#105 Lowering Device CPU consumption Device

I have some ideas on how to get a lower CPU consumption per Device.
This ticket is a placeholder for trying out many ideas 😄
Some of them can be mapped to the EoN too


  • hermsen

    hermsen - 2020-12-19

    Implementation of FB_EoNTopicProvider
    Implementation of FB_DeviceTopicProvider

    Which helps to significantly lower the WCONCAT function usage count as string manipulation is known to be CPU consumption prone.

  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2020-12-23

    currently, publishing is done in a repeat until loop. this should exit the loop if still busy, rather than blocking until complete.

  • hermsen

    hermsen - 2020-12-23

    How do we check if the sending has been successfully completed? I bet you want to introduce some asynchronously task? I cannot think of another simpler solution?

  • i-campbell

    i-campbell - 2020-12-24

    MQTT.Publisher.xDone only comes true after a PUBACK has been received back from the server. This could last seconds depending on the server load and network load.

    So the Entry Action should do all the one time setup stuff, and then the Cyclic Action should call Publisher() until .xDone.

  • hermsen

    hermsen - 2020-12-24

    This requires a change in the code as the sending of a message now happens 'atomically' in a single method.
    This now has got to be split into some setup and feedback part.

    Fortunately the FB has been built to accommodate your suggested strategy.

    So, the setup is done in a state Entry, and the feedback is checked during the continuous part of the state.

  • hermsen

    hermsen - 2021-01-01

    Publishing of Certificates / DATA is now done in a "non-blocking" fashion.
    However, payload encoding and decoding is still done in a REPEAT UNTIL LOOP during the Entry Step of each publishing state.
    Though this technically is equal to a blocking statement, Encoding / Decoding is most likely always finished in 1 scan since Google Protobuf encoding/decoding is finished very quickly.
    If in a future release or during "in the wild" testing pahse this seems to be an issue's, we will separate this further but for now it should suffice.

  • hermsen

    hermsen - 2021-01-10
    • status: open --> pending
  • hermsen

    hermsen - 2021-04-30

    Offcourse we have seen many other points for revision.
    However having a complete v2.0 has a higher prio then optimisation.
    I'll close this ticket for now. A new optimisation round will be a new ticket (e.g profiler)

  • hermsen

    hermsen - 2021-04-30
    • status: pending --> closed

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