Post by athuum on Error 'Library not found' and 'Unkown type'
Hello, I am getting the following error and warning when trying to download a project into a PLC: - Library CmpTargetVisu has not been added to the Library manager, or no valid license could be found - Unkown type: 'CmpEventMgr.EventParam' As far as I can see, both are included, and licensed, in the library manager (see image). What could the problem be, and how would I resolve this?
Last updated: 2024-10-08
Post by cillian on Error when opening HTML5Control Editor
Hello, I am new to this forum so apologies if this is posted in the incorrect area. I am getting an error when trying to open the HTML5 Control Editor - this was working fine previous days. I am using Codesys V3.5 SP20 Patch 3. I have reinstalled the application. Below is a screenshot of what shows when I attempt to open HTML5 Control Editor. Would anyone know the solution to rectifying this problem? Thanks in advance. Edit: This is now fixed.
Last updated: 2024-10-22
Post by mavitia on Application based license problem - Modbus TCP
I am running ubuntu on a raspberry pi, and installed an application based license Control Basic M on it, it runs a demo program fine, does not timeout etc. however, when I add a modbus TCP device, I start getting errors: <Entry severity="error" component="CmpApp" user="nobody" timestamp="12/18/2023 3:49:42 PM" infoId="24">Online change denied. Application Application is in exception state!</Entry> <Entry severity="error" component="CmpApp" user="nobody" timestamp="12/18/2023 3:49:42 PM" infoId="68">Download failed: Application=Application</Entry> <Entry severity="exception" component="CmpApp" user="nobody" timestamp="12/18/2023 3:49:41 PM" infoId="0">Application app=Application has invalid license metrics!</Entry> the modbus tcp slave runs, and the counter ticks up, however, when I call the variables on the %IX0.0 in my program, and try to upload the changes, I am getting the error messages which stop the program as far as I understand, the application based, M includes 2 fieldbus instances, but on the other side is fairly new, anything obvious I am missing out here?
Last updated: 2023-12-18
Post by rossanoparis on How to configure CODESYSControl_User.cfg in order to use a specific network card for OPCUA Server
Hello at all I'd like to know how to configure CODESYSControl_User.cfg in order to use a specific network card for OPCUA Server. In the past, I tried to ask in "Forge" about this topic, but I could find neither help nor document informations about it. Reading the file "codesyscontrol.log" I see these logs OPC UA Server Started: Hostname: NTLRPICTRL01, Port: 4840 URL: opc.tcp://NTLRPICTRL01:4840 Loopbackadapter activated. **All available networkadapters are used.** Multithreading activated. 3 workers used. My controller, which is a Linux PC, has got two network cards eth0 and eth1 I whant to use the card with name "eth0" as a server for OPCUA and keep the "eth1" free for other stuffs. Is it possible ? Best regards Rossano
Last updated: 2023-08-25
Post by ellcap on Did a library update and now can't open project
EDIT: Title was a mistake. Should say now I can't compile / download project. Codesys V3.5SP19 Patch 2. Updated the libraries/packages using the Codesys Installer. I'm hit with this error ------ Build started: Application: ------- Typify code... [ERROR] iecvaraccess, (system): IecVarAccess: C0086: No definition found for interface 'IIecVarAccess17' [ERROR] iecvaraccess, (system): IecVarAccess: C0077: Unknown type: 'IIecVarAccess17' [ERROR] iecvaraccess, (system): Initialize [IecVarAccess]: C0032: Cannot convert type 'IECVARACCESS(iecvaraccess, (system))' to type 'IIecVarAccess17' [ERROR] iecvaraccess, (system): QueryInterface [IecVarAccess]: C0231: Expression of type 'BOOL' expected in this place [ERROR] iecvaraccess, (system): QueryInterface [IecVarAccess]: C0077: Unknown type: 'ITFID_IIecVarAccess17' [ERROR] iecvaraccess, (system): QueryInterface [IecVarAccess]: C0046: Identifier 'ITFID_IIecVarAccess17' not defined Compile complete -- 6 errors, 101 warnings Build complete -- 6 errors, 101 warnings : No download possible
Last updated: 2023-09-25
Post by simotion on Codesys Softmotion Win V3 x64
I have a project in Codesys v3.5 sp19 patch2 that contains softmotion virtual axes. I want to simulation the code (softmotion) on the simulated plc on the pc. The controller in the project is a Codesys Softmotion Win V3 x64. I have started up the Codesys Softmotion Win 64 on the pc. However it seems a 3.5 sp14 controller. When trying to download the project, I get a message that target system is different from connected system (3.5.19 vs 3.5.14). How do I set the connected system to 3.5.20 (there seems no way to set the target system to 3.5.14
Last updated: 2023-10-04
Post by mp9876 on Attempting customizing menus fails in LADDER environment; due to free CODESYS version ?
Hello, I am attempting to get started here and bumping into this funny issue. I am using this version of CODESYS: ============================== DETAILED VERSION INFORMATION Created at 2024-03-10 ============================== Startup profile: ............................................................... CODESYS V3.5 SP19 Patch 6 OS version: .................................................................... Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19045.0 .NET version: .................................................................. 4.0.30319.42000 When attempting to customize the menus or toolbar it does not work. The additional commands, Insert TON box & Insert TOFF box, are present in the Customize Menus or Toolbars when re-opening the Customize options but neither the menu or the toolbar gets updated with these. Would also like to add them in the Ladder Toolbox as there are only 9 items in there which does not include the one mentioned above. Due because of the version I am using ? Any assistance would definitely be appreciated. Thank you Mike
Last updated: 2024-03-10
Post by struccc on Release SP20 - Changes in behaviour?
Dear all, I've just started to migrate some of my ancient projects to SP20. There is one strange error (?) I have noticed so far. In a method call, depending on the circumstances I would like to return reference to an object, or an invalid reference: METHOD Add_EVT_OUT : REFERENCE TO FB_MSG VAR END_VAR IF __ISVALIDREF(refMSG_Entry) THEN Add_EVT_OUT REF= MANAGER.AddMsg_EVT_OUT( refMSG_Entry, _Get_EVT_Message(MSG_EVENT.OUT), _Get_EVT_AddCode(MSG_EVENT.OUT) )^; ELSE Add_EVT_OUT := 0; END_IF So far setting a reference variable to 0, did this. But now, the expression Add_EVT_OUT := 0; gives an error: [ERROR] DB_WTP_370: Add_EVT_ACK MSG_TRIGGER_EXT: C0032: Cannot convert type 'BIT' to type 'REFERENCE TO FB_MSG' Naturally... I can write: Add_EVT_OUT := DWORD#0; But is this the correct way? Is there any constant I could use instead, like "NULL"? Or this is totally wrong and to be avoided?
Last updated: 2024-03-24
Post by kevinrn on Github Actions CI/CD tasks - development topic
Hi @steven-schalm, Thank you for your inquiry, and I apologize for the delayed response! We use GitHub Actions cloud runners for this purpose, as it eliminates the need to maintain our own build runners. You can get started by creating a free GitHub account, which includes complimentary minutes for running actions on Windows runners. You can find an example implementation in our repository: I'm currently working on making additional features public, including: Git checkout functionality, Code signing, Custom script execution However, these additions require some preparation before release. Feel free to contribute to the project! BTW: You can also execute this locally, even the yml files with nektos/act on your windows dev machine.
Last updated: 2024-11-27
Post by lraja on Codesys Programming with phyBOARD®-Pollux i.MX8M Plus
Dear All, I am trying to Developing a PLC using phyBOARD®-Pollux i.MX 8M Plus. It is very difficult to find the suitable Codesys control for i.MX8M. I have tried to install CODESYS Control for Linux ARM SL , but unable install it and I am getting the following error, [INFORMATION] Executing SSH command on root@ Retrieving architecture from package management [ERROR] Expected exit value of command failed: expected 0, received 127 [INFORMATION] Standard output: sh: line 1: dpkg: command not found Kindly check and help phyBOARD®-Pollux i.MX 8M Plus Link :
Last updated: 2023-09-23
Post by grant32 on Codesys ARTI .XML file not creating but working.
Hello, I am working on a project with a Beijer Nexto Xpress. I have done this a few times with no issues but for some reason this time when creating a Symbol Configuration the ARTI .xml file is not being created in the Project Folder. However when manually putting the ARTI tags in the HMI program they are connected and work. So I am just not getting the file to import all the tags. I can do it manually which is fine but no matter where the project folder is saved this occurs. Anyone experienced this? Did not see another forum on it.
Last updated: 2023-10-27
Post by ewi04 on Recipe Manager - RecipeManCommands, load & write wrong values, Bug?
I'm getting closer to the error. The combination of STRUCT and ARRAY probably causes the strange behavior. As soon as the ARRAY is followed by a variable, the problem arises. Examples: X: ARRAY[1..2] OF INT; // okay Y: ARRAY[1..2] OF STRUCT; // problem Z: STRUCT; Z.ArrayOfInt[1]; // okay Z.ArrayOfStruct[1].Variable // problem // *update - array of array also causes the error A: ARRAY[1..2] OF ARRAY[1..4] OF BOOL; // problem I can't be the only one who has this problem. Or? Maybe there is a solution. Anyone? Or is it a bug after all?
Last updated: 2023-11-17
Post by vformanek on irq-set piority is not working in plc-shell
Hello, I am currently having issues on CODESYS Control for linux SL with DTH expiring. I have followed several tutorials of creating a proper RT linux. Then I further configured the linux based on this tutorial: Currently I am getting DHT expires in the communication and I am trying to increase of the priority of the network task which manages the PROFINET network adapter. I am following this tutorial: But the irq-set is not changing the priority. See the image bellow....
Last updated: 2024-01-05
Post by matthew on New Ladder Diagram conversion does not work due to missing features
Hi It looks like in the new ladder there is no way to remove unused FB call parameters or update the function block? It's quite often where you have a function block with multiple uses and not all the parameters are required. Need the ability to leave an input/output blank without getting an compile error Expression expected instead of '' Also double clicking on the FB no longer opens the underlying FB code and view what it was doing online. Dragging and dropping a variable does not work, only using the selection works. Will these be available in the V1.0 release or just best to stick to the old ladder until it's available? Thanks
Last updated: 2024-01-28
Post by mani-i4point0 on Issue with WebVisu on Raspberry PI
Hi, I am running Codesys Runtime by purchasing 'Codesys control for raspberry pi MC SL', I am trying to use the Variables from my GVL's. Few of the variables used as a Pushbutton form the Visualization. These 'BOOL' Variable getting unlatched automatically even though there is no write function in the Overall project. All of them are 'Read' functions, at the same time few other BOOL variable behaviors are seems to be fine. I have tried, clean all and download, serval time restarted the hardware. Happy to share any any information. Your input to resolve this issue would be highly appriciated. Version Details: codesyscontrol, armhf codesyscontrol based on SDK
Last updated: 2024-03-20
Post by superjojo2002 on Licensing info not available.
I recognized that I have to start the two services "/etc/init.d/codemeter" and "/etc/init.d/codemeter-webadmin" in the docker container as well. If I do so, then the command "cmu -x" returns root@sensoredge-field-netfield-produktmanagment:/# cmu -x cmu - CodeMeter Universal Support Tool. Version 7.60c of 2023-Aug-09 (Build 5625) for Linux/ARMHF 64-Bit Copyright (C) 2007-2023 by WIBU-SYSTEMS AG. All rights reserved. So this time there is no indication any more that "Codemeter is not running". But still we are getting the error when using the license manager in CODESYS development system.
Last updated: 2024-03-21
Post by viksym on Get text from textlist
Does anybody know how to get a specific text from a text list within a program. Obviously it works in a visualization, but because I will have an HMI that has it's own system and I will have to send variables to this HMI via an OPC UA connection, I need to be able to get a text into a string. I tried using the VisuElems like this, but it only returns an empty "" and nothing else. IF trig THEN sText := VisuElems.cmpDynamictext.DynamicTextGetDefaultText(ADR(sTextList), ADR(sAlarmID))^; //sText := VisuElems.cmpDynamictext.DynamicTextGetText(ADR(sTextList), ADR(sAlarmID))^; trig := FALSE; END_IF Any help and idea is highly appreciated because I am getting desperate here.
Last updated: 2024-05-31
Post by jnoyau on Visualisaion while in simulation
Hi all, Im new to Codesys 3.5, and am in the process fo making a visualisation i'd eventually export towards a Wago device. The issue I'm having currently is that when I compile and connect to the simulated program, my simulation won't launch. On the Visualisation tab, all I get is a text message (where previously there was my prepared visualisation) that says "The visualisation awaits a connection. Start the application" One thing to note: I work with Codesys 3.5 in french, so this is a rough translation. And a second: I'm not getting any errors nor warnings about the visualisation tab itself upon compiling Is there a step i'm missing after launching my simulation? Or would it be some really specific issue caused by the way I've set up my program? Thanks, J
Last updated: 2024-07-31
Post by dawidr on Best practices for querying multiple MODBUS devices
Hi! What are the best practices for querying multiple Modbus devices? Single PRG or maybe multiple PRG (so basically multiple thread) per each Modbus device. In my current implementation I'm using single PRG and I'm utilizing FbMbMasterMultiQuerySerial and WagoAppPlcModbus.FbDigitalTwinMbSlaveDevice in eCockpit with PFC200. I've the timer with 2 seconds delay there and it was working fine for single device. But now I have three Modbus devices and for two of them I need to run 2/3 queries to get data from all registers. I noticed that the delays for getting the data from the Modbus devices is much bigger right now.
Last updated: 2024-07-31
Post by micik on Reverse bytes in an array
Hello, I'm getting the data in Codesys that is an array of 8 bytes. From this array, I need to foram LREAL number, however, because of different endiannes I need to reverse bytes in this array and then copy to a LREAL variable. For this I'm using a loop and it works OK. I wonder if there is a built in function to do this. I have found CAA Memory library but it has functions like reverse bytes in DWORD. But it seems it doesn't have what I need. What I need is a function to reverse bytes in an 8 byte array, or something similar.
Last updated: 2024-08-22
Post by micik on Reverse bytes in an array
Hello, I'm getting the data in Codesys that is an array of 8 bytes. From this array, I need to foram LREAL number, however, because of different endiannes I need to reverse bytes in this array and then copy to a LREAL variable. For this I'm using a loop and it works OK. I wonder if there is a built in function to do this. I have found CAA Memory library but it has functions like reverse bytes in DWORD. But it seems it doesn't have what I need. What I need is a function to reverse bytes in an 8 byte array, or something similar.
Last updated: 2024-08-22
Post by patrik on Application failing to boot after system reboot
Hi! I'm having issues with my applications failing to boot up after the hardware getting restarted by the customer. I've attached a picture of the related log lines in the PLC log. I'm running this on a windows server. The version I'm currently running is CoDeSys win V3 x64 Is there any way to get more information why it's failing to boot? I've had this issue on several versions of the runtime. I don't think it's version related but I don't know. All I know is that sometimes when the client gets a power outage or something that kills the machine some of my applications fail to boot. Any help is deeply appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Last updated: 2024-11-20
Post by brell on Automatic xExecute NBS.TCP_write
I've recently started experimenting with CODESYS for a project and am fairly new to it. I'm currently working with Function Block Diagrams (FBD) to set up TCP communication between a server and a client, where the client is implemented as a Python script. Once the communication is established, my connection status changes to True, which is the expected behavior. My challenge arises with the TCP write module, which requires the xEnable_write flag to toggle between True and False. If xEnable_write remains True, the module only performs a single write operation. To address this, I introduced a falling edge trigger (F_TRIG), expecting it to help in toggling xEnable_write and it does, However, I've encountered an issue where in the beginning after connxion established I need to manually set xEnable_write to True for the system to work as intended. I'm looking for a way to automate this process so that xEnable_write becomes True automatically upon establishing a connection . Initially, I tried setting xEnable_write to True from the start, but this approach didn't work well since it left the flag permanently True, preventing further toggling. I also experimented with using a TON timer, but I faced similar issues. I am seeking a solution that automatically toggles xEnable_write between True and False after a connection is established, ensuring continuous write operations without manual intervention. Any advice or guidance on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated."
Last updated: 2024-03-05
Post by francescoc on Custom log CmpLog
Hi, I am trying to create a log in my application. Since I cannot find any documentation regarding modifying the codesys configuration file to be able to log in ms, i tried to create a new log via CmpLog.LogCreate. Below is the part of the code where I create the logger and write a test string. In the log tab of codesys I actually see the new log that was created, but it is empty, and in the folder I cannot find any files. I can't find any detailed documentation. Can you guys give me support? Are there any examples? Thank you IF NOT FirstCycle THEN LogName:= 'LOGS/TestLog'; LogOptions.bEnable:= 1; LogOptions.iMaxEntries:= 5000; LogOptions.iMaxFiles:= 100; LogOptions.iMaxFileSize:= 5000; LogOptions.szName:= LogName; LogOptions.uiType:= CmpLog.LogTypes.LT_TIMESTAMP_RTC_HIGHRES; LogOptions.uiFilter:= CmpLog.LogClass.LOG_ALL; LogHandle:= CmpLog.LogCreate(pOptions := ADR(LogOptions), pResult:= ADR(Result)); LogHandle:= CmpLog.LogOpen(pszName:= LogName, pResult:= Result); Component_Manager.CMAddComponent2('TestLogNEW', 16#00000001, ADR(udiCmpIdNEW), 0); CmpLog.LogAdd2(LogHandle, udiCmpIdNEW, CmpLog.LogClass.LOG_INFO, 1, 1, 'Logger started...'); END_IF IF TestWrite THEN TestWrite:= FALSE; CmpLog.LogAdd2(LogHandle, udiCmpIdNEW, CmpLog.LogClass.LOG_INFO, 1, 1, 'Write test'); END_IF
Last updated: 2024-03-16
Post by rabaggett on CODESYS control for Raspberry Pi 64 SL errors
Hi, I am trying to create a project using a raspberry pi, I have added the modules for the Pi and MCP3008. I have encountered som errors that I don't know how to track down. 1. The GPIOs give preprocessor errors, but I read that this does not prevent compiling. This seems to be true. I can build the empty project with no errors. 2. After adding a SPI master and MCP3008, the preprocessor errors double, but seem similar and the project again builds with no errors. 3. I add a DUT and GVL, with a function, and I get the following errors. They remain even if I delete these things. ------ Build started: Application: Device.Application ------- Typify code... [ERROR] crr: C0032: Cannot convert type 'Unknown type: 'ADR(GVL_Io_17160064_c083_41f8_9e53_208be7537753_HPS_7.Io_17160064_c083_41f8_9e53_208be7537753_HPS_7)'' to type 'POINTER TO IoConfigParameter' [ERROR] crr: C0077: Unknown type: 'GVL_Io_17160064_c083_41f8_9e53_208be7537753_HPS_7.Io_17160064_c083_41f8_9e53_208be7537753_HPS_7' [ERROR] crr: C0046: Identifier 'GVL_Io_17160064_c083_41f8_9e53_208be7537753_HPS_7' not defined Compile complete -- 3 errors, 0 warnings I attach the project. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!
Last updated: 2024-05-02
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