Hello, In some 3D interpolation operations, I receive the error named "SMC_INT_QPROF_DIVERGES" and code 1011 in the SMC_Interpolator block. There is probably a problem with the jerk values. However, in the softmotion version release notes, it says that this error has been fixed, but I cannot get rid of this error! Below is some information. Compiler verison: Softmotion RTE x64: Softmotion Version: SM3_CNC Version: SM3_Basic Version: Ethercat...
Hello, In some 3D interpolation operations, I receive the error named "SMC_INT_QPROF_DIVERGES" and code 1011 in the SMC_Interpolator block. There is probably a problem with the jerk values. However, in the softmotion version release notes, it says that this error has been corrected, but I cannot get rid of this error! Below is some information. Compiler verison: Softmotion RTE x64: Softmotion Version: SM3_CNC Version: SM3_Basic Version: Ethercat...
Hello KB, You can find the optimum value of these values by trial and error. Just so many tries!
Hello KB, You can find the optimum value of these values by trial and error. Just so many tries!
Hello, The solution is; VAR_TEMP timeBefore : SYSTIME; timeAfter : SYSTIME; udiDuration_us : UDINT; END_VAR SysTimeGetNS(timeBefore); udiDuration_us := 0; WHILE udiDuration_us < 200 DO //SMC_ReadNcFile2 fbReadFile(bExecute:=b01dExecute, bAbort:=gCNC.bCycleStop, sFileName:=strFileName, pvl:=ADR(gConsts.stVarList)); //SMC_NcInterpreter. fbInterpreter(Sentences := fbReadFile.sentences, bExecute :=, bAbort := , nSizeOutQueue := SIZEOF(astGeoBuffer), pbyBufferOutQueue := ADR(astGeoBuffer)); SysTimeGetNS(timeAfter)...
Merhaba Georg, Daha önce bana yardıma dokunmuştum bunun için minnettarım. Yeni bir sorunum var belki alabilirsin? Şu anda CNC Interpolasyon ile yarıçap işlemi yapılırken X-Y eksenlerinde aşırı titreşim oluyor. Yarıçap yumuştamak için "bdAngleTol" değeri değeri. Yolu yumuşatmayı başarsam da bu yol aşırı vuruşlu hareketi ortaya çıkarıyor. Bunun için fikrin olabilir mi ? teşekkürler.
Hi, there is a lot of vibration in the X-Y axes when processing RADIUS on my CNC Interpolation system. Anyone know this?
Hello, I give motion to my CNC machine by using Codesyste SMC_Interpolator, SMC_Trafo_Gantry3 and SMC_ControlAxisByPos blocks together. These blocks work beautifully together! That is, when the tool to be used during the operation is changed, the predetermined offset values for the XYZ axes of this tool come into play. This means: When the offset value changes, the output of the Gantry block also changes. But this is undesirable! If this happens, the axis moves by the difference from the previous...
Hello, I give motion to my CNC machine by using Codesyste SMC_Interpolator, SMC_Trafo_Gantry3 and SMC_ControlAxisByPos blocks together. These blocks work beautifully together! That is, when the tool to be used during the operation is changed, the predetermined offset values for the XYZ axes of this tool come into play. This means: When the offset value changes, the output of the Gantry block also changes. But this is undesirable! If this happens, the axis moves by the difference from the previous...
Hello, I need to manually move the axes independently using a 3-axis cnc machine handwheel. This movement will reflect the rotation speed to the axis when the wheel is rotated and the axis direction will be tainted from the direction the wheel is rotated. As the wheel speed is turned, the axis speed will increase at the same rate, and the speeds will decrease as the wheel slows down. I'm not sure which function block I can use to do this? Anyone know about this? Enjoy your work.
Hello, I want to be able to disable the Input/Output modules as needed, as seen in the attached picture. When I right click on the device I don't see the "Disable" option. I would expect such an option. There are many opisons in my project and I need to add or remove modules according to these options. Registering a new project for each option is tedious and confusing. That's why I want to keep everything in one project. At this point I need to be able to disable or enable the required device. How...
Hello, I want to be able to disable the Input/Output modules as needed, as seen in the attached picture. When I right click on the device I don't see the "Disable" option. I would expect such an option. There are many opisons in my project and I need to add or remove modules according to these options. Registering a new project for each option is tedious and confusing. That's why I want to keep everything in one project. At this point I need to be able to disable or enable the required device. How...
Thanks Georg
Hey George, I know the jump happened. This happens in some movements, I wanted to prevent it. Also, do you know about the G75? G75 looks like an important code I need at this point but I couldn't figure it out!
Hi George, I've seen this solution on the codesys help pages. Currently, my speed, acceleration and deceleration limit values are high and I do not reach a value exceeding the limit. However, it falls into bStopIpo status. Thanks.
Hello dear George, I appreciate your help. This worked! It was very important to me. Thanks. Enjoy your work.
Hello dear Georg, Thank you very much for your quick response. I've been spending time for this problem for days. I understand the answer, but although it varies according to the work to be done in the project, multi -line G code files are requested to run. For example, I need to run a 50000 -line code and the size of this file corresponds to 1.5 million byte. Do you have the idea how to do this, how to read big files. Thank you.
Hello, The G code file I read has 50000 lines. The Buffer I use is the value of you; Geo_bufffer_sıze: udink: = 60000; The error I received is cncınternalerror Who has an idea about it? Buffer is capable of reading the file I want to read.
Hello, I guess you have information about the subject. I'm getting a similar mistake. I get the error in the "SMC_INTERPOLATOR" block. The error is this; "SMC_CNC_INTERNAL_ERROR". I'm reading a file with a .cnc extension with 50 thousand lines. I use "SMC_Readncfile2" and "SMC_NCINTERPETER" blocks in the reading section. There is no problem with these blocks. Buffer I use the 80000 value as you. Buffer is defined in sufficient capacity for the file I am trying to open to you. Why can I get this "Internal"...
Hello, I guess you have information about the subject. I'm getting a similar mistake. I get the error in the "SMC_INTERPOLATOR" block. The error is this; "SMC_CNC_INternal_error". I'm reading a file with a .cnc extension with 50 thousand lines. I use "SMC_Readncfile2" and "SMC_NCINTERPETER" blocks in the reading section. There is no problem with these blocks. Buffer I use the 80000 value as you. Buffer is defined in sufficient capacity for the file I am trying to open to you. Why can I get this "Internal"...
Hello, I guess you have information about the subject. I'm getting a similar mistake. I get the error in the "SMCINTERPOLATOR" block. The error is this; "SMC_CNC_INternal_error". I'm reading a file with a .cnc extension with 50 thousand lines. I use "SMCReadncfile2" and "SMCNCINTERPETER" blocks in the reading section. There is no problem with these blocks. Buffer I use the 80000 value as you. Buffer is defined in sufficient capacity for the file I am trying to open to you. Why can I get this "Internal"...
Hello, I guess you have information about the subject. I'm getting a similar mistake. I get the error in the "SMCINTERPOLATOR" block. The error is this; "SMC_CNC_INternal_error". I'm reading a file with a .cnc extension with 50 thousand lines. I use "SMCReadncfile2" and "SMCNCINTERPETER" blocks in the reading section. There is no problem with these blocks. Buffer I use the 80000 value as you. Buffer is defined in sufficient capacity for the file I am trying to open to you. Why can I get this "Internal"...
Hello, In my CNC project, I move the axes with the "ControlAxisByPos" blocks at the output of the Interpolator block. But the "ControlAxisByPos" block falls into the "bStopIpo" state and starts doing the "AvoidGap" gestures. I couldn't get past this. How is it resolved? This happens when I Jump in G-code. Any ideas?
Good work friends. I am processing with G Code Enterpolation in my 3 axis machine. The problem is that as the God lines I have processed multiply, the waiting time increases considerably. This is an unwanted situation. For example, when I start reading the 30,000 -line G Code file with the "SMC_NCINTERPETER" block, it throws the lines into the series one by one and starts when you throw it all. I tried to trigger the Enterpolator without reading all the lines, but it didn't work. And 30,000 lines...
Hello, were you able to find a solution? I'm in trouble with the G75!
İyi iş çocuklar. 3 eksen makinemde g code enterpolasyon yöntemi ile işlem yapıyorum. Sorun şu ki, işlediğim g kod satırları çoğaldıkça bekleme süresi oldukça artıyor. Bu istenmeyen bir durumdur. Örneğin 30 bin satırlık g code dosyasını "SMC_NcInterpreter" bloğu ile okumaya başladığımda satırları tek tek diziye atıyor ve hepsini atınca başlıyor. Tüm satırları okumadan enterpolatörü tetiklemeye çalıştım ama işe yaramadı. Ve 30.000 satır aslında düşük bir sayıdır. Çalıştırılacak yüzbinlerce kod var....
Good job everyone, I'm in trouble with the G code file size I'm using in my CNC interpolation project! Can anyone who knows about this help? I get the SMC_CNC_INTERNAL_ERROR error when my G code file size reaches 1000kb. 50000 lines of code in my G code file is about 1500kb in size. I thought it was related to the yellow parts in the attached picture. Is it the right idea?
Good job everyone, I'm in trouble with the G code file size I'm using in my CNC interpolation project! Can anyone who knows about this help? I get the SMC_CNC_INTERNAL_ERROR error when my G code file size reaches 1000kb. 50000 lines of code in my G code file is about 1500kb in size. I thought it was related to the yellow parts in the attached picture. Is it the right idea? for help
Thanks for your solution. This worked.
How can I set additional offset for my axes? There must be two positions on the machine. One is the program position and the other is the machine position. I have to create the program position by adding the offsets to the machine position. Actually, I partially did this, but in motion movements (ABSOULTE, RELATIVE) the machine moves according to its position. What I want here is to sort of shift the axes. How do I do this? Thakns/ByCNC
Good work everyone, I have been working on a 3 axis CNC machine for a while. A lot of things are going great! But I couldn't find how to increase or decrease the axis speeds while processing the g code. I am using the SMC_INTERPOLTAOR block to manipulate the G code. I think I can overcome this problem with the 'dwtime' value in the entry of this block, but this does not offer a healthy solution. I need support for this! I need to do an instant increase or decrease of the axis speed during a motion!...
Hello, I am looking for solution about exactly what you wrote. I use GearIn or CamIn. I can do synchro moves. How can I make X1 and X2 axes synchronously home? Thanks. /huzeyfe
Hello, on my 3-axis CNC machine, the X-axis carries the bridge. This bridge is carried by two X motors. I can move two X motors synchronously using the 'GeraIn' or 'CamIn' methods. But I couldn't find a way to make two engines home at the same time. What I want to do is to make the master engine home according to the Z plus search method and to match the slave engine completely. How can I do that ? Thanks. /huzeyfe
Is your jerk problem solved when you change the dynamic limit values?
Good work everyone. There is a 3 axis cnc machine project that I am working on. In this project, I am working by connecting drivers and modules with etherCAT protocol using remote I/O. The problem is that the motor shakes excessively during G code processing. Motor jerks on axis movement. The interesting thing is that when I move the motor with jog or absolute motion methods, there is no vibration, it works very cleanly. I thought the problem here might be due to interpolator or gantry blocks. When...