Post by fajean on CODESYS control on RPi starts, shortly runs, then exits
I have a Raspberry Pi 4 we have been using for years to run CODESYS for development purposes. I recently have had to re-install the OS (Raspberry OS lite). The only change to the default configuration is not creating the "pi" user during install. I (apparently successfully) installed the control on the Raspberry Pi. We have licences on a dongle. I am able to start the control. systemctl status shows it as running for a little while (exactly, precisely 30 seconds as per my tests, every time), then it becomes exited. I can restart the control, and the same thing happens again. Every time. In the brief moments it is running, I can log in to the PLC. Working fast and restarting the control many times, I have been able to configure users. I have been able to download my application. I have been able to run the application, and stop on a breakpoint. I have been able to connect with the licence manager and confirm the dongle is detected and licences are listed as OK. I see nothing wrong until the service just exits. I have found nothing in the logs. It is like the runtime just terminates with no error code or message after exactly 30 seconds. Any help would be appreciated.
Last updated: 2024-06-13
Post by psychoengineer on Cannot Save CSV File on Windows Computer Using CODESYS and Control Win
I am currently working on a project using CODESYS and Control Win on a Windows computer. I've encountered an issue where I am unable to save a CSV file. I have followed the standard procedures and used the appropriate file handling functions, but the file is not being created or saved as expected. IF xStartTest THEN sFileName := '\logs.txt'; sFileName := CONCAT(gvl.g_sMainDirectory, sFileName); sFileNameCopy := '\CAAFileCopy.txt'; sFileNameCopy := CONCAT(gvl.g_sMainDirectory, sFileNameCopy); //eWriteState := FILE_OPEN_TRIGGER; xTestDone := FALSE; xError := FALSE; xStartTest := FALSE; END_IF VAR_GLOBAL g_sMainDirectory : STRING := 'C:\LogFiles'; // file path for CSV file END_VAR Despite this, the file does not appear in the specified directory, and no error messages are being generated. I've checked the directory permissions and ensured that the path is correct. Has anyone else experienced a similar issue or have any suggestions on how to resolve this? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Last updated: 2024-07-04
Post by faceplant on CmpDynamicText unresolved references
Hello! I am new to codesys so I am sorry if this is not the right place to ask this question. I am using codesys V3.5 SP20 Patch 1 + (64-bit) and a Groov EPIC PLC (GRV-EPIC-PR2). I am trying to build and deploy my application to the PLC, but when I log in I get 6 errors (codesys_error.png). It seems that the errors have to do with the CmpDynamicText system library which I have as version I have tried to add CmpDynamicText to the ComponentManager section in the PLC's CODESYSControl.cfg file as described in this forum post and still hit the same error. I noticed that the library is grayed out in the library manager, which I think might be the issue. However I don't remember if it was grayed out before I encountered this issue. Please let me know if I can provide anymore info. Thank you!!!
Last updated: 2024-07-19
Post by denkihitsuji on Content update through Data URI on Web Brower on Visualization Toolbox
Objective: I want to dynamically update the content with strings and JPEG images received from a TCP/IP socket. For this purpose, I am exploring the possibility of utilizing the Web Browser feature of the Visualization toolbox. Example: In a standard web browser, entering data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,SGVsbG8gc3RyYW5nZXI= in the URL window will display "Hello stranger" on the webpage. Issue: When attempting to use this method in the Web Browser of the Visualization toolbox, the content does not display as expected. Instead, it shows the error:'Navigation to the webpage was canceled.'. Request: I seek guidance on how to resolve this issue so that the Web Browser in the Visualization toolbox correctly interprets and displays the data URI content. Alternative Solution Welcomed: Or, if it is possible to directly use Codesys Structured Text (ST) variables within an HTML page, this approach would also meet my requirements. Thank you for your attention.
Last updated: 2024-07-30
Post by mubeta on parker servo and position
In general, drives have parameter sets to adjust behaviour in such cases: position recovery, adaptation with resistant torque, out-of-position window failure, etc. (Much depends on the type of configuration set for the axis: positioner, speed controller, torque controller, etc.). I have used that type of drive very little, in only two cases and a long time ago. To tell you what is normal is impossible. I know by reputation they are very simple objects, without too many pretensions and adjustments possible. Try running traces by monitoring actual position, motor current, torque and following error. These are the most sensible curves to understand what is going on. Maybe by fine tuning the motor tuning, the current controller or the speed controller you will get something closer to what you want. For example, from DS, the motor has a standstill torque of 3 Nm. Observe with traces whether this is effective: motor current trend. And afterwards, when you have your own accurate picture of the situation, you can also hear from the product's local support to see if you can steal a few more things from it performance-wise.
Last updated: 2024-08-05
Post by mainak on Opaque NodeId in the OPC UA server
Hello all, I am using the OPC UA server with my custom information model. I have used the communication manager to add my information model under my application and created instances from OPC UA types. I see that the created instances in the OPC UA server has some opaque nodeid (attached screenshot) and I want to change that. Therefore I have the following questions: 1. Is there a way to configure the NodeIds of instances in the OPC UA server? I tried to edit it using the UaExpert client but got error "BadNotWriteable". is it possible to configure it somewhere so that the nodeids can be changed using an external client? 2. Is there a way to define the rule for creating instance nodeids within the codesys IDE? 3. Is it possible to create the instances before e.g. using a modelling tool like UaModeler and import them as part of the information model and use them later? Using the communication manager, I can only create instances from types. I couldn't find a way to map my existing instances to plc tags from my application. It would be nice if someone could help me with these issues. Thanks in advance. :)
Last updated: 2024-10-19
Post by koerbejm on Probleme beim aktivieren von Lizenzen
Liebe Codesys-Gemeinde, ich habe folgendes Problem und bitte um Hilfe: Um eine auf meinem dem Raspberry Pi laufende Steuerung ohne große Mühe duplizieren zu können, habe ich mir ein Image der SD Karte mit Win32 Diskimager erstellt. Dieses konnte ich bisher ohne weitere Probleme auf eine weitere Micro-SD karte ausrollen. Anschließend habe ich mich via Putty auf den PI geschaltet, die vorherige Lizenz (die ja für den vorheringen PI zulässig war) gelöscht über - sudo su - rm -r /var/opt/codesys/cmact_licenses/ - reboot Um dann via Codesys 3.5 SP16 Patch 4 eine neue Lizenznummer ">>Tools>Lizenzmanager>Lizenz aktivieren" zu aktivieren und das wars. Durch die Umstellung des Lizensierungsverfahrens klappt diese Variante nun nicht mehr. Ich habe mir neue Lizenzen von Codesys gekauf, doch sobald ich diese in die Ticket-ID eintrage und aktivieren möchte bekomme ich folgende Fehlermeldung: ReturnCode: 403046401, An internal error has occured. Please try it again later. (siehe Bild im Anhang "Fehler_Codesys3.5V16.png") Ich habe dann meine Codesys-Version auf Version 3.5 SP20 geupdated und das selbe versucht mit dem Resultat, dass ich nun folgende Fehlermeldung erhalte: "Der ausgewählte Container "...." paßt nicht zu Ihrem Ticket. Bitte wählen Sie einen passenden aus." --> Siehe Bild im Anhang "Fehler_Codesys3.5V120.png" Was genau kann/muss ich tun, damit ich einfach wie bisher meine Steuerungen duplizieren kann? Verwendete Hardware: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ Verwendete Lizenz: Codesys Control Basic L Viele Grüße und Danke, Jan
Last updated: 2024-10-23
Post by francesco86 on Script python for write in a file Project information
Dear all, My python script can read a Codesys project and save in file the different POU, but the problem is that I don't able to read the project info from the obj list. Following of this message there is my python script. Can you help my? Best regards Francesco # encoding:utf-8 # We enable the new python 3 print syntax from __future__ import print_function import os import shutil import time import sys from datetime import datetime print("--- Saving files in the project: ---") print("sys.argv: ", len(sys.argv), " elements:") for arg in sys.argv: print(" - ", arg) if (len(sys.argv)>1): folderExportName = sys.argv[1] print(" folderExportName: ", folderExportName) exportPath = sys.argv[2]+ sys.argv[3]+ "\\"+ sys.argv[1] print(" File path: ", exportPath) # git has_repo=False #save_folder=r'E:\Tmp\ControlPlugins\ControlPlugins\Export' save_folder = exportPath if not os.path.exists(save_folder): os.makedirs(save_folder) else: a=os.listdir(save_folder) for f in a: if not f.startswith("."): sub_path= os.path.join(save_folder,f) if os.path.isdir(sub_path): shutil.rmtree(sub_path) else: os.remove(sub_path) elif f==".git": has_repo=True info={} type_dist={ '792f2eb6-721e-4e64-ba20-bc98351056db':'pm', #property method '2db5746d-d284-4425-9f7f-2663a34b0ebc':'dut', #dut 'adb5cb65-8e1d-4a00-b70a-375ea27582f3':'lib', #lib manager 'f89f7675-27f1-46b3-8abb-b7da8e774ffd':'m', #method no ret '8ac092e5-3128-4e26-9e7e-11016c6684f2':'act', #action '6f9dac99-8de1-4efc-8465-68ac443b7d08':'pou', #pou '6654496c-404d-479a-aad2-8551054e5f1e':'itf', #interface '738bea1e-99bb-4f04-90bb-a7a567e74e3a':'', #folder 'ffbfa93a-b94d-45fc-a329-229860183b1d':'gvl', #global var '5a3b8626-d3e9-4f37-98b5-66420063d91e':'prop', #property '2bef0454-1bd3-412a-ac2c-af0f31dbc40f':'tl', #textlist '63784cbb-9ba0-45e6-9d69-babf3f040511':'gtl', #global textlist '225bfe47-7336-4dbc-9419-4105a7c831fa':'dev', #device 'ae1de277-a207-4a28-9efb-456c06bd52f3':'tc', #task configuration 'f8a58466-d7f6-439f-bbb8-d4600e41d099':'m', #method with ret '261bd6e6-249c-4232-bb6f-84c2fbeef430':'gvl', #gvl_Persistent '98a2708a-9b18-4f31-82ed-a1465b24fa2d':'task', #task '085afe48-c5d8-4ea5-ab0d-b35701fa6009':'progInfo'#project information }; def save(text,path,name,tp): if not tp: tp='' else: tp='.'+tp+'.txt' with open(os.path.join(path,name+tp),'w') as f: f.write(text.encode('utf-8')) def print_tree(treeobj, depth, path): global info #record current Path curpath=path isfolder=False t='' #text tp='' #type # get object name name = treeobj.get_name(False) id = treeobj.type.ToString() if id in type_dist: tp = type_dist[treeobj.type.ToString()] #Print all type of objects #print("--Name: ", tp) else: info[id]=name if treeobj.is_device: deviceid = treeobj.get_device_identification() t = 'type='+str(deviceid.type) +'\nid=' +str( + '\nver='+ str(deviceid.version) if tp == "progInfo": print("-- There is prog info, ", tp) print("-- It has textual declaration: , ", treeobj.has_textual_declaration) print("-- It has textual implementation: , ", treeobj.has_textual_implementation) print("-- It is folder: , ", treeobj.is_folder) print("-- It is children: , ", treeobj.get_children(False)) print("-- It is children len: , ", len(treeobj.get_children(False))) print("-- It is progInfo type: , ", type(treeobj.ScriptProject)) #for child in treeobj.get_children(False): # print_tree(child, depth+1,curpath) try: if treeobj.is_folder : #system.ui.prompt('folder:'+u, PromptChoice.YesNo, PromptResult.Yes) isfolder=true pass except: pass if treeobj.has_textual_declaration : t=t+'(*#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#---Declaration---#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#*)\r\n' a=treeobj.textual_declaration t=t+a.text if treeobj.has_textual_implementation: t=t+'(*#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#---Implementation---#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#*)\r\n' a=treeobj.textual_implementation t=t+a.text if treeobj.has_textual_declaration and not treeobj.has_textual_implementation: t=t+'(*#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#---NOT Implementation visible---#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#*)\r\n' if treeobj.is_task : exports=[treeobj] projects.primary.export_native(exports,os.path.join(curpath,name+'.task')) if treeobj.is_libman: exports=[treeobj] projects.primary.export_native(exports,os.path.join(curpath,name+'.lib')) if treeobj.is_textlist: treeobj.export(os.path.join(curpath,name+'.tl')) children = treeobj.get_children(False) if children or isfolder: if tp: curpath=os.path.join(curpath,name+'.'+tp) else: curpath=os.path.join(curpath,name) if not os.path.exists(curpath): os.makedirs(curpath) if t: save(t,curpath,name,tp) for child in treeobj.get_children(False): print_tree(child, depth+1,curpath) for obj in projects.primary.get_children(): print_tree(obj,0,save_folder) with open(os.path.join(save_folder,'ExportInfo.txt'),'w') as f: now = infTimeExecution = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") f.write("Export date and time: "+infTimeExecution + "\r\n" + str(info)) print("--- Script finished. ---")'save ok') projects.primary.close()
Last updated: 2024-04-30
Post by francesco86 on Script python for write in a file Project information
Dear all, My python script can read a Codesys project and save in file the different POU, but the problem is that I don't able to read the project info from the obj list. Following of this message there is my python script. Can you help my? Best regards Francesco # encoding:utf-8 # We enable the new python 3 print syntax from __future__ import print_function import os import shutil import time import sys from datetime import datetime print("--- Saving files in the project: ---") print("sys.argv: ", len(sys.argv), " elements:") for arg in sys.argv: print(" - ", arg) if (len(sys.argv)>1): folderExportName = sys.argv[1] print(" folderExportName: ", folderExportName) exportPath = sys.argv[2]+ sys.argv[3]+ "\\"+ sys.argv[1] print(" File path: ", exportPath) # git has_repo=False #save_folder=r'E:\Tmp\ControlPlugins\ControlPlugins\Export' save_folder = exportPath if not os.path.exists(save_folder): os.makedirs(save_folder) else: a=os.listdir(save_folder) for f in a: if not f.startswith("."): sub_path= os.path.join(save_folder,f) if os.path.isdir(sub_path): shutil.rmtree(sub_path) else: os.remove(sub_path) elif f==".git": has_repo=True info={} type_dist={ '792f2eb6-721e-4e64-ba20-bc98351056db':'pm', #property method '2db5746d-d284-4425-9f7f-2663a34b0ebc':'dut', #dut 'adb5cb65-8e1d-4a00-b70a-375ea27582f3':'lib', #lib manager 'f89f7675-27f1-46b3-8abb-b7da8e774ffd':'m', #method no ret '8ac092e5-3128-4e26-9e7e-11016c6684f2':'act', #action '6f9dac99-8de1-4efc-8465-68ac443b7d08':'pou', #pou '6654496c-404d-479a-aad2-8551054e5f1e':'itf', #interface '738bea1e-99bb-4f04-90bb-a7a567e74e3a':'', #folder 'ffbfa93a-b94d-45fc-a329-229860183b1d':'gvl', #global var '5a3b8626-d3e9-4f37-98b5-66420063d91e':'prop', #property '2bef0454-1bd3-412a-ac2c-af0f31dbc40f':'tl', #textlist '63784cbb-9ba0-45e6-9d69-babf3f040511':'gtl', #global textlist '225bfe47-7336-4dbc-9419-4105a7c831fa':'dev', #device 'ae1de277-a207-4a28-9efb-456c06bd52f3':'tc', #task configuration 'f8a58466-d7f6-439f-bbb8-d4600e41d099':'m', #method with ret '261bd6e6-249c-4232-bb6f-84c2fbeef430':'gvl', #gvl_Persistent '98a2708a-9b18-4f31-82ed-a1465b24fa2d':'task', #task '085afe48-c5d8-4ea5-ab0d-b35701fa6009':'progInfo'#project information }; def save(text,path,name,tp): if not tp: tp='' else: tp='.'+tp+'.txt' with open(os.path.join(path,name+tp),'w') as f: f.write(text.encode('utf-8')) def print_tree(treeobj, depth, path): global info #record current Path curpath=path isfolder=False t='' #text tp='' #type # get object name name = treeobj.get_name(False) id = treeobj.type.ToString() if id in type_dist: tp = type_dist[treeobj.type.ToString()] #Print all type of objects #print("--Name: ", tp) else: info[id]=name if treeobj.is_device: deviceid = treeobj.get_device_identification() t = 'type='+str(deviceid.type) +'\nid=' +str( + '\nver='+ str(deviceid.version) if tp == "progInfo": print("-- There is prog info, ", tp) print("-- It has textual declaration: , ", treeobj.has_textual_declaration) print("-- It has textual implementation: , ", treeobj.has_textual_implementation) print("-- It is folder: , ", treeobj.is_folder) print("-- It is children: , ", treeobj.get_children(False)) print("-- It is children len: , ", len(treeobj.get_children(False))) print("-- It is progInfo type: , ", type(treeobj.ScriptProject)) #for child in treeobj.get_children(False): # print_tree(child, depth+1,curpath) try: if treeobj.is_folder : #system.ui.prompt('folder:'+u, PromptChoice.YesNo, PromptResult.Yes) isfolder=true pass except: pass if treeobj.has_textual_declaration : t=t+'(*#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#---Declaration---#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#*)\r\n' a=treeobj.textual_declaration t=t+a.text if treeobj.has_textual_implementation: t=t+'(*#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#---Implementation---#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#*)\r\n' a=treeobj.textual_implementation t=t+a.text if treeobj.has_textual_declaration and not treeobj.has_textual_implementation: t=t+'(*#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#---NOT Implementation visible---#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#-#*)\r\n' if treeobj.is_task : exports=[treeobj] projects.primary.export_native(exports,os.path.join(curpath,name+'.task')) if treeobj.is_libman: exports=[treeobj] projects.primary.export_native(exports,os.path.join(curpath,name+'.lib')) if treeobj.is_textlist: treeobj.export(os.path.join(curpath,name+'.tl')) children = treeobj.get_children(False) if children or isfolder: if tp: curpath=os.path.join(curpath,name+'.'+tp) else: curpath=os.path.join(curpath,name) if not os.path.exists(curpath): os.makedirs(curpath) if t: save(t,curpath,name,tp) for child in treeobj.get_children(False): print_tree(child, depth+1,curpath) for obj in projects.primary.get_children(): print_tree(obj,0,save_folder) with open(os.path.join(save_folder,'ExportInfo.txt'),'w') as f: now = infTimeExecution = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") f.write("Export date and time: "+infTimeExecution + "\r\n" + str(info)) print("--- Script finished. ---")'save ok') projects.primary.close()
Last updated: 2024-04-30
Post by r-niedermayer on OPC UA subscriber not operational
Hi. As far as projects in "old version"s are concerned, these can be upgraded to newer versions at any time. To do this, the device must be updated accordingly and the copilers and library versions must be adapted. You can find instructions on how to proceed in the online help/FAQ: See also "How to open an Example Project" within the following pdf for more details on the single steps: Regaring your OPCUA connection state always showing just "DISABLED", without knowing both sides of the assembly in detail, one can only approach the problem theoretically. We can give a chekclist on how to proceed: Fist, please recheck the communication settings in the OPC UA connection function block to ensure that the server URL, endpoint URL, and other settings are correct and match the configuration of the OPC UA server. Verify that the OPC UA server is running and accessible. -You can try to connect to the OPC UA server using a separate client, such as UAExpert, to ensure that the issue is not related to the OPC UA server itself. Test the security settings in the OPC UA connection function block to ensure that the correct security policy and certificate are selected. If you are using a dynamic connection to the OPC UA server, probe that the connection settings are correctly configured and that the OPC UA client is able to establish a connection to the OPC UA server. Also, please loock into the log files for any errors related to the OPC UA connection function block, these should be listet there. The log files may also provide additional information about the issue and help you to further troubleshoot the problem. FYI - Please see Her you can finde the Communication settings via OPC UA Server -> layout Browse Live Server: The client connects to the server and detects the existing variables and types. From Information Model The client reads the data structure (layout) of the OPC UA Server from the information model set here and as a result receives the information about available variables and types. A connection to the server is not required. The list contains the information models installed in the OPC UA Information Model Repository. "Read Connection" Settings from IEC Variable (option set): - The connection settings used by the device are not read here from the dialog, but at runtime from the IEC variable specified here. - For this possibility, please see the Using a Dynamic Connection to an OPC UA Server ( The settings for the communication of a Client-data source to an OPC UA Server can also be dynamically configured from the IEC code and can also be changed at runtime. For such a purpose, a structure is available in the DatasourceOpcUAServer library (For a description of the OPC UA Server, there is one included in the standard installation of CODESYS,
Last updated: 2024-11-04
Post by cfam on Codesys Control for PLCnext (PLC - AXL F 2152)
Good day All I would like to share some information on this site for the Codesys team as well for the future members using Codesys Control for PLCnext if it is allowed. I hope that i Post it in the correct spot. Subject: Codesys, Codesys Control for PLCnext Objective: Using the following Phoenix components to built a PLC Rack and run it on Codesys: Hardware and Software used 1. 2404267, AXC F 2152 - Controller 2. 1088136, AXL F BP SE6 - Module carrier 3. 1088129, AXL SE DO16/1 - Digital module 4. 1337224, AXL SE PD16 GND - Potential distributors 5. 1088127, AXL SE DI16/1 - Digital module 6. 1337223, AXL SE PD16 24V - Potential distributors 7. 1088123, AXL SE AO4 I 4-20 - Analog module 8. 1088134, AXL SE SC-A - Cover 9. Codesys v3.5 SP19 Patch 4 10. Codesys Control for PLCnext V4.10.0.0 Process: Firstly I built the Rack according to the Phoenix Project+ Software tool. Where I rebuilt it onto my test bench . I used the PLCnext Engineer IDE from Phoenix and all Communications where up and running and my PLC program executed successfully. THEN I tried the same PLC Layout with Codesys and Codesys Control for PLCnext. It was not successful and gave me the "Error: Local Bus not Running". I searched the web for answers but was unsuccessful in finding a solution. So I tried to change my configuration and found that the following Modules COULD NOT be recognized by Codesys Control. The result was that the Local Bus Failed to run. 1337224, AXL SE PD16 GND - Potential distributors 1337223, AXL SE PD16 24V - Potential distributors Example 1, Resulted in "Error: Local Bus Not Running": Module carrier slot 1: 1088129, AXL SE DO16/1 - Digital module Module carrier slot 2: 1337224, AXL SE PD16 GND - Potential distributors Module carrier slot 3: 1088127, AXL SE DI16/1 - Digital module Module carrier slot 4: 1337223, AXL SE PD16 24V - Potential distributors Module carrier slot 5: 1088123, AXL SE AO4 I 4-20 - Analog module Module carrier slot 6: 1088134, AXL SE SC-A - Cover Example 2, Result "Successful": Module carrier slot 1: 1088129, AXL SE DO16/1 - Digital module Module carrier slot 2: 1088127, AXL SE DI16/1 - Digital module Module carrier slot 3: 1088123, AXL SE AO4 I 4-20 - Analog module Module carrier slot 4: 1088134, AXL SE SC-A - Cover Module carrier slot 5: 1088134, AXL SE SC-A - Cover Module carrier slot 6: 1088134, AXL SE SC-A - Cover Result: Codesys or Codesys Control for PLCnext, has a PROBLEM to identify the following Modules. 1. AXL SE PD16 24V - Potential distributors 2. AXL SE PD16 GND - Potential distributors Hope that this information could be useful in future. Best regards Jaco Pretorius
Last updated: 2023-12-06
Post by ryandmg on Web Client (HMI) Disconnects from Webvisu (Weidmuller u-OS)
Hey Everyone, I'm having a bit of a struggle finding settings that will reliably maintain a connection between the webvisu and a touchscreen client. Every so often the HMI disconnects and will perpetually display the red spinning arrow with the "Error Happened, Will resume automatically" text. Power cycling the HMI to force a reconnect will re-establish comms. It seems to happen during periods of inactivity if that's a clue. From what I've gathered so far this seems to have something to do with the webvisu update rate, buffer size as well as the visu task scan rate. We first tried the default settings as follows: Webvisu Update Rate: 200 ms Webvisu Buffer Size: 50,000 Visu Task Scan Rate: 100 ms Priority 31 Other Tasks for Reference: Main Task Scan Rate: 100 ms Priority 1 Alarm Manager Scan Rate: 50 ms Priority 31 Ethercat Task: 4 ms Priority 1 This would disconnect some what regularly. We then made the following changes to try and stabilize: Webvisu Update Rate: 150 ms Webvisu Buffer Size: 75,000 Visu Task Scan Rate: 75 ms Kept other tasks the same. This seems to disconnect even more frequently. Also for reference the network is very small and only consists of the PLC, a small switch and the HMI. We're also not controlling frames from outside the visu program itself. The frame changes are all done natively. Any suggestions to get this to stop disconnecting? Oh and whatever the issue is the log does not record it. Figured I would ask here before opening a ticket. Thanks in advance for your help!
Last updated: 2023-09-06
Post by tk096 on High Cycle Times for SoftMotion_PlanningTask when using AxisGroup
Hi, under this circumstances the performance of a Raspberry Pi 4 should be sufficient to run a Softmotion robotics application. A closer look at the project would be required. Maybe you could contact the codesys support? Usually it is recommended to run the planning task cyclically every 2ms with task priority of 0 on a dedicated core. In the task configuration you can have a look at the average and maximum execution time of the planning task. You could use the function block SMC_TuneCPKernel ( to define suitable values for the parameters 'fSyncBufferDuration' and 'fPlanningInterval'. However, as previously mentioned, the performance of a Raspberry Pi 4 with realtime patch should be sufficient. The 'fPlanningInterval' parameter specifies the maximum planning step width in seconds. The cycle time of the planning task should not permanently exceed this value. A higher value reduces the computational effort, but can lead to a violation or no full utilization of the set limit values for velocity, acceleration and jerk. From a starting value of 0.016 seconds, the value should be increased gradually until the performance is acceptable. The parameter 'fSyncBufferDuration' specifies the size (in seconds) of the buffer between the planning and fieldbus task. The cycle time of the planning task must not exceed this value at peak times (this will lead to the error SMC_CP_QUEUE_UNDERRUN). A higher value can compensate for peaks in the cycle time of the planning task. At the same time, however, this also increases the latency for executing interrupts and aborting movements.
Last updated: 2024-03-22
Post by leandroct on Error reading files after runtime update from to
Since version 19 they changed how file access is handle. There are two solutions: 1. You change where the file is stored (need to go to: /PlcLogic/) 2. You can, if you don´t want to store at PlcLogic, add the following line in the CODESYSControl.cfg under [SysFile]: ForceIecFilePath=0 The CodesysControl.cfg is at C:\ProgramData\CODESYS\CODESYSControlWinV3x64\xxPROJECT_NUMBERxx\ Here the email they sent me: "with the 3.5.19 Version we changed how files are handled. See following issue: CDS-81506 - CODESYS Control SysFile system file access vulnerability. There are two solutions: 1. You change where the file is stored (need to go to: /PlcLogic/) 2. You can, if you don´t want to store at PlcLogic, add the following line in the CODESYSControl.cfg under [SysFile]: ForceIecFilePath=0 Here is the official release-note: [[COMPATIBILITY_INFORMATION]] With the activation of ForceIecFilePath the file access from IEC is now restricted to the configured paths only (file sandbox)! [SysFile] ForceIecFilePath=1 (new default) The standard path is the current directory, the PlcLogic subfolder or a configured path. Every file access outside of this path is configured via PlaceholderFilePath, for example access to temporary files or removable media: [SysFile] PlaceholderFilePath.1=/tmp, $TMP$ PlaceholderFilePath.2=/media/usb, $USB$ PlaceholderFilePath.2.Volatile=1 For more information see our tutorial FilePath & Placeholders. To restore the old behavior ForceIecFilePath may be configured as follows: [SysFile] ForceIecFilePath=0 BUT WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND TO LEAVE THIS SETTING AT ITS NEW DEFAULT VALUE! "
Last updated: 2024-05-07
Post by mubeta on Some 'pathetic' errors in SoftMotion program
Yes, this is the error the sometimes show up. What make me crazy is the fact that it happens randomly and not each times. I know very well where the problem is, in wich one program row it's located. For each actions of the state machine I have all events recorded with log on text file. it is not problematic for me to find the application point of the fault, but I need to understand why occasionally and for no apparent reason, switching the state machine and thus changing the motion FB, sends the axis into failure (but only occasionally). For example, one case that is often problematic is the execution of the Axis Halt instruction. When, after a MoveAbosulte instruction this returns the event as 'done' and indeed the axis is in standstill, the state machine first sets the move instruction to FALSE, and the next cycle sets the Halt request to TRUE. Some of the time everything works out fine. Occasionally, however, in this exchange, the axis goes into fault, also losing the OPERATIONAL state. Meanwhile, I would like to understand why the motion FB instances must still be called even after the Execute is set to FALSE, especially in view of the fact that the next instruction is programmed to abort the previous one, with BufferMode set to 'Aborting'. All these unnecessary FB calls are an unnecessary overhead on the CPU anyway. Is there any precise rule about when to cease calling the various instances? (It should precisely be the 'done' status that says this one has finished its work).
Last updated: 2024-07-18
Post by solidlogicguy on Little endian to Float from Modbus RTU
Hello, I got a device from which I require to read values from I am using a WAGO PLC 750-8212 and I am communicating through Modbus Master FUNCTION BLOCK from library WagoAppPLCModbus in Codesys 3.5 to this device. I already receive data from the device that is a CVM to monitor voltage from a fuel cell. The technical support of the company that makes these devices says that the data is sent in little endian form. And I want to convert it to a float value. The tech support sent me the next instructions of how to do it but I am new using codesys, so any advice or help I will really appreciate so much. Message from tech support: The process is complicated, better to do it with already implemented library in the language/program you use. Basically the process should be next: To convert the two Modbus registers containing parts of a 32-bit float in little-endian byte order to a floating-point number using mathematical operations, you first need to combine the two 16-bit integers (assuming reg1 is the lower word and reg2 is the higher word) and then interpret the result according to the IEEE 754 standard. Given: - Register 192 (reg1) = 4096 - Register 193 (reg2) = 14884 Step 1: Combine the two registers. Since we are dealing with little-endian byte order, reg2 is the high word, and reg1 is the low word: combined = reg2 * 2^16 + reg1 combined = 14884 * 65536 + 4096 combined = 975175680 + 4096 combined = 975179776 Step 2: Convert the combined value to binary: combined_binary = '1110101101011100000000000000000' Step 3: Split the binary into IEEE 754 components: Sign bit (1 bit): 0 Exponent (8 bits): 11101011 Mantissa (23 bits): 01011100000000000000000 Step 4: Convert the binary exponent to decimal and subtract the bias (127 for 32-bit floats): exponent = int('11101011', 2) - 127 exponent = 235 - 127 exponent = 108 Step 5: Calculate the mantissa as a fraction: The mantissa in IEEE 754 format is the fractional part after the leading 1 (which is implicit). Therefore, we need to convert the binary mantissa to decimal and add the implicit leading 1: mantissa_fractional = 1 + int('01011100000000000000000', 2) / 2^23 mantissa_fractional = 1 + 18688 / 8388608 mantissa_fractional = 1 + 0.002227783203125 mantissa_fractional ≈ 1.002227783203125 Step 6: Combine the sign, exponent, and mantissa to get the float value: float_value = (-1)^0 * mantissa_fractional * 2^exponent float_value = 1 * 1.002227783203125 * 2^108 Because the exponent is quite large, the resulting float value is a very large number.
Last updated: 2023-12-15
Post by jackbrady on Function Blocks and arrays of function blocks
Hello, I am new to Codesys and PLC programming in general (please go easy ha!) I'm not looking for code to be written for me just some help and pointing in the right direction. I am writing some code to send commands to a relay based on input values (to put it simply). Quite basic stuff. I have wrote a function block that takes a global variable (Open_command:BOOL) and outputs to another global variable (Opened : BOOL). The function block is simulating a device so I'll eventually get the globals from that. I now need to create multiple versions of this function block/ device (lets say 100) but I need each iteration of that function block to reference it's own relevant global variable. I think that the best way of doing this would be to use arrays, although I could be wrong. I am aware that for up to 100 instances I could very well manually assign everything but that seems rather time consuming and I want a fancier way of doing it. Here is a very basic example of what I am looking to do, please note I have not written this in proper code it's just to show what I mean. Global Variables V[0-100] int Open_command [0-100] Bool Opened [0-100] Bool Function Block var input x : BOOL Var output y : BOOL if x then y = TRUE ELSE y = FALSE The input to my function block will be Open_command, output will be Opened Example code. If V[x] > 10 then Open_command [x] = TRUE ELSE Open_command [x] = FALSE (So when V1 goes above 10 I need Open_command1 = TRUE therefore initiating FB1 output. V2 > 10, open_command2 = True > FB2 output V3 > 10, open_command3 = True > FB3 output ... ... ) What I can't seem to figure out is how to tie all this together, I have read through the codesys documentation and if anything it has confused me more! ha. Apologies for the poorly written post but hopefully you understand what I am trying to get at. Thanks, Jack
Last updated: 2024-02-14
Post by spiessli on Raspberry Pi 4 with Legacy Drivers and Codesys 3.5.19 Patch 4
Hi, I wanted to use the Adafruit Hat for the Raspberry and get acquainted with Softmotion using servos for RC models. This did work great with Codesys 3.5.19 Patch 1, but with Patch 4 and 5 i get errors. I suspect changes in the SoftMotion library have broken dependencies in the legacy drivers, might that be true? Thanks for any hint, spiessli Here the error log: ------ Übersetzungslauf gestartet: Applikation: Device.Application ------- Code typisieren... Code erzeugen... [FEHLER] sm3_drive_servo, (3s - smart software solutions gmbh): GetStandardConfigParams AXIS_REF_SERVO: C0032: Typ 'Unbekannter Typ: 'ConfigGetParameterValueLREAL(pParam, 0)'' kann nicht in Typ 'LREAL' konvertiert werden [FEHLER] sm3_drive_servo, (3s - smart software solutions gmbh): GetStandardConfigParams AXIS_REF_SERVO: C0046: Bezeichner 'ConfigGetParameterValueLREAL' nicht definiert [FEHLER] sm3_drive_servo, (3s - smart software solutions gmbh): GetStandardConfigParams AXIS_REF_SERVO: C0035: Programmname, Funktion oder Funktionsbausteinstanz an Stelle von 'ConfigGetParameterValueLREAL' erwartet [FEHLER] sm3_drive_servo, (3s - smart software solutions gmbh): GetStandardConfigParams AXIS_REF_SERVO: C0032: Typ 'Unbekannter Typ: 'ConfigGetParameterValueLREAL(pParam, 0)'' kann nicht in Typ 'LREAL' konvertiert werden [FEHLER] sm3_drive_servo, (3s - smart software solutions gmbh): GetStandardConfigParams AXIS_REF_SERVO: C0046: Bezeichner 'ConfigGetParameterValueLREAL' nicht definiert [FEHLER] sm3_drive_servo, (3s - smart software solutions gmbh): GetStandardConfigParams AXIS_REF_SERVO: C0035: Programmname, Funktion oder Funktionsbausteinstanz an Stelle von 'ConfigGetParameterValueLREAL' erwartet [FEHLER] sm3_drive_servo, (3s - smart software solutions gmbh): GetStandardConfigParams AXIS_REF_SERVO: C0032: Typ 'Unbekannter Typ: 'ConfigGetParameterValueLREAL(pParam, 0)'' kann nicht in Typ 'LREAL' konvertiert werden [FEHLER] sm3_drive_servo, (3s - smart software solutions gmbh): GetStandardConfigParams AXIS_REF_SERVO: C0046: Bezeichner 'ConfigGetParameterValueLREAL' nicht definiert [FEHLER] sm3_drive_servo, (3s - smart software solutions gmbh): GetStandardConfigParams AXIS_REF_SERVO: C0035: Programmname, Funktion oder Funktionsbausteinstanz an Stelle von 'ConfigGetParameterValueLREAL' erwartet [FEHLER] sm3_drive_servo, (3s - smart software solutions gmbh): GetStandardConfigParams AXIS_REF_SERVO: C0032: Typ 'Unbekannter Typ: 'ConfigGetParameterValueLREAL(pParam, 0)'' kann nicht in Typ 'LREAL' konvertiert werden [FEHLER] sm3_drive_servo, (3s - smart software solutions gmbh): GetStandardConfigParams AXIS_REF_SERVO: C0046: Bezeichner 'ConfigGetParameterValueLREAL' nicht definiert [FEHLER] sm3_drive_servo, (3s - smart software solutions gmbh): GetStandardConfigParams AXIS_REF_SERVO: C0035: Programmname, Funktion oder Funktionsbausteinstanz an Stelle von 'ConfigGetParameterValueLREAL' erwartet [FEHLER] sm3_drive_servo, (3s - smart software solutions gmbh): GetStandardConfigParams AXIS_REF_SERVO: C0032: Typ 'Unbekannter Typ: 'ConfigGetParameterValueLREAL(pParam, 0)'' kann nicht in Typ 'LREAL' konvertiert werden [FEHLER] sm3_drive_servo, (3s - smart software solutions gmbh): GetStandardConfigParams AXIS_REF_SERVO: C0046: Bezeichner 'ConfigGetParameterValueLREAL' nicht definiert [FEHLER] sm3_drive_servo, (3s - smart software solutions gmbh): GetStandardConfigParams AXIS_REF_SERVO: C0035: Programmname, Funktion oder Funktionsbausteinstanz an Stelle von 'ConfigGetParameterValueLREAL' erwartet Übersetzung abgeschlossen -- 15 Fehler, 0 Warnungen : Kein Download möglich
Last updated: 2023-12-19
Post by ara32 on CODESYS 4 Linux:
Hello! I managed to correctly launch CODESYS Developer Studio 3.5.17, almost all functionality works. The only issue remaining is that when connecting to a device and obtaining its public key, the NCryptEncrypt function is called, which is not fully implemented in the DLL source code, resulting in the connection not being established. Currently, the code of this function in the Wine repository looks like this: SECURITY_STATUS WINAPI NCryptEncrypt(NCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE key, BYTE *input, DWORD insize, void *padding, BYTE *output, DWORD outsize, DWORD *result, DWORD flags) { struct object *key_object = (struct object *)key; TRACE("(%#Ix, %p, %lu, %p, %p, %lu, %p, %#lx)\n", key, input, insize, padding, output, outsize, result, flags); if (flags & ~(NCRYPT_NO_PADDING_FLAG | NCRYPT_PAD_OAEP_FLAG | NCRYPT_PAD_PKCS1_FLAG | NCRYPT_SILENT_FLAG)) { FIXME("Flags %lx not supported\n", flags); return NTE_BAD_FLAGS; } if (flags & NCRYPT_NO_PADDING_FLAG || flags & NCRYPT_PAD_OAEP_FLAG) { FIXME("No padding and oaep padding not supported\n"); return NTE_NOT_SUPPORTED; } if (key_object->type != KEY) return NTE_INVALID_HANDLE; return map_ntstatus(BCryptEncrypt(key_object->key.bcrypt_key, input, insize, padding, NULL, 0, output, outsize, result, flags)); } The program crashes due to the NCRYPT_PAD_OAEP_FLAG flag. I'm not proficient in C++, but I attempted to add handling myself, and here's the result: SECURITY_STATUS WINAPI NCryptEncrypt(NCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE key, BYTE *input, DWORD insize, void *padding, BYTE *output, DWORD outsize, DWORD *result, DWORD flags) { struct object *key_object = (struct object *)key; TRACE("(%#Ix, %p, %lu, %p, %p, %lu, %p, %#lx)\n", key, input, insize, padding, output, outsize, result, flags); if (flags & ~(NCRYPT_NO_PADDING_FLAG | NCRYPT_PAD_OAEP_FLAG | NCRYPT_PAD_PKCS1_FLAG | NCRYPT_SILENT_FLAG)) { FIXME("Flags %lx not supported\n", flags); return NTE_BAD_FLAGS; } if (flags & NCRYPT_NO_PADDING_FLAG) { FIXME("No padding not supported\n"); return NTE_NOT_SUPPORTED; } BCRYPT_OAEP_PADDING_INFO oaepInfo = { 0 }; oaepInfo.pszAlgId = BCRYPT_SHA1_ALGORITHM; NTSTATUS status = BCryptEncrypt(key_object->key.bcrypt_key, input, insize, &oaepInfo, NULL, 0, output, outsize, result, flags); if (key_object->type != KEY) return NTE_INVALID_HANDLE; return map_ntstatus(BCryptEncrypt(key_object->key.bcrypt_key, input, insize, padding, NULL, 0, output, outsize, result, flags)); } Now, when calling the connection, it crashes with the error "bcrypt:BCryptEncrypt flags 0x4 not implemented." Can anyone help with enhancing this functionality or at least point me in the right direction?
Last updated: 2024-03-22
Post by alexgooi on OPC-UA and other communication questions
Dear forum, I currently have a big question mark above my head, and maybe this forum can shine some light on the situation. I recently updated to Codesys 3.15 SP19 Patch 6. And now I’m trying to setup the OPC-UA server, besides that I’m trying to connect to the controller with the Codesys V3 (Ethernet) protocol. OPC-UA I have installed the correct licenses on my controller (Runtime and communication). I’m able to connect to the controller with an OPC-UA client, and I’m able to browse the tags, so far so good. Therefore I’m assuming that the OPC-UA server is running on the controller. But now the strange part, in the device security settings I have set the communication Policy to BASCI256SHA256 ( I also have tried the other ones) and the communication mode is set to secure if possible (I also have tried all the other ones) (see picture). With these settings I would assume that I would only be able to login with a Basic256SHA256 policy with a client. But the opposite is true, I am able to login using the no policy mode and when I set it to Basic256SHA256 the client (UA-Expert) notes that this policy is not available on the server. I then check the certificates and I noted that there is no certificate for the OPC-UA server, I tried to generate one but it gave the error that the certificate has not been created by the device (See picture). To summarize I have no clue what is going on, and the controller does the opposite of what I would expect. Codesys Ethernet V3 driver I have a HMI connected to the same controller using the Ethernet V3 driver. But this will not connect. I tried all the Protocols (see picture), with and without the username and password enabled. But it will not connect, when I scan the available servers I can see the controller with the port number that I am expecting, so I’m assuming that the Codesys V3 ethernet driver is up on the controller. Does anyone can give me some direction, because the stuff that I tried doesn’t make sense to me. Thank you in advance
Last updated: 2024-04-02
Post by mgabryel on Problems with CAN 2.0 comunication on Wago PLC (Codesys 3.5)
Hello, I am trying to program CAN Bus comunication on WAGO PLC (more precisely on WAGO Touch Monitor model TP600). I am using for this purpose library "WagoAppCanLayer2" from Wago company. My IDE for programming this device is CODESYS V3.5 SP19 Patch 2 + (64-bit). My program is written in Structured text using function blocks from previously mentioned library. Here is code of this program: 1) Variables declarations: PROGRAM PLC_PRG VAR oOpenInterface : WagoAppCanLayer2.FbCanL2Open :=( udiBaudrate := 125000 ); xInterfaceIsOpen : BOOL; sInterfaceInfo : STRING; oReceive : WagoAppCanLayer2.FbCanRx29BitFrame :=( xBufferMode := FALSE, wCanId := 16#181 ); xRecv : BOOL; sReceiveInfo : STRING; oSend : WagoAppCanLayer2.FbCanTx29BitFrame :=( dwCanId := 16#100, //was 16#201 xRtrFrame := FALSE ); xSend : BOOL; sSendInfo : STRING; oCanDiag : WagoAppCanLayer2.FbCanErrorInfo; xRst : BOOL; aSendData : ARRAY [1..8] OF BYTE; bSendLen : BYTE; TON_0 : TON; TON_1 : TON; END_VAR 2) Program body: oOpenInterface( xEnable := NOT xInterfaceIsOpen, I_Port := IoConfig_Globals.WAGO_CAN_LAYER2_DEVICE ); sInterfaceInfo := oOpenInterface.oStatus.GetDescription(); xInterfaceIsOpen S= oOpenInterface.xValid AND NOT oOpenInterface.xError; oReceive( xEnable := xInterfaceIsOpen, I_Port := IoConfig_Globals.WAGO_CAN_LAYER2_DEVICE, xRxTrigger := xRecv ); sReceiveInfo := oReceive.oStatus.GetDescription(); IF NOT xRecv THEN IF oReceive.bRxNBytes > 0 THEN oReceive.aRxBuffer[1]; oReceive.aRxBuffer[2]; oReceive.aRxBuffer[3]; oReceive.aRxBuffer[4]; oReceive.aRxBuffer[5]; oReceive.aRxBuffer[6]; oReceive.aRxBuffer[7]; oReceive.aRxBuffer[8]; END_IF xRecv := TRUE; END_IF aSendData[1] := 224; aSendData[2] := 13; aSendData[3] := 14; aSendData[4] := 15; aSendData[5] := 222; aSendData[6] := 13; aSendData[7] := 14; aSendData[8] := 15; bSendLen := 8; TON_0(IN:= NOT TON_1.Q, PT:= T#2S , Q=>xSend, ET=> ); TON_1(IN:= TON_0.Q, PT:= T#2S , Q=>, ET=> ); oSend( xEnable := xInterfaceIsOpen, I_Port := IoConfig_Globals.WAGO_CAN_LAYER2_DEVICE, aTxBuffer := aSendData, bTxNBytes := bSendLen, xTxTrigger := xSend ); sSendInfo := oSend.oStatus.GetDescription(); oCanDiag( xEnable := TRUE, I_Port := IoConfig_Globals.WAGO_CAN_LAYER2_DEVICE, xTriggerResetCounter := xRst, xValid=> , xError=> , oStatus=> , wBusState=> , wBusDiag=> , uiRxOverflowsL2=> , uiTxOverflowsL2=> , uiRxOverflows=> , uiMsgTimeouts=> , uiBusOffs=> , uiBusWarnings=> ); Program first opens comunication on CAN 2 device and then periodically try send one CAN data frame. After starting program CAN 2 interface is properly open. The xSend variable is toggling with period 2s. When program sends data an "Tx overflow" error appears. When I am watching CAN_H line on DSub 9 socket i am not able to see proper CAN frames - see screenshot attached to this message. Could somebody help me determine what is wrong with this program. Best regards
Last updated: 2024-08-02
Post by gustavocsw on MQTT memory leak problem
Hello everyone, I'm using the IoT Library to implement the MQTT communication with my local broker server in order to publish and subscribe at specifics topics to share and consume information about my application. But, it seems that are occurring some memory leak problem in a "high" frequency (more than 10 Hz) subscribe process. I follow the same method as in IoT Lib exemples, and at first looks perfect but my PLC was rebooting frequently and when I check its memory usage that was increasing as fast as the subscribe massage was sent. I'm using a WEG PLC410 and a WEG PLC500, and this error occurred in both of them (including in CODESYS Control Win x64). The application sends to the system a message JSON with the float payload Ex. {"data" : 0.8500}, but this happens with a INT, or BOL as well. I use the follow code in my application to find the value: //FindFirstValueByKey VARs PROGRAM JSON_VELO VAR //------Setting the JSON Subscriber to Set the Relay Value jsonDataVelo : JSON.JSONData; jsonByteArrayReaderVelo : JSON.JSONByteArrayReader; xST1okVelo : BOOL; FindFirstValueByKeyVelo : JSON.FindFirstValueByKey; jsonElementVelo : JSON.JSONElement; xDoneReaderVelo : BOOL; xDoneFindVelo : BOOL; //STRING and WSTRING for Subscribe the massage sPayloadJsonVelo : STRING := 'opa'; psPayloadJsonVelo : POINTER TO BYTE := ADR(sPayloadJsonVelo); //wsPayloadJsonRelaySet : WSTRING := "opa"; wsPayloadJsonVelo : WSTRING := STRING_TO_WSTRING('opa'); pwsPayloadJsonVelo : POINTER TO WORD := ADR(wsPayloadJsonVelo); lrVelo : LREAL; xKeepAliveVelo : BOOL; xSetVelo : BOOL; RSSet : RS; LIMPAR : STRING; //Find the msg end sFindVelo : STRING := '}'; psFindVelo : POINTER TO STRING := ADR(sFindVelo); iLenVelo : INT; iSizeVelo : INT := 12; udiContMsg : UDINT; END_VAR // FindFirstValueByKey CODE // Relay Set configuration xSetVelo := MQTT_SUBSCRIBER.RSVelo.Q1; IF xSetVelo THEN xKeepAliveVelo := TRUE; END_IF IF xKeepAliveVelo THEN udiContMsg := udiContMsg + 1; iLenVelo := TO_INT(StrLenA(psPayloadJsonVelo)); iSizeVelo := iLenVelo - TO_INT(MQTT_SUBSCRIBER.udiPayloadSizeVelo); StrDeleteA(psPayloadJsonVelo,iSizeVelo,iLenVelo); wsPayloadJsonVelo := STRING_TO_WSTRING(sPayloadJsonVelo); pwsPayloadJsonVelo := ADR(wsPayloadJsonVelo); //MQTT.ConvertUTF8toUTF16(sourceStart:= ADR(sPayloadJsonVelo), targetStart:= ADR(wsPayloadJsonVelo), dwTargetBufferSize:= TAM, bStrictConversion:= 1); //Reset jsonByteArrayReader jsonByteArrayReaderVelo ( xExecute := TRUE, pwData := pwsPayloadJsonVelo, jsonData := jsonDataVelo, xDone => xDoneReaderVelo ); FindFirstValueByKeyVelo( xExecute := xDoneReaderVelo, wsKey := "data", diStartIndex:= 0, jsonData := jsonDataVelo, jsonElement => jsonElementVelo, xDone => xDoneFindVelo ); IF xDoneFindVelo THEN lrVelo := jsonElementVelo.value.lrValue; //Reset jsonByteArrayReader jsonByteArrayReaderVelo ( xExecute := FALSE, pwData := pwsPayloadJsonVelo, jsonData := jsonDataVelo, xDone => xDoneReaderVelo ); FindFirstValueByKeyVelo( xExecute := FALSE, wsKey := "data", diStartIndex:= 1, jsonData := jsonDataVelo, jsonElement => jsonElementVelo, xDone => xDoneFindVelo ); xKeepAliveVelo := FALSE; GVL.xSetVeloRead := TRUE; END_IF END_IF And this to subscribe at the topic: //SUBSCRIBE VAR: //----------------- Subscribe Velocity ----------------------- MQTTSubscribeVelo : MQTT.MQTTSubscribe;//Variable MQTTSubscriber block -X - function-X wsTopicSubscribeVelo : WSTRING(1024) := "CORE/odometry/GET/data/simp"; // Topic to publish a message sSubscribeMassageVelo : STRING; udiPayloadSizeVelo : UDINT; xSDoneVelo : BOOL; xSErrorVelo : BOOL; xReceiveVelo : BOOL; eSTypeVelo : MQTT.MQTT_ERROR; eSMQTTErrorVelo : MQTT.MQTT_ERROR; RSVelo : RS; udiCont : UDINT; //SUBSCRIBE CODE: MQTTSubscribeVelo( xEnable:= MQTT_CLIENT.xConnection_Broker AND NOT xSErrorVelo AND NOT JSON_VELO.xKeepAliveVelo, pbPayload:= JSON_VELO.psPayloadJsonVelo, udiMaxPayloadSize:= SIZEOF(JSON_VELO.sPayloadJsonVelo), udiPayloadSize => udiPayloadSizeVelo, mqttClient:= MQTT_CLIENT.ClientMQTT, wsTopicFilter:=wsTopicSubscribeVelo, xDone => xSDoneVelo, xError=> xSErrorVelo, xReceived => xReceiveVelo, eMQTTError=> eSMQTTErrorVelo ); RSVelo(SET := xReceiveVelo, RESET1 := JSON_VELO.xKeepAliveVelo);
Last updated: 2024-09-09
Post by george32 on Readable IO names
Hello Folks, I have a quite basic understanding of how PLC programming works. However I keep getting stuck on 1 problem I could not get my head around. The problem is as follow: I have a PLC with 60 IO (20 inputs, 40 outputs). Each IO is defined as a function block. Furthermore I have an external IO card connected trough a CanBus connection. This IO card has 4 analog input channels (USINT), 4 digital inputs (Bool) and 4, digital outputs (Bool) Because I have 2 different components which both has data have I made 4 arrays to store the data off every component in one variable. PLC_Input: Array [1..20] of BOOL; PLC_Output: Array [1..40] of BOOL IOCard_Input: Array [1..8] of BOOL IOCard_Output: Array [1..4] of BOOL Because the control and reading of the different in and outputs is done by a TCP connection I want to use some kind of enumeration or struct to give each index a name so that my main would be a little bit more readable instead of all the magic numbers. Also this would make my program more dynamic for the furter in case I need to changes some in the IO nummers. For example: pump is placed on the fysical terminal strip number place 54, which is the 3th output of the IO card in the program: if I am sending a message with value 54 I would like to control IOCard_Output[3]. If there is a solution or methode to get this done, I can eventually do the following in my main program: IOCard_Output[Pump]. I have tried the following: IOCard_Output[Pump - 51] with an enumration but this keeps raising an error I hope some of you could help me further with this problem. In gross lines: I want to couple all the different IO to a more readable name and this readable name should control the right Array index Thanks in advance, George
Last updated: 2024-09-26
Post by munwar on ^^Temu Coupon {{UK}} ^£100 off^ [^^"["acq794628"]^^"] for New and Existing Customers^.^££
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Last updated: 2024-10-26
Post by munwar on Temu Coupon Code |$100 off | Korea âž” ["(["acq794628"]) â‚© Existing Users
Temu Exclusive Discount: Unlock Unbeatable Savings Now! Are you ready to take your shopping experience to the next level? Look no further! Temu, the popular online marketplace, is offering an exclusive discount that will blow your mind. For a limited time, you can unlock a whopping $100 off, a flat $550 off, and an additional 30% off your purchase. Yes, you read that right! To redeem this incredible offer, simply at checkout. How to Redeem the Discount Redeeming the Temu exclusive discount is easy. Here's a step-by-step guide: Head to the Temu website and browse through the vast selection of products. Add your desired items to the cart and proceed to checkout. Enter the coupon code acq794628 in the designated field. Click "Apply" to unlock the discounts. Enjoy your savings! makeup, and more With this exclusive discount, you can treat yourself to something special or stock up on essentials. Whether you're looking for a new outfit, a cutting-edge gadget, or a home decor item, Temu has got you covered. Don't Miss Out! This offer is only valid for a limited time, so don't wait! Use the coupon code acq794628 now and unlock the incredible discounts. Temu's exclusive offer is the perfect opportunity to save big on your favorite products. Don't miss out on this chance to upgrade your shopping experience. What Can You Buy with This Discount? Temu offers a wide range of products across various categories, including: Fashion: clothing, shoes, accessories, and more Electronics: smartphones, laptops, gadgets, and more Home and Garden: furniture, decor, kitchenware, and more Beauty and Health: skincare, haircare, makeup, and more With this exclusive discount, you can treat yourself to something special or stock up on essentials. Whether you're looking for a new outfit, a cutting-edge gadget, or a home decor item, Temu has got you covered. Terms and Conditions Please note that this offer is subject to terms and conditions. The discount may not be valid on certain products or in conjunction with other promotions. Be sure to check the Temu website for full details. In conclusion, the Temu exclusive discount is an unbeatable offer that you won't want to miss. With $100 off, a flat $550 off, and an additional 30% off, you can enjoy massive savings on your favorite products. Use the coupon code acq794628 now and start shopping! Temu Coupon Code $100 Off {acq794628}Temu Coupon Code 40 Off {acq794628}Temu Coupon Code 50 Off {acq794628}Temu Coupon Code 70 Off {acq794628}Temu Coupon Code 90 Off {acq794628}Temu Coupon Code 30 Off {acq794628} Temu Coupon Code First Order {acq794628} Temu Coupon Code Existing User {acq794628} TEMU COUPON $100 OFF -acq794628 Temu Free Gift Code - acq794628 TEMU Free Gift Code FOR EXISTING CUSTOMERS acq794628 TEMU Free Gift Code FIRST ORDER -acq794628 TEMU Free Gift Code REDDIT -acq794628 TEMU Free Gift Code FOR EXISTING CUSTOMERS REDDIT -acq794628 TEMU COUPON $100 Free Gift Code OFF NEW USER -acq794628 TEMU COUPON $100 OFF FOR EXISTING CUSTOMERS 2024 -acq794628 TEMU COUPON $100 OFF CODE -acq794628 TEMU COUPON $100 OFF FIRST ORDER FREE SHIPPING -acq794628 TEMU COUPON $100 OFF FOR EXISTING CUSTOMERS FREE SHIPPING USA -acq794628 TEMU COUPON $100 OFF HOW DOES IT WORK -acq794628 TEMU COUPON $100 OFF FOR EXISTING CUSTOMERS CANADA -acq794628 TEMU COUPON $100 OFF 2024 -acq794628 TEMU COUPON $100 OFF FOR NEW CUSTOMERS -acq794628 TEMU COUPON $100 OFF CANADA -acq794628 TEMU COUPON $100 OFF FOR EXISTING CUSTOMERS FIRST ORDER - acq794628 TEMU 300 OFF COUPON BUNDLE -acq794628 300 COUPON CODES -acq794628 1 BUCKS TO PHP -acq794628 IS THERE A COUPON IN THE PHILIPPINES -acq794628 300 BUCKS TO PHP -acq794628 TEMU $100 OFF COUPON -acq794628 TEMU $100 OFF CODE -acq794628 TEMU 300 VALUE COUPON BUNDLE -acq794628 TEMU COUPON $100 OFF FOR EXISTING CUSTOMERS FREE SHIPPING -acq794628 TEMU Free Gift CODE LEGIT -acq794628 TEMU Free Gift CODE REDDIT -acq794628 TEMU 300 OFF COUPON CODE FOR EXISTING USERS -acq794628 TEMU Free Gift Code UK -acq794628 TEMU COUPON CODE $100 OFF FREE SHIPPING -acq794628 TEMU COUPON CODES 300 PERCENT OFF -acq794628 WHAT IS A HIGH COUPON RATE -acq794628 HOW TO CALCULATE COUPON RATE WITHOUT COUPON PAYMENT -acq794628 WHAT IS THE COUPON RATE -acq794628 HOW TO CALCULATE COUPON VALUE -acq794628 USING COUPONS AND REBATES TO LOWER THE PRICE OF AN ITEM IS AN EXAMPLE OF - acq794628 TEMU 300 DOLLAR OFF COUPON - acq794628 DOMINOS COUPON CODE 300 OFF -acq794628 DOMINO'S 300 RS OFF COUPON CODE -acq794628 TEMU COUPON $100 OFF EXISTING CUSTOMERS -acq794628.
Last updated: 2024-10-26
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