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Post by mtho on JSON Utilities - JSON file written with invalid structure CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I'm using the JSON Utilities SL library to write configurations in my program to a file. I'm generating the JSON data using the builder function block and all appears to work correctly. When I write the jsondata to file, I'm finding that some of the JSON elements are not being written in the right location in the file. Rather than writing they keys under the parent object, they get written outside the root JSON object at the end of the file. If I then try to read the file back into the program, I get an invalid_structure error. I don't get any errors when populating the JSON data or when writing the file. I attached an example of the JSON writer output. The problems begin with key P200. Each P200 should go under MBR1 through MBR3. Among the rest of the keys, they are supposed to be under different parent objects. I am using default values for wsLineBreak and encoding.
Last updated: 2024-03-06

Post by sanacfu on looking for v2.3 libraries on v3.5.19 CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi all, I'm new to Codesys and Wago but well versed in Rockwell. I've been tasked with upgrading old Wago 750-880 PLCs that run Codesys v2.3. All I was giving is the original PLC program in v2.3 and the currently running machine. I've spec out to what I believe is a suitable upgrade, the PFC100 2ndGen, 750-8111. As I'm rewriting this code on the Codesys I can't find the same library functions blocks for ethernet settings PLC functions. Currently I'm working on code to get/set the PLC ethernet IP address and HMI IP addresses from the HMI screen. One other function I'm looking for is a warm reset function to the PLC. When googling for this stuff I see a lot of code not in ladder logic. Are these functions now not available to implement in ladder logic? Where can I get more information on finding and implementing this functions? Do I have to buy a license from Codesys to use these functions? The PLC I ordered should be arriving in 2-3 weeks.
Last updated: 2024-03-25

Post by rabaggett on Reading Named Pipes in Linux Is there a better way? CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I have a Python program that will handle things in my application such as VISA over IP and Telnet control of instruments. I want the main control and HMI in Codesys. My problem is communication between the two. I have looked at several ways to accomplish this, and settled on having the Python program create two named pipes, one to send information to Codesys, and one for Codesys to send information to Python. The information would be packetized with \n for end of packet.. Seems simple. I think the named pipes method should work, but file reading in Codesys using the CAA file library starts to get difficult when the file is never ending, as in this case. Before I spend too much time making something that may be fundamentally flawed I want to ask. Is there a better way? Is there a way to read the file 'one line at a time' which might solve my never ending file problem? Thanks!
Last updated: 2024-05-09

Post by caprez95 on Trace Restart Visuelement CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello everyone. I've been struggling with the problem for a long time that I can't reset (restart) a trend (visual element). With the example I have now managed to control the trace recording via the CmpTraceMgr library. But how do I get this trace recording into a visual element? The code looks like this: // Configure trace IF xInit THEN // Create a trace packet PacketConfig.pszName := ADR('IECTraceConfiguration.Trace1'); // Name of trace PacketConfig.pszApplicationName := ADR('IECTraceConfiguration'); // Name of the application PacketConfig.pszIecTaskName := ADR('Task'); // Name of the task PacketConfig.pszComment := ADR('Demo packet'); PacketConfig.ulEveryNCycles := 1; PacketConfig.ulBufferEntries := 1000; PacketConfig.ulFlags := TRACE_PACKET_FLAGS.TRACE_PACKET_FLAGS_TIMESTAMP_MS AND TRACE_PACKET_FLAGS.TRACE_PACKET_FLAGS_AUTOSTART; IF (NOT fbTraceManager.CreatePacket(PacketConfig := PacketConfig, hPacket=>hPacket1)) THEN xError := TRUE; END_IF // Create a trace record RecordConfig.pszVariable := ADR('iSignal'); // This is the name of variable to record RecordConfig.tcClass := INT_TO_UDINT(TypeClass.TYPE_INT); // Type of the recording variable RecordConfig.ulSize := SIZEOF(iSignal); // Size of the recording variable pApp := AppFindApplicationByName('IECTraceConfiguration', 0); AppGetAreaOffsetByAddress(pApp, ADR(iSignal), ADR(RecordConfig.tvaAddress.taAddress.Area.usArea), ADR(RecordConfig.tvaAddress.taAddress.Area.ulOffset)); // Get and set area offsets RecordConfig.tvaAddress.ulAddressFlags := TRACE_VAR_ADDRESS_FLAGS_IEC OR TRACE_VAR_ADDRESS_FLAGS_AREA_OFFSET; RecordConfig.ulGraphColor := 16#FF00FF00; // green RecordConfig.ulGraphType := 1; // Line with points IF (NOT fbTraceManager.AddRecord(RecordConfig := RecordConfig, hPacket := hPacket1, hRecord => hRecord1)) THEN xError := TRUE; END_IF xInit := FALSE; END_IF // Starts the recording IF xStart THEN IF (NOT fbTraceManager.StartPacket(hPacket := hPacket1)) THEN xError := TRUE; END_IF xStart := FALSE; END_IF // Stop the recording IF xStop THEN IF (NOT fbTraceManager.StopPacket(hPacket := hPacket1)) THEN xError := TRUE; END_IF xStop := FALSE; END_IF // Reset the recording IF xReset THEN IF (NOT fbTraceManager.ResetPacket(hPacket := hPacket1)) THEN xError := TRUE; END_IF xReset := FALSE; END_IF
Last updated: 2024-06-04

Post by abinvest579 on TCP Client CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi All, I am using codesys based plc to read and control magna power DC supply over LXI protocol using SCPI command. To connect device required socket programming for that i am using Net base service library function block TCP_Client to establish connection over TCP/IP , TCP_Write to write SCPI commands and TCP_Read to read data from Magna power DC supply. I have attached screenshot for logic developed. I am able to connect and write commands to device but i not receiving any information from device. For writing Commands i also tried various end of line character like \n,<nl>, A, D, 10, 13, 0x0A, 0x0D but not received any status from device. For testing purpose i am using simple command '*IDN?' to read data. Also if tried to check on hercules software what data actually plc read, first it read correct data after that is read wrong data as see in screen shot. 'Hello World' was correct read and after that Codesys in replaced with 'Codesysorld' that is not correct way. Same issue also appeared for send data. Any one have face same issue how i can read data directly from device correctly and send data please suggest solution on this.</nl>
Last updated: 2024-07-01

Post by to-ke on Errors with VisuUserManagement library CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hallo zusammen, hi all, ich habe den gleichen Fehler. Auf einem Raspberry Pi geht der Fehler weg, wenn ich alles bereinige und dann vollständig übersetze. Wenn das Projekt im Codesys Development System wieder neu geladen wird ist der Fehler aber wieder da. Mit eine Win V3 x64 PLC kann ich den Fehler nur unterbinden wenn ich auf der HMI das VUM_Login einbinde. Dieses brauche ich aber nicht, da ich die HMI für das User Management selbst gestaltet habe. Das funktioniert auch. I have the same error. On a Raspberry Pi the error goes away if I clean everything and then compile completely. When the project is reloaded in the Codesys Development System, the error returns. With a Win V3 x64 PLC I can only prevent the error if I integrate the VUM_Login on the HMI. But I don't need this because I designed the HMI for user management myself. That works too. Anyone have an idea to fix this problem. Many thanks
Last updated: 2024-07-09

Post by fless on Von SNMP auf IIoT wechseln CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hallo, 1. Willkommen :-) 2. Da hast schon etwas worauf du aufbauen kannst. 3. Da gibt es von WAGO Hilfen wie man Projekte zu Codesys 3.5 migriert. 4. Mit SNMP habe ich keine Erfahrung, kann dir leider nicht weiterhelfen. 5. WAGO hat eine eigene SNMP Implementierung. Ich vermute WAGO entwickelt diese Libary nicht mehr parallel weiter, deshalb die Aussage des Supports. Die Codesys SNMP lib ist in das Paket IoT gepackt worden. Die Library kannst du ganz normal einbinden wenn du die IoT Lizenz für das Gerät gekauft hast . Hilfe findest du hier Wenn du keine Lizenz hast sollte die Lib einen gewissen Zeitraum, iirc 30 Minuten, ohne Einschränkungen im Demomodus laufen. Zu den Detailfragen, das ist eine WAGO Libary da wirst du hier nur mit viel Glück Hilfe finden. Ich würde für ein Retrofit auf die Version von Codesys wechseln, dann bist du auch nicht mehr abhängig vom Hersteller. Grüße
Last updated: 2024-08-21

Post by otbeka on CmpCrypto CryptoGenerateHash Not Outputting CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi, I have been trying to use CryptoGenerateHash from the CmpCrypto Implementation library. My code is taken almost directly from the CryptoDemo.project example provided on Codesys Forge, yet the CryptoGenerateHash function does not write to the address listed in pHash. RTS_IEC_RESULT is OK, but I am getting nothing out of the function. No errors either, all my libraries are up to date. Any help would be appreicated! PROGRAM PLC_PRG VAR sMessage : MESSAGE := 'The red fox runs across the ice'; abyHashCode : HASH_CODE := [ 16#52, 16#ED, 16#87, 16#9E, 16#70, 16#F7, 16#1D, 16#92, 16#6E, 16#B6, 16#95, 16#70, 16#08, 16#E0, 16#3C, 16#E4, 16#CA, 16#69, 16#45, 16#D3 ]; xMessageOK : BOOL; END_VAR xMessageOK := CheckMessage(sMessage, abyHashCode); FUNCTION CheckMessage : BOOL VAR_INPUT sMessage : REFERENCE TO MESSAGE; abyHashCode : REFERENCE TO HASH_CODE; END_VAR VAR _hHASH : RTS_IEC_HANDLE := CryptoGetAlgorithmById(ui32CryptoID:=RtsCryptoID.HASH_SHA1, pResult:=0); Result : RTS_IEC_RESULT; bsMessage : RtsByteString := (ui32MaxLen:=SIZEOF(sMessage), pByData:=ADR(sMessage), ui32Len:=TO_UDINT(LEN(sMessage))); abyNewHashCode : HASH_CODE; bsNewHashCode : RtsByteString := (ui32MaxLen:=SIZEOF(abyNewHashCode), pByData:=ADR(abyNewHashCode)); diCmpResult : DINT; END_VAR Result := CryptoGenerateHash(hAlgo:=_hHASH, pData:=ADR(bsMessage), pHash:=ADR(bsNewHashCode)); diCmpResult := SysMemCmp(pBuffer1:=ADR(abyHashCode), pBuffer2:=ADR(abyNewHashCode), udiCount:=SIZEOF(HASH_CODE)); CheckMessage := diCmpResult = 0;
Last updated: 2024-09-06

Post by julianramirez on ModbusFB write update CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello everyone, I am testing the ModbusFB library tcp server and so far I am able to create holding registers successfully, however, I am trying to identify after each write which registers got updated (i.e. function code, write value). I can even see the var udiNumWriteRequests, which increases with every write. I noticed that there is logging with the LogStatusInfo method. After I call it I am able to read in the console stuff that I want. Nevertheless, this is only available at the logs and is not easy to decode because it consists on several messages, I would like to know if there is a way for me to retrieve this information from the function itself with pointers or if there is any way to copy the logs messages (assuming that I can filter them with the LoggingOptions to only show what I need) inside the runtime code and not in the console. Thanks for your help :)
Last updated: 2024-09-16

Post by salvadegianluca on List files in a directory with SysDiropen And SysDirRead CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Good morning; I'm facing an issue that seems being caused by the library itself. I'm trying to create the list of all the files that are stored inside a psecific directory. Unluckily the first file is allways hidden. VAR CONSTANT arysEmptyArray:ARRAY[iArrayMinDimension..iArrayMAXDimension] OF STRING := [(iArrayMAXDimension - iArrayMinDimension)('')]; iArrayMinDimension:INT := 1; iArrayMAXDimension:INT := 99; END_VAR VAR_INPUT sDirectoryToInspect:STRING; sSearchFilter:STRING; END_VAR VAR_IN_OUT xCheckFileInsideDirectory:BOOL; END_VAR VAR arysListOfFoundFiles:ARRAY[iArrayMinDimension..iArrayMAXDimension] OF STRING; sNullString:STRING; iNullIndex:INT := 0; libInfoAboutThePath:DirInfo; libResultOfThePathMonitoring:CmpErrors.RTS_IEC_RESULT; libInstanceToMonitorThePath:CmpErrors.RTS_IEC_HANDLE; sEntityToSearch:STRING; dMaxEntityDimension:DINT := SIZEOF(sEntityToSearch); libFileInfo:DirInfo; sFilteredFileName:STRING; iIndexToScrollArrays:INT; END_VAR IF xCheckFileInsideDirectory THEN arysListOfFoundFiles:=arysEmptyArray; iIndexToScrollArrays:=iArrayMinDimension; libInstanceToMonitorThePath:= SysDirOpen(szDir:= sDirectoryToInspect,szDirEntry:=sNullString,diMaxDirEntry:= iNullIndex,pDirInfo:= ADR(libInfoAboutThePath),pResult:= ADR(libResultOfThePathMonitoring)); WHILE libResultOfThePathMonitoring = Errors.ERR_OK AND iIndexToScrollArrays <= iArrayMAXDimension DO sEntityToSearch:= ''; libResultOfThePathMonitoring:=SysDirRead(hDir:=libInstanceToMonitorThePath,szDirEntry:=sEntityToSearch,diMaxDirEntry:=dMaxEntityDimension,pDirInfo:=ADR(libFileInfo)); sFilteredFileName:= FUN_06_00_FindItemInString_0(sFilter:=sSearchFilter,sSource:=sEntityToSearch); IF sFilteredFileName <> '' THEN arysListOfFoundFiles[iIndexToScrollArrays]:=sFilteredFileName; iIndexToScrollArrays:=iIndexToScrollArrays + 1; END_IF IF libResultOfThePathMonitoring <> Errors.ERR_OK THEN libResultOfThePathMonitoring:= Errors.ERR_OK; END_IF END_WHILE libResultOfThePathMonitoring:=SysDirClose(hDir:= libInstanceToMonitorThePath); xCheckFileInsideDirectory:=FALSE; END_IF How is possible to solve this issue? Any known work around?
Last updated: 2024-09-17

Post by salvadegianluca on List files in a directory with SysDiropen And SysDirRead CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Good morning; I'm facing an issue that seems being caused by the library itself. I'm trying to create the list of all the files that are stored inside a psecific directory. Unluckily the first file is allways hidden. VAR CONSTANT arysEmptyArray:ARRAY[iArrayMinDimension..iArrayMAXDimension] OF STRING := [(iArrayMAXDimension - iArrayMinDimension)('')]; iArrayMinDimension:INT := 1; iArrayMAXDimension:INT := 99; END_VAR VAR_INPUT sDirectoryToInspect:STRING; sSearchFilter:STRING; END_VAR VAR_IN_OUT xCheckFileInsideDirectory:BOOL; END_VAR VAR arysListOfFoundFiles:ARRAY[iArrayMinDimension..iArrayMAXDimension] OF STRING; sNullString:STRING; iNullIndex:INT := 0; libInfoAboutThePath:DirInfo; libResultOfThePathMonitoring:CmpErrors.RTS_IEC_RESULT; libInstanceToMonitorThePath:CmpErrors.RTS_IEC_HANDLE; sEntityToSearch:STRING; dMaxEntityDimension:DINT := SIZEOF(sEntityToSearch); libFileInfo:DirInfo; sFilteredFileName:STRING; iIndexToScrollArrays:INT; END_VAR IF xCheckFileInsideDirectory THEN arysListOfFoundFiles:=arysEmptyArray; iIndexToScrollArrays:=iArrayMinDimension; libInstanceToMonitorThePath:= SysDirOpen(szDir:= sDirectoryToInspect,szDirEntry:=sNullString,diMaxDirEntry:= iNullIndex,pDirInfo:= ADR(libInfoAboutThePath),pResult:= ADR(libResultOfThePathMonitoring)); WHILE libResultOfThePathMonitoring = Errors.ERR_OK AND iIndexToScrollArrays <= iArrayMAXDimension DO sEntityToSearch:= ''; libResultOfThePathMonitoring:=SysDirRead(hDir:=libInstanceToMonitorThePath,szDirEntry:=sEntityToSearch,diMaxDirEntry:=dMaxEntityDimension,pDirInfo:=ADR(libFileInfo)); sFilteredFileName:= FUN_06_00_FindItemInString_0(sFilter:=sSearchFilter,sSource:=sEntityToSearch); IF sFilteredFileName <> '' THEN arysListOfFoundFiles[iIndexToScrollArrays]:=sFilteredFileName; iIndexToScrollArrays:=iIndexToScrollArrays + 1; END_IF IF libResultOfThePathMonitoring <> Errors.ERR_OK THEN libResultOfThePathMonitoring:= Errors.ERR_OK; END_IF END_WHILE libResultOfThePathMonitoring:=SysDirClose(hDir:= libInstanceToMonitorThePath); xCheckFileInsideDirectory:=FALSE; END_IF How is possible to solve this issue? Any known work around?
Last updated: 2024-09-17

Post by salvadegianluca on List files in a directory with SysDiropen And SysDirRead CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Good morning; I'm facing an issue that seems being caused by the library itself. I'm trying to create the list of all the files that are stored inside a psecific directory. Unluckily the first file is allways hidden. VAR CONSTANT arysEmptyArray:ARRAY[iArrayMinDimension..iArrayMAXDimension] OF STRING := [(iArrayMAXDimension - iArrayMinDimension)('')]; iArrayMinDimension:INT := 1; iArrayMAXDimension:INT := 99; END_VAR VAR_INPUT sDirectoryToInspect:STRING; sSearchFilter:STRING; END_VAR VAR_IN_OUT xCheckFileInsideDirectory:BOOL; END_VAR VAR arysListOfFoundFiles:ARRAY[iArrayMinDimension..iArrayMAXDimension] OF STRING; sNullString:STRING; iNullIndex:INT := 0; libInfoAboutThePath:DirInfo; libResultOfThePathMonitoring:CmpErrors.RTS_IEC_RESULT; libInstanceToMonitorThePath:CmpErrors.RTS_IEC_HANDLE; sEntityToSearch:STRING; dMaxEntityDimension:DINT := SIZEOF(sEntityToSearch); libFileInfo:DirInfo; sFilteredFileName:STRING; iIndexToScrollArrays:INT; END_VAR IF xCheckFileInsideDirectory THEN arysListOfFoundFiles:=arysEmptyArray; iIndexToScrollArrays:=iArrayMinDimension; libInstanceToMonitorThePath:= SysDirOpen(szDir:= sDirectoryToInspect,szDirEntry:=sNullString,diMaxDirEntry:= iNullIndex,pDirInfo:= ADR(libInfoAboutThePath),pResult:= ADR(libResultOfThePathMonitoring)); WHILE libResultOfThePathMonitoring = Errors.ERR_OK AND iIndexToScrollArrays <= iArrayMAXDimension DO sEntityToSearch:= ''; libResultOfThePathMonitoring:=SysDirRead(hDir:=libInstanceToMonitorThePath,szDirEntry:=sEntityToSearch,diMaxDirEntry:=dMaxEntityDimension,pDirInfo:=ADR(libFileInfo)); sFilteredFileName:= FUN_06_00_FindItemInString_0(sFilter:=sSearchFilter,sSource:=sEntityToSearch); IF sFilteredFileName <> '' THEN arysListOfFoundFiles[iIndexToScrollArrays]:=sFilteredFileName; iIndexToScrollArrays:=iIndexToScrollArrays + 1; END_IF IF libResultOfThePathMonitoring <> Errors.ERR_OK THEN libResultOfThePathMonitoring:= Errors.ERR_OK; END_IF END_WHILE libResultOfThePathMonitoring:=SysDirClose(hDir:= libInstanceToMonitorThePath); xCheckFileInsideDirectory:=FALSE; END_IF How is possible to solve this issue? Any known work around?
Last updated: 2024-09-17

Post by salvadegianluca on List files in a directory with SysDiropen And SysDirRead CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Good morning; I'm facing an issue that seems being caused by the library itself. I'm trying to create the list of all the files that are stored inside a psecific directory. Unluckily the first file is allways hidden. VAR CONSTANT arysEmptyArray:ARRAY[iArrayMinDimension..iArrayMAXDimension] OF STRING := [(iArrayMAXDimension - iArrayMinDimension)('')]; iArrayMinDimension:INT := 1; iArrayMAXDimension:INT := 99; END_VAR VAR_INPUT sDirectoryToInspect:STRING; sSearchFilter:STRING; END_VAR VAR_IN_OUT xCheckFileInsideDirectory:BOOL; END_VAR VAR arysListOfFoundFiles:ARRAY[iArrayMinDimension..iArrayMAXDimension] OF STRING; sNullString:STRING; iNullIndex:INT := 0; libInfoAboutThePath:DirInfo; libResultOfThePathMonitoring:CmpErrors.RTS_IEC_RESULT; libInstanceToMonitorThePath:CmpErrors.RTS_IEC_HANDLE; sEntityToSearch:STRING; dMaxEntityDimension:DINT := SIZEOF(sEntityToSearch); libFileInfo:DirInfo; sFilteredFileName:STRING; iIndexToScrollArrays:INT; END_VAR IF xCheckFileInsideDirectory THEN arysListOfFoundFiles:=arysEmptyArray; iIndexToScrollArrays:=iArrayMinDimension; libInstanceToMonitorThePath:= SysDirOpen(szDir:= sDirectoryToInspect,szDirEntry:=sNullString,diMaxDirEntry:= iNullIndex,pDirInfo:= ADR(libInfoAboutThePath),pResult:= ADR(libResultOfThePathMonitoring)); WHILE libResultOfThePathMonitoring = Errors.ERR_OK AND iIndexToScrollArrays <= iArrayMAXDimension DO sEntityToSearch:= ''; libResultOfThePathMonitoring:=SysDirRead(hDir:=libInstanceToMonitorThePath,szDirEntry:=sEntityToSearch,diMaxDirEntry:=dMaxEntityDimension,pDirInfo:=ADR(libFileInfo)); sFilteredFileName:= FUN_06_00_FindItemInString_0(sFilter:=sSearchFilter,sSource:=sEntityToSearch); IF sFilteredFileName <> '' THEN arysListOfFoundFiles[iIndexToScrollArrays]:=sFilteredFileName; iIndexToScrollArrays:=iIndexToScrollArrays + 1; END_IF IF libResultOfThePathMonitoring <> Errors.ERR_OK THEN libResultOfThePathMonitoring:= Errors.ERR_OK; END_IF END_WHILE libResultOfThePathMonitoring:=SysDirClose(hDir:= libInstanceToMonitorThePath); xCheckFileInsideDirectory:=FALSE; END_IF How is possible to solve this issue? Any known work around?
Last updated: 2024-09-17

Post by lbartik on J1939 TX/RX PDU1 CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Is it possible to transmit a PDU1 PGN using the J1939 manager and local device? What if I need to transmit a PGN RQST via 0xEA00 (PGN 59904)? How would I do this P2P (Destination < 0xFF) or broadcast (Destination 0xFF)? I don't think this is possible for any destination type. I don't think it's possible to receive broadcast PDU1 messages either. For example, an address claim PGN 60928 (0x18EEFF80) is addressed to all nodes (0xFF) and not any specific local device so it will be filtered out. These are major oversights in the IoDrvJ1939 library to not support every PDU1 RX/TX scenario. IoDrvJ1939 supported scenario: 1. Receive (RX) PDU1 (P2P) destination-specific (PDU-specific < 255) to local device with matching address IoDrvJ1939 unsupported scenarios: 1. Receive (RX) PDU1 (P2P) global (PDU-specific = 255) 2. Transmit (TX) PDU1 (P2P) global (PDU-specific = 255) 3. Transmit (TX) PDU1 (P2P) destination-specific (PDU-specific < 255)
Last updated: 2024-09-23

Post by captaincookie on increase default string length in queue CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello, I'm using Codesys V3.5 SP18 Patch 4. In the ElementCollectionExample Project from Codesys, I test the SimpleQueueExample in a Control Win V3 x64 environment. I try to add a string of 95 characters length to a queue. The default length of strings is defined as 80 characters. In the initialization of a string variable, it is possible to increase the length by the definition of e.g. STRING(1000). But when I write the string defined like this to the queue, only 80 characters are written to it and the rest is missing. I think the default length is still set in the queue definition, so it is necessary to change this, isn't it? Is there any option to increase the default length of strings in the queue? Attached you can find the used project. Thanks in advance. If any information are missing or my description unclear please let me know.
Last updated: 2023-10-05

Post by mavitia on Application based license problem - Modbus TCP CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I am running ubuntu on a raspberry pi, and installed an application based license Control Basic M on it, it runs a demo program fine, does not timeout etc. however, when I add a modbus TCP device, I start getting errors: <Entry severity="error" component="CmpApp" user="nobody" timestamp="12/18/2023 3:49:42 PM" infoId="24">Online change denied. Application Application is in exception state!</Entry> <Entry severity="error" component="CmpApp" user="nobody" timestamp="12/18/2023 3:49:42 PM" infoId="68">Download failed: Application=Application</Entry> <Entry severity="exception" component="CmpApp" user="nobody" timestamp="12/18/2023 3:49:41 PM" infoId="0">Application app=Application has invalid license metrics!</Entry> the modbus tcp slave runs, and the counter ticks up, however, when I call the variables on the %IX0.0 in my program, and try to upload the changes, I am getting the error messages which stop the program as far as I understand, the application based, M includes 2 fieldbus instances, but on the other side is fairly new, anything obvious I am missing out here?
Last updated: 2023-12-18

Post by spiessli on Softmotion axis to CANopen Maxon IDX drive CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Thanks for the advise, indeed, this was somewhat, what my intention was. I tried around again with EDSes and DCFs, anyway. It appears that the DCFs end up in a subfolder in the attach device dialog. Astonishingly, when attaching the DCF version I get a device in the device tree, where I can add a SoftMotion axis, whereas when I attach the device not in the subfolder, then I cannot. Further astonishingly, when looking in the CANopen parameters in supported profiles, "402" is listed in the case of the DCF variant, whereas in the EDS variant "0" is shown. Comparing EDS and DCF files I cannot guess, where the difference is coming from. I cannot tell either why I have always attached the EDS variant and apparantly never the DCF variant. As I am not in the lab right now, I cannot test if the connection actually is working. Thanks again, spiessli
Last updated: 2024-01-07

Post by wbj0t on System libs and I/O Drivers CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi everyone. My question about: where I can learn (read or watch) an info about codesys workflow through the system IO libs? I want to know how to implement I/O drivers by my self. In the system libs I see many interfaces, methods etc... But there is no explanation about them, just names of methods and fields of the FBs. I know about this page: There is so BIG the device description file and not so clear explaining of the attributes and elements, also some elements or attributes missed at it all. Yes, there are code examples on this page, but, so shortly and, for example, code about Modbus drivers is absent. And even if I try to add the IoDrvFB with lib, I get and error, something like: "failed to load IoDrvFB driver". And what about the book of codesys that written by Gary Pratt? Is there information about system libs and drivers in this book more clearly? Thank you :)
Last updated: 2024-02-02

Post by yannickasselin on Connect to remote PLC via local pc and teamviewer CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Yes it is possible. I did it a lot of times using TeamViewer VPN. Unfortunately, TeamViewer VPN only works on Windows. If the remote PLC is a Codesys runtime running on Windows, you should be able to login directly using TeamViewer VPN if it is installed on the PC/PLC. If it is not Windows based, you can still do it but you need to have a Windows based PC acting as a gateway in the middle. In this case you need to enable IP Forwarding on the Windows remote PC (the gateway) and you need to setup the gateway IP address on the PLC to be the address of the Windows PC. Then you need to add a route on your local PC to point to the gateway PC for Codesys communication. I know it may not be detailed enough but I did not want to make a whole tutorial on how to do it. Bottom line, it is possible. I do it all the time.
Last updated: 2024-02-02

Post by mondinmr on Direct Pointers in IOMapping for EtherCAT with IoDrvEthercatLib.ETCSlave_Dia CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I have found a very interesting solution using: IoConfigTaskMap IoConfigConnectorMap IoConfigChannelMap The first is the list of IO tasks. The second is the connector for each IO module in the IOMap. The third is the individual input or output on the IOMap. One of the properties of the connector is another pointer to a connector, which corresponds with the connector of the EtherCAT slave. Through this information, it is possible to understand to which EtherCAT slave an IO connectormap corresponds. I am attaching an FB that allows for the construction of an IO map and finding the pointer to the actual IOs in the IOMap based on the bitoffset. FUNCTION_BLOCK IOExplorer VAR_INPUT END_VAR VAR_OUTPUT END_VAR VAR inputChannels: COL.LinkedList; outputChannels: COL.LinkedList; ulintFactory: COL.UlintElementFactory; END_VAR METHOD inputAtBitOffsetOfConnector : POINTER TO BYTE VAR_INPUT conn: POINTER TO IoConfigConnectorMap; bitOffset: UDINT; END_VAR VAR it: COL.LinkedListIterator; itf: COL.IElement; elem: COL.iUlintElement; channelInfo: POINTER TO ADVChannelInfo; bitOffsetR: UDINT; END_VAR inputChannels.ElementIterator(it); WHILE it.HasNext() DO it.Next(itfElement => itf); __QUERYINTERFACE(itf, elem); {warning disable C0033} channelInfo := TO___UXINT(elem.UlintValue); {warning restire C0033} IF channelInfo^.connectorField = conn THEN IF bitOffsetR = bitOffset THEN inputAtBitOffsetOfConnector := channelInfo^.addr; RETURN; END_IF bitOffsetR := bitOffsetR + channelInfo^.size; ELSE bitOffsetR := 0; END_IF END_WHILE inputAtBitOffsetOfConnector := 0; END_METHOD METHOD outputAtBitOffsetOfConnector : POINTER TO BYTE VAR_INPUT conn: POINTER TO IoConfigConnectorMap; bitOffset: UDINT; END_VAR VAR it: COL.LinkedListIterator; itf: COL.IElement; elem: COL.iUlintElement; channelInfo: POINTER TO ADVChannelInfo; bitOffsetR: UDINT; END_VAR outputChannels.ElementIterator(it); WHILE it.HasNext() DO it.Next(itfElement => itf); __QUERYINTERFACE(itf, elem); {warning disable C0033} channelInfo := TO___UXINT(elem.UlintValue); {warning restire C0033} IF channelInfo^.connectorField = conn THEN IF bitOffsetR = bitOffset THEN outputAtBitOffsetOfConnector := channelInfo^.addr; RETURN; END_IF bitOffsetR := bitOffsetR + channelInfo^.size; ELSE bitOffsetR := 0; END_IF END_WHILE outputAtBitOffsetOfConnector := 0; END_METHOD METHOD scanIO VAR_INPUT END_VAR VAR numTasks: DINT := IoConfig_Globals.nIoConfigTaskMapCount; tType: WORD; ioTask: POINTER TO IoConfigTaskMap; numCon: WORD; connector: POINTER TO IoConfigConnectorMap; numCh: DWORD; channelInfo: POINTER TO ADVChannelInfo; iTsk: DINT; iCon: WORD; iCh: DWORD; i: DINT; _tmpConnList: COL.IList; elem: COL.IUlintElement; itf: COL.IElement; tmpCh: POINTER TO ADVChannelInfo; lastE: DINT; e: COL.COLLECTION_ERROR; e1: Error; END_VAR VAR_INST lF: COL.ListFactory; END_VAR IF outputChannels.CountElements() > 0 OR inputChannels.CountElements() > 0 THEN RETURN; END_IF _tmpConnList := lF.CreateDynamicList(16, 16); //Iterate through all IO tasks FOR iTsk := 0 TO numTasks - 1 DO ioTask := ADR(IoConfig_Globals.pIoConfigTaskMap[iTsk]); //Store the type of the task (Input or Output) tType := ioTask^.wType; numCon := ioTask^.wNumOfConnectorMap; //Iterate through all connectors of the task FOR iCon := 0 TO numCon - 1 DO connector := ADR(ioTask^.pConnectorMapList[iCon]); numCh := connector^.dwNumOfChannels; //Iterate through all channels of the connector FOR iCh := 0 TO numCh - 1 DO //Create a new channel info object and fill it with the address, connector and size of the channel //Connectors is address of field connector in this case like EtherCAT slave //Address is the address of the IOMap //Size is the size of channel data in bits in IOMap channelInfo := __NEW(ADVChannelInfo); channelInfo^.addr := connector^.pChannelMapList[iCh].pbyIecAddress; channelInfo^.connectorField := connector^.pConnector; channelInfo^.size := connector^.pChannelMapList[iCh].wSize; //We put the channel info a temporary ordered list //Order is based on the address of IOMap lastE := TO_DINT(_tmpConnList.CountElements()) - 1; FOR i := 0 TO lastE DO _tmpConnList.GetElementAt(udiPosition := TO_UDINT(i), itfElement => itf); __QUERYINTERFACE(itf, elem); {warning disable C0033} tmpCh := TO___UXINT(elem.UlintValue); {warning restire C0033} //If the address of the channel is smaller than the address of the channel in the list IF tmpCh^.addr > channelInfo^.addr THEN //Insert the channel in the list at the current position _tmpConnList.InsertElementAt(TO_UDINT(i), ulintFactory.Create(TO_ULINT(channelInfo))); //Clear the channel info pointer channelInfo := 0; //Exit the loop i := lastE + 1; END_IF END_FOR //If the channel info is not 0, it means that the channel was not inserted in the list IF channelInfo <> 0 THEN //Add the channel to the end of the list elem := ulintFactory.Create(TO_ULINT(channelInfo)); _tmpConnList.AddElement(elem); END_IF END_FOR //Iterate temporary list and add the channels to the input or output list lastE := TO_DINT(_tmpConnList.CountElements()) - 1; FOR i := 0 TO lastE DO _tmpConnList.GetElementAt(udiPosition := TO_UDINT(i), itfElement => itf); __QUERYINTERFACE(itf, elem); {warning disable C0033} tmpCh := TO___UXINT(elem.UlintValue); {warning restire C0033} //If type is input, add the channel to the input list IF tType = TaskMapTypes.TMT_INPUTS THEN e := inputChannels.AddElement(ulintFactory.Create(TO_ULINT(tmpCh))); //If type is output, add the channel to the output list ELSIF tType = TaskMapTypes.TMT_OUTPUTS THEN e := outputChannels.AddElement(ulintFactory.Create(TO_ULINT(tmpCh))); ELSE __DELETE(tmpCh); END_IF END_FOR //Clear the temporary list _tmpConnList.RemoveAllElements(); END_FOR END_FOR END_METHOD
Last updated: 2024-02-13

Post by alexgooi on Modbus writing on value change CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi Duvan, You could make this in 1 single object (FB), Indeed don't use a function for this beacuse you need some memory to keep the old value. For i := 0 TO 200 BY 1 DO //Check if the value has been changed IF Old_Value[i] <> Value[i] THEN //Set the trigger to TRUE Trigger[i] := TRUE; Old_Value[i] := Value[i]; END_IF END_FOR If you define the Value array as an In_Out and the Trigger as an In_Out you arn't claiming any aditional memory to your system. You ofcourse then need to add some code arround it that does something with the trigger and writes it back to FALSE again. If you want more flexability you also could use pointers instead of using the IN_OUT FOR i := 0 TO 200 BY 1 DO address := address_Input + i * SIZEOF(*Put type here); IF Address^ <> Old_Value[i] THEN Trigger[i] := TRUE; Old_Value[i] := Address^; END_IF END_FOR
Last updated: 2024-04-02

Post by jose-coro on Trouble installing codesys 64 CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I tried to intalling codesys 64, during the installation process I get the following messages: "One or more problems have appeared with the current version profile. please consult with the supplier to solve the problem. -The plugin '{ee08241a-dd43-445a-b0a1-de9f717d92e0}(exactly' is required for the current version profile but is not installed. The plug-in '{c7880c90-68c0-4cf8-a726-f0ee72b11f86}(exactly' is required for the current version profile but is not installed. The add-on '{973a3934-1ec6-4770-83a4-59677803015a}(exactly' is required for the current version profile but is not installed. It is recommended to terminate the application." Then the following message appears: "This package could not be installed: CODESYS Compatibility Package”. After that the instalation continue and the folling message appears: "It is possible that packages from this path could not be installed: C:\Users...\Appdata\Local\Temp{EFE2F~1}\Packages"
Last updated: 2024-04-23

Post by jose-coro on Trouble installing codesys 64 CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I tried to intalling codesys 64, during the installation process I get the following messages: "One or more problems have appeared with the current version profile. please consult with the supplier to solve the problem. -The plugin '{ee08241a-dd43-445a-b0a1-de9f717d92e0}(exactly' is required for the current version profile but is not installed. The plug-in '{c7880c90-68c0-4cf8-a726-f0ee72b11f86}(exactly' is required for the current version profile but is not installed. The add-on '{973a3934-1ec6-4770-83a4-59677803015a}(exactly' is required for the current version profile but is not installed. It is recommended to terminate the application." Then the following message appears: "This package could not be installed: CODESYS Compatibility Package”. After that the instalation continue and the folling message appears: "It is possible that packages from this path could not be installed: C:\Users...\Appdata\Local\Temp{EFE2F~1}\Packages"
Last updated: 2024-04-23

Post by reinier-geers on License problem gateway CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
The hole setup is made by 3s. So its a comination of one not two. If Epis decide not to support extra licence whats then the funtion of providing an option with a single license ?? So the idee by 3s has a flod. Epis change the system to add the Stick. I send controller inc stick to Epis. On my software i can see the stick. An then you tel me i need a other license to use an license ?? Makes completly no sense. Codesys should be flexible but is not. I tried Delta. But has no HMI and has its own Codesys ?? Why ?? Then i tried Crist. The block there own system by a password. But dont know the password and cant switch it off. At the end the want me to pay for support to solve ther own made problem. So i send it al back. The extra license is adviced by 3s . Now a few month later still no working solution.
Last updated: 2024-05-01

Post by rabaggett on CODESYS control for Raspberry Pi 64 SL errors CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi, I am trying to create a project using a raspberry pi, I have added the modules for the Pi and MCP3008. I have encountered som errors that I don't know how to track down. 1. The GPIOs give preprocessor errors, but I read that this does not prevent compiling. This seems to be true. I can build the empty project with no errors. 2. After adding a SPI master and MCP3008, the preprocessor errors double, but seem similar and the project again builds with no errors. 3. I add a DUT and GVL, with a function, and I get the following errors. They remain even if I delete these things. ------ Build started: Application: Device.Application ------- Typify code... [ERROR] crr: C0032: Cannot convert type 'Unknown type: 'ADR(GVL_Io_17160064_c083_41f8_9e53_208be7537753_HPS_7.Io_17160064_c083_41f8_9e53_208be7537753_HPS_7)'' to type 'POINTER TO IoConfigParameter' [ERROR] crr: C0077: Unknown type: 'GVL_Io_17160064_c083_41f8_9e53_208be7537753_HPS_7.Io_17160064_c083_41f8_9e53_208be7537753_HPS_7' [ERROR] crr: C0046: Identifier 'GVL_Io_17160064_c083_41f8_9e53_208be7537753_HPS_7' not defined Compile complete -- 3 errors, 0 warnings I attach the project. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!
Last updated: 2024-05-02

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