And it seems to have something to do with me trying to restore a pre license on a post system.
Can this be the issue?
As I also backed up the cmact_licenses folder I now tried to replace all the conent from the .cmact_licenses folder with my backed up content from the cmact_licenses folder.
Is this a legit solution?
If you would like to refer to this comment somewhere else in this project, copy and paste the following link:
Am I doing something wrong? I have activated a new license on a device, which has NEVER seen a runtime <
This worked flawlessly with the license key provided.
I now tried to reactivate the license from a backed up license file (file extension "WibuCmRaU") on the same device and I get this error:
This time it is a Raspi 3B with a SL (non MC) license for development.
Has anyone tried to restore a license the same way it did work on a pre system (I did this hundred times before) on a system successfully?!
Hi there!
I recently upgraded my device from runtime (raspberry, armhf) to armhf (raspberry, armhf).
I now wanted to restore my license file (CMLicenseNew.WibuCmRaU) which I saved from the same device under runtime
This appearently does not work anymore. I saw the device now has TWO SoftContainers. I tried both and get the same error.
This are the SoftContainers now:
On either SoftContainer I get the same error and no licenses show up within the SoftContainer like the earlier did after restoring the license.
This is the error:

Can you help on this please!
Best regards
Last edit: lefish 2023-07-18
I have found this link:
And it seems to have something to do with me trying to restore a pre license on a post system.
Can this be the issue?
As I also backed up the cmact_licenses folder I now tried to replace all the conent from the .cmact_licenses folder with my backed up content from the cmact_licenses folder.
Is this a legit solution?
I will answer my own question: It is not possible to simply copy the files from cmact_licenses to the .cmact_licenses folder.
Restoring the license must be done by the license manager within CodeSys.
So the initial question remains: How can one restore a backed up license in runtime version
One more question on this:
Am I doing something wrong? I have activated a new license on a device, which has NEVER seen a runtime <
This worked flawlessly with the license key provided.
I now tried to reactivate the license from a backed up license file (file extension "WibuCmRaU") on the same device and I get this error:
This time it is a Raspi 3B with a SL (non MC) license for development.
Has anyone tried to restore a license the same way it did work on a pre system (I did this hundred times before) on a system successfully?!
Last edit: lefish 2023-08-08
Running into the same problem restoring a Runtime device on a now device.
you need to use 'my question ' in the CODESYS store