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Post by yoeri on Refresh visulization realtime CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi everyone, I need some help with displaying an image (test.png) on my device. Initially, showing the image is straightforward. However, I want to be able to update the image dynamically. My goal is to send updated files via FTP to the device, and have the display automatically show the latest version of the image. All images will be sent with the same name (e.g., test.png). Currently, I can see the updated image after sending it via FTP and performing a warm restart, but I'd like to achieve this in runtime, without having to restart the display or application. Does anyone have suggestions on how to implement this? Thanks in advance!
Last updated: 2024-10-21

Post by trent on Automation server - trends stop recording - need to manually reconnect CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi All, I use the analysis page in automation server to capture historical trends from my PLC - i only sample one point per hour but it does the job (for now) One issue I have is I often log on to analysis page to find the system has stopped recording trends from my PLC. To fix this, I need to choose "state information" in the "List view" under PLC and click "Reconnect" When I do this I see my variables listed under "parameters" under "PLC Details" start updating again and the trend in Data analyzer continues to update. My Question, Why do I need to manually reconnect? Is there a way to get automation server to automatically reconnect to the PLC so I continue to capture data from the PLC? Regards, Trent
Last updated: 2024-10-22

Post by shafiq-dsc on Beckhoff EK series cannot detect but BK1120 detect CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Dear Support, I have i950 wants to connect with Beckhoff EtherCAT coupler BK1120. There are 2 GSD files for BK1120. 1. BK1120 without MDP.(EtherCAT ESI Device Description (XML)) 2. BK1120 with MDP. (EtherCAT BKxxx (MDP) configuration files) When connecting the BK1120 with i950, scanned devices detects BK1120 without MDP from ESI No1 above. But the KL1408 & KL2408 not detect because they have ELxxxx IO type. When manually insert BK1120 with MDP, the KL1xx8 is able to add manually also but the error shows and Install Missing Descriptions appears. The questions; 1. Why the error occurs? 2. Can the i950 connect with KLxxxx IO type or not? Regards, Shafiq
Last updated: 2024-10-25

Post by struccc on Problem Update new version Master ethercat CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi, I had some issues as well migrating to the new version. What I have learnt: - Have to check all the libraries in the library manager, if they are the proper versions. - Some other parts of the application, maybe an old library referenced by another one can keep the old Ethercat libraries.... Use the "Placeholders" function on the library manager - See if there is a new version available of the slave "devices". Might just have to update them ... I had problems moving from 4.7 to with 4.8, especially with the 2nd adapter for redundancy - some devices failed to initialize properly.... So I have just downgraded those libraries now. P.
Last updated: 2024-10-28

Post by lsislsis on SIGABRT Error CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
2024-11-08T13:39:07.354Z, 0x00000103, 65544, 1, 0, runtime received SIGABRT - system may be in an inconsistent state* We recommend a reboot of the controller now! 2024-11-08T13:39:07.354Z, 0x00000111, 8, 260, 3, #### Exception: More than 2 exceptions in CH_COMM_CYCLE: Stop logging 2024-11-08T14:36:33.126Z, 0x0000100d, 1, 0, 0, Demo mode expired. 2024-11-08T15:35:49.253Z, 0x00000103, 65544, 1, 0, runtime received SIGABRT - system may be in an inconsistent state We recommend a reboot of the controller now! 2024-11-08T15:42:54.664Z, 0x00000103, 65544, 1, 0, runtime received SIGABRT - system may be in an inconsistent state We recommend a reboot of the controller now! *
Last updated: 2024-11-08

Post by pistola on Visualization Size - Set Layout CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I feel like this is a setting issue and I can't seem to find the right setting. I have a new project that I'm looking to add visualizations to however when I select my template size (1280 x 800) I make sure in my properties under the visualization tab, I have "Use specified visualization size" selected and my width set at 1280 and height set at 800. Now within my visualization editor I can't see to get the size outside of my template to grey out. I've attached a PDF showing what I'd like the visualization editor to look like and what mine currently looks like. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Last updated: 2024-11-12

Post by ben1 on How to write multiple coils (Modbus FC15) CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
If I am understanding what you are saying, then yes that would be your problem. I would create an array of bools on the client side for the transfer and try that. Or if client can't be changed then use words on server and unpack. But I am not sure if you or I are mis interpreting but it sounds a bit jumbled. I don't know what you have control of, but, if you are turning on BITS in the server, you should write to BITS in the client with a Function 15. If you are writing to WORDS in the server, you should write to WORDS in the client with a Function 16.
Last updated: 2024-11-17

Post by sebastianrapi on Bibliothek: floatingpointutils CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
@Strucc.c: thanks very mutch. Yes, I think that was the problem. I tried yesterday a similar function, i have found: IEEE32 in REAL FUNCTION IEEE32_TO_REAL : REAL VAR_INPUT IN:DWORD; END_VAR VAR PTREAL:POINTER TO REAL; END_VAR PTREAL:=ADR(IN); IEEE32_TO_REAL:=PTREAL^; END_FUNCTION REAL in IEEE32 FUNCTION REAL_TO_IEEE32 : DWORD VAR_INPUT IN:REAL; END_VAR VAR PTDWORD:POINTER TO DWORD; END_VAR PTDWORD:=ADR(IN); REAL_TO_IEEE32:=PTDWORD^; END_FUNCTION,357.0.html And this works perfect. Now, the only thing that isn't clear is the libary "FloatingPointUtils, (System)"... For me, the libary doesn't work. But the problem is now solved. Thanks a lot.
Last updated: 2024-11-21

Post by hardcoder on EtherCAT Mailbox Gateway CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi all I found that in the last Ethercat master release ( the Mailbox Gateway feature has been added. This would be useful for me to connect to a specific slave in my system, since its configuration software supports this type of gateway communication. Anyway I don't find usage information or examples. At the moment I tried to enable it in the ethercat master device settings and I configured with an IP address on the subnet of the ethercat adapter (i.e. ethercat nic configured with static ip subnet, mailbox gateway configured to I expected it would have responded to ping commands on the address but nothing happens. I am missing something?
Last updated: 2024-12-11

Post by imdatatas on MC_CamIn did not work properly with SMC_FreeEncoder on SoftMotion CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi @tk096, Thank you for your response. Here is example project file and some screenshot for your analysis regarding this matter. In order to reproduce the problem on your side and make it independent of the hardware, I simulated the encoder counter incrementally for the master in this example. I configured a virtual axis as the slave motion axis. The problem occurs in the same way in the real hardware configuration (servo drive connected to Ethercat and hardware incremental encoder) in MC_CamIn. I hope this example helps you see the problem on your side and understand and find the source of the problem with FreeEncoderAxis for Softmotion Best Regards, Imdat
Last updated: 2024-12-19

Post by gseidel on Beckhoff AS1060 and EL7041 configuration CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi pmanuele, while I don't have firsthand experience with the EL7041 and the step motor AS1060, there are two things you can check: If you use an external encoder, please make sure you use the alternative device description calles "EL7041 1Ch. Stepper motor output stage (50V, 5A) Rev24 with external Encoder". The SoftMotion driver will set the feedback type automatically, and use the correct object for the actual position (16#6010:21 instead of 16#6010:20) If you have problems with changing the controller mode, I assume to velocity, please make sure you change the PDO mapping so that the actual velocity (16#6020:33) and set velocity (16#7010:33) are mapped by PDO. Hope this helps, Georg
Last updated: 2024-12-23

Post by arcadium on Library ENUM text representation in visualization CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello, Maybe someone could help with this. When I add ENUM to a text field I get the number instead of the text. For my own ENUM variable I have declared and enabled text list value is displayed as text, but I need enum text displayed from softMotion and other internal FB's. In the picture I have one of desired ENUM variable setup, but in the visu I have number, but in the watch window it's text. There is probably some checkbox to tick, but was looking for an hour, can't find a solution. Would apreciate some help
Last updated: 2024-12-24

Post by arcadium on Library ENUM text representation in visualization CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello, Maybe someone could help with this. When I add ENUM to a text field I get the number instead of the text. For my own ENUM variable I have declared and enabled text list value is displayed as text, but I need enum text displayed from softMotion and other internal FB's. In the picture I have one of desired ENUM variable setup, but in the visu I have number, but in the watch window it's text. There is probably some checkbox to tick, but was looking for an hour, can't find a solution. Would apreciate some help
Last updated: 2024-12-24

Post by trusty-squire on Read "Homed" status from EtherCAT drive CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi, Is there a way to read the homed status from the EtherCAT drive directly? I am currently flagging the homed status on the succesful completion of the MC_Home function block, but I have had false triggers where the drive didn't actually execute the homing procedure but the MC_Home FB is marked as complete without error. I looked at other MC/SMC function blocks but the closest I can find is the "Homing" bit from MC_ReadStatus FB, but this doesn't show if the drive is succesfully homed, only that it's homing. Any guidance is welcome. Thanks!
Last updated: 2 days ago

Post by hboertz on CamBuilder and first boundary position not zero CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi @niallel, it is currently not possible to create periodic cams using SMCB.BoundImplicit(). If you want to create a periodic cam which does not start/end with all slaves values equal to zero, then you must specify the boundary conditions explicitly using SMCB.Bound(). When you finished your cam, you can check via CamBuilder.CheckContinuity(), if the cam fulfills the continuity requirements for a periodic cam (see input isPeriodic). But you are right, it should be possible to create periodic cams using implicit boundary conditions. I have added the following Jira issue, so that this feature might be included in a future SoftMotion version: SM-5537: CamBuilder: It should be possible to create periodic cams using implicit boundaries I hope this answers your question. Best regards, Hendrik
Last updated: 1 day ago

Post by full0pullpolen on Device User Logon CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
The following guide describes how you can adapt the user management for the first time in a project. It deals with the definition of a user and a group to which he belongs. Requirement: the project for which the user management is to be set up is opened. There is no adapted user configuration yet. Select Project Settings ‣ Users and Groups and then the Users tab. The user Owner is already created by default. Click on Add. ⇒ The dialog box Add User appears. Enter a login name, for example ‘Dev1’, and a password. Leave the option Activated activated. Click on OK. ⇒ On creating a group for the first time, CODESYS now requests you to authenticate yourself to perform this action. In this case, enter ‘Owner’ as the current user. Do not enter a password, just click on OK. The user Dev1 appears in the list and is automatically a member of the group 'Everyone'. Change to the tab Groups, in order to add the user to a new group. ⇒ The groups Everyone and Owner have already been created. Click on Add in order to open the dialog box Add Group. Specify at least one name for the new group, for example ‘Developers’. Activate the checkbox next to the entry User ‘Dev1’ in the field Members. Click on OK. ⇒ The group Developers now appears with has user member 'Dev1'. Switch to the Users tab. ⇒ The user Dev1 now appears as a member of the groups ‘Everyone’ and ‘Developers’.
Last updated: 2024-01-24

Post by full0pullpolen on Device User Logon CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
The following guide describes how you can adapt the user management for the first time in a project. It deals with the definition of a user and a group to which he belongs. Requirement: the project for which the user management is to be set up is opened. There is no adapted user configuration yet. Select Project Settings ‣ Users and Groups and then the Users tab. The user Owner is already created by default. Click on Add. ⇒ The dialog box Add User appears. Enter a login name, for example ‘Dev1’, and a password. Leave the option Activated activated. Click on OK. ⇒ On creating a group for the first time, CODESYS now requests you to authenticate yourself to perform this action. In this case, enter ‘Owner’ as the current user. Do not enter a password, just click on OK. The user Dev1 appears in the list and is automatically a member of the group 'Everyone'. Change to the tab Groups, in order to add the user to a new group. ⇒ The groups Everyone and Owner have already been created. Click on Add in order to open the dialog box Add Group. Specify at least one name for the new group, for example ‘Developers’. Activate the checkbox next to the entry User ‘Dev1’ in the field Members. Click on OK. ⇒ The group Developers now appears with has user member 'Dev1'. Switch to the Users tab. ⇒ The user Dev1 now appears as a member of the groups ‘Everyone’ and ‘Developers’.
Last updated: 2024-01-24

Post by full0pullpolen on Device User Logon CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
The following guide describes how you can adapt the user management for the first time in a project. It deals with the definition of a user and a group to which he belongs. Requirement: the project for which the user management is to be set up is opened. There is no adapted user configuration yet. Select Project Settings ‣ Users and Groups and then the Users tab. The user Owner is already created by default. Click on Add. ⇒ The dialog box Add User appears. Enter a login name, for example ‘Dev1’, and a password. Leave the option Activated activated. Click on OK. ⇒ On creating a group for the first time, CODESYS now requests you to authenticate yourself to perform this action. In this case, enter ‘Owner’ as the current user. Do not enter a password, just click on OK. The user Dev1 appears in the list and is automatically a member of the group 'Everyone'. Change to the tab Groups, in order to add the user to a new group. ⇒ The groups Everyone and Owner have already been created. Click on Add in order to open the dialog box Add Group. Specify at least one name for the new group, for example ‘Developers’. Activate the checkbox next to the entry User ‘Dev1’ in the field Members. Click on OK. ⇒ The group Developers now appears with has user member 'Dev1'. Switch to the Users tab. ⇒ The user Dev1 now appears as a member of the groups ‘Everyone’ and ‘Developers’.
Last updated: 2024-01-24

Post by mp9876 on Device logon problem following fresh install CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
All screenshots are enclosed in MS Word document. NOTE; 4 questions features at the end. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! Hi everyone, I am still having device logon problem following a fresh install Here are the STEPS I went through following a FRESH CODESYS Win 64 install on a different computer. ‘Gateway not configured properly’ when attempting to REFRESH from the Users and Groups. Then did Gateway manage and confirmed it was ok: This message popped out as it was a fresh install: YES then: Initially went with Administrator twice (user & password) but it did not like it. No device is responding to …: Continued by setting a new user Pressed OK and obtained the following message: Stopped and Restarted PLC at that point: Obtained the following: Attempted to login a 2nd time without success. Then I scanned the network to see if matching device can be detected: Only way to get it detected was to remove the tick in the ‘Hide non-matching devices…’ Attempted a WINK but got a return like this one: REFRESH either @ Users and Groups or @ Access Rights returns: Then created user ‘mp’ at Project level ang logged in: Understandably device user mp9876 was not valid for the Project. Device information A few questions comes to my mind following these connection attempts: 1- Gateway not configured properly message pops out because of a non-compatible device ? 2- Why would the device not be compatible ? 3- Any way to make the device compatible ? 4- Any ideas on how to get this connectivity problem to the device solved ?
Last updated: 2024-03-17

Post by umdee on Error when monitoring LAD programs CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
I get the following error when monitoring my program (see attached screenshots): "Unhandled exception has occured in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will close immediately. Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source. And the details say: See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box. ** Exception Text ** System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: source at System.Linq.Enumerable.Any[TSource] (IEnumerable1 source, Func2 predicate) at _3S.CoDeSys.NWLEditor.NWLTextCell.OnPaintCellLayer(PaintEventArgs e) at _3S.CoDeSys.Controls.Controls.GfxEdControl.PaintCellCellLayer(PaintEventArgs e, GfxCell cell) at _3S.CoDeSys.Controls.Controls.GfxEdControl.PaintCellCellLayer(PaintEventArgs e, GfxCell cell) at _3S.CoDeSys.Controls.Controls.GfxEdControl.PaintCellCellLayer(PaintEventArgs e, GfxCell cell) at _3S.CoDeSys.Controls.Controls.GfxEdControl.OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.PaintWithErrorHandling(PaintEventArgs e, Int16 layer) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmPaint(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.UserControl.WndProc(Message& m) at _3S.CoDeSys.Controls.Controls.GfxEdControl.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam) ** Loaded Assemblies ** (3000 lines of assemblies) ** JIT Debugging ** To enable just-in-time (JIT) debugging, the .config file for this application or computer (machine.config) must have the jitDebugging value set in the section. The application must also be compiled with debugging enabled. For example: <configuration> < jitdebugging="true"> </></configuration> When JIT debugging is enabled, any unhandled exception will be sent to the JIT debugger registered on the computer rather than be handled by this dialog box The windows show red X's where the networks should be. Any advice on how to fix this? Additional Information PLC used: Wago 750-8212, Firmware FW26 Startup profile: CODESYS V3.5 SP19 Patch 5 OS version: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.22631.0 .NET version: 4.0.30319.42000 Full Version info attached as .txt
Last updated: 2024-03-17

Post by tk096 on High Cycle Times for SoftMotion_PlanningTask when using AxisGroup CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hi, under this circumstances the performance of a Raspberry Pi 4 should be sufficient to run a Softmotion robotics application. A closer look at the project would be required. Maybe you could contact the codesys support? Usually it is recommended to run the planning task cyclically every 2ms with task priority of 0 on a dedicated core. In the task configuration you can have a look at the average and maximum execution time of the planning task. You could use the function block SMC_TuneCPKernel ( to define suitable values for the parameters 'fSyncBufferDuration' and 'fPlanningInterval'. However, as previously mentioned, the performance of a Raspberry Pi 4 with realtime patch should be sufficient. The 'fPlanningInterval' parameter specifies the maximum planning step width in seconds. The cycle time of the planning task should not permanently exceed this value. A higher value reduces the computational effort, but can lead to a violation or no full utilization of the set limit values for velocity, acceleration and jerk. From a starting value of 0.016 seconds, the value should be increased gradually until the performance is acceptable. The parameter 'fSyncBufferDuration' specifies the size (in seconds) of the buffer between the planning and fieldbus task. The cycle time of the planning task must not exceed this value at peak times (this will lead to the error SMC_CP_QUEUE_UNDERRUN). A higher value can compensate for peaks in the cycle time of the planning task. At the same time, however, this also increases the latency for executing interrupts and aborting movements.
Last updated: 2024-03-22

Post by manuknecht on Maximum dynamic limits of MC_MoveLinearAbsolute and MC_MoveLinearRelative CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello all I use an axis group with two linear axes in a kinematic system. Using MC_MoveLinearAbsolute and MC_MoveLinearRelative, I am trying to realise dynamic movements (set velocity: 1 m/s, set acceleration: 30 m/s^2) with the highest possible jerk, as I want to compare this with a movement with a trapezoidal velocity profile. However, my measurements show that the axes accelerate with a maximum jerk of approx. 800 m/s^3, even if the value in the function block was set to 10,000 m/s^3. I have already increased the dynamic limits of the two axes accordingly (Velocity: 5000 u/s, Acc-/Deceleration: 250'000 u/s^2, Jerk: 100'000'000 u/s^3, where 1 u = 1 mm), but this had no effect. I have checked the input parameters of the function blocks and the VelFactor, AccFactor and JerkFactor factors are all set to the maximum (value 1). Reducing the cycle time has resulted in a higher jerk, but as we are already working with a cycle time of 1 ms, there is nothing more that can be done here. The axes themselves are still a long way from drawing the maximum current, which is why I assume that this should not be a problem either. Are there other factors or parameters that influence the dynamic limits and therefore allow faster movements? The PLC I am using is a Raspberry Pi 4 and Codesys V3.5 SP20 with all libraries up to date. Thanks in advance Manuel
Last updated: 2024-05-08

Post by thommy54 on CODESYSControl_User cfg richtig konfigurieren CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hallo, nach Erwerb eines neueren Raspberry pi 4 (V1.5) musste ich zwangsläufig von Codesys 3.5.16 hochwechseln - ich habe auf geupdated. Da schlugen mir plötzlich ne Menge Einschränkungen entgegen, deren Behebung einige Zeit dauerte. Eine davon ist, das ein SysFile.SysFileOpen nicht mehr funktioniert. Ich habe das Problem mit Einträgen in der /etc/CODESYSControl.cfg behoben: [SysFile] FilePath.1=/etc/, 3S.dat IecFilePath.1=/proc/, cpuinfo IecFilePath.2=/proc/, iomem PlaceholderFilePath.1=/sys/devices/w1_bus_master1, $OneWire$ PlcLogicPrefix=1 ; ; ---------------------- ; selbst eingefügt PlaceholderFilePath.2=/home/root, $my_home_root$ PlaceholderFilePath.3=/etc/init.d, $my_conf$ PlaceholderFilePath.4=/var/lib/mpd, $my_music$ PlaceholderFilePath.5=/root/Rasp_SPS_Filesystem, $my_Rasp$ Ob die Einträge sich etwas überlappen, kann mir gern jemand sagen, das ist aber nicht das Problem. Ich habe bei den vielen Versuchen, das Teil zum Laufen zu bringen, bemerkt, daß die Einträge auch ganz schnell mal verschwinden. Das ist ja auch so beschrieben, wenn die nächste Version kommt, sind meine Einträge weg. Da ich ähnliche Probleme mit dem Funktionieren von "SysProcessExecuteCommand2()" hatte, die ich ebenfalls mit Einträgen in die /etc/CODESYSControl.cfg hätte beheben können, habe ich gelesen, das man "private" Einträge lieber in die Datei /etc/CODESYSControl_User.cfg machen soll. Gesagt getan und "SysProcessExecuteCommand2()" lief: [SysProcess] Command=AllowAll Command.0=shutdown Aber auch irgendwo stand, das so ein Beteichner wie [SysFile] oder [SysProcess] nur einmal in den beiden Files /etc/CODESYSControl.cfg oder(!) /etc/CODESYSControl_User.cfg vorkommen darf. Das ist nun die eigentliche Frage! Ist das so ? Bei [SysProcess] ist das kein Problem, das gibt es in /etc/CODESYSControl.cfg nicht. Aber bei [SysFile] sieht das anders aus. Da sind 5 Zeilen schon in /etc/CODESYSControl.cfg drin. Würde ich diese in die User-Datei rüberschieben, könnte beim nächsten Update was fehlen oder, oder... Lasse ich es so wie es ist, sind meine Einträge beim Update weg - das sollte ja verhindert werden. Kann da jemand genaue Auskunft geben ?? Vielen Dank Thomas
Last updated: 2024-06-28

Post by thommy54 on Raspi-Cam: CameraStream.project nicht zum Laufen zu bringen CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hallo, Ich bringe das CameraStream.project nicht zum Laufen. Ich sehe die Ursache darin, das das Beispielprogramm sehr sparsam mit Programm-Kommentaren umgeht (von der Hilfe gar nicht zu reden). Ich habe beide Varianten bei der zu ändernden Zielvariable getestet: //copy video.htm to the webserver; //the location of the webserver depends on the used Apache version as mentioned in online help hDirHtmlTest:=SysDirOpen( szDir:='/var/www', pDirInfo:= ADR(dirInfo), diMaxDirEntry:=iMaxDirEntry, szDirEntry:=szDirEntry, pResult:=ADR(iDirHtmlError)); IF (iDirHtmlError = 0) THEN SysDirClose(hDir:=hDirHtmlTest); SysFileCopy('/var/www/video.htm', '$$PlcLogic$$/Application/video.htm', ADR(dwCopySize)); ELSE .... als auch hDirHtmlTest:=SysDirOpen( szDir:='/var/www/html', pDirInfo:= ADR(dirInfo), diMaxDirEntry:=iMaxDirEntry, szDirEntry:=szDirEntry, pResult:=ADR(iDirHtmlError)); IF (iDirHtmlError = 0) THEN SysDirClose(hDir:=hDirHtmlTest); SysFileCopy('/var/www/html/video.htm', '$$PlcLogic$$/Application/video.htm', ADR(dwCopySize)); ELSE .... Die Url-Streams habe ich gelassen wie sie vorgegeben waren: urlStream := CONCAT('http://', CONCAT(sIPAddress, '/video.htm')); urlPicture := CONCAT('http://', CONCAT(sIPAddress, '/cam_pic.php')); In der Webvisu im Browser komme ich maximal dahin wie im Screeshot Video_Visu_1 zu sehen. Also scheint der Link zu video.htm zu klappen. Das der zu cam_pic.php nicht klappt, wundert mich nicht, denn es existiert nicht und wird auch nicht evtl. am rechten Ort angelegt. Ich bin mir vollkommen im Unklaren: muss da was auf dem Raspberry Pi im Hintergrund laufen , z.B. raspivid . Welcher Programmteil bedient die Cam ? Ich erkenne auch nicht, wo ein einzelnes picture entstehen soll. Wäre dankbar, wenn ich hier etwas Hilfe bekommen könnte. Evtl. gibt es Probleme mit der von mir verwendeten Codesys-Version ? Ich benutze einen Raspberry 4 Rev.1.2. Grüße Thomas
Last updated: 2024-07-04

Post by paulpotat on cm4 runtime problem CODESYS Forge talk (Post)
Hello, I have exactly the same issue, with the following configuration : Hardware version >>> cat /proc/cpuinfo processor : 0 model name : ARMv7 Processor rev 3 (v7l) BogoMIPS : 108.00 Features : half thumb fastmult vfp edsp neon vfpv3 tls vfpv4 idiva idivt vfpd32 lpae evtstrm crc32 CPU implementer : 0x41 CPU architecture: 7 CPU variant : 0x0 CPU part : 0xd08 CPU revision : 3 processor : 1 model name : ARMv7 Processor rev 3 (v7l) BogoMIPS : 108.00 Features : half thumb fastmult vfp edsp neon vfpv3 tls vfpv4 idiva idivt vfpd32 lpae evtstrm crc32 CPU implementer : 0x41 CPU architecture: 7 CPU variant : 0x0 CPU part : 0xd08 CPU revision : 3 processor : 2 model name : ARMv7 Processor rev 3 (v7l) BogoMIPS : 108.00 Features : half thumb fastmult vfp edsp neon vfpv3 tls vfpv4 idiva idivt vfpd32 lpae evtstrm crc32 CPU implementer : 0x41 CPU architecture: 7 CPU variant : 0x0 CPU part : 0xd08 CPU revision : 3 processor : 3 model name : ARMv7 Processor rev 3 (v7l) BogoMIPS : 108.00 Features : half thumb fastmult vfp edsp neon vfpv3 tls vfpv4 idiva idivt vfpd32 lpae evtstrm crc32 CPU implementer : 0x41 CPU architecture: 7 CPU variant : 0x0 CPU part : 0xd08 CPU revision : 3 Hardware : BCM2711 Revision : a03141 Serial : 10000000d5be5b5f Model : Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4 Rev 1.1 Kernel version >>> uname -a Linux raspberrypi 6.1.21-v7l+ #1642 SMP Mon Apr 3 17:22:30 BST 2023 armv7l GNU/Linux OS Version >>> cat /etc/os-release PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)" NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux" VERSION_ID="11" VERSION="11 (bullseye)" VERSION_CODENAME=bullseye ID=raspbian ID_LIKE=debian HOME_URL="" SUPPORT_URL="" BUG_REPORT_URL="" /boot/config.txt I added the following line : arm_64bit=0 CodeSys runtime version 4.10 Were you able to solve the issue @michelebianchi ? Any help with this would be appreciated... BR
Last updated: 2024-08-28

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