Post by yofi on Raspberry Pi 4 POU not running
I have this error where the pou doesn't run even for simple programs like contact and a coil if i remove the pou from the task and put another one it works for one run then it stops working again in the photo we can see a contact is on but the coil connected to it is still not on and the device is in run mode I had this issue again and again any help
Last updated: 2024-06-02
Post by swe-hob on call of a method of a function block in another program
Hi, Let's assume following: PRG_1 fb_1 : fbExample1; fb_1.method_1 do something... PRG_2 fb_2 : fbExample2; fb_2.method_2 if xTest then PRG_1.fb_1.method_1(); end_if; Is there a reason why runtime hangs when I call the method_1 in PRG_1 from a method in PRG_2? Both programs run in the same task. No chance that any other program calls the method. What I practically do there is that in the program PRG_2 I add a structed object into a buffer. In PRG_1 I just process the items in the buffer.
Last updated: 2024-06-03
Post by swe-hob on call of a method of a function block in another program
Hi, Let's assume following: PRG_1 fb_1 : fbExample1; fb_1.method_1 do something... PRG_2 fb_2 : fbExample2; fb_2.method_2 if xTest then PRG_1.fb_1.method_1(); end_if; Is there a reason why runtime hangs when I call the method_1 in PRG_1 from a method in PRG_2? Both programs run in the same task. No chance that any other program calls the method. What I practically do there is that in the program PRG_2 I add a structed object into a buffer. In PRG_1 I just process the items in the buffer.
Last updated: 2024-06-03
Post by culius on Official MQTT-Client: MAX_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE_EXCEEDED
Thank you very much for your reply. That helped, it is editable if the library is at root level. Unfortunately, I noticed that I am not using the MQTT client SL, but the AzureMQTTClient from the Azure IoT Hub Client SL library. At first glance, there is no parameter to increase the message size. Does anyone know how to increase this in the library or is it simply not possible here?
Last updated: 2024-06-08
Post by joep on Custom robotics kinematics model debugging
When trying to move my axis using any group move instruction I get the following error: SMC_CP_INVALID_PATH_ELEM and axisgroup goes into errorstop state. I tested my methods thoroughly which makes it hard for me to debug. Are there some hidden rules I need to abide to? How would one go about debugging a custom robotics model, since the information inside isn't accesible. Is it possible to find the source of where the function breaks? Any hint in the right direction would be appreciated. Best regards
Last updated: 2024-06-08
Post by tba123 on Script engine, git checkout, Project Environment
Hi, I clone a git repository with VersionUpdateFlags.SilentMode, works fine But now I want to checkout a specific commit (with branch_copy command). When using the branch_copy command there is no VersionUpdateFlags and I get this annoying "Project Environment" prompt, blocking further execution of my script without user input. I already tried something like system.prompt_answers[???] = PromptResult.Cancel but I don´t know the string I need here.. The goal is to have a script that clones a repository and compiles every tag + create compiled libraries.
Last updated: 2024-06-10
Post by mozed on Bug Device login
Good morning, The problem I encounter is very disturbing, when I try to connect to my project, it asks me to put in my username and password, which I do. However, I cannot connect and it restarts. the window to rewrite my identifiers. However it is the correct identifier and password I do not understand why. When I try to put false identifiers there strangely it tells me that these are not valid identifiers. There is something what can I do? Sincerely
Last updated: 2024-06-11
Post by installwhat on C0077 on one machine but not another
(Post) Solved by changing the ethercat master version after reading the thread linked above. I think I need to read up on why this happened. I understand that placeholders should point to a particular version for obvious reasons however what has occurred in this instance is different. The example project was released as a "project archive" but it seems to load differently based on what I've got installed in my repositories. I'm going to dig into that tomorrow but any advice is welcome.
Last updated: 2024-06-11
Post by rene-h on VU.FbOpenDialog - TargetVisu - 2 x WebVisu
Hello, i am trying to find a way how to open Dialogs on a Single Visu. The options from VU.Globals are Target and WebVisu, but Webvisu opens the Dialog on both WebVisus and it should be separated. CurrentVisu can only be used when the Dialog is called from the Visu, but its all done in the Code. One Webvisu is for the User and one is for diagnostic reasons, and they should not be interfered from each other. Maybe someone can help me with this. Thanks
Last updated: 2024-06-13
Post by arcadium on TargetVisu element stacking on top of each other
Hello, I'm new here so if I do something wrong please bare with me. I am using raspberry pi touchscreen made by comfile (CPi-C070WR4C). I also have a window 11 pc where I would like to have a second visualisation, but when I run a TargetVisu with it, all elements of the visualisation end up in the top left corner stacked on top of each other. I have same results running targetVisu on my laptop. Maybe someone had same issues and know the solution? Simas
Last updated: 2024-06-17
Post by rabaggett on No Visu on RasPi
OK, I got this to work as shown above in mos89p's comment. What I did: Tools/Update Raspberry Pi. Reloading the runtime seems to have solved the web problem. I can view the visualization on the Pi and laptop using a browser as shown above. Thanks! But Isn't the visualization supposed to take over the screen of the Raspi? When I run visu projects on Windows or Wago, the visualization shows on that device's screen by default.. But this is not happening in this case
Last updated: 2024-06-20
Post by pmolke on Datenkonvertierung für ein SPS-AO-Modul
Hallo, du solltest dir angewöhnen Präfixe für die Datentypen zu nutzen. Dann ist das auch lesbarer. Aus value wird rValue für ein REAL oder wValue für ein WORD. Daher ist jetzt nicht ersichtlich mit welchen Datentypen du dort arbeitest und was die Bausteine an den EIN- und Ausgängen erwarten. Du kannst aber explizit eine Typkonvertierung durchführen indem du am Ausgang noch einen Baustein "TO_WORD" setzt.
Last updated: 2024-06-21
Post by bitwitch on Einheiten umrechnen, Numpad und Eingabegrenzen
Hallo pmolke vielen Dank für Deinen Hinweis. Natürlich kann man alles nachbauen, das hat Vor- aber u.U. auch Nachteile. Ich würde mir aber gerne die Macros ansehen. Hast Du einen Link? Wir wollen eine Standardlösung einsetzen, sofern sie dann funktioniert, und sind da auf dieses CodesysObjekt gestoßen. Bisher haben wir da unsere Zweifel an der Implementierung oder der Dokumentation, so werden Bereichstypen bei ganzen Zahlen scheinbar auch nicht korrekt verarbeitet.
Last updated: 2024-06-24
Post by jeffg on License issue with visu tags
I seem to be having a problem with the license on ver 3.5.19 patch 5 The runtime keeps going into demo mode but it wont tell me the reason I looked at the license software metrics and the visu doesn't appear to be working I attached screen shots of the metrics screen and the license dongle that is plugged in to the windows PC Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this
Last updated: 2024-06-28
Post by rafael on Access to user group IDs
Hello, I'm trying to access the group IDs of the connected user. "CurrentUserGroupId" var shows only the first group ID that the user is assigned, I need the other group IDs that the user is in. I find some structs but I can't find where they are used, like "VUM_User" scruct from visuusermgmt, where can I find this vars? abyUserGroupIDs seens perfect but I can't find a GVL where it is used.
Last updated: 2024-07-08
Post by mandeepahujaifm on Ethernet/IP 4.6.0 causing exceptions?
I have experienced the same with one of our customers after updating EIP Scanner to and really baffled by it. The core dump simply shows error with ENIPScanner I/O task and on analyzing it says no source code available for Contemplating to go back to 4.5.1 but has some really nice fixes. I guess it don't matter if it crashes anways. Please keep us posted if you find anything.
Last updated: 2024-07-11
Post by kislov on Change modbus server parameters from program
Use in IEC-code: Modbus_Serial_Device.UpdateComPortSettings(...) Take note: "Only possible if server is disabled (see xEnable Input)" So: Modbus_Serial_Device.xEnable := FALSE; Modbus_Serial_Device.UpdateComPortSettings(...) Modbus_Serial_Device.xEnable := TRUE; Please note that after PLC reboot the values from the GUI (from your screenshot) will be applied again. So you need to save values from HMI in RETAIN and restore them after start of application.
Last updated: 2024-07-17
Post by e60newbie on Alarmtabelle Historie
Hallo Forumsgemeinde, ich stehe vor einem Problemchen wo ich keine Lösung finde. Folgendes: wir haben ein HMI an einer Mobilen Arbeitsmaschine wo sämtliche Fehler in der SPS (nicht im HMI) resettiert werden und im HMI alle als "REP" definiert sind, also selbstresetierend wenn das "Auslösesignal" entfernt wird. Soweit so gut. Nun wenn der Kunde die Maschine mit einem Aktiven Alarm ausschaltet, auch das HMI, bleiben die Fehler in der Historie als aktiv hinterlegt. Es gibt hierzu keine möglichkeit diese zu Quittieren? Sieht eben etwas unschön aus wenn da Fehler als aktiv anzgezeigt werden die uralt sind.
Last updated: 2024-07-17
Post by mubeta on Some 'pathetic' errors in SoftMotion program
Yes, this point is part of my misunderstanding. Why, after the execution ot the motion FBs is set to FALSE and exsecuted at lest one time, it must be continuosly called, even if the motion control it's take from another subsequent instruction. This is what I really don't undertand, but what in fact it's happening. For example, in case of stopping a MoveVelocity FB, then Halting the motion by the related FB, the axis at spot goes into error. If there was bad trigger management, the various instructions would NEVER work.
Last updated: 2024-07-18
Post by mikek10 on Some 'pathetic' errors in SoftMotion program
I was answering your last paragraph Meanwhile, I would like to understand why the motion FB instances must still be called even after the Execute is set to FALSE, especially in view of the fact that the next instruction is programmed to abort the previous one, with BufferMode set to 'Aborting'. All these unnecessary FB calls are an unnecessary overhead on the CPU anyway. Is there any precise rule about when to cease calling the various instances? (It should precisely be the 'done' status that says this one has finished its work).
Last updated: 2024-07-18
Post by konradkmiller on Variable assignments
I have a snippet of code that I was given as a reference in ST. ** ModbusMasterRTU( xConnect:= TRUE, IPort:= IoConfigGlobals.COM1, // IoConfigGlobals.RS232485Interface, // COM1=Front Port / Serial module = Name of module in Devices structure I/O list udiBaudrate:= 19200, usiDataBits:= 8 , eParity:= WagoTypesCom.eTTYParity.None , eStopBits:= WagoTypesCom.eTTYStopBits.One , eHandshake:= WagoTypesCom.eTTYHandshake.None , ePhysical:= WagoTypesCom.eTTYPhysicalLayer.RS485HalfDuplex, xIsConnected=> xIsConnected , xError=> , oStatus=> , eFrameType:= WagoAppPlcModbus.eMbFrameType.RTU , tTimeOut:= T#1S, utQuery:= utQuery , xTrigger:= SEND, utResponse:= utResponse)** What is the meaning of => in this context?
Last updated: 2024-07-20
Post by mikek10 on Error IoDrvEthernetIP: Connection Failure. (16#1) How to solve
Make sure the number of bytes matches the values in the Ethernet/IP>Assembly Information section of the Wagos web management page (expand by clicking on the +). The EDS file will probably have defaulted to assemblies 101 and 104. If you want a different assembly there is an article that tells you how to modify but seems to be unavailable at the moment. An alternative is to modify the .eds file to change the default assemblies.
Last updated: 2024-07-22
Post by mikek10 on Error IoDrvEthernetIP: Connection Failure. (16#1) How to solve
Your connection configuration should look something like the attachment. Consuming assembly O->T will be the hex of the assembly you want to reference for output data - I want 102 (DO Data Only) shown in the Wago web page 102 = 16#66. Producing assembly (T->O) is the assembly you require for input data - again shown in the Wago web page - I want 108 (DI Data Only) or 16#6C Then set the number of bytes as per the data in the Wago web page too (both 2 in my case)
Last updated: 2024-07-22
Post by mstehl on Generischer Funktionsbaustein erwartet genau '1' Anzahl von generischen Konstanten-Definitionen
Hallo zusammen, ich bin neu hier und beschäftige mich mit Generischen Funktionsbausteinen. Ich bekomme die Fehlermeldung C0547 angezeigt und soll laut dieser eine '1' Anzahl von generischen Konstanten-Definitionen einbauen. Leider kann ich die Dokumentation zum Fehler C0547 nirgendwo finden. Der Generische FB befindet sich in einer Bibliothek. Diese habe ich Bibliotheksrepository Installiert. Wenn ich die Bibliothek nicht kompiliere und einbinde, funktioniert alles Wunderbar. Sobald ich die Bibliothek kompiliere und einbinde wird der Fehler angezeigt. Leider konnte mir der Wago-Support auch nicht weiter helfen. Gruß Michael
Last updated: 2024-07-28
Post by mstehl on Generischer Funktionsbaustein erwartet genau '1' Anzahl von generischen Konstanten-Definitionen
Hallo zusammen, ich bin neu hier und beschäftige mich mit Generischen Funktionsbausteinen. Ich bekomme die Fehlermeldung C0547 angezeigt und soll laut dieser eine '1' Anzahl von generischen Konstanten-Definitionen einbauen. Leider kann ich die Dokumentation zum Fehler C0547 nirgendwo finden. Der Generische FB befindet sich in einer Bibliothek. Diese habe ich Bibliotheksrepository Installiert. Wenn ich die Bibliothek nicht kompiliere und einbinde, funktioniert alles Wunderbar. Sobald ich die Bibliothek kompiliere und einbinde wird der Fehler angezeigt. Leider konnte mir der Wago-Support auch nicht weiter helfen. Gruß Michael
Last updated: 2024-07-28
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