Search talk: modbus crc failed

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Post by ernesto881124 on ernesto881124 CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello good morning everyone I would like to ask a question, is it possible to directly connect a device that only contains modbus RTU communication through an R-45 connector, directly to the PC? Or would you need an intermediate device to achieve communication? It would be of great help to me because I cannot achieve communication between the Codesys simulator plc and a Fuji Frenic mini VFD, please help me if anyone has had the same experience. Thank you so much
Last updated: 2023-09-13

Post by jeffgamsby on Accessing ModbusTCP addresses from python CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi, I am new to modbusTCP and I am trying to access Input registers from codesys (3.5.SP13). The offset is 16#0000 and I am trying to access Channel 1[24] %IW24 to pull analog values. I am using pyModbusTCP and I need to supply a modbus address and the number of registers to read. What does 16#0000 mean in terms of the actual offset, how do I translate this number plus the channel to access this info via python? Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
Last updated: 2023-09-20

Post by goki on WAGO RS485 (753-652) on a 750-362 CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
hi guys Maybe someone can help me in this case. Im working with codesys 3.5 with an PFC200 (750-8212) with a Modbus TCP conection to the 750-362. On the 750-362 i have a 4DO, 8DI and a RS485 interface card. the 4DO and 8DI cards a working fine but im strugling with the rs485 card. Does someone have a example for this?
Last updated: 2024-02-08

Post by wind-11 on Simulation Modubus CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hallo zusammen, ich bin über die Arbeit auf ein Problem in der Simulation gestoßen. In einem Test-Projekt haben wir eine Modbus Verbindung aufgebaut. Dies wollten wir mit Test-Werten simulieren. Verbindung hat auch funktioniert, jedoch sind leider die Werte eingfrohren und melden keine "laufenden Daten". (Bild im Anhang) Da es meine ersten Berührungspunkte mit Codesys sind und mein Kollege an anderer Stelle weiter arbeitet, hatte ich gehofft, dass vielleicht hier jemand eine Idee hat. MfG und schon jetzt ein Danke vorweg.
Last updated: 2024-03-22

Post by rh-pk on v3.5 SP19 - Modbus TCP Devices - Channel Limit? CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello Vincent, I don't have 75 channels but it works for me as described above without any problems. There is also a parameter MAX_MODBUS_CHANNELS in the library parameters for the IoDrvModbusTCP module. The default value there is 100. Perhaps you are reaching the limit there? The value can be adjusted accordingly. I assume that this value is not accepted in the input dialogue and therefore the 'fixed' limit value 10 is used.
Last updated: 2024-04-10

Post by ph0010421 on General question about library versions CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello I can't find anything to read on the subject so I'll ask here. Up to now, when adding a (for example) Modbus Master, I've selected the version <= the RT version, so if I'm using SP13 Patch 3, I can use a library that doesn't exceed this. I've no idea if this is correct, but it's always worked. Can someone explain the 4.x.x.x libraries that have appeared; are they tied to a RT version? The controller I use is now at SP18Patch60, so should I continue to use or change? thanks
Last updated: 2024-05-29

Post by kislov on Change modbus server parameters from program CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Use in IEC-code: Modbus_Serial_Device.UpdateComPortSettings(...) Take note: "Only possible if server is disabled (see xEnable Input)" So: Modbus_Serial_Device.xEnable := FALSE; Modbus_Serial_Device.UpdateComPortSettings(...) Modbus_Serial_Device.xEnable := TRUE; Please note that after PLC reboot the values from the GUI (from your screenshot) will be applied again. So you need to save values from HMI in RETAIN and restore them after start of application.
Last updated: 2024-07-17

Post by naps on Welchen I-Port benötige ich? CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hallo, ich versuche eine 750-653(konfiguriert per iocheck) über die Wago Modbus Lib einzusetzen. Ich scheitere im moment an dem Korrekten I-Port. Ich habe es mit 75x_653 und IoConfig_Globals.75x653 versucht, jedoch bekomme ich folgenden fehler: ------ Übersetzungslauf gestartet: Applikation: Device.Application ------- Code typisieren... Code erzeugen... [FEHLER] Unbenannt7: POU_1 Device: SPS-Logik: Application: C0032: Typ 'DED.CAADiagDeviceDefault(caa device diagnosis, (caa technical workgroup))' kann nicht in Typ 'WagoTypesCom.I_WagoSysComBase(wagotypescom, (wago))' konvertiert werden Übersetzung abgeschlossen -- 1 Fehler, 0 Warnungen : Kein Download möglich Wie kann ich den die Karte benutzen?
Last updated: 2024-10-01

Post by winki on Modbus TCP & RTU with Control for Linux SL CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
For small project, I would like to use my industrial computer as a PLC + Industrial Computer. Like that I can save the cost of one PLC. That why I am using Codesys on Linux. With the nic it is not working. I already set the IP adress with /etc/network/interfaces. Can it comes from there ? looking to "Control Linux SL" docuemntation it should work with rtu.
Last updated: 2024-10-23

Post by garrian on How to write multiple coils (Modbus FC15) CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Thanks for your reply. I belive it is contiguous, I'm writing to adress 0 to 4. Or, do you mean something else? Well, something is happening. If I on the client set adress 1,2,3 to true, only 1 is set to true on the server side. On the client side, the data is array of word. But on the server side, the coils are array of bool. Holding register is array of word on server side. Can this be a problem? Attached screenshot of how it looks at the server side.
Last updated: 20 hours ago

Post by garrian on How to write multiple coils (Modbus FC15) CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Thanks! As far as I can see, the client can only send words. And on the server side there are an array for each of the functions: bool for coil and discrete, word for holding and input registers. I assume I can use holding register, then use bit mapping on the words instead of coils. But I really want to use the FC15/coils.
Last updated: 17 hours ago

Post by annd on Migration von "CODESYS Control for PFC200 SL" zu WAGO FW26 "CODESYS V3.5.19.2" CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Ich hab's hinbekommen: Nach dem Controller Update hab ich ein neues Projekt gemacht und nur den PFC200(8212) eingefügt (es erscheint dann ein leerer Kbus und eine serielle Schnittstelle COM1). Dann hab ich mich am Controller eingeloggt und den Kbus (Rechtsklick: Geräte suchen) mit allen Modulen automatisch ergänzen lassen. Bei den leeren Modulen hab ich dann das E/A-Abbild in csv exportiert. Dasselbe hab ich bei meinem alten "PFC200 SL" Projekt gemacht. Und dann in Excel alle Variablennamen in die leeren csv kopiert und danach wieder im neuen Projekt importiert. Dann hab ich noch alle Programmblöcke, Tasks, Visualisierungen und auch Modbus TCP Master u. Slave und auch Modbus COM Port Master und Slave in das neue Projekt kopiert. Weiters hab ich alle notwendigen Bibliotheken im Bibliotheksverwalter eingefügt. Dann noch ein paar kleine Fehler korrigiert (ich musst einen anderen Block zum Lesen der Uhrzeit nehmen) bis ich das neue Projekt fehlerfrei übersetzen konnte. Dann konnte ich es auf den Wago Controller übertragen und direkt starten. Es sieht so aus, dass alles läuft. Gruß annD
Last updated: 2023-11-18

Post by arundara on Variable Sync Issue In Soft Plc Redundancy CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello, I was trying to create a redundancy POC for our application where we read data from few modbus tcp devices. As there is a limitaion that modbus tcp device support only for single master device, we wanted to test how the variable sync happens in redundancy mode. For that i have used the redundancy sample code added a variable "b" under a condition. What i observed was while active controller is running, if passive controller is powerup, passive controller is able to sync all the data configured for redundacny. But after that the variable data which resided under a condition is not synching from active to passive controller. I have attached the image where i have highlighter the variable. Can some help me to understand how redundacny work in codesys soft plc and if there is a solution to sync variable which are under condition, please explain the same or suggestion to achieve the same. Hardware - Raspberry Pi (2 qty) Redundancy licence used - yes in both controllers. Codesys runtime - Codesys software version - V3.5 SP19 if i have posted this question in wrong section, please do let me know in whcih section i have to post this question.
Last updated: 2023-12-01

Post by acc00 on Main Task cycle too long leading to PLC Fail CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I have 2 Wago PFC200 PLC, running with Runtime SP19 Patch 5, with the Redundant application. The PLC communicates as Modbus Master with at this moment 15 Modbus Slaves -later there will be 28 in total- (Drives, Power management units,...). These devices are connected in 2 rings (1 ring of Drives, 1 ring of Power Management units), with 2 Managed Moxa Switches being part of the ring. Each PLC is connected to one of these switches. The issue I'm encountering is that the Cycle time of the Active PLC goes very high when I'm closing the Drive ring (simulating an issue on one Cabinet supply, resulting in that one Drive shut down, which can happen on field quite often). As a result of this long cycle, the PLC fails and goes to Exception, and the Passive PLC does not take control of the system. A normal cycle is around 30ms for the Main task, and a few ms for the Ethercat task. When I monitor with Profiler, I see that in this Maximum Cycle, the main Task is only taking 13ms, so I'm not sure where the PLC is hanging for so long. Is the remaining cycle time the Redundant management/sync or something else? Thank you in advance.
Last updated: 2024-03-08

Post by thewizard8 on Raspberry PI4 Serial Port CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi Dear All, I'm using my raspberry PI4 as a CoDeSyS PLC (Build from scratch with custom electronics). I was able to implement all fieldbuses with the exception of Modbus Serial. I'm using the internal Port (GPIO) and I configured it in /etc/Codesyscontrol_user.cfg the following away: [SysCom] Linux.Devicefile.1=/dev/ttyUSB0 Linux.Devicefile.2=/dev/ttyS0 I'm using COM2 on Master configuration. I'm using a interface board from TTL/RS485 (bidirectional board), and it's works perfectly with other devices but not in CoDeSyS. I'm able to send data with python script and read it on my pc using putty, but when I use a modbus slave simulator to interface with codesys I always get red icons on master and slave. (Please find image attached). I'm pretty shure that this might be a bad parameter on my CoDeSyS runtime configurstion file. Can someone help me? I'm stuck and this is for my master degree certification.
Last updated: 2024-03-18

Post by paro on Modbus Client Request Not Processed CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi, Problem in your code is that you are not calling the ClientFb cyclic. Please look at the Example from CODESYS: Your code works if the client fb is called cyclic! IF NOT initDone THEN initDone := TRUE; // configure clientTcp clientTcp(aIPaddr:=Ethernet.IPAddress, uiPort:=502); // configure clientSerial clientSerial(iPort:=SysCom.SYS_COMPORT2, dwBaudRate:=SysCom.SYS_BR_115200, byDataBits:=8, eParity:=SysCom.SYS_EVENPARITY, eStopBits:=SysCom.SYS_ONESTOPBIT, eRtuAscii:=ModbusFB.RtuAscii.RTU); // configure clientRequestReadCoils_1 clientRequestReadCoils_1(rClient:=clientTcp, uiUnitId:=42, udiTimeout:=TO_UDINT(T#10MS)); // configure clientRequestWriteSingleRegister clientRequestWriteSingleRegister(rClient:=clientTcp, uiUnitId:=43, udiTimeout:=TO_UDINT(T#10MS)); // configure clientRequestReadCoils_2 clientRequestReadCoils_2(rClient:=clientTcp, uiUnitId:=44, udiTimeout:=TO_UDINT(T#10MS)); // configure clientRequestReadInputRegisters clientRequestReadInputRegisters(rClient:=clientTcp, uiUnitId:=44, udiTimeout:=TO_UDINT(T#10MS)); END_IF // call the client FB's clientTcp(); clientSerial(); // call client request FB's clientRequestReadCoils_1(rClient:=clientTcp, xExecute:=TRUE, uiStartItem:=2, uiQuantity:=3, pData:=ADR(aDataCoils_1[0])); // for more details see Example_TCP, especially ClientRequest control (xExecute, xDone, xError). IF clientRequestReadCoils_1.xDone THEN // get data from aDataCoils_1 ... END_IF clientRequestWriteSingleRegister(rClient:=clientTcp, xExecute:=TRUE, uiItem:=3, uiValue:=123); clientRequestReadCoils_2(rClient:=clientTcp, xExecute:=TRUE, uiStartItem:=2, uiQuantity:=3, pData:=ADR(aDataCoils_2[0])); clientRequestReadInputRegisters(rClient:=clientTcp, xExecute:=TRUE, uiStartItem:=16, uiQuantity:=3, pData:=ADR(aDataInputRegisters[0]));
Last updated: 2024-05-29

Post by adamrobotic on llcallback() iec exception caught cmpid=0x00000002, eventid=0x00010008 CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi All, Recently I have been experiencing a issue in CodeSys SP16 Patch 3, with a exception which comes up after I have made several online changes. callcallback() iec exception caught cmpid=0x00000002, eventid=0x00010008, after I experience this fault then I receive a error message for any subsequent online change "online change failed, no task gap within 10000ms". To recover either the controller needs a orgin reset, which will allow online edits thereafter until falling back into the loop. I am using a TURCK TX707 product which is controlling robot trajectory, We have hard coded the coordinate data rather than using persistence variables so hence the need to do online changes consistently. I have read on the forum other people have experienced similar issue with the online task gap, but I have no task which have same priority and also monitored the CPU usage and have not seen it go above 13%. Anyones help would be much appreciated, thankyou.
Last updated: 2023-08-18

Post by danwoodlock on RPI Zero w - Edge gateway cant install CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello all, First post. I recently acquired an RPI zero W from amazon, and have been using it with Codesys v3.5 SP19 patch 2. I first got it working yesterday, and after installing the runtime on the Pi, I was prompted to install the edge gateway. Installation of the edge gateway failed because of unsupported architecture, undeterred I was able to connect to the pi and program as I wanted. The issue I've noticed is that if I do not load anything to the pi overnight, I can then no longer connect to the pi and download, although I can still ping it from my pc. I found that if I power cycle the PI, I am then able to connect again, and it works as normal. I did some googling and found instances where people recommended downloading the newest edge gateway, which brings me here. Wondering if there are any suggestions, or if this is a known issue. I actually tried installing all 3 versions of edge gateway for science, but all fail with the same message. Thanks -Dan
Last updated: 2023-09-13

Post by fredsta on Unable to load dynamic modules (Download failed: Application=Application) CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hey there, I am currently trying to find a good solution for the communication between CODESYS Control on Raspberry Pi and "the rest of the world", i. e. the things apart from CODESYS on my linux. My first approach was to use the c-integration. So I created a lib, defined extern fbs, compiled the code on my Pi using the SDK and put the .so into my lib project. When I try to log into the Pi and load the program, I get the error message which you can see in the attached picture. "Die dynamischen Module der C-Integration konnten nicht auf das Laufzeitsystem geladen werden" is german and means roughly "the modules from the c-integration could not be loaded onto the runtime system." Is this normal? Am I doing something wrong? I will have a look at the unix domain socket thing next, as I am still in the process of finding the best solution for the communication.
Last updated: 2024-02-15

Post by solidlogicguy on Little endian to Float from Modbus RTU CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello, I got a device from which I require to read values from I am using a WAGO PLC 750-8212 and I am communicating through Modbus Master FUNCTION BLOCK from library WagoAppPLCModbus in Codesys 3.5 to this device. I already receive data from the device that is a CVM to monitor voltage from a fuel cell. The technical support of the company that makes these devices says that the data is sent in little endian form. And I want to convert it to a float value. The tech support sent me the next instructions of how to do it but I am new using codesys, so any advice or help I will really appreciate so much. Message from tech support: The process is complicated, better to do it with already implemented library in the language/program you use. Basically the process should be next: To convert the two Modbus registers containing parts of a 32-bit float in little-endian byte order to a floating-point number using mathematical operations, you first need to combine the two 16-bit integers (assuming reg1 is the lower word and reg2 is the higher word) and then interpret the result according to the IEEE 754 standard. Given: - Register 192 (reg1) = 4096 - Register 193 (reg2) = 14884 Step 1: Combine the two registers. Since we are dealing with little-endian byte order, reg2 is the high word, and reg1 is the low word: combined = reg2 * 2^16 + reg1 combined = 14884 * 65536 + 4096 combined = 975175680 + 4096 combined = 975179776 Step 2: Convert the combined value to binary: combined_binary = '1110101101011100000000000000000' Step 3: Split the binary into IEEE 754 components: Sign bit (1 bit): 0 Exponent (8 bits): 11101011 Mantissa (23 bits): 01011100000000000000000 Step 4: Convert the binary exponent to decimal and subtract the bias (127 for 32-bit floats): exponent = int('11101011', 2) - 127 exponent = 235 - 127 exponent = 108 Step 5: Calculate the mantissa as a fraction: The mantissa in IEEE 754 format is the fractional part after the leading 1 (which is implicit). Therefore, we need to convert the binary mantissa to decimal and add the implicit leading 1: mantissa_fractional = 1 + int('01011100000000000000000', 2) / 2^23 mantissa_fractional = 1 + 18688 / 8388608 mantissa_fractional = 1 + 0.002227783203125 mantissa_fractional ≈ 1.002227783203125 Step 6: Combine the sign, exponent, and mantissa to get the float value: float_value = (-1)^0 * mantissa_fractional * 2^exponent float_value = 1 * 1.002227783203125 * 2^108 Because the exponent is quite large, the resulting float value is a very large number.
Last updated: 2023-12-15

Post by smeitink on Timeout Error in Modbus Communication with WAGO PFC200 and iEM2050 Meter using 750-652 Module CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi all, I'm looking for help with an issue I've come across while trying to facilitate Modbus communication between a WAGO PFC200 PLC using a 750-652 communication module and an iEM2050 Series Single Phase Energy Meter. I believe to have everything wired and setup correcty, but I keep running into a "Error time out" message, and by now I don't really know what else to try. My setup is as follows: A PFC200 Wago PLC, which has 2 750-652 Serial Interfaces extension modules connected to its field bus. I'm using one of these to talk to a Schneider iEM2050 - kWh-meter over modbus. I have connected terminal 23 (A) of the iEM2050 to connector 6 (A) on the 750-652. I have connected terminal 24 (B) of the iEM2050 to connector 2 (B) of the 750-652. I'm using 200mm of twisted together wires to connected them both, and I have placed a 120 ohm resistor between A and B at both ends. I've attached relevant pinout images to this post. I then wrote a simple program that configures the Mobus port, as per the datasheet of the iEM2050. You can find an image of the relavent page attached to this post too. This is my program: PROGRAM PLC_PRG VAR Master: FbMbMasterSerial; xIsConnected: BOOL; xError: BOOL; iIndex: INT := 1; xTrigger: BOOL; utQuery : typMbQuery := ( bUnitId := 1, // The Modbus unit or slave address bFunctionCode := 4, // Function code for reading input registers uiReadAddress := 1829, // adress for the Power on off counter uiReadQuantity := 1 // Quantity of registers to read ); iStep: INT; oStatusModbus: WagoSysErrorBase.FbResult; utResponseModbus: typMbResponse; xConnect: BOOL := FALSE; delayTimer: TON; END_VAR Master( xConnect:= xConnect, I_Port:= _750_652_24_1, udiBaudrate:= 9600, usiDataBits:= 8, eParity:= WagoTypesCom.eTTYParity.Even, eStopBits:= WagoTypesCom.eTTYStopBits.One, eHandshake:= WagoTypesCom.eTTYHandshake.None, ePhysical:= WagoTypesCom.eTTYPhysicalLayer.RS485_HalfDuplex, xIsConnected=> xIsConnected, xError=> xError, oStatus=> oStatusModbus, eFrameType:= WagoAppPlcModbus.eMbFrameType.RTU, tTimeOut:= T#5S, utQuery:= utQuery, xTrigger:= xTrigger, utResponse:= utResponseModbus); delayTimer(IN := TRUE, PT := T#3S); // Use the Q output of the timer to set xConnect after the delay IF delayTimer.Q THEN xConnect := TRUE; END_IF CASE iStep OF 0: //Wacht totdat de master de poort geopend heeft IF xIsConnected THEN iStep := 1; END_IF 1: //Stuur request naar de slave xTrigger := TRUE; iStep := 2; 2: //Wacht totdat de master klaar is met het afhandelen van de request IF NOT xTrigger THEN iStep := 3; END_IF END_CASE The TON delay before opening the port is due to a an error I encountered when opening it straight away. This seems to be a bug, as described here. However, the TON solved that particular issue. I tried reading multiple registers, but like I said, I still always end up with the "Error time out". What else can I test or try at this point?
Last updated: 2024-02-24

Post by alexgooi on Modbus writing on value change CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
The way I usally tackle this is by syncing only words (then you are able to use the FB above). If you then want to write a Boolean simply type it like this. Value[1].0 := Bool1; Value[1].1 := Bool2; Value[1].2 := Bool3; Uints have the same number of bits than a INT/WORD so these ones will work as well (they are only represented diffrently). A Real will work but you will loose some infomration in the conversion. If you want to keep the information you can convert 2 words to a float with a function (for example with the IEEE-754 standard) . In this way the syncing to the server is very simple and in the Codesys Program you decide what part of the word you want to use.
Last updated: 2024-04-03

Post by paro on Modbus Client Request Not Processed CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi, works in my case if I increase the timeout! to_udint(t#100ms) -> 100 -> 100us.. FUNCTION_BLOCK MODBUS_master_example_ST VAR initDone : BOOL := FALSE; aIPAddress : ARRAY [0..3] OF BYTE := [127,0,0,1]; clientTcp: ModbusFB.ClientTcp; // buffer to read input registers aDataInputRegisters : ARRAY[0..9] OF UINT; // some client requests clientRequestReadInputRegisters: ModbusFB.ClientRequestReadInputRegisters; xExecute: BOOL; uistart: UINT := 100; udiTimeout1: UDINT; END_VAR IF NOT initDone THEN initDone := TRUE; // configure clientTcp clientTcp(aIPaddr:=aIPAddress, uiPort:=502, udiLogOptions := ModbusFB.LoggingOptions.All); // configure clientRequestReadInputRegisters clientRequestReadInputRegisters(rClient:=clientTcp, uiUnitId:=1, udiTimeout:=1000000); // 1sec END_IF // call the client FB's clientTcp(); clientRequestReadInputRegisters(rClient:=clientTcp,xExecute := xExecute AND NOT clientRequestReadInputRegisters.xBusy ,uiStartItem:=uistart, uiQuantity:=3, pData:=ADR(aDataInputRegisters[0]));
Last updated: 2024-05-30

Post by zer0g on Modbus Client Request Not Processed CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I'm using the code bellow which is based on the Codesys example: FUNCTION_BLOCK MODBUS_master_example_ST VAR initDone : BOOL := FALSE; aIPAddress : ARRAY [0..3] OF BYTE := [127,0,0,1]; clientTcp: ModbusFB.ClientTcp; // buffer to read input registers aDataInputRegisters : ARRAY[0..9] OF UINT; // some client requests clientRequestReadInputRegisters: ModbusFB.ClientRequestReadInputRegisters; xExecute: BOOL; END_VAR IF NOT initDone THEN initDone := TRUE; // configure clientTcp clientTcp(aIPaddr:=aIPAddress, uiPort:=502, udiLogOptions := ModbusFB.LoggingOptions.All); // configure clientRequestReadInputRegisters clientRequestReadInputRegisters(rClient:=clientTcp, uiUnitId:=1, udiTimeout:=TO_UDINT(T#1000MS)); END_IF // call the client FB's clientTcp(); clientRequestReadInputRegisters(rClient:=clientTcp,xExecute := xExecute AND NOT clientRequestReadInputRegisters.xBusy ,uiStartItem:=2, uiQuantity:=3, pData:=ADR(aDataInputRegisters[0])); As you can see the clientTCP is called cyclically with the same result.
Last updated: 2024-05-30

Post by shrikantp007 on help to get codesys understand CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello , I need some help on how to start with , 1) how to get test license to test codesys , 2) how to take a configuration backup or running process back and post file on fourm so people can understand and deploy same file and get idea what is missing or configure wrong 3) where i can get pdf for codesys admin or programmer 4) what is hardware recommand ,i am running on windows guest on kvm server .is it ok ? 5) i am trying to get ardunio porject working ,using ardunio board as a modbus slave but its not working some how Thanks in advance . shrikant pune -india
Last updated: 2024-07-22

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