

    How did you solve this problem ?


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