Everyone who already tried to contribute to an open source project knows, that this can be a tricky task. Every project manages its code slightly different, defines different rights to commit, have different ways to communicate.
As the scope of the projects on CODESYS Forge is very similar, we are defining some best practices here. But every project is still free to deviate from those rules.
If you need to contact one of the developers, just visit his profile and click on "send message". He will then receive an E-Mail.
Some projects might have a Forum. If so, this should be the first place to ask questions
For a more detailed description about Source Code or Ticket Management visit the following pages:
Otherwise you should follow the following rules:
Now, it depends on your confidence:
Note, in every commit, you have to reference your ticket. For a better transparency there should be no commit without a ticket number.
You can't expect to get write access to all project pages. If you found bugs, typos, etc. on the pages, please create a ticket for that, describing the issue.
If you want to rework a bit more of a page, you should get the code by clicking on "Show page source" in the footer. Make your changes and attach it to the ticket.
Then an admin is able to integrate it after a review.