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PI 4 Codesyscontrol terminating after 9 seconds

  • BG_Automation

    BG_Automation - 2020-09-08

    Hi, I am seeing the codesyscontrol terminating after 9 seconds on the PI. I have installed the full license and I have check the clock, I look in the logs and I don't see anything. It is like it just shutting down for no reason. Any clues what I can look for to figure this out?

    2020-09-08T03:55:36Z, 0x00000124, 1, 0, 0, Multithreading activated. 3 workers used.
    2020-09-08T03:55:36Z, 0x00000124, 1, 0, 0, **********
    2020-09-08T03:55:36Z, 0x00000124, 1, 0, 0, Provider CODESYS_DefaultProvider with Version 0x3051000 registerd at the OPC UA server.
    2020-09-08T03:55:36Z, 0x00000124, 1, 0, 0, Provider CmpOPCUAProviderIecVarAccess with Version 0x305100a registerd at the OPC UA server.
    2020-09-08T03:55:37Z, 0x0000013d, 1, 0, 4, Number of licensed cores for IEC-tasks: 1 from 4
    2020-09-08T03:55:37Z, 0x00000126, 1, 0, 0, Valid license found for OPC UA IecVarAccess provider.
    2020-09-08T03:55:37Z, 0x00000002, 1, 0, 22, No retain area in bootproject of application [<app>Application</app>]
    2020-09-08T03:55:37Z, 0x00000002, 1, 0, 6, Bootproject of application [<app>Application</app>] loaded
    2020-09-08T03:55:37Z, 0x00000018, 1, 0, 1, Setting router <instance>0</instance> address to


    2020-09-08T03:55:37Z, 0x00000018, 1, 0, 1, Setting router <instance>1</instance> address to

    2020-09-08T03:55:37Z, 0x00000002, 1, 0, 10, Application [<app>Application</app>] started
    2020-09-08T03:55:37Z, 0x00000001, 1, 0, 34, CODESYS Control ready

  • BG_Automation

    BG_Automation - 2020-09-14

    Just for information, I tried Ubuntu Mate instead of Raspian and I had the same issue. I will try reverting the firmware to version 4.19.118 next.


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